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Our activity was based on the 5 stages of inspection. We have every individual taking the roles in an inspection process.

Santh Kumar Software Inspector Priyadarshan producer Nikhil- Development Team Akhil- Reader & Recorder Prajyod- Moderator Initially the producer has coded his product. Next , he has to call for the inspection of his product, here he starts from the initial stage of the inspection

In this stage, the producer identifies the moderator, Reader and Recorder. The material required for the overview to the inspector is prepared. The overview material is submitted to inspector and the date for the inspection meeting is inspected.

In this stage, the schedule for the inspection meeting is prepared and the material is given to moderator to distribute to all the participants in the inspection meeting, so that they come prepared. The hall for the inspection, and all other requirements for the meeting are arranged by the moderator. The reader and recorder get ready with their respective jobs.

Inspection Meeting:
In the inspection meeting all the participants has to be present for performing their particular roles. The moderator coordinates the meeting. The Inspector identifies the errors in the product. The recorder records all the errors and minutes of the inspection meeting. The reader reads out the errors identified in the meeting. The inspector also gives the solution of how to overcome the defects.

In the rework stage, the errors identified during the inspection meeting will be re-coded by the development team, almost all the errors will be rectified. If any new additions are there , they will be added to the products code.

Follow up:
In the follow up stage, the inspector inspects whether the rework has been done to the parts of the code wherever required.

Once the follow up is done, the product is allowed to go for the next stage.

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