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In April 1962 Bob Dylan wrote <<Blowing in the Wind>>, which became an
anthem of the civil rights activists and made Dylan the spiritual leader of this
movement. The song came to him in a coffee house,
during a long discussion about civil rights and the failure of
America to fulfil its promises. The conversation finally
came to an end and everybody kept quiet staring into his
beer. An idea flashed. <<Your silence gives you away>>, he
thought. Then Dylan made some notes on a scrap of paper
and, after finishing his drink, went home and began to
Later he would say, <<I had the idea that their silence betrayed them. That all of
us in America who didnt speak out were betrayed by our silence. Betrayed by
the silence of the people in power. They refuse to look at what is happening.
And the others, they ride the subways and read the Times, but they dont
understand. They dont know. They dont even care, Thats the worst of it>>.
And in the 1960s this was specially true: against this
indifference the young reacted and began to
disagree with the American part in the Vietnam war,
and wanted to make the world a better place to live
in. So Dylan became the symbol of protest by young
people against what they considered the wrongs of
the establishment.

1. What inspired Dylans song?

2. Who does Bob blame for keeping silent?
3. According to Dylan, what is worse than not knowing?
4. Who caught Dylans message?
5. What did Dylan became after writing <<Blowing in the wind>>?
6. Dylan and his followers were against:
a) ____________________________________________________________________________________

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