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Quiz 3 Study Guide 1. The holiest city in Islam is 2. In Islam the umma is best defined as 3.

The hegira was a turning point in Muslim history because it 4. Religious experts who administered law and settled public and private disputes were known as 5. The two primary competing dynasties during the seventh and eighth centuries were the 6. The Kharijites a. espoused a limited egalitarianism among the faithful. b. were the most radical idealists among Muslim factions. c. were willing to maintain members in the umma who had committed no more than three major sins. d. were supporters of Muhammad's son-in-law, Ali. 7. The traditional report or hadith became the chief source of 8. The Mamluks were 9. The major splits that occurred in Islam in the century after Muhammads death revolved around the issue(s) of 10. What is the main message of the Quran? 11. Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism all expanded in the period from 1000-1600 because 12. The Islamic sect that stresses personal piety and allegiance to a spiritual master is the 13. Strong Shi'ite states developed in all of the following areas except a. Spain. b. Sind. c. Iran. d. Iraq. 14. The Fatimids were

15. The cultural center of Western Europe in the 10th and 11th centuries was 16. From 1000 to 1500 C.E., Islam spread into which of the following areas? a. Central Asia b. East and West Africa c. Greece and the Balkans d. All of these answers are correct. 17. All of the following were major agents or contributing factors of the endurance of Islam in Indian culture except a. the activities of Sufi orders. b. political and social stability resulting from successful defense from the Mongol danger.. c. force of arms. d. Sanskrit. 18. The coming of large numbers of Muslims to the Indian subcontinent led to the emergence of which new language? 19. The major obstacle to Islamic expansion in India, was the presence of the 20. The madrasa was 21. The faith that had the least influence on Islam was a. Judaism. b. Hinduism. c. Christianity. d. Zoroastrianism. 22. Jihad is considered by some to be one of the pillars of Islam; it is best defined as 23. In the Quran, women have the right to a. own property. b. hold political office. c. receive equal inheritance. d. wear a veil at all times. 24. In Islam the term caliph means 25. The Muslim rulers who made the office of caliph hereditary and moved the capital from Mecca to Damascus were the 26. The mahdi is best defined as the

27. In general, the Sunni branch of Islam has a. never been a single sect in Islam. b. taken the most inclusive approach to defining membership in the Muslim community of faith. c. normally been among the more aggressive Islamic sects in supporting jihad. d. All of these answers are correct. 28. The move of the Islamic capital to Baghdad under the "high caliphate" brought more political influence to which group? 29. The rebellion that brought the Abbasid Dynasty to power in the eighth century was inspired by a. non-Arab disaffection. b. Khorasanian regionalism. c. Shi'ite religio-political hopes. d. All of these answers are correct. 30. The early Spanish Islamic state (756-1030 C.E.) was controlled by the 31. In the Abbasid Dynasty Mamluks were 32. In general, Muslims in the Umayyad and Abbasid Dynasties a. had no knowledge of Greek and Roman philosophy. b. preserved and expanded Greco-Roman philosophy and science. c. rejected philosophy as incompatible with Islam. d. borrowed many philosophical ideas from India but not Greece. 33. Sufi brotherhoods or fraternal orders became the a. enforcers of Islamic theological unity. b. basic organizational element of the theological schools at madrasa. c. chief instruments for the spread of Islam. d. basis for Islamic doctrinal heresy in the 14th century. 34. The Mamluk sultans a. were descendants of Turkish and Mongol slave officers. b. established a state based on a military fief system. c. withstood the Mongol invasions alone among major Islamic dynasts. d. All of these answers are correct. 35. One of the most important contributions of the Afghan Ghaznavid Dynasty was to 36. The first major Turkish-speaking dynasty of Islam was

37. One of the most important developments in the eastern half of the Islamic world between 1000 and 1500 C.E. was a. the growing popularity of Hindu ideas among lower class Muslims. b. the violent invasions of the region by the Mongols and their successors. c. the collapse of long-distance trade and the return to local self-sufficiency. d. All of these answers are correct. 38. The language of intellectual and court life for all Muslim dynasties of North India was 39. The Sultans of Dehli were a. one of the major schools of Sunni theology established in the 1000s. b. Hindu mercenary troops who fought for the Muslims. c. a series of Turkic-Afghan rulers who governed northern India. d. None of these answers are correct. 40. Conversion of people in central Eurasia, India, and Africa to Islam and the absorption of Muslim cultural influences came about mainly through the efforts of 41. The coming of Islam to India a. resulted in bitter wars with the Buddhist majority. b. contributed to the final elimination of Buddhism as a major religion in the land of its birth. c. resulted in the disappearance of the Hindu religion and culture. d. both contributed to the final elimination of Buddhism as a major religion in the land of its birth, and resulted in the disappearance of the Hindu religion and culture. 42. The Byzantine ruler Justinian is best known for 43. In general, during the so-called Dark Ages in Western Europe from 500-1000 C.E., the Byzantine Empire a. was even weaker and more backward than previous eras. b. expanded and drove the Muslims out of most of the Near East. c. was generally prosperous and culturally creative. d. fell to the Huns who made it the first capital of Russia. 44. In 732 C.E. at the battle of Tours 45. The Treaty of Verdun 46. The coronation of Charlemagne by Pope Leo III 47. The Cluny reform movement sought to 48. One of the most important results of the Crusades was that

49. The Magna Carta is considered the cornerstone of modern English laws because it 50. The Hundred Years War was 51. Which of the following was not a cause of the Black Death? a. infestation of Europe by diseased rats and fleas b. overpopulation of Europe c. increased trade contacts with the Near East and steppes d. pollution of the water supply of the major cities of Italy 52. Which of the following best describes the political landscape of the world between 400 and 1000 C.E., i.e. the early Middle Ages? a. Europe declined, while India and the Islamic world flourished. b. India declined, while Europe and the Islamic world flourished. c. The Islamic world declined, while Europe and India flourished. d. India and the Islamic world declined, while Europe flourished. 53. Which of the following was not a contribution of monasticism to medieval European society? a. Monks helped preserve literacy and learning. b. Monks served rulers as government agents and officials. c. Monks served trainers of feudal vassals. d. Monks promoted economic organization and growth. 54. The split between the eastern and western churches was based upon 55. The most persistent problem in medieval European politics was 56. The Frankish ruler Charlemagne was famous for 57. Feudal society is best characterized by 58. In medieval Europe what did vassals owe to their lord in return for protection and a fief? 59. In medieval Europe, manors were 60. As compared to its experience in the early Middle Ages, Europe in the High Middle Ages was a. b. c. d. more decentralized. less isolated. less militaristic. more religiously diverse.

61. The group that benefited the most from the Investiture Controversy was 62. During the late Middle Ages the economic and political power of the nobility 63. The European towns that emerged in the High Middle Ages were different from cities in the rest of the world because 64. The earliest European universities appeared in 65. The Black Death resulted in all of the following except a. greater equality between men and women. b. fall in the price of agricultural prices and rise in prices of manufactured goods. c. increase in the power of trade guilds. d. increase in the power of the king. 66. One of the dominant features of Renaissance thought was a 67. Renaissance thought was primarily concerned with all of the following except a. state-building and political participation. b. artistic expression. c. agricultural production. d. education. 68. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo personified the Renaissance ideal or Renaissance man, meaning someone who 69. Spain unified when the following monarchs married: a. Ferdinand and Blanche of Castile b. Philip II and Johanna c. Ferdinand and Isabella d. Henry of Navarre and Catherine of Aragon 70. Ivan II (also called the Great or the Terrible)s main contribution to Russian state-building was

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