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METHODOLOGY Research Method : Descriptive Research Sampling Tool : Questionnaire Sampling Design : Non probability sampling.

Sampling Method : Convenience Sampling Sample Size : 150 Sampling Universe: Customers of South Indian Bank. Data Collected : Primary and Secondary Data Statistical Package : SPSS Statistical Tools Used : Percentage Analysis, Garrett Method and Cross Tabulation.

3.1 Sampling Design The study has used Non- Probability sampling design. Non- Probability sampling involves deliberate selection of a particular unit of the population for constituting a sample. 3.2 Data Collection Method Primary Data: The primary data was collected by means of a survey. Questionnaire was prepared and customers of the bank were approached to fill up the questionnaire. The filled up information was later analyzed to obtain the required information. Secondary Data: In order to have a proper understanding of the sector of Retail Banking, an in depth study was done from the various books, magazines, journals and articles written on the subject. Information was also taken from the internet related to industry, company, competitors, etc. 3.3 Statistical Tool The study has used various statistical tools for the analysis of data. They are, percentage analysis, Garette method and Cross tabulation: Percentage Analysis: To have a general idea on the opinion given by the respondents a simple percentage analysis was carried out. Test Statistics: Percentage = Number of Responses

* 100 Number of Respondents Garette Ranking Technique: It is a technique used to find out how various items under considerations are ranked by the respondents. In this technique the rate given by respondents will be converted into percentile position using: P = 100 ( R 0.5) N Where, N= No: of items R= Rank P= Percentile position From these percentile position scores will be taken from Garatte s table. This score will be used to evaluate the ranks.

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