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Darjeeling Tea is famous for production unique quality of tea. It grows at latitudes ranging from 600 to 2000 meters.

Darjeeling is to tea, what champagne is to wine.

The cool and moist climate, the soil, the rainfall combine to give the Darjleeng tea a unique flavor. Its low production (less than 1% of global production) but unique taste creates a high demand in international market.

To give Darjeeling its own exclusivity and make it restricted to only as a brand selling Tea which is grown in that particular area.

Just 10 million kg of Darjeeling tea is produced every year in India but 40 million kg of tea is sold as Darjeeling tea worldwide. Adverse impact of misuse and infringement of Darjeeling brand name around the world. Necessary steps has not been taken by Indian government to protect the misuse and piracy of Darjeeling tea.

Significant misuse and infringement of Darjeeling brand name...

Yes, the Darjeeling brand name should be used exclusively to the Darjeeling tea grown in India.

The reasons: ` As other geographical indicators as Champagne of France & Sherry of Spain cannot be imitated or be used in any other product ,same goes with Darjeeling as well. ` It is also registered under TRIPS as a GI.

No, Darjeeling brand name should not be extended other product categories, such as garment including lingerie, soft drinks, etc. The reasons: The use of Brand name will spoil the image of Darjeeling and would decrease its importance in Tea Market. The exclusivity of the Brand may be lost and customer would relate it to lot many products.

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A worldwide awareness regarding uniqueness of Darjeeling brand name can be created by Government.

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