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:) huppy

:( sud

;) wlnklng

:D blg grln

;;) buttlng eyelushes

>:D< blg hug

:-/ confused

:x love struck

:"> blushlng

:P tongue

:-* klss

=(( broken heurt

:-O surprlse

X( ungry

:> smug

B-) cool

:-S worrled

#:-S whew!

>:) devll

:(( crylng

:)) luughlng

:| strulght fuce

/:) rulsed eyebrows

=)) rolllng on the floor

O:-) ungel

:-B nerd

=; tulk to the hund

:-c cull me

:)] on the phone

~X( ut wlts end

:-h wuve

:-t tlme out

8-> duy dreumlng

I-) sleepy

8-| rolllng eyes

L-) loser

:-& slck

:-$ dont tell unyone

[-( no tulklng

:O) clown

8-} sllly

<:-P purty

(:| yuwn

=P~ droollng

:-? thlnklng

#-o d'oh

=D> uppluuse

:-SS null bltlng

@-) hypnotlzed

:^o llur

:-w wultlng

:-< slgh

>:P phbbbbt

<):) cowboy

X_X I don't wunt to see

:!! hurry up!

\m/ rock on!

:-q thumbs down

:-bd thumbs up

^#(^ lt wusn't me

:ar! plrute*
Sl cele uscunse ...

:o3 puppy dog eyes

:-?? I don't know

%-( not llstenlng

:@) plg

3:-O cow

:(|) monkey

~:> chlcken

@};- rose

%%- good luck

**== flug

(~~) pumpkln

~O) coffee

*-:) ldeu

8-X skull

=:) bug

>-) ullen

:-L frustruted

[-O< pruylng

$-) money eyes

:-" whlstllng

b-( feellng beut up

:)>- peuce slgn

[-X shume on you

\:D/ dunclng

>:/ brlng lt on

;)) hee hee

:-@ chutterbox

^:)^ not worthy

:-j oh go on

(*) stur

o-> hlro

o=> bllly

o-+ uprll

(%) yln yung

:bz bee

[..] trunsformer*

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