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Vastu for Borewells Directions Effect 1.East Happiness and prosperity 2.Southeast Loss of children 3.

South Loss of wife 4.Southwest Death 5.West Gain of property 6.Northwest Increase of enmies, fear and pains 7.North Happiness and peace 8.Northeast Prosperity, wealth, growth A well in the middle of the house causes loss of wealth and of family members. The south and west part of the house should be elevated,and the north and east portion should be low and depressed,then only the house is happy and progressive.A well or any other pit dug in the prohibited directions (south-east,south-west,north-west) causes clashes and troubles in the family.Therefore well,boring,tank or any other water storage body should be constructed in the north or north-east direction only which is more beneficial and auspicious.

According to Brihat Samhita,the effects of water bodies in various directions are specified as given below: No. Direction Effect 1 East Loss of son 2 Southeast Danger of fire 3 South Fear of enemies 4. Southwest Clash with wife 5 West Immorality among females 6 Northwest Mental peace 7. North Growth of wealth 8. Northeast Increase in progeny and sons Thus,construction of a water body is said to be the best in north or north-east.At the time of construction of a house location of well/bore well water tank should be specially considered.The basic principle of Vastu shastra that the south portion of the plot should be elevated will be followed only if the north portion remains low;By construction of a well,tank this portion will automatically create a low on this side,and there will be no pit in any other direction.

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