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Welcome to ITEC 2171 Server Side Web Programming

Brad Montgomery

Course Overview
Syllabus: o Compontents of this course: o Tools:  Programming Languages & Software o Theory/Concepts:  Technical Information we need to know o Techniques:  How we use our tools

Course Overview: Tools

Programming Python ( Django ( Mercurial ( Javascript (just a little) HTML CSS Software Text Editor (Komodo) SCP/SFTP Client (WinSCP) Database (SQLite) Linux command line tools SSH Client (Putty)

Course Overview: Theory/Concepts

How does the web work? What is a Web Browser? What is a Web Server? What is HTTP? What is an HTTP Request? What is an HTTP Response? What is a Web application? What is a Web Development Framework? What does all of this have to do with HTML/CSS?

Course Overview: Techniques

We use our tools to turn the concepts into applications. Specifically o How do we handle an HTTP Request? o How do process data received from a Form? o How does our web site access our Database? o How do we present data to our site's visitors?

Wow! That's a lot of information!

Things you should already know

HTML/XHTML o How to choose a Doctype (I like HTML5!) o How to create valid markup, and test it using the W3C validator: o How to create forms (we'll review this) o How to create tables (and when you should use them!) o Resources: CSS o Separate markup from presentation o Use CSS for layout (no tables here!) o Review:

Things you should already know

Basic Programming: Variables Basic Statements (e.g. print) Operators, Operands, and Expressions Decision Making & Iteration: o if/else o for, while loops Data Structures: (e.g. an array, or list) **Object Oriented Programming o Classes & Objects

**We'll review this.

How do I succeed in this course?

Attendance is Mandatory

Begin Homework Early

Enjoy the Learning Process

Re-Learn to Read. Read. Re-Read. Read some More.

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