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Screening for type 2 diabetes in pregnancy: literature review Introduction Thirty per cent of Goulburn Valley Health s pregnant

population have a body mass index (BMI) > or >301putting them at 1.4 times the risk2 of undiagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Symptoms of T2DM have insidious onset 3with many undiagnosed for years before clinical symptoms arise. This review presents evidence that many have been diagnosed on their first antenatal visit4 but are often then categorized as suffering gestational diabetes. The consequences of this misdiagnosis are serious as pregnancies complicated by type 2 diabetes are suffering a more severe disease associated with longstanding glucose intolerance with increased risk to the developing fetus. Outcomes of pregnancies are comparable in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM), T2DM and newly diagnosed T2DM giving an indication of the problem5. The International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups Consensus Panel state that diabetes diagnosed in early pregnancy has graver consequences and needs to be addressed as soon as possible. Risks to the pregnant woman of T2DM during pregnancy include, higher rate of miscarriage5, increased rate of induction of labour, increased rate of caesarean section, hypertension in pregnancy and diabetic retinopathy.

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