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3. Time is what keeps things from happening all at once. 6. Never answer an anonymous letter. 8.

I don't <b>SUFFER</b> from insanity... I <b>ENJOY</B> every minute of it...[: P] 9. Always go to other people's funerals, or they won't go to yours. 10. Few women admit their age; few men act it. 11. If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made with meat? 12. No one is listening until you make a mistake. 19. There are three kinds of people: Those who can count and those who can't. 20. Why is "abbreviation" such a long word? 23. Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine. 24. Out of my mind. Back in five minutes. 25. A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory. 26. <b>As long as there are exams, there will be prayers in this world.</b> 27. Laugh alone and the world thinks you're an idiot. 29. The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the ability to reach i t. 30. You can't have everything; where would you put it? 31. I took an IQ test and the results were negative. 32. Eat right. Stay fit. Die anyway . no matter what you do, you will die. 36. If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried. 37. I wonder how much deeper the ocean would be without sponges. 44. I don't find it hard to meet expenses. They're everywhere. 45. I just let my mind wander, and it didn't come back. 46. Don't steal. The government hates competition. 52. If you don't like the news, go out and make some. 57. I can handle pain until it hurts. 58. No matter where you go, you're there. 59. If everything is coming your way, then you're in the wrong lane. 61. Gravity always gets me down. 65. It's bad luck to be superstitious. 73. A day without sunshine is like, night. 74. The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese. 78. We are all part of the ultimate statistic ten out of ten die. 79. Nobody's perfect. I'm a Nobody. 91. I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. 93. I didn't use to finish sentences, but now I 94. I've had amnesia as long as I can remember. 99. Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.

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