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eMocial Opportunities
Three major trends
Mobile devices are inherently social


Companies are becoming more accustomed to leveraging social media, not only with their customers but also in a B2B context Social is increasingly becoming mobile and local

Two major opportunities

1. Enterprise mobile social network 2. Outward facing mobile social solution (B2B/B2C)

Slide 1 MW2 MW3 What is eMocial? We are unstanding this but we need to provide an AstraZeneca definition
Matthias Witt, 6/13/2011

Include some supporting figures/data for mobil social web usage

Matthias Witt, 6/13/2011


I feel like this needs more context. I am not sure if it an ideas that was dervied for an AZ specfic strategy. I think it is the trend of mobile and social, but I am not sure how this pertains specfically to AZ. It has to be more than this to be the "Big" idea. It dose not feel unique or differentciating.
Bob Allen, 6/13/2011

1. Enterprise Mobile Social Network


Promote mobile components of existing Yammer solution (available on iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and SMS. iPad app in development) to increase acceptance and engagement Introduce additional components like surveys and instant polling to promote corporate wisdom of the crowd Promote wider enterprise sharing for employees whether they are at the office, on the go or at home Inform in real time, including for user on the go.

Slide 2 MW4 is ithis really all what we are recommending? more use of Yammer? Where are our ideas?
Matthias Witt, 6/13/2011

2. Outward Facing Mobile Social Solution (B2B/B2C)

Align with the existing AZ social media strategy Engage physicians by integrating with existing HCP social network Engage physicians and create added value through treatment related discussions on social platforms Engage patients to drive product/brand awareness on social networks Drive disease awareness and care-giver support on social networks Increase awareness of product value throughout self-pay markets

Slide 3 MW1 this is too high level and we need to be more detailed/sprecific in our recommendations
Matthias Witt, 6/13/2011

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