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How to program a delay using the Timer function.

' You can delay execution of your code for a specific time interval ' by using the Timer function. Increments such as .25 or .5 can be ' used as well. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' To use the Timer function to pause for a number of seconds, store the value of Timer in a variable. Then use a loop to wait until the Timer returns a specified number of seconds greater than the stored value. If the delay loop will execute when midnight passes, compensate by reducing the starting Timer value by the number of seconds in a day (24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds). Calling DoEvents from within the loop allows events to be processed during the delay.

' Drop this sub in the appropriate form: Sub Pause (ByVal nSecond As Single) Dim t0 As Single Dim dummy As Integer t0 = Timer Do While Timer - t0 < nSecond dummy = DoEvents() ' If we cross midnight, back up one day If Timer < t0 Then t0 = t0 - 24 * 60 * 60 ' or t0 = t0 - 86400 End If Loop End Sub ' Call the routine from the appropriate event: ' Example: Call Pause(2) ' delay for 2 seconds Form2.Show

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