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After raining for four day, her mother was passed away on the fifth day.

She was buried next to Madhuri. In Madhuris room, Azreen remember how they struggle to make basket that Azreen broke it. After leave the room, she saw someone at window. After chase the woman until the veranda, Madhuris room was burning. After extinguish fire,she went to bed. Puan Fatihah met with woman who looks like Madhuri. She faint after saw her. Mohd Asraf goes to the market to look for medicinal plants for his grandmother but fails to find any because the rain drowns all Pak Huzaimi plants.

In desperation, he decides to go to the Old Ladys house for help. The Old Lady hesitates at first but after much persuasion from Azreen and Mohd. Asraf, she finally agrees to go over to Mohd Asrafs house to help his grandmother

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