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People walk down the streets i walk among them but i feel nothing as if I am numb as if I am a machine all movements

technical i was once before like this when my heart was broken again i always search for the perfect love but does it exist ? am i searching for a dream that i cant reach its so far beyond the stars beyond this universe so far so distant i cant go back i cant no more i had enough pain for a life time I need to go on I need to be me but how can I ? how can I when your sweet embrace reign my dreams with light when one smile makes my face so bright If friendship is all I got I need nothing more I will always be there as you will be here never let go never forget friends always ask me but what about my dreams ? what about how I feel ? what about my life? As long as the sun rise every morning as long as I breath as long as you are happy I'll be alright Oh yes I'll be alright mais que dire de mes rves? ce que je ressens? Qu'en est-il ma vie? Je vais tre bien parce que Tu sourire!!! Parce que tu es ma vie

Et je remercie Dieu qui t'a amen ma vie mon amour, mon Ami, mon ange spcial peuvent tous tes rves se ralisent!!!!!!

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