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2. Family Interaction: ambivalent feelings towards mother; overprotection, rigidity, lack of personal boundaries and independence; use of anorexia to avoid interpersonal conflicts. The issue of CONTROL is central one for the client with anorexia nervosa. It is believed that symptoms are caused by stressor that the adolescent perceives as a loss of control in some aspect of her life. Controlling intake and weight gain is a way the client establishes a sense of control over her life.

Anorexia Amenorrhea

Bulimia Binge/purge syndrome Binge eating: eating increased amounts of high calorie food in a short period of time - 2 binge eating episodes or more per week for 3 months Fluctuation of body weight

-10-15% loss of body weight Defective defense Mechanism: DENIAL Poor to fair prognosis

There is acceptance Good prognosis - Bulimic patients are usually aware of their abnormal behavior CHARACTERISTICS: Carbohydrate, ^ caloric fast foods 4% are Boys Young adults Loves to cook Abuses laxatives/enema Extrovert Callous fingers Chipmunk fance

CHARACTERISTICS: Vegetarian All are females Adolescent 11-17 y.o. Hoards/collects food Strenuous exercise Introvert

STEP BY STEP NSG DS 1. F/E imbalance 2.

 patients with eating disorders are usually high achievers, perfectionist and preoccupied with food. OTHERS:  refusal to take meals dramatic weight loss  anorexic patients usuall suppress their appetite, which makes it difficult for the nurse to convince them to eat.  Resistance to treatment difficulty accepting nurturance and caring  Feelings of loneliness  Reduced metabolism, reduced hormonal 3. Altered body image NURSING INTERVENTIONS 1. Dietary therapy restoration and stabilization of nutritional and fluid balance a. Feedings b. Caring and nurturance c. Provide education o Growth and dev o Limit setting 2. Assess and Evaluate: o Weight and $ f normal body weight loss o Eating patterns o Prevent Px from using bathroom for 2 hours after eating. o Presence of anemia, hypotension, bradycardia, amenorrhea 3. Provide a structured environment that offers safety and comfort o Develop internal control 4. Help client accept eating problem and set realistic, attainable short term goals 5. Provide support is developing better outlets for emotional expression; encourage outside interests not related to food. 6. Provide teaching on therapeutic diet: balanced, calories restriction to effect WEIGHT GAIN (1-2 pound /week)

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