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AJM MCHS Stephannie Monique L.

Chan III-3 11 June 21 2011

St. Clare of Assisi Living at a time when women had no say in their destinies, she became a woman who lived her life in a passionate way, and who let nothing get in the way of living out her vision of life as it began to unfold. She came under the influence of St Francis, having often heard him preach. This had to be done in secret, as she was of a noble family, and her family would certainly not approve of her associating with this madman. She was the foundress of the poor clares an order of nuns. St. Clare of Assisi is a woman of courage and determination. I want to imitate those traits because I want to be an inspiration to other people. I also want to serve other people and be strong so that I can protect them. I also want to be determined so that I can focus and reach my goals. I will be able to acquire that trait by being generous to other people, by being patient and by being a true follower of Christ. I will start by having faith with God by going to church regularly, studying hard so that I can achieve my goal, and simply by telling the truth. I will also protect other people by helping them when they are in need. 1. 2. 3. St. Clare appealed to the pope in order to secure the "privilege of poverty" St. clare was the first woman in church history to write a rule of life for religious women and to get it approved. She founded the Order of Poor Ladies, a monastic religious order for women in the Franciscan tradition,

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