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In the Arms of an Angel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1 "Maggie! Get your butt down stairs or you'll be late for school!

" My Mom yelled. Sighing, I crept out of bed and slumped over to the closet. It was the first day back from spring break and I needed something better to wear. You see, I'm a pretty ordinary girl. I don't really care what I look like, just as long as I don't look like puke. Picking a blue, graphic T and some jeans I marched into the bathroom to do my hair and then head downstairs. "Finally!" MY mother exclaimed. "Now hurry up or you'll be late!" After eating a quick breakfast I scooted out the door towards the bus stop. After waiting for what seemed like an hour, the blue public transit bus pulled up to the curb. Stepping onto the crowded bus I groaned at the non-existing seats for me to sit. I scooted down the bus and saw a spot. Only after I sat down did I notice a guy sitting next to me. His deep blue eyes were focused on the floor with his elbows on his knees, his Blondish hair trailing in front of his face. But he looked deep in thought I decided not to disturb him, not that I would have anyways. After about ten minutes, I heard a voice. "Hi" pretty straight greeting I thought and looked up to come face to face with the guy I was sitting next to. "Hi" I simply replied back. "My name is Sam," He stated holding his hand out. "Nice to meet you Sam, I'm Maggie," Shaking his hand. "Do you go to Crestwood?"He asked, with his eyes gazing at me intently. Why was he so insistent? I don't know him! "Uh, yeah. I'm guessing that means you do to?" I sighed. He just nodded and sat up straight. I was relieved when we pulled up to the stop outside the school. I stood up and made my way out as fast as I could, hoping Sam wouldn't catch me. After taking my first step out onto the sidewalk, I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Sam! You scared me!" "Oh sorry, I just wanted to say good bye and nice to meet you." He smiled. Right then I felt like I was going to have a heart attack. He was gorgeous! My heart leapt, even if I just met him, so I decided to be polite. "Well, nice to meet you too. I'll see you later then." I turned around and walked away, although I could feel his gaze on my back. BOOONNGG! The lunch bell made me jump, but I hurried to get out the door. Approaching my usual eating place, Gwen jumped on me from behind... "Boo!" Gwen yelled. I nearly jumped out of my skin. "Did I scare you?" She asked smiling at me. "YA! I thought I had a heart attack!" I said, still out of breath. "Where are Sally and Michaela?" I pondered about my other two best friends. But before Gwen could answer, up they walked. "Maggie!" Sally cried, running towards me for a hug. "Okay, Okay! Enough love, can we eat? I'm starving." So we sat in the hallways and chatted

while we ate. After filling our bellies we automatically headed off towards the library, dodging teenagers blocking the halls. I walked into the crowded, book-filled room, and found a place to drop off my bag. Just before I was about to sit down a hand grasped my shoulder. Whipping around, thinking it was Gwen again I stared... "Sam!" I exclaimed how had he known where I had been? "Hey Maggie." He said smiling."Just thought I'd say hi." "Ok... hi" I smiled. "Well... see you later." He said nodding and trotting off towards a group of boys. He was greeted by hand pats on the back... "Allo? ALLO!" Sally laughed snapping her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, sorry" Quickly sitting down. Only then did I notice none of my friend seemed to care, I hardly ever talk to guys. They surely would have said something by now! "So, do you guys know anything about that Sam kid?" I asked trying to be nonchalant. "Uuuh, no?" Gwen, Sally and Michaela replied in sync. "Wow Maggie, are you feeling okay? You seem really off today." Gwen looked concerned. "I'm fine, and you guys don't know him? I mean he's right over..." I stared at the group of 6 boys, not one of them with the face of Sam, he just disappeared! "There." Slumping towards the door of the crowded school, passing the tall teenagers. Luckily, my mom would be picking me up today, I was glad because I had a lot of homework, and needed to get it done. Dinner time, wow that was fast. Glancing over at my dad, his subtle face lingering on eating his roast beef. My mom, her blonde hair trailing her shoulders as she secretly fed the dog some meat. I laughed to myself. Teddy, my dog, was a Labrador/ Rottweiler, he looked threatening, but was clearly a goof. And then there was my brother, incredibly picky, but deep inside he had a good heart. After finishing the rest of my science I got dressed and ready for bed, ready for the night ahead. I remembered, my family was an honest Christian family, so I had learned to talk to my guardian angel. I hardly knew him but we talked, so I had decided to talk to him once again that night. In my mind I said: " Hey. Long time no see" I waited, the reply came almost instantly. " Haha, ya. But, I still see you every day any ways." His voice gentle and warm. " I know, but still I don't actually get to talk to you. So, how was your day?" I asked politely in my mind. " Just the same as yours..." The warmth in his tone signalled that he was smiling. "Hey, I can tell youre really tired so why don't you go to sleep." *sigh* "I guess I should." Making myself comfortable, I whispered " Good night my angel..."

Chapter 2 Today was the day, a brand new day. And, luckily, my dad could drive me to school today. It was a half day, so that they could get ready for the dance tonight. I know it may sound weird but, I've never been to a dance. Same with Gwen and Sally. I stepped out of the car, ready for the day ahead, quickly wishing a goodbye to my dad as I trotted off to the door. Math then French, booorriiing. I was yawning through most of class. I didn't understand why I even had to go if I knew everything they were teaching... Whatever. Michaela was waiting for me beside my locker.

"Hey!" She exclaimed excitedly. "Hi, you ready for the dance tonight?" I said giving her a quick hug. "Totally, and having you guys there will be even better!" She almost yelled, wide-eyed. A booooong sounded from the halls. "Hey, there goes the bell, I'll see you later!" "Bye!" She smiled and walked off to her next class. I was hardly thinking, my mind flowing from random thoughts as I headed off to my next class. Next thing I knew was, I had smashed into someone. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "Hey!" Whipping around, I for sure thought he was going to tell me to watch where I was going. "Are you alright?" "Uh, Yeah. Thanks." "No problem, sorry about that. Talk to you later!" He said. I only got a quick glance at his face. Nice brown hair and brown eyes. I almost instantly fell over at the sight. He looked gorgeous! Suddenly I had the weirdest case of Dj Vu. Shaking it off I skimmed down the hall, his picture in my mind... All I could hear was constant laughter from Gwen. We rolled on the shag carpet in her room, laughing. "Oh my gosh! Are you crying?" I said in between bursts of laughter. This of course only made her laugh even harder, and before we knew it, it was time for the dance. We did our hair and put make-up on. Soon, her dad called us to the car. Throwing on our jackets and shoes we jogged out the back door towards the garage. As we were climbing in the car, I noticed Gwen was wearing flats. Now, I had nothing against flats I just found them extremely uncomfortable, especially at a dance. Sighing, we sat and talked about the coming night. As we pulled into the turn-around in front of the school, there stood Sally, freezing her butt off outside. "Oh my gosh! It's so cold out here!" She yelled as we joined her on the curb. "Why are we out here?" I asked shivering. Michaela told me to meet h-her on the c-curb." She said stuttering. Sighing, once again. Suddenly, out of the blue, suddenly, out of the blue, drove Michaela's van. She ran up to us and we all hustled quickly into Sally's condo. We did each others hair and makeup and walked across the street to the school. The dance was for some odd reason, being held in the cafeteria. Ugh... and this school wasn't big on slow dances either. We walked into the Caf. And the music was nearly deafening! We joined a group of other girls and danced until there were more people around. I stayed with Gwen most of the time until I felt someone "tazer" me in the sides. "EEK!" I screamed! Whipping around I came face to face with, you guessed it, Sam. "Sam! What was that for?" I stared in shock. "Thought I would surprise you." He smiled, it nearly made me melt! "Well you scared me... happy?" "Hahaha not yet." He devilishly smiled. "Wait... what?" He grabbed me and started tickling me uncontrollably. "S-S-Saaam! S-Sto-op!" "Not until you promise to dance with me!" By now I was just about screaming. "AAgh, FINE!" He let go and let me catch my breath. "What was that for!? "Just a method to make you agree... now pay up." He laughed. He put his arms around my waist and I put mine around his neck, and oh-so-typically the only slow dance they ever played they just started. I paid no attention to the music though. I just smiled up at Sam with this huge grin

and he smiled back. Soon the song had ended and he said he needed to go. I turned around back to Gwen who was still dancing... "Gwen?" I asked confused. "Ya?" She stopped and looked at me funny, "Why'd you stop dancing?" "I just danced with a guy!" I smiled and giggled. "Wait... you did?!?! Awesome when?!?!?" She grinned. "Just now... with Sam." I laughed at her face. "You were dancing here... with me... the whole time... Haha Geez Maggie I think your loosing it!" She went back to dancing leaving me with a complete confused look upon my face. I KNEW I had just danced with him. I KNEW it! So why did nobody else? I danced alone the rest of the night. Hardly any guys had balls these days.... 'Sigh'. Oh well, I DID get to dance with Sam. I couldn't stop thinking about that smile. It made me melt, even as I thought about it now. I walked over to where Michaela was already waiting. "Hey!" She hugged me. "Hey, I didn't see you at the dance last night! Were you even there?" I looked at her puzzled. "Ye, I was... I thought I saw you but then I realized I hadn't, it was someone else. I missed you! Hahaha, sorry!" She apologized as we sat down, took out our lunches and began to eat. "No, Probs. I see you right now do I not?" I laughed a bit as Sally walked up. "Wheres Gwen?" she asked right away. "I dont know" I replied and went back to eating. No less than 30 seconds later did Sam, typically, walk up to us? I instantly wondered if Sally and Michaela could see him. They had.... they were looking up at him with a smile, but his eyes were on me. I blushed. "Hey Maggie... uh, could I eat with you guys? Everyone else is at the football game." He smiled lightly, obviously thinking that he needed to explain himself better. "Oh, ya sure!" I said patting the floor space next to me. Sally and Michaela looked at me TOTALLY confused! They had never even seen this guy! I thought. "Oh right... Sally, Michaela. This is Sam." He nodded, but they just stood gawking. Michaela whispered in my ear, "Is that the guy you've been talking about... that we've never seen?" "Ya..." I said blushing. We all ate the rest of our lunch making small talk. Sam had to go to the bathroom and as soon as left Sally FREAKED. "OMG! How do YOU KNOW HIM! AAAAAAAAAH!" I was startled by her loud and suddenness. "Calm Down! Hes a friend. The one I danced with yesterday." Smiled... probably blushing again... stupid blushing. "He's so freaking HOT though!!!!! Why haven't I seen him before!?!?!?!" Michaela interrupted. "Is he?" I smiled trying to make it obvious I didn't know. "It's weird though..." Michaela suddenly quieted. "When he walked up he almost had a glow around him, weiiird." I hadn't noticed but I guess they did. Sam came back and we all shut up. The bell rang shortly after class. We all stood up and Sam instantly said, "I'll walk you to class... I-If you want." He smiled shyly. "Sure." I just smiled back. And for a second, I was staring into his deep blue gaze. There was something there I didn't know as if his gaze held all the secrets to the past AND the future. It was mesmerizing. I quickly snapped out of it as I noticed how late we were gunna be. Saying my goodbye I raced off to Science. He waved back. I ran down the hall and when I looked back briefly to see him... he was gone.

Chapter 3 "Stupid teacher, making me stupid listen to him blabber, giving us stupid homework, making me grumble stupidly to myself...." I grumbled sarcastically to Gwen as she met me at my locker. "Yeesh, sounds like you got it in for him one day. Just when you think you've had enough, BAM! He shoves another essay in your face. You'll explode. Dude, can I video tape you when it happens?" She asked me excitedly. "No... I swear though one day he'll bring that... death? Explosion?.... upon himself." I said smiling at making fun of the teachers. "I dunno... whatever." "Yeesh, what's gotten you? You look like that constipated monkey we saw at the zoo." She looked at me, then we both laughed hysterically. "I gotta admit that was pretty funny. But no... I am not constipated." "Then whats wrong! Dont make me become Sherlock Holmes because that guy creeps me out.... seriously. Who walks around in a trench coat with a magnifying glass!!!!" We both laughed, but she did have a point. "No... Its... its Sam. I haven't seen him in 3 weeks and it's starting to worry me." "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAW. Maggie is in looooooove!" She gave me this ridiculously smug face. "Oh gosh..." "I knew it!" She does a creepy happy dance in the hallway. Gosh... I love Gwen so much! She's my BFF. So funny and ridiculous.... That's Gwen for you... "Uuuh.... no. I'm just worried s'all." "Well then call him!" "Call him? I don't have his number!" I glared angrily at her. "Well that ain't my problem..."She said walking in front of me with a smug look on her face. "Ya ok whatever.... I don't know." I sighed, 'I just hope he's okay.'

Chapter 4

The next few days slowly merged together... mostly consisting of homework, eating, sleep, and the thoughts that would haunt me seemingly forever. After worrying about where Sam had been I seemed to give up and just have the vague memories that the two of us shared briefly. That is... until today. I was eating my lunch with; you guessed it, Sally, Gwen and Michaela. We all chatted nonchalantly as we ate. Nothing out of the ordinary. I sat listening to Gwen and Michaela go on about their weekend when I heard a loud 'PSSSSTTT' from the corner a few metres away. I told Sally I'd be right back and I could tell she had the urge to follow me but I made sure she didn't. Sneaking around the corner I was in high hopes that Sam would be waiting for me but when I turned, there I was, face to face. "Hey, been awhile hasn't it now?" "Uh... I remember that I tripped and you helped me up. Thanks for that by the way. But otherwise... how do I know you?" "You don't, but I was hoping to get to know you better." "What do you mean? I don't even know your name!" "Well for one, my name is Derrick. Secondly, I was hoping to take you out this Friday, maybe go see that new Pirates movie." I stared almost in shock, CRAP! What was I supposed to do??? I've never been asked out before. I looked up at his sweet, subtle face. I smiled up at him and said: "Sounds great." Just then he smiled back but I saw a quick flash of something... something that almost scared me, in his eyes. It flashed red. I did not understand but then I couldn't care because I was going on a date!

It was Thursday afternoon. I had spent almost every day with Derrick at lunch, with still no sign of Sam. Sam was a big boy, I'm sure he can handle himself. Besides, I was too happy with thoughts of my new future possible boyfriend. All week I was literally just dancing around my room full of what I thought was happiness. Now I stood in front of my wardrobe contemplating on what to wear for tomorrow. I don't dress too fancy but I had to wear something a little bit semi-formal, after all it is a date. When I told the gals what had happened they were totally ecstatic for me. It has been rather difficult with Gwen now... we were best friends until she got a boyfriend recently. Now I hardly ever see her and her new boyfriend has some kind of problem with me and hates me, even though I don't know what's wrong. That, though, is another story, and I need to get back to choosing an outfit. "Maggie! PHONE for youuu!" My mom yelled to my room. Sighing I jogged to wear she stood waiting for me to take the phone. "You might want to listen to this." I looked at her quizzically and took the phone. Holding it to my ear I heard; "Hello is this Maggie?" "Yes this is she." "Hi, my name is Rosy and I'm calling from the Saint Peterson Hospital. We have a patient here who has requested to see you. He was found 2 days ago in an alley downtown. He has 2 broken

ribs and a broken wrist. He is in a rather critical condition with gashes and bruising, and when a bystandard found him he was coated in drying blood. We asked him if he had any family members but he shakes his head and continually asks for you and calling your name. Maybe you can give us some more info about him?" "Well I will try but who is he?" "His name is Sam."

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