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Birds of northern tribe

Be loving odor of decayed flowers kept in inner soul Thus far ensconce own tears inside the wind from sea Wandering hearts; destroyed illumination of inner soul Though loving nests have been despoiled with inhuman hands Went in search of vanished sculpture of humanity But, bestial authority crushed them with no mercy Endure the enhanced punishment without hesitation Sharp blade of executer; pray of social inequality Within Unexpected moment of lightening pierced heart Frozen blood of innocent creatures hardly fall on land Feared atmosphere let sun to run away for life Yet poor things has no opportunity to survive Broken wings make them hardly fly upon heaven Would Voice less songs of tiny things listen to any god? Neither amun nor great god ra could help those wanders Will it melt the Heart of stones which never sleeps? Though brew cold water from cavalier sun The beast never let its own soul be rest Lightness of eyes; benevolence of be loving smile Flew like shadows blowing in wind with out an aim Unspeakable sorrow was haunted with agony Without land; without any breath to live in peace Birds of northern tribe hardly fly and are in delectation At last nothing left only voice less songs and abandoned joy



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