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Investment Plan


Presently, the USD/JPY pulr ls stundlng ut neur 15 yeur lows uround 80, und the Jupunese uuthorltles
ure worrled thut thls wlll humper economlc growth ln un ulreudy depressed economlc envlronment, so
monetury pollcles llke: lncreuslng the money supply through quuntltutlve euslng ure belng followed.
If the pulr contlnues to remuln on the downslde, dlrect lnterventlon lnto the currency murkets from
the Bunk of Jupun wlll become lnevltuble und wlll ultlmutely llmlt further drug tlll 85-90.


Buying Price

Req. Margin

Selling Price

Targeted Profit

$ 20,000 Buy 2 Lots @ 80 $ 1,000 85 $ 12,000
Buy 1 Lot @ 78 $ 500 85 $ 9,600

$ 10,000 Buy 1 Lot @ 80 $ 500 85 $ 6,000
Buy 1 Lot @ 78 $ 500 85 $ 9,600

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