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There were three days now since Julia first went into the music room and heard the black pianos notes.She felt like a silly,five year-old girl who keeps a big secret from her friends.It wasnt a big thing after all.She was just listening to a pianist playing his music.What was abnormal was the fact that these things happened late at night and that the performer had no idea that he was listened to.Julia was sincerely surprised that she hadnt been discovered yet,not that she actually wanted that to happen.It was,at first,somehow funny for her to sneak out late at night but she very soon discovered that she would have never been caught.Maria was out too at night,only that she went somewhere else. Her cousin was a very difficult person .Fights were appearing more often and Maria would avoid her intentionatelly.Julia discovered that the main reason in spying the boy was that his music was very calming and it often made her forget about her problems. * On the fourth day of the camp,while Julia was eating her lunch,an afro-american girl approach her table. Excuse me,I know it is very rude of me because Im asking you this,but are you a rasist?,the girl asked shyly. No,of course not.,responded Julia most surprised. Then,may I sit with you?At the table?Please? Yes..That was all Julia said and for a long moment both of them ate in silence. Unusual for her,Julia began to study the girls face with great interest. I know you.,said Julia pleased,You are from the german camp. Austrian,at the matter of fact.,responded the girl. Im Julia.What;s your name? Angela. Where is your group? Ive seen that you are not many.,asked Julia. No,were just eight .They are over there,at the corner table. As Julia looked there,her mouth almost fell open.There were only two persons,one of them was the pianist and the other was the young woman who was always with him.Both of them were staring at the girls,at Julia in particulary.She quickly turned her head. Just two?.That was all that she could ask. One,actually.William.The other is his older sister.She works in town,but now shes staying with her brother.You may have observed that he is in a wheelchair.,said Angela bored. Where are the other six then? Probably eating in their rooms.I wanted to do that too,but my roommate didnt agree. Is that why you asked me about the rasist thing? Yes.

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