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The career of production engineering enables the design, deployment, operation, improvement and maintenance of integrated systems of production

of goods and services, involving men, materials, technologies, information and energy. The production Engineer must have or be: -Creativity: design products or improving their features and functionality; -Constructive Ideas to: Incorporate concepts and techniques of quality throughout the production system, both in technological and organizational aspects, improvi g products and n processes, and producing standards and control procedures; -Be able to design, implement and refine systems, products and processes, taking into consideration the limitations and characteristics of the communities involved; -Commitment to professional ethics; -Entrepreneurial Initiative; -Provision for self-learning; -Excellent oral and written communication; -Reading, interpretation and expression by means of charts; -Critical view of orders of magnitude; -Domain computational techniques; -Foreign language Domain (at least English); -Knowledge of relevant legislation; -Ability to identify, model and solve problems; -Understanding of administrative problems, socio-economic and environment; -Social and environmental responsibility; -Think globally and act locally; I want to be a production engineer because, besides having 1/3, at least, these qualities, I can open a lucrative business in the future. My first steps are already being data with my young company NOT A BAD JOB, a blog, dedicated to the sale of t-shirts. Link: Slogan: fashion and fun with differential.

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