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We would like to dedicate our humble respectful appreciation and gratitude towards our most graceful and love aspiring merciful Almighty Allah S.W.T. for blessing us with all required knowledge, health and precious opportunity to successfully accomplish this group assignment without facing many problems. Firstly, We would like to gratefully acknowledge and dedicate with a deep sense of appreciation to our lecturer, Prof. Dr. Nomahaza Binti Mahadi for all her guidance, assistance and moral support for completing this assignment. Without her, it may be considerably more difficult for us to complete this assignment successfully. We also would like to acknowledge and dedicate our appreciation to our friends and also our classmates for all their valuable assistance, and supports that they give for the successful completion of this assignment. Last but not least, it our great pleasure to dedicate with full of responsibility and respectful appreciation, honor and gratitude to our beloved parent who has always been there for providing love, care, financial and moral supports to successfully complete this group assignment. Thank you.

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