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Shaw vs, Roosevelt on, Birth Control ~,








CO,pyrlght, 1921 e: ..' ..·- .' _:_' '.': Ul.._,~. T"h'- F-i· A" :r"rt~,S 0:'utld

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sary is, too+-with ideals and prtnctples and not with, persons, I want yOIU to realize that .I consider myself speaking- and, I: trust reverently=-on the most important subject that I

se d,--tn 10--"'U-- r" method of approach as, it is posstble to' be, I want to say at the, outset that we are going to dea'l__;"o'r I am, and I assume my adverOrB' '-. 'II: _." _; _-.-'

'~'Mr, Russelt: Ladles and gentlemen, I am very glad to have the opportunity ot speaklng to, vou thls afternoon, and I may sav at the outset that i.t is obvious that my' adversary and I agree upon one thing, and that is fhat we' are dtscusslng what Is absolutely the rnost vital questton before the American people toclay. ('Ap,pl.ause',,) We are absolutely In accord
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ha?e ever advocated. I heard one o'r' tb.. greateat e

country has ever produced,

} that the: thts


unborn 'you ..... ronder 'J-'f', man sometlm es tran Ib d k '"'d seen d s the rmpossmre ana thi ,D':,S an,IUI consruera h th,e unborn as God himself." And I believe to d,a,y' I am sp,eaking tn behalf o'f the great unborn-e-thos 8, who are betng murd .. ered b,'y the thousands, j'f' not millions, in, a manner that far transeenda the, method o:f warfare, . Now. ,I a,aid tbat we are golng' to speak of'
_,_' ,::__, -., ,::- '. _

w'bo said "u'Wb,e'D, conceive of the mere handful ot people in'habit all the globe, and YOll think o'!' vast rtver of humanity that 1,9 flo,-wi,ng'on 'p'lan,et,. and you think o'f the bilhons ,of'
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ps'ych1olo,gists, thts

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Ideals and prlnciplea and DOt of persons, It is verv (lj,ffictllt ottentimes 'not to attack a person or hurt his feelings when YOll characterfze the ot ... __ sometimes _ have ,_l C ", ., _: ._.-' _ . "_ P'r,l"n-~i'p'le . an act , and 'Y'·"'ou_ _ _ to IJe: assailing a person, I hope and I try to lO'V'8 every' human being on the face or the earth, There are prtnciples and, Ideals I abomtna to and a bhor with every dron o'f. 'blood, and feeltng that I have, I never want 'that a,b... horrence 0'£' the prtnclple or Ideal of' tile person to adhere to that person, I heard, it mtnlster the: other (lay apeaking ol-r' this: French and Germans w 110' were havtng some conte ranees air '1:'1'0'-' W',iI"'III a: aked !II'I!!;(·."ll~,~I'-- they :S-'·l~'I'1 l,]'··~l·iL.., ... ~,.. .... l. " hate one another'?" 811d. he said they d id not hatn one another because they broke bread to.... 'V'e~'llcraIld "l· ., COllie) ,_", , hate a orson with vou . ..,' not' :r;:;; ." . whom YO'\.1 have broken bread and he could not hate anybody that 'he 1C'11e'\V" I' hate nnd abomrnate the prlnctples that I am figh,ti'n g~" hut r trust that you wlll take the sti,ng', rnJllig:at~,~ i'~i'tuko the) untl-toxtn ...if you wfl], 'hie , .. cause I don't want any allusions to personality to 11~e taken from any [of' the statements that I make, Another thing I want 'to say about my' o:p, .. ponent, and r hope she will :say the same about me, 'is, that I want to bow In sincere respect a nd admfratton for what I' conceive to be her utter and absolute aineerity, and to her de ... votlon to tho cause which she advocates. I' questlcn that In IlO cleg'reel' I :hOP'8 5118 ,vIII. give tl ~'dt ~-'me '_L1'9 same consiueranon. We are ,go'in.g' to deal with these prlnetnlea. I am not going to concern myself much with
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this means we can solve It, and at the same ttme gain one ot the greatest advantages vou . can poss:ib:ly w'ln on th"s, taee of the, earth~'. Se:~ ~,

(he savs 'he Isn't an authortty.) and others as authort ... .1', ~" _',_" ' ~:I . .... O " _(':'. :....~. t"e-C"B' I C".:.ould quote f'r'o'-m"'" am rb Q' nd R'"~...O"S6"v'c'I,'t L and the' Btble-+-the great 'r'eligions of the earth -o'c·~'r,-l:·'p-!·,·t!-'u"ra,.·l·' 'r~:i'ty·':· tha ',)," c om es from a 1'1- tho t.h n. ·I,~,._ t' -._'.._,'. '_". .." .. v'lery depths of the spi'r,ituai, and what 'I belteve to be; the very mouth of Gotl, Its .: el:f.-ot,' Nature-e-lf YOtl do not lfke to admit the, exts ... , tence of' Providence, I am not concerned with Bcrtpture or au ... · thortttes. I am going to (lea] with this question from what J belteve are the cold, Inevitable fa.cts of ife as we know them, and meet them every (lay,. Now I am going to admit in tile first place that there are many tamittos with too, many chtldrcn. It would .be fooltsh to gatnsay that. 'I'hey are a burden t.o the mother. '1~'l1,ey are ,,1. hardship to the tather who trt es to, provtde 'f{)r' ~-.lli n1 T 1-14~110 y" . J'"n ke (' n J1 i: .,'L.,._'i on~ ~' ~ n r· ~ll'~ "•."" a.n'i'J' 1:;1'1,-'1...· "0' I, _~ n '. i u,~ ~"~ju t", -['"(" "'1:~ l; if:' ~ .ilf1" t, J C""·r el't, '1-'(. 11" [. I' "'1" J', 1t: ~ (--,j t.. '1- ,ri.:'" 'I a' 'n Ii!'l' I , , ..., 11.0'1)£1 that she wilt admit it also, that there alia thousands of ]lOITleS In the United States 'of Amertca that are '10 0 lacking In clrlld ren-e-atthough I think she has once stated that the most immoral thlng a person can 1£10 Is to bring' a Iarge farnlly into, 'the world, Here 'we have the problem and the question is, how are we, going to 'meet. it.? . I propose, that we should meet, this, problem by tho measure of self-control. . I believe b,y

authortues, I. ,S'U,'pplo'seshe cain quote Robinson and apparently Dr, Knopf

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from Dr,

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eontrol iii lhe best pat'b to self ... control and to' s.elf,..(jiscl,pllD'e.. It is' 'the 'key to wisdom, It is the key to power, It is, the ke,y to tntencctuer and mental deve lopment; Indeed, she has once stated tllat only those pe,olple. who are men18\1:)" developed are: eapable of selr-control and, '1' wan t·· to say that th e"Y':got 8,"[ -la' f::·g··.o, m ea su r'''e''~ ..u. .' :<~' o{· tbt!eir~mental developme it by self-control. She \d looking through the wrong end ot the telee.. cope.. . And so we come to this method. I want to say, a's another part of the p'l,at.for-'m UpO'D which [ am, to, stand, that I coneetve and hold mar-riage to be more than physical. It Is not a purely sensual relationshiu. It borders on the aesthette, sptrltual, mental, and modern asnects of ,Ii,fe, and when you try to take the 'p'hys:ical by itself you f[nd, a eondttton 0'( naked sensualttj- which ts disastrous in the extreme, My contentions are, these: In, the f'jrst place, fundamentally, univeraallv Intlnltely trom every point of' view, it is vlclous .. It is fala,c' , f'r,ofll eve, ·Y' sciontttte conatruction that YOll can possfb ly concetve of'; It 'is, one of the most v ltluttng thtngs rrom every polut of phllsoophy, physlology and psychology. b itell e c.. 1,.1~'Iy'· man .... tu·a 1_,>·C·· Iieve It is disa srtrous tally, and snlrttually. It is disastrous and perpetrates a gr,e,at wrong upon the unborn mil ... Itons "'VIlO are waiting "for entrance 11POI'R thls great amphitheatre of Iite. It is dfsastrous 'plhys:icalJ.y.[ mentally, and splrttualty U'pO[D the future, It is disastrous to the same degree UpO'D the' people who practice It-e-husbands and 'uri'v·:es·.···. w,'b·.·o·· esort t"IO:' t·'·h·· se measures, I.' ho·ld·, 't:'b. a ·'t··'· r e
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namely, race sutctde, 'Let me approach the fir'Bt method, and. th:at is this questton ot whether it is right from the point of 'vi,e:w ot the p,b'j osophy ot man, it you wlll: and I wa.·ut 'you 'to, eonstder ,it s,:imply 'from the practical liv'ing point of' vi,ew. I w,atit to lay down this propoaltton-e-It is that Y'DU can't have pleasure in. thts wor'Jd. without pa,ying for' it-~tbat there are certain laws that sweep through the entire untverse from the furthe:rest star to the: tlnlest atom and moleeule that YOll can find 'in existence. I am a member of' the ~bar o,:f' th'e, Stute ,ol·r New York. I trust that Lhave due regurd and, respect tor the statutes, the eonstttutton and the Iaws ,of this great city, state and nation • .But :I 11.01(1 them as the vertest 'trash. when .,tb'e,Y come up, against the Iaws of Nature, T,h' Jaws of Nature cannot be: revised. T'be'Y can .... not be: repealed, T'he're Is DO power In th'l,s whole universe; that' can change these' law's,' wit'll 'wJ,i"Cb. YO'D have to deal, 'That means y,o'U can't get pleasure without paying for Jt, Nature is inexorable in 'bringiu.,g' about her retrfbutlon, She dO'8S not need any bala nee b .ook , Y~!o"0 'C"a"'D' nev ar embez zl e Y' '~:, ou_ can't cheat, Yo·u can't get away trom her. E'merso:n bas said that "'th,e Ingenuity of 'man haa always been dedicated to the solution o't one problem-c-how to detach the' sensual sweet, 'the sensual strone the ,ae",-D'-'S"UI br'l'"g-:·:-h: t:· rom the ,,',_~',~' ._e,-,,: ..I... : '-.', ._'_" 0"0., ._:_" m or cal sw eet th e moo 'rca'I d eep' th e'-'m oral 'f'-'a- 'i"r-:-'!', tba't is agatn to eontrive to cut clean oft' t'hlB upper surtaee 8[0 thin 8:8, to leave It bottomless,
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to get OID'e enid "with,out another end .• [The soul says eat, the 'body woul.d reast, 1"be sou) :say's, '·,[Thle mana.nd woman shall be one 'flesh and QD.e: soul.' The bo,dy would ,Joln. the flesh only," u_ll things are double, ODe against another,' continued Em.,ers,oD.... ·'T:it tor tat, An, eY'e for an €'ye., a tooth, for ft. tooth, blood for 'blood" measure fo'r measure, love for Iove, Glve a:nd 'it shall be, gtven you~ He that watereth shall b,e: watered htmself .. What will YO'U have, quoth , "".. N 'J!'D,g ventured, d se G,0:.:'" Ila'y ror It and" ta k It. Not hl nothing have. T'lIOU shalt 'be plaid exactly for i what thou hast done, no more, 'no less. Who doth not 'work',..doth not eat, Harm watch, harm catch, Curses always 'recoil on the head of him. who Imprecates them, If you chain a stave, one en. 'd[ cha . In . 8'" Y"'011'B>a--:'·(I'~ 0''.- ··U'·n ~.~, __. '~'.'.'c 0- D-:_.'.,,'oun ds the a' d . -:. .. ' . ~ .. ,( '. ...' \":."Ii '.'. (., . e . ._ :_:'_.sel .. .. ts ·,1·, '-"1'Is a-n a··: (!,S<,-':P _ ~'~,- ..", V-tat! er. 'r' he dev '~ __ " YOlI must p,a:y at last YOllf' O~D debt, Th.os"e· arc the laws. Now 'V 0, recognize it in 1}'llYS,ics,. ]~ncrgy cannot 1)0 annthllutcd. Birth control s a ~ls, ., 3' C:H '\ Y U u HIi ~111. lU l,Y t, h (1 'I) r ie t.~ Y {lrII can '. annihllate thnt energy and drink rrom tlle CU.p o'f' pleas ure, hut Y'011 don't take 'the responstbil,:j.ty~tllc duty and the. care, You reeognize it in, physlcs, You recognize \,it 'ill chemistry, In every law ot lif'o~ W len Ponal in Boston said • "1 wllt ,give you 50 ·perc,en.t·')____,the\vlorld . Iaughed, because it can't, be xlone. Bi rth control a;' '.' cates llke the Pon z:·:is,.sa v they wtll d I·V··,"~O··· give you fiO percent and 100 percent on your investment; but it can't be done, It. is frenaied fi,nance,. Iti:s, along the lines o,f tile people " who are alchemlsta who think they can turn·

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the baser metals

Into glod,. It is an age l

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b e ll"e,-,:,fi tha t'-- ha '8"· 00-:: ,l,l. :-," '.":_ rrom een hel d -... _ 0,e- ttme, Tb at_ th _, ,- ,ID"g ca,nn,o t Cb--' _,e th e_,e,gl,nn,lng b .... , do me T!'h a t is th e: ,1.... _. 0'" Iite ot God ,_,t','h-I at__ ,'-O''-'-' U'I law ·.·L __:'.:.... ". . Y",-' J-ta"V eo, to p- ay , A,:- n d so t ]'1" at 1" s th e "t, h tn 'g-" -y'," OIIL c::"' re~ '0-:,,0, :',i,fro -t'-""".__ a ",," " ". n-~" ,," ', ed .-",," : e em" to gal '-D' I',· lth .:.J,~.~ 1- {I' on' '._ sa y '~ ,h-.a ~_.~, u .: '!.'[~:1. t s ':~:.~":')!:''-:'' .'. ':.,';_r ['!l _ 6:"~,".~'.'; .. . at' y'O'·' 'I (10 n ,:'~.:" .;,: .,::" .. .: I·..~:: :'··:·I~f.~:.t ~-r . but for every gain 'yOII seem to grasp ',Oll have 1 ost '~"'_'..' He who does D'-"'O'I:t work shall II·".~I .. the Iite of It not ('- t T-'-_l1e' t"-'_,-,,-,~ thr t ,ve',"-,," 1-""'---:'-' nd "" bv -,' 'I :' -, a'a'i> "-'I, ',-- ,:1: Dill, 'b·-' " "" ].S .J;lal: -,', ,nre, )'O'~ln, ,'Y .·0 th'_'e' ,', ',l~,'_. 'h'-'-"f"~' m'o,ne~,Y;, of go''' ,1,-1(Ii, ano "I' '0: ~a S"-l~,b"" t te t is 0, an, ,,:1 zh 0, :In other words we have eyes Ilterally that see not ane'I ears ,- th t he ,,,'- not. ,'-,:,', mat near "" ~ "',1"/,,.,1 -, 'l-l s-, 1)-, e , t ""D"-' A''I'l,'J"I, t I" at ]'" '-,!l .-_- th ,J_ n """,, "" th at". 'W"<" e m s- c n-'-·Is "1(~1'er : .',;:. _ So I want you to have in m In ,(1" that 'by' tho very law ,0·[-·: life .he very...theory,'" of'.- science o,'f' v' '_, _" , ' _ ,"~'" "'"'--' , __ '_ '--,' -,'''-' " ""-" "-' our being, 'VfJ' ha ve to pay" and i:f we take that, / jf we try tOI grasp tJ12 t - we are O"'oi:'n,:g to pay -"i,~-'''~,'' :"~;,, .... .r-: ~~-,;, .. --~-'~": the penalty. In my next opportunity to aunresa - ~ -h .,_il:-'{e II,p.:,' at -)-" Y'lt " .• w ',,""~ :.1: ~ You I sa 1] ,t~1 ,.', th ,a, t,0 S"llO\V "0"""'- ho..." W'-'-'9'flY'" s ". i"-,.·: P·"_ ~ '(':,A' 'np· ,it..,- ~'~".-~'e-' )-" dream -' U" _ '__
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Chairman. and Iadles and gentlemen, Mr. Itussell 411'Ill] I seem to agree -on 80]11'8: the potnts of tIl is argument, .at least, but as usuat with most opponents ot birth eon... tr'ol, they have absolutely no inteljlgent argu"ment, (Lauzhter.) 'TJle'y' afways bar rieade tllem:s,c-lves behind the Bible Of' the terrible vengeance of' an offended Nature, T'h,at is

l\iI"rs.. SUIlgo·r:

It!Ii ~;~ c.;"i!'111



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and look at li·Co t'he wa'y it j,s :now'. Do't 8S It, 'm,lgh't .D,a,¥\Q 'be'en, :ha:d ,N,at-u're ,acted, 'th'D,S, ,a:DU

exactly wh a t~-. 'M-::-'r·:- R~,~'-'I'IS-:ra,e-"'I-:I- 1'·8--" Id~-o::,i.n-c-,g:~ 'DOW ,,__ ,. _ I N·ow:~fri,e'nds1! I want to say" let 'tIS ,ge't do:wn to ,fUDI(lamental. prlnc:i'ples,. "Let us ge:t t1ogeth:el·
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,as it might be had 'Go,d done thus a,Bld' 80:, but as we find eurselves today, 'W,e ha'va'~" a fe.w· piri:nciple~8 o,f Ilf[e 'by whteh we 'must live,,' an d I" elatm t h'rat ev e rvone ot U[S"· h a S:" !!" ·r·'I!iI!g:·b·t· to .'" . ~. ":".}. '. '," ~health, t,o Hberty and to the pursuit ot hap. ~~: pin,eBB.. I say furthermore 'that. btrth eontrol; . .... bs '1' - 1 essen: til> :1 f t· In our 1- ~:' . j,8 an. absolutely .iar jaetot~,i'V.i·Dg"-; and having these three prtnciptes o'f happlnesa ...:~:-, . (.Applau.'se~) ,. '
80; 'DOt
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, gTOUp ."

'By' birth . control, I mean voluntary, clon~',: aelous control of' the birth f' 'rate by' means that -~" 'Jlrevent eoncentton=-aetentt ac means that pre- :. ~.'~. I' 1 --' .. .. ' [e:,a·· b1-'.: ."., '.C'." ":' n t ro . ,·'1b-y. ---; . >1 rt h V-. 'en . .C". o'D"' ce".. /IL.., '"0" n . .......rt --.'. ·.'P'~·l". ,_,_, -_." [(e,l,. 0' n 't', m ... :.":.n ,. '.: ':'" __..' .. absttnence or l··~· ontmence or anythtng except :-:} c the that. agre~s· 'Withll1ost ·~i·l~S,· .. 1 ~:·.ev·e,:olp I Iat ' I we \\1'1.1', d later on, most 0'" us are glad ~.;~ '. that there are, means of scienee at .the present ":": ttme that are not Injurtous, ·ttot harmful, and..~: 'all conceptton can 'be a voided. ' N'OiW Iet us look upon, life as, 'it really Is, antl _':':, we see society today 'is, dtvlded dtattnetly Into ':.:;.:~ . two groups: those who use the means of birth··:;·.-~~. ~ control and those "iI10 do not. · .; [0'· the on e s'ide w'" 'e f·:·J.!' n~d tl rose wrho d"'0('· U:' '9,·:'0-' .> Jn '1'1,~1 "_. _...:. ; ."" :~y~ I· mcnns m con t.. ol-)'.' hlr tl r .I.n.g'. Irt.l..': W"l' In:t 'I nave tl1e'y~[~ .':; Tiley are the people who brtng to birth few chtl- ,< dren, . TIley are the people who ha ve all the happtneas, who have wealth and the Ielsure for'-~~~ culture and mental and sp:iritual develonment.: rre peo P' "'1' who re .a r th .elr ehtld" ...~ r..·e-~n···~·.....te '~~ Ie· ·,_'_'" .-.! :. The"Y'" a': manhood and, womanhood and -who fill thIe' universtttes and the colleges w,itb, their p'ro.reD:_~ N,atu're' bas seemed to be v'ery kind to t.hat·
Ii! liIi· iii


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the other hand we have the g'roup who have I~~ge··:famiiie~· and' f~r generaUon~· ~. perpetuated large fam,:ili,es" and I, know trom i~ m,,. work among them that the great percent~ ,8g'8 o,l these people that are brought into the wortd 'in, '~plov,erty and misery have be.en un'w,anted. I know that most of 'these women are Jus,t: as d'estro U"S' t have . m'... .-~._. t'"_, .,'.,'...... ,11··,. ,.' ea 08"-" . 0·"' ~" control birth as the women of wealth, I know she trles, desperately to obtain the, Intormatton, not, for ~. selfish, purposes, but flo,r her' own benefit and .~, for' that of her children. In this group, what . do we, hav'e'? W'e have poverty, mlserv dtsease. ... ov er erowdtn g <O':~ ;~_.- D' C_.1.lld 1 e - ngesti~1:0,:" h abo-r 1:: ,.D,:_,· lnta to. ~"" mortality, maternal mortality, all the evils _ 'which today are ,grO\lple,d in the crowd where _ , there a,'re Iarge families, of unwanted and UD,o);' ... destred chtldren, : Take the, firsto,ne and let, us' see how these motbers f·e'.ol I cla tm.. t:h~t 'a- 'om an' whethe r-' ' a she 1:9, rtch or poor, has a rtght to b,e a mother lor not when she 'feels herself fit to be SiD. Sb,e has just as 'much rtght not to be a '.mother as she has to be a mother. It Is j:u'st as, l-"ig'}lt L small L. and a-··'s: oral for people m to tnlk 0" ~'" .. ram- :.. Jlles and to demand them as -tOI want Iarge famtlies, It is just as moral, If we, let, as we are' supposed to 1(10, Nature take her course, we know that any woman from the age of pubertv until the age of' the , perIod of menopause could have anywhere from . ~. 151. to 20, children in her llfleti"me. and it, _ _': will ~:' -take O·D.e relattcnahtp ". be twe en, man and :::.' woman tOI give her OD,O a y1ear. to gtve her that ~ ...:large fa'mily,~ Let us Dot forget that.






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{I s rtf cg·ll.n rd i1]g t II,oso ,V (J In ell '.S Il V'C:S a not givl ng' tile III the Iu 11 damon tal thinga t '~~ c'u're thetr disease. but allowing them to' ... ' come nrcgnant. 'I'Iiey keep them in, Ignorans of thls pur tlcnlar knowledge that should ass .. them in recover-ing their health. Not only tubereulosla, but there are othet- diseases D're tnimtcal to woman's health .and llap,p·i _.._ Heart disease is another thing that pregn ·-"-,,,,,,," ......,.absolutely sttmulates and it means a 'W
t i0 11

velop, who wish to advance 'in life-,. aria we 'wil·--",,--: Ing to spend all o!f our t lme through those ~yea~rs development 'in brtngtng torth children O:f' that the wor ld does not appreciate? Certainly; anyone W'110I Iooks into that wtll Iind that there I: 'I· tl t I~ e'-.P"'11 R-:-I e }'. n t '}'1 n 0-·-·r--··Il (. to:'.~" cl -}I I'"1(1rlen. I I'"S'·I v e r And bcsi des t f a womn n does spend all her tfme in (:.11 itd-bcnr ing, .(10 you It.n.I()\V that, even with healthy women, one out of ten who r),a.',·e:,v~"i!i"""" chtldren as often ns Nature sends them, (lies"",_.,......, from c hi1.{I bearing ? One out of every ten', women ,\1]10 lets Nature take her ..'course and 'has: f rorn 12 to 1--6chilrlren (lies from child bear+ , F'ur th errn ore, there are many ,CtlS-(1:S where It Is absolutely Indisnensab Ie for a woman's h,ea'ltbJ,"",l"~," f(lr her 'I ire, in tact, to ha VC: means to CO'n trol l)'l:~·l·"'I:-l There ru... case a as DI""-II:· Knopf ·S:··:fIII'·:{l- 10'<-· . n, ,L, syphil is, C:l~,CS ot t ubor-culoais ; 1(10 ~l'O_'U, reallze that out of every S(f\tC11 women who have tuber culosia today Ionr of them {lie, not Irorn tut ~ , cu Ios iso: n'l'y:-' f' -~r'i ,,_;I~~. bu t. II," 1'.It,]_· '1)11"'0:'")""[-1: ~ ey - ~. en [(,1 "_' f ro ~" . ......~ L.II {lie because they have not tha t knowledge ' : birth control, because phys!ci ns nn rJ all others who should '1)0 d issorntnutlug Intorma -:'~ ~
••• ..:'t"o.~U'I y-I,
[. . I _. • l,,' ',' _ .• 1._ '. Ie..

Are we today, as women who wisb to d·






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-".. ,_~::a t.), N- '0't- 'I ;'1' It .... .. d·'e~ :_,~ tong ago a, young ,g:l,r:, came : [0 me

man but he to 'SUP':lo-r-t' a f-'a"m I "'l'~I-y--: Uti.'3 not : _·,·.~.:I.r.._, able '_. She bald, on two dif'fere'nt. occasions tried, to have children .. but she had kldney disease and tb,ey found her in convulstons: she had frothed at the mouth aud was taken to a hospltal 'In a ser-ious and critical conditlon. The only tb,ing they could do to her W'U,g to resort to ...._- ', L..'·:_: .... '4~_ .. ·.'· abertlon ',.'I ,:~._.,._~'.:ye t th ey send her back to b'e'-'r"-': and..: _"·__ .. , b",- me, 't·,·, 0':-, h ier ' hus ·b:'a nd an d tam -11.~I-y·: a g.~in in Just ' '0 .: . , :. the same way wlth no Informat lon as to now .,:,~,~ protect herself axatnst another to' condttton . ~~,_::': ,IUd) a's she, had [ust gone through, T'tlat ,'>~ 1,8 what happens to our women today, even ::,,~;:<:'those: who are suffertng 'fro,m ,(Iisease where '. ~',' they, should be protected with means and ~"",-"'__ ::'knowledge of 'birth, control, ...W;£:'IIU""'-.'.:.--'{~~'" The only weapon that women have, and the ~'~"DI~"I'O' t:' un :~,C'.':I viI-:l~!r:Z:·i-·'e'-"'d:' w ·S-·' ,j"e·:a:-, m tha t th P·I0·' rey 'm': ust use, ':'J'f- t"h"eo' y:' wtl I. 'D" )'0" t U'- b.m'·1'" t t 0' h a'v 1""-'-'8 e 1'·;1 ldren e·v'er Y':" ~ n 'r:J1' . _!u, __ -~",:year;and, a 11a lf', is abortton, 'Vf~ ){IIO\V how :':-:~'detrimen.ta,1 abortion 'is to the physical sido ~, as 'w'e.':_:: as to th e 'p syct1.. S i(:e 0'f' wo mu 11~ 1. te. 11 I "1 Il@i'6tJ~_~~~:: 1.l[C' S' .~1. '" .._..~',:,-,,·Y'et , there are In thta natton, because Df these "~': e'D,c-ralities and optrrions that are here before ... £ : 'U' ;11' :, a n d t ')"1 a t a r'e 8'·,t ,0 f) p'" n I g" t: ']1 o t (')-1 ,(,1, o t~ 'I ir o r CI:S:'.:,a "o:re· than O'D,emtlllon women who hu ve abor... v" ...... ' -perrormed o'n them each 'yc~1.r~ {What does this, mean? It is a verv bad Big'II WQ:m 6'n Indulge in, it, and it means they .'"abs'o'lutely determined t118,t they Cd.IIDot C'OIl-~ ............... [e.brtngtng chtldren into the world that they ,ot clothe, feed and shelter, It is a woman's
__ .... :. __.__ ~_:.) .,,',1.,',::__ .....

had kidney dtsease. She "vas a telegraph operator. Her husband was a young working
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she knows
" '._'j _ .,,'. ,~, _. ,,' ".

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ani It Is much more natural to trust this m -: stinct and to let her be the judge than it is to Jet her ju!(),ge herse-lf by some unknown G,od,~ >\~


common sense, We have these 3.00,[0,00 abies, thla proeessien'. b ot little eofflns ...and we shake our heads sadl,y~ ' and say somethtng must 'be. done to reduce the': number; but nevertheless we, .go right on'

for herself the 'power to sav when she shall and ~~ shall not have children, '. ","':j "\V'e ){I10',V tJ.IH.t the death rate, maternal (loath ,.~::~: rate, has not been fnlI in;g' ill the: United St,ate'B "_'.. .~ of America although the death rate trom dis- .'~:'~ eases has been falli.n,g·.. That shows .woman Is .... ; gtven Ilttle consfderatlon in scientirte and .' medical lines. But then woman, wtll never get ;. her own 'f"ree,(lo'rn until sbe f'i.ghts tor it" a"nd··.. ' she has to fig'ht hard to hold and keep It, .:, W'e k.. DOW too that when the ehtldren that come .: 1.0 these .mothers against 'their w:ill and against :.':'. thelr desires, are born into the ·worl(l,. we have ~.', the appalling number [o,t 3,00,0'00 babies who .'~'.: die tn thls countrv betore they reach O[D,e ~ ..... vear ,of age-300,IOOIO: l.f YO~l please, and tt is safe,' . to 's,a'Y a's anyone know's who has gone among .'"~ ~ these mothers and these children ........... sate to ~ It is .'.~~ say...· tha t:- the grea -t,' percentage of these c'-'·'h'-·l'·I"",·· dren that are born have been unwanted. The :-~., :mother knows that the child should not come '~ .. to birth" when the :fiv,e'or stx Orr seven that she ";~~ has have not enough to eat, 'I'hat takes 'com- .: mon sense and every workfng woman 'has, that: '
...~ .

t t ,,' . I .,. ~ I C_,3Jln r,: ),g ,n woman's uuty

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allowing {;:OO~O'OO parents to remain tn Ignorance of how to prevent 30 0,0'00 more babies coming to birth the next year only to dte fro,m pov'erty and siekness, We speak t),'f the 'ri.g'h'ts o'f' the unborn, I ,B,a:y that it is tlme to speak of those' who are already born, I also: say and ItDOW that the, infant death 'rate' is, affected, tremendonsly by~ r.: those: who arrlve Iast, The ff,r',st child that Ll " .. eomes-e-the "I''''r··st··, r second ocr- third child whteh o QI.~".,'.- ,._, ' .:.: . _' arrtves In a f[amily, has a far better chance __ __ t- ... _ th ose that arrtve Iater • han . __.O.:J .. .t.. W',e' know that out of' a thousand children born 2,00 o"f'them die when th.ey are etther the second [or thtrd chtld, Whe'R the seventh arrtves there are [30:0 ,.that die out o·t that "thon,sa,nd" and 'by' the time that the twelfth child arrtves, 160,0 of this thousand pass away, and .~' so 'we can. see that the man or woman. 'w'ho t......'b, ...6 to birth two..· or> three ehdldren has ,a:" ~r.,.[I'~'D-:val · .':,' ..: far better ehanee ,o:f bringfng them to m,Q,tu,r'l.ty .....~:.han if 'they conttnued to have nine or ten or t .... twelve ,e,IV],Q,re'n,., ,;:.


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-, or opinions, "fhiB ~.. , .. '.standa behtnd these facts, Tb,e,n" also, through O'UF maternity centers 'and chtld welfare and ~ ether means, we, finally rescue some of these "~."~'children, and do not allow' them to dle under .~~, ODie yea,r o,f age, Th,e:n when the mother j,B '.::'. pregn,a,nt agai:n,_,.....if'maternity was not roreed a,Jon her-e-she would, be able to bri'D,g tb[a·t . ':.;··,.c-b:ild throug:h. Another OIDe be,gi.ns to' come • .~ ' and we f:1Bd that .this ,child tb,8't 'was 'res'cu,ed
.:'1. .

T'b.o,e:e'" are facts.

are not geueralftles U'n'ited, States Oovernment



• ',. •


. I' • , I _ ._ •• __ •

'1-)' f' de.ath d·','. rln g:,' it· ·8·': 'irst year'.' now S-:"U' cum bs before 'its fi.'ftll year. W'e then have 150,,000 . children '\VI10 die 'before they reach the 'fifth. ' year o:fage and ,S,O we can enumerate nil ·of '~. these eondittons which are so desptcable and so di,fficult In this country because we wtll not. get down to Iundamentale. We ,vi].! not deal: with the cause of things th 0 llg 11, we are anxious: , . .to deal with tile cure, When a mother does : finally br-ing her children through the adotes- ~ ~cent period, what 'is the next thing? We :finld~.· .
J ._~ _: ._~. _ __ _._' • ,_.'


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• •.

In the SO'(lt11. where eluldren come aceorrllng to:' Nature, every year and one-halt, that as, 8,00D.· .. ae th..····:'lly·'·a·,-r· able .. they a. shuttled e ·· e .are and hustled ,".: o'ff to take tile place of, or compete w·i.tb" thelir'.,~. father 'in the factori,es,~, 'I'hat is the. place that . society has for children of the' 'po or. 'We find. r~ in other state's", too" that children a. few' 'Yiears older' are pushed out of thebom.e as, soon as' they' are able to take their place In ·in.dus.try.:,· not because the mothers olf these children ,are-;,!~~ ... not j'ust as anxious tOI see them in. unfversitles and colleges, but because of the pitiful ear'D:,..,,,,,..,..,...__ Ings that she must have to support ·tl1096 \vb.o '~"&!M are coming behind them,
'" ••. _ ,'" _ ..• 1 _, .. ' .' "'_'" , __ _.' _,' _ ••••

Most of us know thts, We know somethlm .. . bout the actual condtttous of life as it a among UB~ In. some of the ractortes ·of Lowe and 'F'.all River, Mass., i.t was fOl'lnd that o·t th" . children 'VIlO work and totl there, under t.... ,.~ 'yc·ars of age, ,8,5 per cent of' them come t·· tamtltes ot· elgb.t-t.h'e'lr mothers have gi" '.• -'''''= birth to eight ehtldren, W··e' ttnd In the :80'u'
'¥" '~""!!}j

'very' much. the same th'ing, except-ing a






percentage of 90 to' '93 per cent of the children s there rTh,at, :is not .the only thing. W,e~ have CO'b," dltions again, that are more' diaastrous to the race: titan child, Iabor or' infant morta lity, and th at is th e t ransmtsslun of the venerea l diseases to the race that is. to come, We know that 'the mothers and fathers o'f.' today produce. the race of tomorrow and we know that unloss 'V'C' have a clean ehfld and a clean stream of blood flowing through that, ehtld that the race of tomorrow is a doomed n a-nd to r e -0-- 'D" e c~'o-elu sion ...'W':i:e-~ know ,-- to""o t hat ~ ~ out of this terrtble s.. eourge of disease comes 9'0 p.e:r~Ice'nto'f the Insanity in thls country, du~ .~. 8,yp'llilis" Anyone who is dealing with tunda ... to' ~~>. :., ., " - .' . __~ _' would .:.~: know , _.- that, _,' these people should mentals .~.~~ ~ '., .~._ . _ '_ -_',.,_ -,' ,c-_:' ~:':,., " UB,emeans to protect themselves agatnst 11RVID,g c:h'll,dren. .. T'hey should absolutely, in due re;,'~',BardtOI themselvea, to their cbildren and to the . !~;{·':rac·.·--.Ie-·: notall' O"W'··-"'-' a child to be born whtle that. : '·~~··~· is running rtot in the system. TIle ter.. lsease d ~.~, .. rlb,l,e consequence is Insanity .. .. , ~'~ ·'W'e have'ty per cent of the 'still births o,tl ..' >', 'th)'s, countrv=-In other words, babtes that are :"dead, when they are bo,rn-(l,lle to this dtsease. ..-=.r~_,,_ ':'J'o'Q'ma,Y' think that these things are, taken care ..·of, but, :I, tell :Y'o'u that they are not and that ! -:'Vio'men today are allowed to being :f'orth progeny ~_~{"' en in'th-e'fa'c,e o,f" ~il· .... :.-.' ..... ,off'icia.ldom,- a~d ftif the .' . [d~and humane things, and other kind o'f: ,....... ".ua:.o· .' t"hl~, at are d"0;-'Ie ·d· ou t to them . when _" t·'-hey.· a:' e oy:: p,.'h·-:--'i( Htte . r u~ ,.ves' .... _ '. . "..
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. 4,3 hosnltals in the city' and everyone of them .; said, "" e' will C'll're' her disease, Lea v'e her .:. ;, ,IIere '.' We wlll do tile best we can for her, but .".' don't ask us to, gi ve her the in forma tion to ':. cor tr T",'II" t l~'B D: - O'U'" ';: f-,t-It'en - rot ,,:: ,~- 0' ll,:'(..ot; That 1"'S ','n_rO:_l -':1 b':·'rt:,-';h .,;',., - ~)L,a' not tor us,' and :80 that Httle syphtlttic woman . went back again to lief' ),101116 and will become ',: preg rn annt n 'I"y,,',',"- to abo ,'r"t'- R-:I g";','-a:"-'l:~n-'I , re ,,Nnt',"-u' som et im e"'S',~ brtn P"!-' the s,-,'\:"'p-.-,'h;ll~t' "I'~'C':' S: to~,' blrth before their full ttme, or brlngs them dead, In other states: of ,sypbl1is, this doea not· happen, and we have feeble minded as well as' Insane. W'e 'have: 40'O~OOIO teeble .. tnded people;, m in the United States of whom aD,Y a'u,th,Q,rlty' 'O'D.:~ 'the snbject would :sa,:y to you "Not one of t'bem.-·;H".~.,,-., . shoutd have been born .. T'hey; nB'v'e!r s'hIQuld .. " hnve been born. So'meti,me's these parents a're'.:.~.~ perteetly norm al, and yet thts taint haa go'ne,:.-1k~ th rio n gh the blood and has, lett the child ,a'p-·. parentty normal pllytlica'l'ly. He arr-ives at the adult age with all hts pb,ysi,cal functtons, ,and,. th_ - 1'· t 0'f' _R (:',1:"_ '-hi'ld- Etgr- ,t, y',ea,'~~ h, y',at h-as "~'_,,e mentalttv _ o:f age. Tille f,eeb'l,e .. Inded man 10'1" woman 1,1, m of' no use to himself or to society, and It would be better' if we were '),ivi'Dg in a real crl,i'vi,:Zlt'tio'll~ · wllc're tiler should 'Dot have been born, ~ 40,,000 of thts 40 0'1:000 D'I.·e entered In tiOD-S,~ 'I'he others are Iivlng among U,S", p'ro,d'u ,,' in,g' and reproduelng their pl'rog'eny' and ,provl,' , i,D"g' abundant matertal and oppor'tu:nit,Y 'f'o:r,:, _;r:,~~ eon ttlnuan IIC', o,,:"f,"-' e charttles and 0'-'" h er I·'D,,' ',8'_'t"':'I~t"U'· ,t-~' ,t-:·' rc .', .1 "f·o',-'"r, es a .0- d gen e ra t :1"'0--,'0' ',8:, to eome, '8'" 'We f',o,nnd 'in one Institutfon, a ,so-eal lied, ~'ft,,~- ~ f,ormatory where tb,e:v take the, ,girls 01~ ;', ' tmderw'o:rld-:pros'ti'tntes,-i.:n 'Gene:va" Ill.;f-





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5,0 per cent of these ,girls belonged to the 'f'~'e"',e,'~;"b,,'lle,'~-m"'l'~'n'and again ded: we tind.. that 8-:'9'-~ per L :_", eent o:f'tlle,se came trom large 'fam:ilies,t, ~,You, can't get awn)" from, it" my trtends, Large ramlltes and poverty and mtserv go' han .. d in hand. Now what are w'e' try'in,g' to do for all these cond lttoas l' How do we look out {~ upon them 'We, are in a track. M'o'therholod '~.: US belen tracked.: Wle - rtnd that most of the' ..... .~(. social agencies ot the country are try it ng to {~. legtslate these things, out or existence. .. ~ Tbat t.:·· is all, They run off to Alba,ny and to W·a:sb· ~r·:·~h 'i.ngto n and they; make eight .. our Iaws tor h L~.; women in Industry, but th,e:y never thtnk ". ot' <~.,'. the' poor mother in the, home who m:ig,bt have '::.:' .:ig'h·t ·ho'ur,s.~'·Can. you.' 'ttrink 'of the' "In'~tbErr- ill ' ~~',.the home w:lth eight hourat She, has to go out :::'. ','.of' the home, out Into i:,d'ustry to be \protectc'd. ;.:..... b.y' the law, Do you realize that mothers and ' r~·::r.:-·,'wo'm,en never have. a ntght's rest from, the, tfme ;;\.: 'they are f:irst ;pregnant, some of them" until : . ~.; 'the- door o'f Nature closes their maternal fune;..,. .<..~. tlons' :The'y never know what it Is to have :~~" :.lone' wh.o:Je ntght's rest, They are up ni"gbts .:.,' ..,,'wit,h babtes,.-:s tnts treedom or liberty'? <,":Hasn'(t she a ri.ght to herselt-e-hasn't she a ,tlu,t:r, t~ herself 'to,~ say wb,en, and under w'h,a~~ ~~D' Id'-'.. '1"',_, _' she aha wi" be a,,"~ 0' O"'S' ll "',' ". moth e' r? ~v· _,,:We t'ry to, reduce our' tntant mortaltty rate 'bY eur mtlk stattona and all or the other things ~,~~""" P'ID,g on today.. T·bousa,n.ds and thousands ot ,',11:ars are spent tor this eondltlon .. QD.d to a , ~1L..:loll<'.'·:eertaiD degrle~e, Blome of' it iSI taken eare ot, but ~: tt·.:ld.oea not get at the root. W~h,enwe come to ni'I:,tie_; mortality we :flnd also huge 'fu'ud,:s
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that are spent In nurses g'oing into the homes \~1 of the PlOOf, telllng tho, mother of' eight children .' how to have her nlnh, ,(Laushter.) Most of' us fill know that that mother wants to k:110W how not ~; to have her tenth, That is the welcome aasis- .:', , tance that they can ,give that woman, but that . ~~ wi,II be tile last stone to be turned. . ~,~ Also our child labor-s-we make law's In Wash· : Ington agnlnst child Iabor, hoping we will wi'pe . it out. o:f existence. For ,50 'year:! they 'have ~., been trying to wipe child Iabor off the booka ".:, i.n 'the United States, but they' have not S'UIC.(~' ceeded and they wilt never succeed until tlley.: establish hlrth control cltulca in those dtstrtcts h th til th . '" .J,rt" ... wnere tnese women are, unttl-ttiey put 1D b~ "h~~· control cllntcs-e-like they "hav,e in Hnlfand-e-In every. Industrial section In the United States: where 'women can come to trained nurses and • physlclans and get trom them sclentiflc iD";~ :r():l'mat~"',onwhereby they ma,y control btrth. ,.".." .... Now '\~e Iook upon all these things 'in lust· about the same way We, try to palltate most all of them. Take one Instance-e-our immlgratlon laws The U'lll er Stutes Government 'makes·.H,M: ~ the D10S.t rtgtd laws, It scans the vessels

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to soe that no, ()1.10 should enter w'ho,:~~j Is an Idiot, 'V'IIO Is Insane and who is a 'p,a'uper.·hll··1 T]lCl sec to it that nnyone who enters is not !flt'l" ~,('1'.,.'O,~, , l'lI~, n. 0"·'1t I II} cs~:t'l'l I:C~' a~~ 'l-~ ~ ' 'I n(:t "1 I-).'a,: u-. p,-' 'e'~'. ' t..". ,U ; 'll:tlCY' make tJI0S'{~ rigi(_ laws n*tld rules "for L.u.LI',D.U':~:!'Il who 'S'l1~111 come In, but after :)1'011 are once th e ]'" id i':"~J__y' '0'....U"_. [",,:.'_..n '0' ro d u ce a n.d r~ p: 'J!I!·O'd uee '8" '0 e "'., e.'a' _, e. "'> repopulate the earth with :syphlliti,c and d' eased and Insane people SIO far as the gOY ment Is concerned, Th:is Is the :sho'rt,·slg:b, .. . '
"'" ~. iJi ".
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and symplatheticbut we are overaenttmentat, and. the has come t.OI use our mtnds and ,. to a'~"p'lp;I;'y"'o··'u1r· Intelltgence to 't··f'·e· and to th'8·· :'~" coudttions 0:[' life as we them today, ~ Now Mr. Russell has sald some thtngs that .~. are verv Interesting t.o me. He 'tells us that ".. 'v'e cannot have pleasure without pain. , It is .: a 'man who is, speaking, (Laughter ,.nd R'I>"' '-:, I ~ :i>~ plause.) It is very peculiar that .Nature o'nly ~j~. works on the one side of the human f~lrllil.y ~-.:.> when It C01DC"S, t.o that law, She applies all 1<··.·.· the pain. to the WO:Il'ln.D.. It is, absm-d=-a per.~~~. f,eetly absurd argument in the face ot rat:ional . ~~,>;o Int .ellig .~. .ee (.!(liP'p',I' en '11'11\18"0)' to' ". t a 1- !1" ab out rna rr lago &:'"::-~;. tj,~··,::" .~ being tor one purpose. t¥~~·~- , Now I etatrn=-and I clif':fer with Mr. Russefl . J.L~t.:; . 0''-: n th 'R;; t- a1- m t' .11:' t t h ,8 S·- x T' e.1 t 0': n 8.. :1 1' P" }.}" ·9',............. . -~ "' a e a "i . l~ : a .'~~';.' dlstmctly two functlons. . t Jias tts love -,unct .... tlon and it has its maternal and paternal fune~ .. .. ;.'.,.'. ·tj.on~, One Is quite Independent of the other, '-:~:'.and 'one is j'ust as moral as the other, and i.f It ',",:'.wesre '0-' a',~, 8,'.::0"':, t· h ien the 1-a':·''!'S''·:· ot thts 'C"O" un tr y"." :.-':,ought to divorce the woman who is, not able '.'~- to have children, Absolutely! And we know it '. . 'd' es no t w·; kn 0·-'1..,,,1' that at the tim e the~ chll-_ o rl,a ._[ :.:.,:- ren are created there is not one per cent of' d """"' 'buiuallityUult ...... ..-.~' .• -is '-born or" created' ~vith th~t :;:,.·.~i·~,":-thDtl,g'ltt, n mtnd, 'Very few' people thi,n'k at the i "~~>,. of ereatton that they are ,going' to create, time t~;"'''.i.f;':···~<M'o·st us are brought Into the wo'r).!d by ae,ot' ·,eld.e'nt and that is exactly wbat btrth control ~;;~ Is going to' change, It Is g'o,jng to make human~G:a I't:, ,a, C·OD9Cj.O'U,B and voluD,ta,ry' tblng. ~¢#'.:-~·We,talk of race S1Jicide';' it 'would t.ake alm:o.8t ..
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our whole: ],if:e'!I We are .very generous


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a whole afternoon t!OI tell .O'U 110'W' f'utile,~ that.. .~ ·· [""... : ~. .- .. ' . 'm- ',. -'. ,-,- :t" -:' argu ,:.ent is, W~,,--e k-': -- '._'.---,- per "f-:"-'" -'tl . .-~,-, -"1-1 to, h ose'','•. :_DOW ~-'. ectry wen, ,', '. , . [··f· U.: . rh ths 't·:, . O· '-I-B'~' W_,O . Iu ,-,.:.-.: tud .'ed th e· ,,', .'--tfon nave B"I,U[.'~_,le. .. questron, m rat; ,. In those countrles where birth, control kn,owl~· .'. edge has been a-, the -d·':'·j',81)108a _ 0,_ the ,,''',-' c·,:---,··__sal ·-'f·[·' ~_"e pe~op'e~1 i ,.':-·1'" "-- ',~-,~ - I'_S _'~ ,een, at although the birth rate has gone d.-OW"D; the death ·r-·'a·· has 'a-'1 0-'- g,,·o:-··u,-····,,' - '.' ..te d"["c,' Consenuentlv ~ :'e'_:,[own,~ ,_;oD,sequ,en"I,!I the," ponulatlon has been accel erat ed a- d t here n h as been a," bet .ter p--' O'-"I']',U' '1. atlon beca u se It has 1.1. _ 'b' ['e' e":·n-· a" b·.. :.t· -,·t·- .'".' :_. ,an._ ',leal t- ller 1l0pu,_a,1t- Io '1 '. ,cD.. Ii ' -f~' '~Pl."•. "9,1-"e'r : 'd'-: J[ ·,11 h-": ,',_, ll'·'r-: n ssell WRO>_S, tc te lk a,_,on,_ t th "--r,ne,a, an-id d_,oei_ w nts . OR,_" ,:-b""'I'I'[" -,:lls,r;,e, Je .. oea u. not want r... sulclde he had better come over ace quickly to the rauks of' 'birth control.











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May I say at the outset th,at.. ·t 'DO-··t· .•. v I d Id not say we C'1i'O-'-"'uI'd'-"1,_< h- 'a- e ple a sure' TU"'lt't· :i__ ""-'. ':~_:-.l ,:_,,-: "",~, h-" '(" out pain, I said we could not have pleasure -.'F without paying for It and tile man has to pa:y.· .: (Laughter.) I" too, am concerned wtth the .~. matter o"f Iite, -li,berty' and the pursuit o:f' htl'p~ ';".:~ piness, I have been trying to fi.nd out tile: .: truth about that from, tile' very first, time that .-.: .. I began to think, and that is what I want to" <,". find, out, and I devoutly pray 'r'i,gllt D"O\Y that If Mrs. Sanger has got tile truth that it w'III pre- ,.'.~>!;".,,"""_~ vail. But I 'want to know the truth and I stlll .'~ /'f'e'cl that the truth Is not there, ~, :.:. , 'I:' am P~'o-'~n--' con.. g" to rcern m y,-··:'s,,'-e-·'-:]:(,- en tirelv W·:·',l;'t,JI. ,~~ 1,. refutatlon DOW. I' am going to speak a Iittle '~k more about the posttive stde of tl.1),8'1 I would ? say that ,M'r's., S,a,ng,e·r has done quite a little -:~ for 'me In po:in,ting 01l.I't that there are these two ".' groups she seee all o-'t'the tlme=-theae f:amillea·

M'r'. Russell:















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of children. I hope that I do D,O't mtss sig'ht, o'f them enttrelr. I lila)" Dot know them directly or as tnttmately as Mr.a:.!!Banger, but Mrs. Russell has been In 1.,.500 o'f the homes reported to be 'in dlre stratts 'and destttutton. .I have been Iivlng with her as her husband during the ttme that she vtslted holne,s.- -And' ife~l that through her r~ .port :I know somethlng of these homes as well, I B'e'e the other homes ot the small ramlltes, but I am. frank to s,ay that I' do think In a, tar dlf:ferent, lin.e than M:rSA' Sanger~ She s"ay,s,that "-. . the large fa:m, :i,s,the famlly of p1o,vert'y and .. '" ,o't misery: 'very' etten, though not always nor In S~·'O!", 'I' arge ,8- m.easu re a S'·,' 1 generall y'.:. exnected.
.' '

'with Iarge numbers


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sto:r:y o'l a great tra,ged'y,~ M":?, stster 'bas a· husband that has now an Income of :$7'0'"OO!0 yea'r,~ a She h 8 never kno -n what 'I'·'t·'· was t·0,'" wan t 'f' 'o·,-:r:· U food or elothes or a f'ine home, and I heard her 8a:y not 've'ry Iong ago that, she had never k· __ ·'Y". " what hapuinesa on this earth ,,' -....... "._._....:--.:_. '.__',- ' 0"0"'111"'0' . ,-....' . ~<., ..:' ' _"'_:-. 1~8'" M""""s"•. ~ ', ~ Sa,nge:'f' sees po,verty" she sees mtsery and she :.' see's unwanted children 'T'o be sure there ~'Jp"~;.;~:'are ma,D·Y'thousands 0"£' these homes where, sad t~F;,to sar, the children are, unwanted, but ~tbey ~tA'-' .. have made this devout 'pr,ay'e,r to God" I be;:':'''~~::'.~''.'~ .Ji:8v;e··tor chlldren and they have gotten them, ~~i'/ .• TheYbave··· gottP.Ji what I· believe - to- be the K'" ;'f:·!;~· gT,e,a.test w~alth and treasure .. o:f the ':<In,g'd,o'm ....... ... .:~
, __:_' ,_.--,1.:,'

eonstdered-eher 'life 'was a 'long tragedv, ;Tber,e' 'was, never a d,n,Y' that she .watted f[or' food or clothes or a fin.e home', . but practically all of her talk was Iike the
._ ..•.•.... ", .:", I ,1._.( .1,'_.0'

is, 'It the f'amily of' poverty and have seen misery beyond words 'f:a'm'il'Y. ~ know that m,y mother and she hadl three chtldren=-tbat

of mtsery. I :I.D the smalt

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spons! billty, ~.:. ,. 'Tamy mind, these snickers and giggles one of' the J.IlOS,t, tragic things on tI16: tace of the earth. It SllO'V8 you haven't got eyes that ".. ". see. You have neither ears that hear, and yo,u,'-;'.' have n 't got t,-)- ~IO J. __(. _ ·t·-,. tha '_ ·t: reels hear (,C··' 'a; rm an: .: \;.11." i . ~ '_' __

there 'is on the face ot t'be ~'.' earth, and when they get that, they have to '.~ pay f-o,'.r It, T:,_llle··.--··y-_: have to IJ';'a:"Y"''-' and ta ke th ~ re- .' .
.__ . _.--' __ . "" _: __ _ _ _ _ _ , _ ._ ", >t:I__ _, ' _ ._ _ _. ._ _,~' _ _ . .

o,f Heaven

D'E--B'-'AT-:"E~ .

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on the part


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Fu:rtbermore.tbere aro not as many she feels that are unwanted. Many in, these homes are gl,R(l that they are, numerous. And y,et she savs th ese f; mall farni ltes that she sees are all wanted. l happen to know that in those small famtltes, ns SIlO: 8"(1-('8 them, there is almost ,as, Iarge l,t, percentage us tl'1080 of 011C,· 1,'\VO 0 wanted. It has not - } "',('lC·-·"O-' m. e a scien ,t-,'~["';'c·.~-l's 1 1,e-:·, O.··.LJ: b-- t. to be ~ eh U\.;J_ '_ --., S1]0 snys '8119 sees misery in Iarge f'amllie •.. ,~. m 1,. She:- ,:~~. sa..-''VG' .' U It ~'ill. ,",-:,' '_"-_". ,",,J',.., I ,,1,~) no .. '8:'" ee so n rc 1;'1 U-. _. \'1' IJI'"\'''I'n'ess that she sees congestion UI1Jl infant mortalltj; A large, percentage of that is. due to, pure j,,' runce, My father was a phvsictau, and in,' , ' town th ~a' . I' a m goln g'' ' t 0" ta 11,(..... abo u ,t' ~~I:'I,i)· ,.,.: ..,' .t I: ItD,'OW nothlnx. ". of_ race suicide an (1• '1-' . -: __ __ _, . _1 _ _ ('" 'SllO'W yon that I do ......... th Is town o-:f small fal .. i.11 Illes, there was Infant mortallty, My 8 and I were at the door of death, tor weeks, eause we had a terrible disease. My' tat , was a phyalcfan. We know that that ,d,ls has 0,",0---" terror '·W'·· -·hi:·a·,-t,"e-·-v·,-·e-'-·-r- 'fl;-'o-"-"r-' people who v.·-.·..· .. how pro'pe'rly' to treat and fe,ed ebtldren. -~n, ...




three or sometimes
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t.'Otl1~ children til-at, ·'DO become all exceptlon. She bas

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D'E::BA;I~E ON Bllt.T,H
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':" is a d,if.fe:ten,ce in knowledge between that d,ay ::-'~" and this. Much ot O'U"f' Infant mort.!Ii,t,y Is due to Iac k· ot e··'·d 'a': ..·u: tion Then she says In these days there is not so ~.':'much infant mortality in the small fa,mi,ly'" She f"'-'I~n-a In-. h e '1-a rg :'e"fa m .;Illy:.••.-- ]''0' 0-re er 'l~' .e - d'Cm l' 'g' ra n -. ,11.1 _,:,. ',•.' '~ . -t"-'-b"at the"re ts ~ 10' t 0······,'"':_, crime~", BU'I' t I.: .,,--,, Ill h a ·y· .L. ,-,.__ .___:_." __ ,_, ,.-.'._~; . ~'-. ,ri/. .. remember - that In those . homes that_ are 'V'ou . ... ,., .. . -- - --. -, .. _. ae ~~:/ .'s'mall I believe there Is ,(1 vastly greater nura{j.', "btir o,'f CI·.1m In a'!a, not only tl1 0'S,e who have -..'~'. ell10ugll knowledge to keen -wj,tbi.n tile law but . ":''thoR"e 'who, belong in the penitentiartea .. But , ,.; ~'th,ey are keen enough and. they are shrewd ~~~·-';.:~.~tenou,gh to keep in the Iaw. (::;.'. Th'9 LOC![WOOid Committee does not prosecute ',.' ese profiteer -~, th es e robbers an d pirates __ w"",·,·h'-. _.,0, . ,_._(,_l._· ' .. __ 'o g' in tile' penitenttary. 1'be same greed "tb;at makes them crfmlnnls makes 'them think . tbey can cheat nature by having a small tam~:~~~'.I hold with Em,ersotl that they pa:y'.. T:bey
e"~ :.
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not pay' in, a penttenttarv but they' p'a:y;; '\'The:n she says that here ts where we ,get ~,,,,~,...,.,__,,on:r prostttution. Yes, again she Is rtght; a . number ,of the pOOI~ and untortunate girls, o walk the: streets do come from, these


;that com .dlt Ion I b eltev- v.; '.",:"" . ,',"', u'··,·· .'.'.~" ,', a a . .. ' c; .. '",-.V "-" :ul·_'· '''e' a wed, certtncate and who 'Ii,v,e in a T:he,y flJ'~eworse than prostttutes (np. " . ' .. ' )·,-: ............ t·,-'h-:-1e.-·.··.y··.·./ "~!a·,·'· nt S-'o·:··m···' ,qb> 0< (,'l:-y':- to be their mea] . T:h,ey' want 'somebody that wi'Il support ,.' r.. Th,ey want respectabttttv. T'h,e'y want, ,; ·the j'OY - tJlat, the;y -haven't, got., You men ·.··.·~ .. pay a'D.d 'yo:u assume the res,pon.slb:iij,t:y'. to the:se plolor gi:r'ls, upon the street .I take

Fo'z- every
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,g.i,t.~l -,;,110.


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walks tile 'street ·t'--11- ere are 10'n who ..- ..

-- . ..






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orf m'y bat and before these I can't expresa m,1·':"';11 deteatatlon, (Applause,.) ,', The'n, just think of' the logi·c. of her posltion, ~) Oh, there are some beaats In the marr iage tte' Ad they can't 'be selt-controlled. W:hat is the logic 0'" it all l' Is she goi.n.,g to have tbe yoo'D,g:,~ pe:o·ple (i.lled· UPI with. thts knowledge and are -;~ 'peo,plie of her k.ind going to have tull swa'Y over' thetr lives ." -over their Ii.fa of sacrfttce and COD' seera tlon t~0'" the wel Iare 0: if'· h:· 'a: I·DI··1· y··,:~v··:'e,-.'r~.' um:~ It those going through life smgle, and shou.I.:4 ~t·.h-,·e·.'·y·"" hav 0····, eom ····I·)~·u.·,·18-· m arrta '.. 'e": becaus 'e',·· th·e~··:V," orv ',J'. don't have the j.oys o'f. marrtage? If .Bh,e·~s[a)'8 that they sutter the physicians wfll tell 1'0·11 . . .is because they don't h.: a'v,e children; and' the·'f do, surrer It i91 because they have to ._'_ th,at penalty, ~ ,Of all of' the sic.k·ly stuff I ever heard of' this, matter of tubercutosts and heart dls ~ and Iddney trouble, If a man has gOlt a .' th at, has tubereulosls and heart dtsease Jti.dney trouble, and he is such a beast that h. ea n 't c n t rol him-s'·,e·:]···f··· and C··-·R'·· '0,': 't co ne e". .rate Belf to the stck wire, the law should step .. ' Should 'we say that we will surrender ber<" -,:_,-",,, " tms t)cost? Half 0'[ them do not know the law of health and development, strength, and energy comes trom. that, law o'f self-control .. TIleD, tbls matter of [child labor. 'WhY~
.' ,~:;~j.:~
.r :>rr_<-L'.1O"

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course I would protect, and we are p;ro them in, other states, and we are Iooktng' , it. Bu t i:t :18 better to have these children terrible as it ts, than 'not to have aD·:Y chi· ,at, all,

1Il"" .I!"!i ,.LJ!.£A ..._."._',' :-_..__~ .

'B·~··. T'" 'E,r' 10::,.._._._ B:' :1·_.Ll....L ~~ A····· ' -.' N·:'. . -I'~"l'~ __ .

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.. :.::;.~~~, little tntelltgenee to, prevent this \ and devote c!~~s~~~ ~{a r:w~:!~lli~~:·Pi:
.:....... fj.,ljl ., .,' .. ' .. ~.

Th,en, they say' that this, matter' of venereai, . "-~"'dl'gease-,G,oo,d Lord-s-apparently she wants if; .::~. -Ij'v-'~',e""·e-m····-·· ,ct certttlcate a th .:·'. ot a'· n·· end Iess D·~··,·I:·v,· '....... ,·l:, . >G..,
<' . .''''' '.' ,_. '. '.. ..... ·.Il~',iiiJ!'.





Tb,e st,atiistic:i.ans o:t e,ve~y life tnsuranee ~~;;.~ com,paD'Y' in, 'the entire United Btates are PiO~,l't. '"""""". "'·".....iU:, .= '~I,·-'·._U' 'to th at the Amertean stock 0": ,f·., 't·~:d··y~:···:·.:~'S·' iO"', l.' :dJi,D,g out, that th.ey are Dot being bo.. rn. ''l·hen, WI matter ot the children tbat are born. Let .... 'be,gln, 'w'ith them, Why';, a 'b.~'Y or gi,r'l that . '.'~<bor'D,"in a -am, Il'U" ~, O·:,"Ti.,A~~~ ... , 'in the.e f"irst ' ;'W'O: iii ",""...... . .,.1",""" ,II, -- .... . ....."",... . '..'. , "o:s:es a·.:'ou,· one.~..~. O'L 11 ,na,:.-Dra,1 ':.1'f',e .,.,. ... ..:b' ... t« . ... t... .. - ". ·t' - ~-. ~ J' ,'. ~ t,en,l,[ , p' • lc ". ··:a,':·~', O':~::·t~ th'. a: 1~.'Jl,O·····c· Ion.. W·· ",'1;'th eh n e ··~l+:a·I."t~ · '. re'n, U'S.·.·,8:': It b. 'It ~'h',:·."U,:,ld:, ve.• · I', know ' a', on, e-eht.. 'f'·-a.·'mily-', ba u __'_' _._ lld "
I. '~, " _.... '.",.' ~.

,.... 'N'c'w' :QS .:.... . .-"~:~·ft'la· 'W. ···.e··,·:know ,..,.1, .~

~y ....... :,.




Im"'e" ',f····'ro··m·~.~.
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tn g' -.:..r.,'.:. 0·..··'11' to thls matter


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t·~h···.·a· the~' e:hit, ,·d.. re ..D· are .... .:·t.·, . - ' , ".
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of be',olth, In the ttrat

it . '. , '.' "

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.,had, ,q,u1tea number of fr"ie'nds a'Dcl their ~'", sh and 'natural attitude is "none o,f this ..... hild stuff for me." Those kids wi'II grow c 'and .,' ', "':.:' rme :t·h;·o· one 'or ,·t~w·.....:' '0,,:."- .... I'" ch , ..:.:." , _. >. be-' eo,,_~.~_.,,.' n oth ln g . .... ". ,.;g~~ .' ,.~:.,-..... ""< . in, a small f,ami.Jy are, wortbtess, I will
J;.. . ,',..----",

I. _





""""'"""~''"'''"c) ..... '.....


,'f..: '


We, are manacled today b'y the ... '1"6 a.. ,of pape'r respeetablltty. l have see'h a '.' ··:.'the;sepatrfots. ,M:y grandfather's mother ~:'3;""b;I"'I~d rem tn a lo,.····g·:/'C'~Hbin a '0'':''1 d····, I ,1'1 O ·,'D't t..h In'k .... .r:.I..'.' ~":"_" ';~.'",';, "J,., ;<, ,'·r.,·the'm d.i.ed YOlln,g',. They all liv'ed, to a .••. ~'oldage, ITba.t old patrtet-s-he never saw e of a college but he knew m,ore than :'·8 graduat,e.s, of. y'ale ,a,D.d Ha'rv&'rd. Hie, . 'the~facts o,f life.
',> ... _.:.:;, :':',', .. ,.._.'::_.>


tbe racts, ~ \ . talk about going to, colleges and unt-









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.' T'b'i,s,matter of the pb,y:slcal side of It, 'Yo'tI ", cannot divorce them. I don't care. I don't, discuss authortties. I don't care If Mrs. SaDger'~ should brtng evervmedlcal authortty there ts, for I' ':.,t .. n ,:'_,'" t as' m an" y' ,I.. s ·s·-I' e c'l;'a''11 T' 'ak e'·..· a ca .e· ca _' g- .e 'a" } that comes, up in 'CQ{1.rt~ Some rna.. aays the n defendant Is very Insane, Another .gets' u., " an expert-s-and )]Q says the defendant is 'insane: at all. For everyone she 'can ,g'et, to that It 'is, 'notllft,rJllfl'll~I CI1D get. son leone ' say tha t it Is. They :;vo in to tJI C laborntory _,~ .•.. _,_~ pr o ,'.10 t 1,1. ~ t'. t '1"'1 n 'c t ]'. .)] ri 11c'· ~n b '~1 t 1'1 e*,y'..: -.#c"an '., . ~.,.' r;(~t'in'I 0 th o ml 11.(1. nn c I h (,":.''t rt ~ and tho mind a, : 11en r t 11,1Ve ]')10 rc to' rl 0 ,v i. f.ll II i 0 \V ell be g IrA ,w._,:s .. t.he 11'11 y sic, a I 11o in t o f v i(~ t 11~111an :y til in g ',VL can pnssfblv conceive ot. I r\V,18 brought ,11 In Now Erlg'I~111(1 and 'j'n that section of .' country e\1er,Y housewltc is n ner'vous " ... _ . .-' "1 'I} . .,. ttl' 'v :,,", )0" (]Y' ,an f, .II, e:ll_' ,.,: cv' 'ery .. ,_:.,.. 1"[10" .:" ... why '" }",- "VS' "",..:~,' Audience: \VIIY? 1\Ir., Rusaetl: Mrs. Sanger eau tell why, t110 mental porn t or view I grant you hera it is d i.ffictll t ~ measure to the kind, 'lI_ut mental development Is nn arrested ,d,e,v": ment. Dn you know every rather [\'1\(1 me ',. subjer te '\.:i' liS .,.)! Cf .-,': s .... ~ .. I , b ~:I'!leve )"" '0.,' I ~'. ::';,,';:i(_ 1 t':,; 0 'tl' 'I'"':i-"'" arrested'.'j-:.. veloprnent '?' '}'t.l1at 'is. 'WIlY 'V 0: haven't '~: energy and vlbratlng health and strom Amertea today, Why (10 'we have this a : and shrggfshness in American life?' It """"""' ..... cause ot these thousands or arrested d:' menta of these pee pIe.' that want one children. T'h'ese, mothers think that th'ey" ar'e - .. t0'" th e wh ole world T~·a·l'l·k··-' about 2;'· .1; '..... "'5'_'~ &.v .... "_.
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T-'-··'h· 'm-.... others a:':'r- '0 not e·-··v··-"'-e-,"D:· 1 0'" percent ~:~:"". lD,oth,e:r:s" then of all the mtarenresentatlona ~'-"""""' ...... ~.~,~I -.. ~ ..... '.te!1rs these motll~rs :pol~r'tover thls one ~;.;~ ~.ak~s me slck. _(Laughter.) The: . -~' :g'bastl.y' tiling 18· that they 11aV'El but that ,o:ne ..' . <.eb'ilct. - The sad part ot it is that we arc not . :;-all g'ifted with an imag lnatton. . 'I'hlnk what .;. hey' are devoutly t pray lng f'or-tlla't is the ~~,; trage.dyju~t think \VheJlth~y get tl~at o~e life ;'}','or't,,1'o:.~ and then when thev begin to plrl'D,and /~.,co'Dtr'':, and sacrifice themselves+-then if' Fate or desttnv cruelly takes that one 'C.llj,:~(lwb:a.t. greater tragedy is there In thfs wortd ? .~ '1.-' a ve seen broken tath .er a··' d m·~··o- ..,'.~, wh .-'0'" n rthers -·11 ·'ve· satd that Ilte is dealt when that only ebi.ld or- ,.that only daughter has ·be·e·otaken ~_,,_-, them, O',D.. of tile saddest CR,se's :I have ...' .m e .'-seen in. my lite happened a :felv days ago en a m o-t·-· her recently buried her h'usb .and-« .. a rew ye.ars Iater buried her onl'y son: and her daughter, who had rtsen to the 'very ,....'.'.'ete ·of fame here in the city of N"8'W' York .....strlcken down, .A greater tragedy y'O'D . ~"!IiiI!"ii'i""'I,d - not picture than that. Constder' this, •. t ever_rone_ tlla~ is l~st, .h?w~any .a~e that hItve' DOlt been brought for ttl Into ... v· ,~"'orid ?' T'hey' tl on 't know wha t tJ19;Y ha ve -··--'1 and what they have Iest. That. to Jl1,Y' . ' ·is· the sreetest ~trag'ed:y of all.. the spirtt, .'; ,\slld,e of It, w let submit to ~;rO'ill a Itttte about the :.1 slde ot It. Mrs. SanI~rer says that I the;OTletlcaJ, that I (leal with the BrblEJ;~; I n"~I<',~ .....eare whather ' or not 'the Bfble has said . ~,""'a·'C!n~-ft_.:_ that that 'm-:akes m,·-'-e'-'-· take thla at.. · :.'.T·hls is the sltuatton,
}..;. ",=

'.D'.'.'(-.~.n.. A 'TE'-i , : ..··'N···' 'B"'I"R' -' E~-"B': O:·-· ._,,1'






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.~~.~. thOllg'bt that Ma,ry was goin,1 to be a great eats :.;~:,,:_,.:siDger,. ,No, she di:d not become c~:!. S,'be mar~':"-~:ri,ed the statten age'Dt. 'The statton agent did ,:not· tilldthat there W8S as much .rhyth:min ~___2~;:..o;:._j._~:i:tble home a's there 'W,K:S 'in M,8,ry"S voice and he,
ii. - -. -

"""'A;~r_~''''-"~''i'~'ii~'B-' -.

. :~~~.:we:Dt and 'fi,Dally' be stBy'ed ,o'ot altogether, out, W '1-k' .,. 'fr---' . ._ - )-.---,,-. t'" ,~>:,e,:a"e~: d" m zrontt O,J.., a joeomonve aD",- d" t'b'- t-at !!I.<I.-"~"""',~)·was' flnt,sil of 'bim. :14817" liy,e's tod,ay' In ·,--a the :;r~.lltUe-boar'di,ng' h,QU9,e. 'Tha:t famlly 'is extmct. .'~~Kaf1' attll living 'OD." That 'fa;mily is gone~ is '" :'~lI:,asa kin,d of go,od-fo,r-D,oth'ing :;~:·:poae. the town said he eame f'rom far ,a'way ·:.'-am,d, that he was a boomer, but he had a W'OIU'" ~~.·:drous w:if'e~ Tbi,f3 lV'ife' wasn't educated, but =_..'......,.-i=-',. he had the most phenomenal 'ene'rgy:.,:Sbe could sh 2':SboD'rs a 'day and she d:iil~T'b,e:y ~,ad _ "e:e children and, 81"e" 'a's M'rs. S,a,n,ge'r has .,td, wanted them to be brought up dec,ently~ . n,B 'bo'T was 'sent to Harvard, b'y this 23 houre• .:cIay·" wash wo ma no: _. The 'b'-'o·-'·y-,),e'-"'D,':t: to ··· a'f"vard w""-' ..• H ,8, ,goo,d... fo'r-,nothln,;g, and then went out :"hJ'eat ;''II' ~··~.:~~·-O,:---fte,~···b~·,···t:ce--·rl' marr-ied d,··a':"l'··g' R"': man In V"ermon.t,,, c; . e')' never had children 8'D,d never will~ i'"l""l·o:.·'-!-~·-:.···:.~·~Tb,e' other daughter married. S,he' 'was a, .JjalDter,~, Sh,e painted canvases. Her 'bu,:s'b,and, , . " respectable, He ··was a f,ed,eral o ff:i elal , but .. =-.__...~,.."de:r a,n alarmtng eareer. 'o'f d,rn,nk:en,J],'8sS" he ......'' ' ·dd.. ·,An,d she' will never ha re ch.ild,'re'h~ iere Is one, child trom that family.. In the house WR:S the superintendent of the S'ta,t'9 .otm,al College,'; two children, one a b,Q·y, 'w'bo: /,'er' a career I 'mo.'rr'ied Tho,' other is an, old, .1",,". " _ .. '. _._.'
..... _._" -, ' •• : ••• • • • _' • j. • -."




In the next .A-"

." .. .

J. • . '.'

ther ··e,··: was

. .' .. . -... . . . ..

man who fello'w'. I S,U,'P8:

. -
















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.A phystelan Iived m the next bouse, H"ls~ 'first wif'e went Insane, He had, a ,.beastly' tem- . per. I don't k':O'DW whether it. was, blrthcontrel: that did it. ITlle·re· was, one d.. aughter, S,h·e: bad .. several marrlages but no ehtldren. T'hen he married again, !J:bat second wtte went t.o the··:,~. i'_,an,e asylum, One ehtld died before it was of' marriageable .age'll ~_ In. the next house 'was a m an who "had, two-: children, and they never had .grandchlldren ...In


. who spent mostothis pension money on d.rin, ,.'~' He had two. SO'DS't one or whom 'was :married~' and whose w'if·e' .died in a familiar ctrcumstance, I suppose she was not quite well ~D~~~.' formed, 'l"here, was one child. The other boy.' from that fa·· is looked llPO'O as e,omm,on?'

the next house -wa,:s,a veteran

of the Civil W,ar:.· .


In the next house there was 8, man who h!a.d' several farms. The,y' 'had three ebtldren. OD. of' them was an old maid, The second .girl .:' _. rted after several y·ears." .She died, Th,ere .one child from the third, In the next house wi one or my' uncles .. Hie ·died. too" leavmg two chn~~ dren but th.,e'y never Iived and there w'ere ..DID' gra .ndeh 1'""I d re n trom threm Crosstng on the other stde of the street •.,' other phyaletan, Th,ey' had a son, who, went :~. college, He has become a druggist in Ve ',' '.,' marrted 20 ye;ars and no children. , :\ T'bnt fa.mily Is ex tinct. In th,e next house . another pby'.s'ician: He' dted at the age· of ,45:,. ". wife had no ehlldren. His wlf·e W,R,S the pion bon-bon eater .. In the next house ·tb . was a bo'y and. a gi~.1. 'She married .8. [druD "
'_._ •. _._ • .'.....:... '1 ," '-.

and vulgar because

he has four children,






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,~·,a'rd.'He W'8'S, a dentlat, No children, 'T'he broth-er '1:9 out West, and 1: believe there are two ~_~*~;/~,c\hll,dre'n there. ':In the next house, t,he're W'RS :(1. ':Io:n and daughter, The daughter mar-r ied the cashier of the savtngs bank, No chtldren; 2'5, 'yea,'rs: marrted. The SO'B did :not learn blrth cont:rol qutck enough, Th,ey' had a chi,!"c) before they were- married, (Laughter.) Hts mother 'took: him and sent him ' nut on a 'f',arm; she taught him, and they only have 'bad one - stnce. .. ,~,;;.~Th,ename mr father's ],}OU8,e,.. I have O'OJ]i c h h·1-' 1;lSt'er'and O'D,e brother. My sister has three cmt, ~rlen and my brother fOD'r', and 1 have, I'o'or'., (Av,'.use.) 1'h,ere B're eleven gran,dcht:l(lro'D,., .:. .ith'j,D the next h'Ol1:S6, there ts a, mer-chant _'iI'iWIdi.· g with hts '1Vif,e and they 'both 'ten,dep- store, ....... wanted to 'be: so decent and El'C,CIJmlllate· a of' property, 'TIley' became the cran,'k,:i.'e~t ., ..•. I'vj,du,a,)sand when he died, hls wif,e' aafd he the handsomest looking corpse ;slle _had een .. 'T:' 'he ta 'm-····';l·:y··· Is extln c t, 0,-'· c'hiJ,dl~en ·
. ....
.." ili
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s· ·-.'"C·---J+'d1e 1 'til I·" e,a, I d n p",,)1 Ieat 'e~:tha t block 1 ""1p- ;ra-'·:c--.-·,t"I-C-B-:··'I-):--y·,,; e-,-'v~- e-'" "D' t _: .,-_".':'-, ~'___ -A me'rl,c,an Clto.:,Y 10- t hls C'0' uno, "r_''y- -,_ 'I' can d- upltea t'e that block In a,very apartment house OlD, tbe west slde, .-: America 'is dyi,ng to,day-thI8 America t,hat '\, w'e kDIOW. I 'wis,'hthat it. were 'not. I wish that it could ge't 8· cleaner and better' Ideal, but it hasn't got it. That, Is the tragedy 0'," it all. No,w~ that i8 what. 'we have got to' eonalder. whether weare~ going to do that or Dot. I: have ne w'orry whatever and Ii,f'e has no w,o:rry. It (1,08S not matter 'what Y'ou, prove" the Inexorable law goes on, ·'T:llos,e 'who do shall 'inherit the earth. 'I'hey shall have lite unto the end 'an,d the others shall be extinct." , I come from college - Harvard. I believe that the average production of college graduates In Amertca fa three-quarters off' a Iite, T1hat i,1 atatlsttcatly and l.iterally true,.. ,(A,lpl.ause,_.)
_;.. -~' _' ," .,', __'

'is' r' ace

ada. 'Tlbey w e:'r'8 notAmertcans, Th,ey'w,er'e TU)· gar. ~T'h,ey 'wer.,e' PO'O" '. rr'hey wanted blg fa,m .. Iltes, but trom these poor tamtlies in Ltttle Canada tbere hay's come the F'rench Canadians. Fr,o'm them come doctors, la wyers~ and teach.. h '-'t Tih ers, an d t__ are mherttmg th e tOWD. I,'e -, he'y
llo .... ' '_-, .1, • _ ,,_ .. _. _
.I,_""'! ',:________" ~'.".' .:. "1 .. ." - ," _ . '_,' ..,__ .


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'~ ,,:__,I ..

M'ra., S,a'n,ger: ·Therla is no doubt there are, 'm.,an,y'ways of race sutelde 'but M'r., RU'ElS, en, has not proven to, me yet that birth control is eanstne It ,'--.' -grven us the ,'"-:~-'-',-"--. e -_----cans]. ..g 1,..:...> H "as show e has s~_own, us' ...........
I._, __

eordin :g'-


,ol'f' Inhabitanta in a block whlcb. ae.-t- 0'-" h Is i,d'-eas are ",-,Ing--:-" 0"'1 t .' -Tl ,6 ,8' -,', W," - h 0" . 'd--'-Y--~--:-~'::---' ho ,11
" __ -',':'_-I_


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have had no c·bi.ld·re·n-the·re is, no reason t.o claim or to know jl1S.t what is the causa 0·1: ~ those people not havmg children. Ma.·ny barren women today might be desirous of having chil; .... dren, and t d they go through sertous operations in order t<?hav~ chi1~renJ and. SO.'.'_':/'me'~i.m.e:s becal1s.e .. '. o,r an Infection grven to tbem b,y thelr 11119.· ~ . bands the:y are unable to bear ehfldren .. I . Furthermore, for everv block that Mr. Rust. . sell can produce in New York City,. whe:re they '. i are controlling thair numbers and where they ~~. are not having the: numbers sufflcieut to hls I " satisfaction, I ca.n show you an equal Dumber ~ who are -overdoing themselves, (A.pplall,se.) I , can gi.v'e h .. one block in New Yorlc. Cit'y' where. Im there are 10 ;000 people, and but OD,e· a,j.rsl).aft between them, 'I'hey are -"lviD,g huddled together -praetically Ilke animals and he 'will ask these people to produce chlldren to a still greater




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consider. BOrtb control will improve the quality of the 'race, and unless we do Improve the quallty of th,e,' race, it Is better that 'Ye d~o' , race suicide. (Applause.) Certainly. a.~l of us who have lived wtthtn the 'past five, :ye!ar~ and have seen w.'hat has gone on In the world '.. . -we haves~eD ihedest~uctio~ ~f lite~we have seen it so mercilessly ta'lt.en'-certalnJ.y, there are: w·.a'ys. b'y' which race 'suicide is bein,g ..put, r>, ont upon the world other than birth ~ontroJ~ War. cert~iDIY. has do~e so:met~ing. to:cW1 p~O~! the! Inhabita- _.D.·t.S. o,.·,.'f- .. earth. • ,A,Dd If you, go, the -,-- . . _.. - _... . D thiS EU'fop'e where :1have been, the Iaat 'six: mO,':: :"'.
'r .

When we talk about ace suicide it seems tOt: me that there are other' things that one m,D,S


-.. . L.'


fJEtlA'Tf:· ON I:JIRT'fl (~O~:-'Tn'Ol;

i,r 1fO R.f}:.ri' ~,f~,.,,: tt~ eond ft~on o~rmtserv and '1rn~· 11fj, l't tin ,{,;:N t.}} a 'l i~,~:f.} in « (J n t I~r (~~,{)a r 1,'C TUJ: a r l y ~ e t n ,(:. '-1 t". ra ~ ):.:;rope, )9( ~u 'W () u 1t i 8.:l ,r t 11::1t r! -a t h ~ ~ ,t vt(ru] (1 1~ :i t~i't1t~§fn.~ t () f. h(~~~::. :oo)t~opJ '" i'D.,R tr~'ad nt· * f".~ Ii ~ ~a. ~.tf1 -,:Ii".,;~.ft L. .A . l\ if"':l. m, .". or ,. ... J ,.' .' . Ii~,~ ,~~ II ,~~.~ f" (·ito·' ,''',~:, ,"'.' m' ". t· Il.'in ,\r,h(~!J 'i Nil ~~ more t ht\ ft 1. ~ ~O~(f II ttl L ch i}Idre:n: t.ft :t: thit e' 'f ~r-' ~ n: " d' 'c , ' -6 '!Z ·Ii ~ ~ I' '~- 1:).1~.n 1..... v ~ ~~~ ~ '~~ ~" ~~ ''{;/" u,0 l 11.., , e ,ii· br()tl.~trt ~,f~tG b:~.t~'l~in t tl·~ most tcrrtble eondlt.ft}'fi~ ttl s t mn.'" count :r:y ('()uJ(l ue i'[!~ ..thos ~'(~hil~~ fi r(~!:l 'w~~rt?:· Jrro'll,pt'h ," to tjl., t h beea use tt~lf1'Y'~ too, ~ d ,i d 'f(.O't ':}(~:f ~~.~ "'(~ in 1,)~ rt It co 11, t rol, 'Ttl C,y be- .'. ti . tn rrumt}(.~rt!~ ~n e~'·iJ~fts'!on,t. :in more a ',d : flOr(~ fhfl~rt~rl~ au.'d {o·(tt\)~. tl'10·8 .. hundreds a'od : ': 11l~ d r(~d tJ f {~ 1(.1 r'~ tl t:t \7 ,_~ 11C II,~, k 1'.)0 n 'e~ "f'i~!i'1; . . n tS h~ n .(.~ : a r e ,IiI iJl (1*~' t~rl ti 1."; I,p. ~t '1t11~" tl r~ .(~ ,[) ll~ir hen ()g . Tlt,ei.::'~, ::: 'w ~q :r. ~(~ i t.H:~~ f ut t.~~Y 11~ t~t ~.~~ 'f~(} r- ano f, 11(~'r g' n ·e'm~ _~. t () t~ {JI}_ It r,p t tl ~jW'·'~z. f tt (~ k 1'1 f1 n'r :t ~'Ij I d r (~' '''~ e' ""8 .., ·'t;·.:·.:· ~!1 i rr'~rrf:; t. f,'t t' r~ (tl P W () r I (!? I,.)0 n ~ we, "\IV !l t 'r) ual~_ . ~,. t a, j t y l11~ t e: n ~f t ¥f q, 1} ,a 1,;~t~ y ! t 11' ~;(~ l fli N ~ (l :rrt.f~ it f ~ t 1 rr~l~ w (~ u s e,d our I~'"~ .. t e 111f~(~tl.·C'{~ ft n.() ~ T ~:t r~ 't! t tl *.~ ra .~ h' I)} 1ras ea tb,at ~ , "'""''''''''' f I' tin ,t.. W(~ l~ ve- l.~~t<n t~ ~ d.·~ar~n so r..n,a, oy of to,d ay, ('A.fJ'~::··· r; F·iu 1.} ~. ~.~, ~ , -- . ,>
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A~.~·.:itnI' tta)¥~ !\1:r~ jtllfttl'('~]'l t(~),lt$ us that he . _ ..:~ '[lu:i tt~:tl(~h\ 'W 11 _." ,i'~~~ rd rn e t.(.: l] "t 110:'Ut Vi orD'eD bC~$ .. w t~ t~. ~:i l'u t~ uJ (HJ is a tl "~ 1'& f~i r t dJ.,81 fa I>i ,-,'~. '~ o Zl ere· ' ,ot.h(~r aJlftl~ntl~ lt~l~l ~jltjuJ~l t!a'~obt!', , ,n preve/Qte<.~ ~~ 'f' m:lll~ llH_f.(!_~[J iti g ,p. r (~It nn ,( I"it~ an. i(~ ,5 ma.D wllO' r~'~ n !t 11 Idf.d 11\{){ )l~ y(~ &i·~I·r~(:·ofttr~(fl. -'a~ not. wortb m .~ I "~() n d (~rtf' 1li'r.~ It u;ii.~, '.~1 l~,"ll" ~~G~~ 11e j.s a l~,~:,--..; .f 0 'j:@.'r~1 w,on .. ~r if ,iI" '.~:rl(~WI . l,t,a t ttifj~ lEt WI, d ~"hhit Itat. ,1;. ft ~.(j f".r Bat YOtl ,n, n are C(}(l,~,"'Arlfii!ll_,d~~.L~ ~r'tl~ ItlbJ,~ ,a!,.». t.6fi 15~\.., ir,t~·~~ ~ti Ul:tlit yo·url.:e-J.
I x



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b l,~t1tand~\<h' it tH. one (l.. tb@ t.hi { 00·' la,,·.·fjj~ ,'l,.f1l WOntau. wbo do I D~_~

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I 3'''''

he:r',slllaD,d-"he do~s not _b,8,Ve to ,S"up,port., h"er.. I wonder j,f Mr;; RUB,sell knows f.W'~~s;,;o..: .. th,at. I h,a va mys.'elf. had cases where 'wome,n t:'~ve CO,IDe to:_~e~nd ,S~id_:_:~What s~alI I~~'! '.I ,b:a,v'8 l,eft thts man, I can't have more chtl~'iL''''''''''''''''-'''.''' 'dre,n'ti I,.' A,nd when she comes to court the jud,ge lt~¥.~jftt·;.~·ha,s, 'said,;-., ·~Ar,e you wi.lli:ng to, live with this "ID,a,:n, ,o'r' 'Dot?"" And she said: "~.1 can't havemore . ; cb"i],d,r,e:n~ ,I don't want more ehildren." And tbe j:u,dge sa,id: "You must aitljust .thla matter 'for y,o,ur,s.e'lves.'" T.he man did aot ,hav·,e· supto. "Il"tiiO'" Ir-t'"~ n e 'r'" "),' " }' I, n .es s s<b-' subm nit tad "1-' er , bo- ·d·ly'" 't,',o- him .... '" e '.I '. ... -:.. ."' •• ~~bat i,s ·tIle condttton today, .. _ W'e talll: a.bout aelf-eontrol. I thlnk those o.t us ~~}."., bo Loolc o n the world know ther e is self.. one =_.,...v.,'·vtro'l... It is one of the fine's.t human msttncts theria i:s. W]j,ell you see hungry people g'oing ,-'r'·O''11n,C~ 'w tt.h pl,e:nty ot food In trent 'o~f them .. I . ~ _D0 'y.- t_I" Ie 'l~e Is s el.f-con tro 1. in th e ''v 0 rId'. (A pto'
;. a'


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(_lon"t forget that t1.11S· selt-eoatrol-e-and ~o,i~:·.'.<- "":Olfl,,(l I.i {e tOI .aak unyone to, contradict "jt-, '.'.~',:·~-:.a"t 'I1l,.an. and woman mav be ever so' selfa~.. ~!i:.¥,·_.:-~:"_trOJ·,,ed a.nd i:f the-yare marrted and li'v'e :21 'Dlarl"',ia,ge relatlonshlp-e-that it only means ~~~~~~::~,;:e ,?r·.ac,e or one unlon t10 have a baby eV'er,Y' 'eJn ,_,____'. Th e· lllost self.. ontrolled man and woman '. ,.r,.. c t,.-_··,e ,vo:rld can still have a, family that that ,c~n·'t, t,a,k.e care ot, 'TI,hat i;s sometnmg to


. 'O'IJ.,

~<&&1.. e Dl,b. ·e::r~,- ' ....

~'~'I!.&.' .. , ..

t,h'e ~·o·t;·h'··e··~r··· hand, 'l"'f' we m .. ··::e··a·:·n·' a,nd l~'" M'·/r·" J.. '. '. '.,'s·.ell ","ould' o'Dly ~talk so 'tb,~t~we 'ci'n under",-~c:t. h,l·rn"__Plainly:-.--..i· have t.eil 'Y'flU w'b~at llle\Q.·D:S as a matter of' tact, :If Mr,. Russell 'th.,a't this r'elat:ioDs,hipbetween man
. '. .' . ,.' ... ".. , .... ":f ... ,.1 .




and w'oman should olDly be f'o:r proereation, t,blsli.. that Is another matter, I w'is'h he w',o'uld 8:IJ> so . If 'it means ylou are go·in.g to ha ve tw·o
,I :1"'_"

,,;,;,'''-R .!JI;~

sh ould h~- ,.... union ave t·'·h·· ··a····,t·;la an .oth er q·····u· estion '1" ,.. But O':'U""-r"~' rrta ·,g~:e··-···· 'W" are 'D'" ot 'b'·a"·is:,e:d~- O-·D·i. i':·ha·-~t:ma Ia . tL..~. law~ A.D,d it would have to be a stri:ct un.d •. standing betore a woman married J . b,e'for'e t~at··, union O'f that companionshlp o'r FlelatfoDB,hl,p,,,',,..', ,.,.", . could take place, '1 have D,O objectlon what .... lov~·e···r"· tc an'Y':' 1"'n··d-:;'v·~·';d:u";a.<·I-a 'w, :h.e W"··>l'·s,-'b·-· to l:lilv··:~e·"··. . way., But 'I""'C apeaking tor th.e···m-,I·;I·.1·.jjo-·u··.s:·····1 ot w·:'·'·o··.·m-"" .,' am .. who are crushed with o·ve:r chi,Id,.. earmg, W b a re .... d 11'!OV"·~e·"·"s:": broken a n d ;.'h0'' ' ha ve b' e,"- rud '.' in the ramtly today, Lam speaktng tor mothe . and the Individual here and there does conc:ern me· in the Ieast .. There may' 'be a,n .. , ,
I _... ,":_", .I

children. then-only two times in your Ufe .... on..

!'" ' ." .~.
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1, __ ... '."




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sho..·W::-,·" U-I"a< who aire ]11·'·v'··,'lion·g: terror · I":D"" '.: pre·,g.. 'a'''D~; szn 0·" :~i' '; but they have men who are ju.s.t as .g·OOI(l.·.:I ••.· them.. .M·e'D are not all. beasts, Tll.(~s,e, 'lJ' .. ~ give you an Idea that men are Iustful, beast
D'_ .. '.' .... '. li3.,
....' .. '.' ~ ...•.. 1_ .. ".. _.__: 1., ••.• ,.
L., •. ~~,. .',.,

there are millions and nn Hons of' women WIIIO are: married, who are [u .. aa selr-controlled as anyofie M'r,~ Jtussoll ..... , eeptton, but I
'f" """,_,.
1;1_ .


creatures, Iooking to violate SO'Dle, woman virtue. I" 'wonder' .'wh'y a, man does 'not s18··· 'up against that. The'y never do. It takes ..a W,G an, to stand up fO'F, them, I know that x." .' 1'0"' t""b" : wome n that.._ I"" have . _ Ilved wlth=-thetr ~, e·' "' 1. .... ' ,'.."" .... ,._.'.. "" I ,." ' ,I .. " '. '. e .. 1.] .' '-, ',,", ..u bands are men who are jn:st as constderate ...:.' decent aa anyone you, can, find. T·bey'·~ .. trapped 'in igrio:r'ance·. Th:at is what 'Is,'j
. . _. I~

·ma'·'--'1,;,. '"e'"'1". · ·tlt" '-" OU'f'

whole sexu;al educatton


... . ,!

~~ ~

~J .~ :



We hav's been k:ept In. blinde~r'8 W,o·have l8eD'taUg~t that. tbis r6latioDship is ·a" ..Ie t.hlng-put it out of yo,ur hearts. Howa. m~'rria,ge ,c,e'rt:ifi,cate: ·.1,8 placed In, your . .'..and presto! e;v, 'is 9.nppo,sed to, ~_~.;mJade eautiful. (Appla,use and Iaugnter.) b
I . "'.







's w~··a'P'e··· t' ··d·~·a·····y·'···· Is n-'··o· ··It·, abl t'0: 9·:"U·· n... ·.··v·· --'. .aeme two or three chtldr-en decenttv. There· ........., excepttons to that, .but we have somes .be' Iike 4:'0,00 0 or 50,000 people In this conn..' ·Wh.o are' Ijvlng dependant u,p~n public char:........ ,_and. le'ver.y time a man and \VOID,,\n does .have the consclous r·es,plonsib,ility toward · that they are tal brfng into 2':·n,···d·!a;" _" them a·· '._ ·"''O·'·rr·d··'I"':Ilg·,:..' to~. Nature " as, have '. ','_ '.' ~'b.:. '. I. : _. ~ .._:.:R'us;sell would say, with.out r-egard to tbetr ...,". tton, to preparing for t'ble:~r coming, that ~!:m,an:'s wage unable t.o k~e,e'puf:l w:~.t~·hh'i_~
I . ki·o' .. g·:'' m-':a':ln-~
_" • ,I __ ._ ,., • II' .)~.'_' •..

life and 'happine:s;B depends upon a,ttit.u1d.e and an ideal attltud,e tow'arda, ',our' ~tionshf,pB, ·and we are. DOt g·oin.,g to get, It .blindness and b,:y i:gn.lorance.. W'e are going ;··._:·get it by adfusting our' OW'D fntereats and .' :'.. O'WD Intellfgenee to ],if·e· as it. Is today, and _ .' alm that any man Iivfng on the a verase d
I ~.

o'ui·, married



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...:.uetlve Th,at has been the ,)llstory' or all the 'way' d.O'WD~ and _t.he~laD ;.~nd _ who brmgs to btrth c.h.i.Jdren tl~.,at ~hey -take care of", It means y'olU are going to ,£that bnrdenan·d the res·pon.s.ibili~tY 'u~~on .' .. else, W'e- have today' In ChJ.n~.., ~h,i.·s e poverty that is going on there. ,ThIrty of people in China. are, .starVhlg t,o =. iTh.e Chinese 118v',e .a:lw'8YS .J IveMd ae~olrld,..' ·_··Nt,. Russell's ' t.h,eory, and ~the·y are ·ap§
-··"" , I

is power,

... ~ .~.l
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, , .''
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th.e·y' appealing save, some m.illioDS, of others In Chtna and we nave to do it. ., O D ",.. who :'..... _' th- -·"·it:!!ie'-' ' :',' have protected
. I '.-,' I,. _. .. __ ;.:. ",... .. :. . "" ",'._. '.
_.r . _

~:~!~n~h~O:av;Oa~O: b~~!~~t:~~ir n::~!:now to ~:!: are to them

c'~.'" ,,', ,'~~', ", ",:' ,.~~, ,':: .., ' -- ~. ,,~



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the next generation, Birth, .::::'~ ' control Is the pivot around which every move- ·.~21 . t_'must t SWIng maamg f'.or race b tt erment, t';~ :t' .. -' k'" 'm,·8'D, 1:(3', .. · Birth control does not act ,8.:8 a, substitute for' .:.. ' ,.a,ny soetal scheme or other Ideal svstem, But '~~.' It must -he the base and serve them as, a' .. ' ': foundation .. ... '. Birth control will free the mother from the :: trap 0' "fi preg na n:'c':·-y'" It '''''I·f1.~'11-- save the child rrom :., .._ , , ',1,.__ ·.Il ': th a t procession or eornns ,~__ well as f~"r,'m,,~ the: ',' .. 1. . - "__, ~-S····.- _"" J,JIl __ "-:.. _"' o __'. "
.. ,UI~.
,1 .. , .. _ '_:

ereal di,sease

them selves. those who - , l.1t . '"',. _,_-":" ~. have lived wlthin their own means, and ac- .... ,.-. cordmg to thetr ow,n fntelllgence, .., ~ I am, not go:ing to take 'up all th.. thne I.,''.'' e have been allotted because I am ,quite, through- :. I wantt.oSaYl~ th~ fi~siplacebirtb colltroi.:: rodns th e f:-··)'iIj'g.11 a ·g-:_-:a-' In ;8-:4-I"", tl 10. tran_ smtssio n', '0' '.f~: ven- ·.·i -,:kt, _, _'_' ~ '..
1 . ,". _.I~t :'.
J" '. ' ., "_. ,_._ •. ' .

:'l:'he re.s'po,nsibflity always comes brick upon .. ". ~~





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an d racto -,r--'=y:--.
I: .. · ':.'..', .' .1'. :.. . . [_.~: ...

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.. ,'


Birth control will make parenthood a vol- :.:~ untary function inst e,3,(1. of an accident aa It :is..... today, t,W'll,e-n, motherhood and childhood "are ;' f're:e" we then can go hand 'in hand .toward tbe '.: .emanetnatton o,f: the human ra,c,e~ (A,Pl~,la,u.seli).. .:


':' ..



WI--N,,':'Ti-E"R- 'R"U' -·S;'··IS'-E·,·'LL

. :. ',' ,._'. _.' :'__,', , ',.' .', :1 :', ' ,'>.:,._. - ,


RX~.. Mr." Russell: : May I say that if Mrs. Sanger' , , f..~.does not kn .. what the can,se of' ,110 children ow .. In ·Farmington was, ,I do. Ev,ery'body in that :';~ ~!H:~\;·_·t~~n .knew, It was because they had -made up their mtnds that they were not gUling .to do ,n(~ that and they did not have them. . ~t,·;~"~:.~. ~'1Tha,'t, is one of' the great tr-oubles with this To'lunte',er parenthood-e-ft is, that there arlo so
"",,.,:.;<",;:>-,; ••_... , .....

.':l'e'f'Y'·few volunteers, lVIrs" Banger and I' agree '..'UP'OD this matter ot education. Site would not ,"~:;say"to those w h.o are trvlng to 'f'int] the ready ,;~','])ath" to health-v-those 'iVIIO are aff'l ieted with .:.: 'tu,ber,culosis, and venereal (li:seir.tse~tl1tlt. tbev ~,._ 'can reach this road to health by self-control. M=-.""".... "< Sbe, says that wfll educate you and tile
t..~~~';;;~.h ..

ir trieate ... .... ",.._,,~ ~,}_complicati()]1.sJ and drssem inate Information ~1f1l'~'~aDdIiterature that we have on t he human ..body, S11e thlnks she can talce the millions o,X ple and, as, .a, mat er of cold tact. introduce this knowledge A Iarxe l)CI"cc'ntu~geof these milllons ,o'f abort.k ns are due to the tact that .the'y' thought they '1r'D,e\V all a bout it and they ";Idn't. And Mrs, San,ger has pointed out that 'ere still are a lot [of labcratorv .... exper-iments &DId researc-h work tha t have got to IJe done 'bef(ire they, ,vi]] be absolutely s,ci,~ntif'ica'JI.y S11re i··· t they will know just exactlv what th,ey ..' doi.'ng. d I' -d-'1'.woufd have them educated, and '.. lVIBU1._' }I'irs. Sa,n.g'er' and _ ,~11 the re~t._ ... o,'~ t~em. _ '!!I!!JIiiIII4-,.-,e' their vlews in, this conne·etlon because

:::~.feeb]e' inded about the most delicate, .. m


~....e . ". .



plfshments, I don't know h,QW I can posst express myself any better than this. I ,..., that 'a woman who comes mto ElllB Island can neither read nor' wrtto 3'D:d, has seven.' : elght children 1.B, 'worth more, to the U St.ates o,f .Amertca than a graduate o,f V . Unlveralty. I will go f:u'rther'. I sa'y thla, if I had not been blessed 'with a 'wi.f,e:", mother such as Mrs;lo;'Russell is" that I choose for a ,v"j,f1e' '·today-I would rather ..,I' . a girl that . cooks and .ean't read 'nor
.,I . .' .

,I agr:e1e 'wi,t,b her absolutely in· thts. 'We are h.,a'ndi'D,g a marrtage eert'i.f:ieate·. to' those who are 'not, prepared to ha vie j't:~, .. ~, man w11,Q is, going to' run a steam enjdne oir as au tomioblle or prepare teeth m U' st 'h:-a-':,v,~e'~, .-.' Ilcense. W'e, ought to know about thia ter o'f rearing ehlldren, We onght to have ed cation, but 'it. ought 1.,0 be the education tha will give us the k,e'y to self-control and ,...,.._, us' how to take care Oi:!' the ehildren after _." "'. . · ..'. :_; ' ..~.... hR..'v-'e·.".', 'CO"·_·m'-- e"".."I. t1 a . _ nY, .·,.:_,en '.1]"S.,~- 'm" tt er 0-f- th . d'- ,!!ii'f'f,'_lC',--, <.. o''f' g;'. ,,,.~;;; ).~'cL:'.'I " '. - ultv .r ~ A- ;.,tb control .. If these people that have the one , two or three ehlldren would take them wJ," , ' joy anr] thanksglvlug and devote themselves f the higher mental and spirftual developmen," that ought to eome with them", and would ba"',,lIIl:m eome if' th,ey had been property educated, '" control would be a very stmple matter Inde ,'. Oh, thia.thtng of' qualtty, We are misled I., this matter (If qllality~this matter' 0:[ a,

of' education.

. ...












" __



















who loves ehfldren, than! some o,f' these .' 'at-as wi,th a eeompllshmenta, ' 'TIre"" have flo·.··.u--'r-' ~'O·D·"·S···',·· and I hope ~-;n.·',·d~i'·I.'~:;~,' U,· _ _'., t,ba~t,Instead ot g'etti,ng aSI a 'w'l.fe an ,eel':.
"'~" . I" _. '," '",'





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with ae,...·-'!I.-,~·.plis'h·m·entst.that they _'wi]} get some ....',e:~e~~o_~~n ,th,at I,~'ant ..~n,d love a,g famfly ~ol.· hildren, I believe that their' life 'w'iJ'1 be c . _ r; nobler, and f'u.lller~ I have a daughter. . ;;hope~and devoutly ':pray that Instead of' any .. n who is S:O utterly abaorbed In this vol .. teer practice and who thmks that after some ears that he w'ilI have one or two chfldren ·:~I'. ould not s,ay' a common wOf'king m,ll,.J:1--I w ·d· sa,y a ·d',ne wQlrk'j,n.g man-v-I WOUld. er she have one of those and have a b,ig ~"~l, ily of ehtldren, than, that she should have .... "",,,,.,,"l1<:li' of the other ');;:ind• ., . ' d"'· .. .. • t .. "~'L-I'tt"-l' C:-"'· .:,', ·.:,8 ,I.·a,n,a_,.a Wit 'b :· )1 SI fa,D1,', I" leiS, hras gl''V'e'D a qualtty of ehtldren to that town. and ""try than any other place, They call for , " 'jsti,cs or volunteer eourrt'r ies, 'T',lley' ·(lon''t ·.'ze, that there are grea.t segments of 110ity that have it' as fa fUD,clalne'ntal par t of :eir' l,i,fe~this matter of sacred rel.:lti.on.s. you. stop to thtnk of It, there is not OJIC e phase in life, one s:in.gJe I)l,ac,e ill which , ..I .' lea'n, be, rrtvotous wtth .tllis sacred tunc .. "that tt does not 'reb,Olln(-] n.nd make you y and take its penajty'-:You~ P,D.Y·he IJ=eI:.i~I't . '·:·.: .. bley 'have trred to take t110 sweet _,;V'It), ... T .'_ ..the responstbilrty, 'rhey, ha vie' tll'O~t~~I1.t : .they could scheme 'witlI sacred tll.lllg ,-. strlke a· balance 'b·ook with nature. .' "·':.·:-·a.mattar of fact I was 'r,ea.tling the, other .:. tb,at" tW"Q - or th~e9 of the great ,po·liti.c~.1 .'.... ists say there is Dot a single' c~s,e. 1:1), ·~hfstory of the world where t ere _bas bec,n . . . because of the number of people. The

.' and a bone and a :hank.

ot, hair








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the numbers, l Then tlle',y' 'sa:y 'it is due tc the war and the'. explo'sive populations, It Is Ju,st ourselves, Germany, France and Italy" 'who have been prae-. tfsmg this thing 'fot- years, the bi.g materfal rttous o· tho world -f"" .' '." ,". _ "U'" that .'. .'a·':":re·":·"· .. to blame ,. IT' 'hose .. · n,,·a, "' -," ",' '.' ...., ...' .,"' ... ,.'9 ·1 ... t 'r"u' t 0··· 'l"f"'e"" are g' '0' ing to e .. D- atton s th at , a re tn'llerit the earth. It Is Inexorable in the wa'y·. ~tn which It works .ou t,'". Iook ~ '",':",'A-' mrertea todav '.""' s_e I" in" th .~. at -I' -"e" it "'.,: ",". e"' •'As- I' J,v'>, ::, ;~"', ",_ '1:'1':>.1; .. g:rip of a to til ']11011ster'. It 'was as, though we . had been gassed. 'I conaider these teachings as, mental and sniritual (1011e,~ Morphine and heroin (1011't compare with the way ill which wO·· arc duped today. It sneaks in, all (If' our Iitera-" ~ t 'U,,' re 'Ill (11 C":~111' S"",'··C')"m (~, "'~'V": 'l,'l een y-~"O'··[]I' see a worn ailn iiD""~'-: . t. a llre'gll"fl'nt c:lo,n,(li,t'i'on t oda 3r,. vou aee smir-ks andsnn bs fl S t hou g 11 It was a m iefort une tOI thatpoor woman. : 'Tuko t1.1c in tellectual 1Ife of Amerl en tOtiay.}~ Greenwich Villuge thinks '.it Is Intellectual. :i-t.:" ls, 1','l.1C in tellect ual sewage (1isposn] plan t of A11le'J~'rCU today, 'lll.rl It is, 110t very sclen ti,!'ic. It is it "I. nct. ,Fi'f til" Aven uc a,11,i(1 th e wes t :sild"e T ,;, er 'J 'l~ ' ' C·· -"" - -Iii' l'~ s " h e c '0','. C'""'I'" ·1' I g""'QI r b n g" a d \1' em""'. . ·ni· h ,... n ~, It.... j,ng grounds of the Nattcn. A,ll these peo'pl' " want is freedom and lil)erty,-----f'r'-€~:e,() foul, free(ioln '110 'be, dlsgusting ,_ thev tb.i, they can obtain pleasure without paying for If there is anything that annoys me and .....r~_ nerves Is this plfl[ing IlIIS that i.s ca"'lled I '"""",'.~ oured ro.... over th. e '\1\0· odle dog 'be"V ·1-0:' .. ' I!. th C. _.' .. J:rI P"
"' " r··~.I,V
,':. I. ",' • .'

fo,to'r'e of the race belongs to those that have

I fJ!













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As a 'matter o'f fact, I'i,' ho,pe ot the worl.d,~ It is the greatest ,d:l-s,cl,p :

volunteer marrted person


, .. '


..:. -







1__ ,


.. _





today, a large fam,'lly

~ .... .,


·.,D.--:;': ,I!,j


BI,R:"~"'I.JI· C·:·O-,·N-·"''.T- -.·'}.;""'J".oO" ··.L·,£ __ -.1..._-..... ... ~

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there is In Iite, T.b ere is n oth, ;',Ing that so develops t.b.e mind and soul of' man =v""".·:·· and woman as brrngtng UPI a great :flaln,~ily
',uI,I<',-:. ',.':_

a ry f,o;rc,e t ha t



children, T'lle'ise,lpli,n,arY Iorces we art] ~~: I..l'ng' today arid that Is "b'eCRUl'se 'V'C are f,ol.. ··,.;,.··-.. the easiest ''1'1'fa'~'y.. T:t"e'-'" . 'R'r' e'" taking the ~_. .~-. 'Wy ". .,... . ._ '.''_'' . I,. ni '''''0:- urse o",_,·,t: least th restst a nee. You a':re t'-"'r'Y' -'j-:n'-'g--: .to get the honey and eacape the thorns, and.

~. j


'.-_:'-'11. '~'





'/ .. .:





! ....



I... _.. ,(!i. ~


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.. Oh, these people, If 'M·:rs,~. true : 'Sn 'til is· matt er ............ 'why Is it that tile great t hen, ~~.~':, .m;R9S or people - the down and O,U ters, , :Q,re :·lemen, and a good many ot them aingle ;·'~o-m-'-e:~-n.·7-I;.". l<~ b'.·.·~·c.:'-a-·'u··,·s.::·,e~····h-" c·'y':· , h 't-·l'v"',e-~n·····ft--.·· ··s·'·!e-'l··"'_flO'":~~,t--:-o-:]': 't:' 'r j'. -' t.·_··· ~ :.~.... '.'to get the sktll that ts necessary, and there is ~. always that eoudi tion. We that 'by self~ eontrol one can Iead ,S life ot singleness. 'Ve :' .f:i,D.dtll;at self-control gives them Infhrenee and ·.··power~, Scll.oo1 teachers, priests and 11\I.J.IS,those peopl e that 11a V'C a trem en dons i11rlu.ence, practice self .. ontrol .. c ~~"Now, the Individual is really unimportant. ..<If' you look at Itfe Itself and what you are . "tryi,n,g to do, it is, the race that 'is ,{;'Oi.l1g to . uce, I t is tho race of the past tha t ]),U.8 made j,t poss ible for us to be here today. And 'Iy' as we measure 'up to, this tremendous ·'W!'\Di'IIi::~'n·· does tile race ,of tomor-row de······n·- I" cannot ctve Y""'O--"U' nl) that 'd' I. w.. uld I. like n I. , give Y()ll~ft v Iston. Bu t I lJeJ ieve tha t '111 ~. ese great unborn numbers is the rea! re ... · co 0:1: Amertca. 'V11Y,. we 111\ VC' al]1.I:)),8: re .. mrces. We COllJ.'lI al! move Into 'I'exas and it ld not be as crowded as Belgtum was bethe wa:r began. 'W'e haven't begun 'to touch res '0'0 reca,
, ~ '! •
I ._ •• _::., _"I •. _ • ' .. ;"_'• t •• : .. 1. ' '.' .". .1 I ••

. :I.t can't be done.

,L ~







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., '_ _



.:Ii .

. '\.:







little town in M'ai'D,e" rotten to'. the core 'w'itb, 'its 'bi,rt.'h control, there are :hU,rt-~' . tirade, of Id:eplete'd rarms that, used to su,ppolrt~ faJDili~s of 'ten and twelve 1child'ren" and dOl 'it, well, too, .."
.. ,bout. tbat A
.:1.. " .',· ...:.__··.c ...
... ', ..... _"" '. ",
t; ."." •.... _ ...... _'" . '.-'.' .,.':: ...



That is wbere the future Iles=-In the grea'th~. umbern- ," ';'D" the b eart an"id:, In the 8'::'0"0 Th·, ·lle·,.-..... ,',,' LI"lJ'., ps'y'eh,oI1ogi,sts say' we use! but 10 'per' cent olf the hralna 'we have and we, are using a small: percentage of' the spiritual and moral resourees
',1,,,, 111




. 'f

.~ ~ "; ~



~ • ~

• •

a great song, but I know I could never 'be'gi•. · . to, -expre:ss the music and joy of' a gr'eat bome.~.;,

w'e' have, W'e can do it if we live up to thj 9 ~esp,,~~sibUity··.·.··' that we '.ought to-Cineur.' .... '.,''. I believe that In eve,r:y "m'ind, and heart tb,ero-: is, faith, and love that would make life ,gloriou_' ' and glad Indeed, and I wish I could ,gi,ve: Y".~ the vlston of that, I 'have sought f'lor ,am.'bl·· ..",..,.~ tton, fame, power and I would Iike . to 'w'r.i't,a':~





"1 .I i


I would 'like to palnt a great pi,lctn.'r·e:, _but ..l know I [could never be:B".into, depict the, col.'',~"'" nd omposition t h a t'" .h are Is tn a 11·'t·t"e··.· 0""0:-"" . ': .. JJ. . ..' ," a- ·c· t" -t- o'r son,- 8 f' - . . .. e'r's :[ace~ I wo,uld If'k,e to have a great piece o'f scol~. ture as my' work, but 'I -ko.'ow-- that I c0111d~: never begin to express the beauty 8,·D..I, form, .~-'[ .• a' little lo:vit:ng ,c:bi,IDd In a home, I would Ilke to wrfte ,8, great novel bu,tj,·· know I could not tor one moment begt'D :~~., give the eomedv and the tragedy, .. he rom an, t and, the thrtl! that there Is in the home s .'--,'-' .... of little children . AD,d I would li'k'e' to wrlte a .. gr'eat pla',J':,·.,·· I k'D,OW that I could not b'e,gi,D to give :,::.'. ".
IO::~' ~
]'. -..1., ._ .....
r .. ~.
I ..... _... ~I, ",. -,: " '_. " " .. ,I.:' -.'


a fi'lle. pure home,















"'11<"" ""c""'~



D- E·,·B·A····T- -E"'-' O'·N··':

... :1-·:_: ..
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C·' "O''l\:Tn'''lR':O''''''L--·>··~··"_<·nl·;'-·A __ ·.-·



'd.ramaI the: comedy and the tragedy that fs' fn brtngtng up a little, fa'

there '.


- ·(AIl,,}la'u:se.)

;'.:~~ I 'believe that the great, mass of so-called morteans are today voluntartly but 'bli,ndl.Y ','. utting the unborn out :f'rom the Hea ven to Ieh I hope we wi'll a'll. ulttmatelv reach. 'J '.., ".1£ 'you, fo:r yo:u,'r courtesy and eonsfderatten, '.




,.: :A' >·i~.:,' SH<. W·"

'\'S~.-., R- 0"':'_. '""~" "'E"I' T-::-::-' rO···.":'·Nr-... L-r: '0 S:EV'

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"Retorma are excellent, but if' there ts no- .. body to! reform their value becomes, somewhat problematical, In order to, make a mall into' a . better citfzen we, must f·i.l~st have the man, .1.D ~.' order that there shall be a 'fuller and better expressed ):i i'[e tor the nverage '\\1oman,' that. ..," woman must be in actual existence. And the ..... f'I ...rst D'" e~ cesstty In 'brfn g: Ing U' ,y t,_he ch·l'··I·:d.~ nl·--· ",' .... "._' rig::-h-·t,·-·.'· ":_ ,t 'd' .- ,., t1 .h'"'1 dOl i:8 .o pro nice " leo C" 1'-tu. "Stated in the abstract, these propostttons ~ are of hromtd lc tr:i teness, Bu t an astonishing- ':' 1y large number of persons, Including a ','.' ~~ lamentably large number who cal), themselves .. ' social reformers, either are, or act [as jf t.he'y·:~·.· were, utterly blind to them when th.ey· try to '... ~ det\l with life in the concrete. 'lb'i.s is true ·of':" every group ot persons who treat Bernard: .. :~ Sha ,"'," se.rtou , as 8--"'0= .cia 1 reror 'm':' er It' 1~'1·-,: I '.. S·l.y.,' __ 'true of' every group of reformers 'who! discuss ~ the horne land the school, but regard it as tndelfcate to lay stress on tile, fact that De·f.ther-:~~ti is worth dlscuestng unless there are c.hl,Jdrea.. In Buff'ieient numbers to make the home .:....~ the, school worth perpetuating. It. ts true ·of a,11 blatant sham reformers who, in, the '.---.~ of a new moralttv, preach the o-ld" old vice ai self-Indulgence which rotted out 'first the mot fiber and then even the external greatness « Gtee'c·e and Rome. It 'ils true of the pass·l· well-meantng _ 'but certainly s'i'lly' 'persons, ...... 1:a.l1.o see that we merely enunciate a per.!· t
r: ' .. "'_.-: '~,._ .. : ... ~ -"_'. ~'_" ".'1"'_' 1.,':,"= ..
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.I~"fo·rle that less than this number

always means .-~;'t:ha.t" whether because o,f their fa'olt or tll,ei.r :,~::, misfortune, the parents are bearing Iess than 'tb,e:ir share or the common burdens and are '-·::or' :I··L render-ing less than th ei.r·>U.'.. e propr tton ot . ... d' .'. natrtotte ,.) '. service to·· the natlon u·~"r·-·tl·e·'odo .... .. .. ···,r,~e· ,II . " -". .._._ oosevel t R· Thus did Tbeodlore Roosevelt preface an ex- . .;.haustiv·e expresston of his. views on blrth CO'D~ -.i;"~")«:'_'f.-tr'ola few years before his dea th, In the Metro... olttan Magazme, and i.n the course of hlt.l p '.'remarks he took oeeaslon tOI pay hts r'especta ?'. to Bernard Shaw, Roosevelt the dis .. , \_.': elples o'f Shaw quote the learned Irtsh phi....]lo,so·p·ll.Cl\'s, statement that birth control was the ~~'.'gre,atestdiscovery of' the nl neteen th century, .~aDd he picked up bts pen in protest, R.. oose. ve-lt had Httle use f'or Shaw and was vehement 'In his opposttton ot Shaw's expressions and. 'O~iD,io;ns of birth. control, Conseq..uently, when i nosevelt kept hearing this oft repeated :c·on~· Ion of Shaw's that btrth control Ied the ~ll,B,e,ov'eries ot the century, he couldn't .keep any Ionger and Iaunched O'U,t, In Ilia wellembered diatrfbe against Shaw and birth
'.' .~.' ': ',."" II. '.,':," ,::
!., ,"

'pl,lti:n mathcmntteal truth when we' say that .. , the race' will die out unless 'the average tami,~".y contains at least three ] children, and there-



--= __











. __









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'""",""",,-~-u"'__ "


'Wo,lf had been teaching economics t at ~..::......d w',e he bad. graduated In 1916 and

trol .. N'o sooner had this appeared In the M',etro~ litan Magazine than Robert L.. Wolf, a .uneb admirer and dtsctule of Shaw's, as . ' '1 as a, speakmg aequatntance, took up the . '.dge:1 in his defense.



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' .. L' . .:_., "'" .' " ..._:_.~' S-"'t"IAW":".: ·V·-·' 'S"" 'R.~:'O"""'O' ····S····,··rn'-rV· ..· ..'E···L·T" 60 ·w·'a··s· j"U':ICPt- Iaunehlns out on 'l·jt··e'ira···ry' career u· iI.. . . .:" whieh has, ill the . sueceedlnsr'00,' yeara .been as . ~ . .~ -.~ .~ ~, '. . ,- .. , -' '." _._.:- e -~ .. :..J -.-' l~. -'- --- b - .-..-. ..... t -. ---- hv", H'" '·_.a~'~, cc' t _.-. .y _.~.e b"" d:' sU.·'·'::S,~, tu'.' .a;s ," h. ,.as.~een n.o,eWOF,t ::_ . been an Interested student of S···.· and though haw' at the tlm e he had not won .I.~., imself the .po'-:··'r· prom "', ent nla ~e""h e'"n.. -w,.' ~..old ..S, 10. th ,e· ··r··ll·IIi··:·Id 0' ' In ···- 'h · , .. P·l.'_~ .-:, .. "0,, ,_,. .'. _e:.' 's" 'h' ' the eSl,a·e ,0' ',1"·"''''"' Wl.~.l .. Ie' 't''''e·····r· '81.. d'~d" no ·t-·- h· ....,...ltat .... t...' c.a,S11 wltl . strenu .. OiUS one and drlvc him. Into a neutral
I~.". ._",_

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H"·'· wrote Roosevelt .8·.·· ,.1

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ft'1 ",' ,' ....n· R····:·:··a ~... HI'_' awth .. ," o··..r"· .. e';:" . ,q

Hon. The·odore Roosevelt, Oyster Bay, New York,


September 7, 191,7•.


'Ma'IS" roo"··,k-~···l··""D··,e- _"-: l .. ,-~:.·.,. .. S,].

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Witho·u·t in. any way Implying c·ri.tiei'sm 0'( ·the main thesis of 'y·o·u'r' dmirable article on a Btrth Control in the October M:etro:politan:t 'ma'Y' I venture to correct a rather Indtcrous mistake . .
'w,hiell appeara there?

. As one of ·l\:lr.George, Bernard. Shaw's most enth .. ualastlc Idis c:i.ples."and tnereiore a staunch .:. behever in the doctrme yo,ur article sets 'fort'h,' .'.;. . . I ami' sure 'ylour knowledge of }rlr ~Sha.w"s vle'ws .::~ -on chi.ld:... bearmg and race propagatfon must .:. .i.. be!' f~u:D.(}',e.a,e:lther· nV,on. what '-~tb.,er~-pe,ople· 'have :'~' to:ld. yon of: M.r. Sh,a,w, or else on f'a 'v'e'ry' tncom- <.. 'pl,ete and ·s.nperf'icial acquatntance with hi's' '... own 'wrj,ti.n,g's.· You are much too Intelltgentte. '.:: h:BVIe .dr,a:w,n, an.Y such abs'u:rd' notion fr,om ..

Sha W:'SI statements, themselves. ~. \ .. -: .',~; Any real aequaintanee wtth Shaw·'s· works·:···:·: would at once ,dis'~IQS,eto ,.outh~theLJs a. 'vlgo·r·ous and 'hea'rty bellever in the progra,m. ';:-,.,:..,.._c......,..""",,,, o'f more, and many' mO're,-:RS many as poss~ ·:<.,:(.::':;'!l~;) ..



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ble- -good bables, as the: most Important and pressfng of all soeial reforms .. In distinction tr.0m . the .. ~u~erficlal eugenlsts ,whom you . j':'. rlghtly' crrtterse, S,haw never fO'f,g'ets that :;.~. )'oantity as, well as quality is nbsolutely neees.f ., sa'ry for the life of the raee, A,nd th,e Ii-fe of .. th - ee I,,~,.rl:-, alit · -IS, th race ]·8' t' 1~-e one aim 10 h" ·eye,s.. '(, t' POSI. ::, sesses the ,s,)j,gbtest Importance. - Y,o,u would .. .~:.' fin,d, mueh to agree 'w'lth m Bhaw, if yo'u would
.Ia,l"""'"', .... "v .... ,

look for it.

',_ ~ • _,' • J ,

Ma': Y'" 1.-' 9""U': g<-g"e···· t· h at v 0:::' 'U- 'P"'U-' .reha ~l,.,..:.. S·-:...."'-'l ,_' ":B'"" s,·t:[. ' s··e·,"·· ",IIIJ ',w' . -Ma'D and Buperman," and that you, devote a little, careful attention to the Preface, the phtIosophteal dtscusston in ,A,c,t III, and most in}," portant of all, The Revolutfoniat'a Handbool.c, at the end o'f the volume t Some of the edt':'~!"".". tlons of the play do ~ntain this last~thQ """.._v....,';::.~.'· most, j,mportant'· contrfbutton 0''( recent ttmes ~~~::,?"':~ ..~ to 'race' propagatton Ilterarare=-but I thlnk you ':.".can f,in,d it In the edttlon p'u,blisb,ed by Bran • ..~::. t'_',a:D:O, '-,s,~ . " '.. .
'" '.'








' ..... "






'I' shall be, dlsappointed In you:rcan,dor and ~~olpe' of mtnd j,f after y"ou haVie read (nr .. ~ ~.·possibly'-,blu.t J doubt ,it~rere,ad)1 those porttons of the book, y10u do not eontess your er. ~. or, You will undoubtedly ,d,:i,s,agreee viole'n.t)~ r "With, 8, great. many of Shaw's sogge;stion,g, but ',:'100certatnly cannot accuse him o,f' being lesS :~'a-·II·:IX~;ou''.·'s·~· p' -. -even t..ra ee 'B' ' U~'I' C' 'j"d":,[e-"h :a··'· y.ou yo'u,r;!!l to t n 8:eJf. ·
" .;
• , ' __ ;JI, ,'_
I ~' , " " '-01'" .'" .,,' ',".: ',,'_


!,' _ , :.


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V:e'ry sincerely y'ours, ~ . (stgned) Robert L,. Wolf'., .P tl ] ".. nn .: ,rompl:":Y eame b k ';'.,:_~18 r'ep"y f-'',ro',·,· ROOfie..... ·.,ae·· thl

V:S·· R" 0','·0" "'S'C'E' 1.. ·'V···:·E·::'-LT·· " . SH.'·· 'A' W·-·-=·,·,
.1:-' ...~ '..... ' .. ._.:", .: ... ".1.. r,' tl. "1 c_.

1\.!rr '.: .: 0:')' My'~ D···· e 'Q' r- ,.L:y.~.,.. W','"....:. 'f'.. "" . The ODie sentfment on the subfect whteh bas .... ' been qUloted,· tOI me by Shaw's, admtrers, and t'hi:s has 'been quoted to me dozens of' times, i.s the ph,ra:se that btrth control 'is th e· dtseov ··e··r~~y···':'· .' t':,h",- e~' 19·>t· 'b=: eentu ry··., Never O:"D'I ee o··fj have I had ." :Sh,aw d lsetple speak to me -tn advoeaer . of anything but the negative stde o,f . . the.matter ; and my whole article waa a pr,oltest
. _.",:' .1 .. ' ,~ __ : =,
__ • '"" .. __ ": . I,
t". _.' : • _ _-.

·'S!eptem.b1er 11, 191,7.











...:_ .'


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Professor Conklin also quoted this sentence from Shaw: .I sibal , wrtte him to, know 'wherte :it comes .from.. T'he whole question ts ODe o,f emphasla; 'in theory 'D'O btrth control advocate demands the exttnetlon of the race; it is, the ettect of their teachtngs, 'o,fthe'ir leD,ph,asis,. Oil, ':., that part .n::f· wha t they sa'y' tha t ]'I'S' nuoted and .~ acted upon, with whteh I was deallng. ~ ""b,:·e· anal o~·gy··· I· ..'. . with what ',_: S·:.l"}··a···,w·":~ .... Iies · 'has de o'me . , ..~ __.. j.n, and piriol'r'- to" this war', from the standpoint ':,:.~ '0:1'his country's military Jnterests and 'plaice ·o:f . :'7'~' usefulness in the world. I~Ie has uttered oeea- ',:._:~ ,. alonal sentences of' even extreme advocacy .f)f, i.;" the preparatton and use of En,gla.nd's, mllttary ~,,' strength, But taken as a whole hls teaehings, -~: and the actions of his admirers (whieh, remem-«. ber, was what I dealt with) , have represented ,':';,:,;.; polson E:ngland and, 'in.sidi.·o·us and ef·fective~. 'a,i.d to Oermaur f'r'o:m the atandpoint of this;~';:::.' war and of what went before [and led up to ~.>: th,is war. In this particular erlsls, such aa.'> attitude has been proroundly Immoral. The· . pro-Germans i'n. fh:ls country have. again, 'aDd';:' .' again quoted Shaw with M·o.rley and tile
_" ,.:' . ,,:,,'jIi,','


thts .. -

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the, Engli,sh'm,en to f'ollow and a,dmj're' --for the excellent reason that they represented death to, E·n.glan,d and world .. ommton d f,or Q'e'rman.'y. N:<>:'~ I hold no briet 'for' el ther- power, fj,er I',er-l. have in my' velns a' little~ and only' '& Itttle, ,of the blood o'f each nattnnaltty ; but In / this eri.slis it, is our Interest and the ..interest. of mankind, to support. EngJ,a,n(l and .' to oppose Germany because of t.h.e bor ror o,r , ~:.~:' German threat: and Mr. ,Sb.,aw has been ~.tll.e one of the 'tools ot Germany, trom '\v·ha.tever 'D'['1'- otive .. I mention, this last, ease merely b1y W·,B·Y olr an "a'lo'g"-' 111' Yours truly, reo (S] n ed ) 'I'h idor e Roo .sovclt .. '1 shall get the editlon of whieh you s,pc,al(




..: 1.···-. r ..

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':!" ....

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R'oosev1elt b,a.(l left ~ some things unsaid. 'I'here was n, paten t _, in.. ndequaey to the replv whieh left l\!iJ~.. _"rolf :~ unsattstted. He wanted to draw Roog,e,ve1:t. 0']1 .:~ ·fll' and make him commit 1)'illls,elf" more :-: .eoncretely in his opposltton to Slla·,v." so he rotee W,'[' . 2""1"H'" w· rthorne Road Bro o,~tline- l\!f.a~s,s. 'a JI;~ ~ . , ':D,--e:,a" 'r" M"-'j'r', Rooaevelt 1, : S'",,""e':p"lt-,em,-'" ber 1.3", 1917., .. T11anlr y'O'U .for y,o'u,r letter, and for_Y()~~ '·::.·'fr,a·nlt conresslon that your ,criticism o'f._~haw was" as I supposed, based. upon second-band ::r'epo'rt of his works, rather than, up·on you,r own direct reading, I
thought that
:. ',' ',,',' ~V ..
'. ." 1" .~: '.' [,_ '':__. . :..._ '. '.' ".,.... .. '_1'lI ..

.at once, . 'M.r~ "\('lolf




',_" '


I , '"


, ',"







. ';-.You need Dot write to ProfessO-l" Conklin. however, The sentence which you quot,e at the .beginning . of your letter is iii -fa.ct one ot Mr:.





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the .,B,t-ruggle with IOUl· hopes sent so h,'i"gh1!' ~h,e, feels j,t necessary to warn 'U'S againat 'w:l,n,ni:ng' the war, but l(u)in,g the tbitn,g,s, for w'hich we have om.e to f'l:~'g' ht It I am glad vou take - 'Mr,. ,Shaw' ser'io"":'D': ~'1";. ~ :f'o.".-.,"r_" _.' ".. rI - ..,_. ..',--. '. ,I,. '. DAY .... good or e:YIJ, and realtze hts f,ID'p'Q,rtaDlce~ IB;9 . :~ --,philosopher and pr!op'h,et,. It, ts the '~~B,b,io~, 'for '- j 'm'Glst, people who don't kn,o'w' ,an'ytbing a.bont him .to eall him a wit, whteh is about as adei-' q,uate as classi,'r.'Y'j'og the author of t'h,e, 'p',a,rable:s as a charming and, delightful a'tory'-telJ.,er,.. S,iDce:rely 'y'ou:rs" ,'(':s"J~'g' tned) Robert L', 'W"~ f ,0:,,1: A,D'd here Is where Roosevelt sough.t ,sheltle:r in bre:vity' and vagueness ::'_ Sa,ga'mol're Hi,!J:, 'My dear Mr. W'olf:_....,.. Septem,'be'r 1,6, 19,17',., .I am 'pr,ess,ed, beyond belief and Irav e t,imo but ror a word. 'Truth, should be eVi(),ellt aa . such to th e··.·· eve of all . beholders, 'ra'tl'le'r ,than, 0,. '.. . , --lurk: somewhere In the baelrground-r-It In'us,'t appe,a,f' ',a,s ,a, poster ~ not a:n etching. , ... t A leader 'W', '·'b-ll,o·· g·"l~'v;·e··~h"I:I!-C! f;,o:ll··]··o:w~',,:'e~'r~"s~:' h e w'rong ;, U·'·'·· -',,' Impresslon :ian not 'be trusted". and S,b"~1!', "'IlIJ':h'"eth er f"r,· 0'D'" C~'C' Id en t or d eslen ' llas often e.,'.'~': done this, Y'OIU'FS truly, ' (signed) Tbeodore Roosevelt. .
. ' '.. : . """



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-"'I have ordered the volume, and sban re8·d .It wtth much Interest, ~~.The:re: seemed to 'be, no further reason i,D, M~'~ .:. ~,--" Wolf's' ',:_.I.D,._ ad for con ttnutng the ,co'rrespoD,~de'D,c,e., mt . .' :'_.- ~" ,- ,'" "-, ' , ,,~ -" h" d no
,c· 'h'


"It appeal,ad .to htm that, Roosevelt It, i[lg:~' further defense tOI" his position andDott'll~t a',o're' to say. M'r. W'olf thought, how,ever~ .'--.J ..



58 .



44 Andersen A venue. Pal isad e, N ew Yor k, Dear lfr. Sl1.tlw:·__ November 12, 1917" ~ - .~ ..... A cat may .look at a -k ing ; and even I may, ~} Iook at an ex-President, as you will see -trom the correspondence enclosed, I hope it amuses ~ ".,
j . .

'he W011.1d it all, so envelope following

like to, get ·Mr. Sha\v"S rsactlon to 'he stuck the correspondence In an and sent It to Mr. Shaw with the










What do YOtl think of a man, who asptres to govern these United States of America without a knowledge af you.'? ,At any rate, I f:eel that I did pretty well to expound Shaviani:sm in such it man .. ner as to awaken the Interest of the great 'BtlII Moose, Tell me how 'Y011 like it; 'but tell me, S.nOD;, 'fur in a little while I shall probably be on 'Y'011T CJI AD, stde o·r tile Atlantic, helping to carry American knltur to our mutual fri.e'llcls the



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(signed) Robert


r, weir.

~ ·.~I

~~"~ .... 1


An,(1 then came one of those aclntfllattng gems of wit and philosophy SlIC11 as only a I11J[n of Bernard SllH.\V'S keen mind and clear eonceptton of' things COllI (I wrtte: It reveals '1]]0 1 ... r f man all d ]--:- me tl 10("S of rensonmg asie,v .ns or gs _. In Sp --s I lr" bItfr g' it I". ':0'· t ~~'. ._l_:·JD<~ 11 )·8 wrrtin ,>~ ha ve done but it. brings a smile and is at all times eon·vi', and 'it will take its place among the grea t letters of great, menr-«

'_' ··'U'

jj, .. .l'


., •.....• ,-





.. ' ,; I!!!.~· .. ',' . '.

To "Soci,al[st

'Q'~.'.'- g •. '.'. .: ' T·· te.:,'..r'am .',S'I e




, .._

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Dear Mr'. Wolf:~·

I am .muc ..'. obJ'iged

10 Adelphi T'er:r,ac'8: nd '.' Lo- on W'>., C,:'' 2"~' 4th Jan,·uary,. 191,8,.
r . ,:'.... '. . ...

modern Amer-ican type of ,Mo'liere:'s L'Btourdi; he :means wet', <.:::.~,.'' but wreeks every profeets In which he meddles. t:~ f <.~~. ~ His. idea or getting 110,ld of the rtght end ,o.r _l.ll. the sti[e)[ 'is] to snatch it from the Iranda of ... ~~~:.:.:'~. ».-,.... somebody who Is using it eff'ect:i'vely" and to.. ~~·;.:·~.r hit him over the head with it. T'he remark of 'L hts SO'O,i' who said that when his father ·wen.t to ~ a, weddin,g he wanted to be the, brfdegr'oom, a.nd when he 'went. to a funeral he wanted to be the corpse, has som.. thing in It, Roosevelt 111!1',S the e
in. Th.eod~l.·e_ 8S' [a.. p~r,fect

see your correspondence with Colonel Roose ... velt, and tor .your fiendIy' attempt to make a·dShavlan, of him, But such a eonveraton is Dot possible" and not. eve:n desirable In my Interest, I take a sort o.f professtona'l Int.eres t



le·tting me

. ~.;j





goold quality under (~~rtain (~on... dttions=-or believing that if a thing is to be done he must do It, Untortunatelv 11e sets .. about it so in con stderatelv, ~1,n(1,Is ·'so ham.;...pered by his: lack: of analytie raeulty, thut lIe is: . <, .. 10 ·the thick of the f'l~'a'y before 11e has to u 11{I ·'. !lIO,U.t exactly what it is, he wanta to do a nd w h en he has to fjght.~, 1':he first thing a pub:li,c r-e. forme'r has to do :is to disentangle the t.11in.t;' qlta.lity'-=-a,

':.~~he·~ould so for rrom tbe mass ot mer-e .assos "elations which are sure 'to have rOl,~D(1 ~~it; nd Rcosevelt Is 8[0 tncapable of dOling tl~is, a .that whe.D b.e should p'ull out the .lynchP,i.D, he




W: r "PS"'~" R·· ·,0' 'W

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··S···~E·:··"·VEL·< '. _..,:. ~'.,,"


lashes the horse, and, as like·Jy as not" i.B rUD over for his' pa.iD.B,•. Tak:e, th'ts bus:iness oil the birth control ·mOT'.·' meat, for example. It is a mixed movement, because d'iffer'ent pe:ople want to, control birth f:or di:ffer,e'nt ends,'y people want 81m.ply· , . to sterlltse their pleasures, Others want to regu'J,ate the output; and ... these some want o'f to adapt the output t'OI .thei.r Incomes and th.e s·f.ze o,.r thetr homes, whtlst others alm at regulati,o'n In the tnterest ·the states, Thus 01'n'8, wo'ma·n. wants to have no ehtldren; others W80.t to stop at two or three; others want to have twelve, If "th.ey can under Ideal condittons as to Interval and recovers, But they all want eontrol; the 'better' the woma .. is the more , n d not an :::.',". sih e 1"8- '. aterrr mea not, IJL sh e C:.. avoid i-·t t0 -> >. det-arm :: .': ~:,: I", ". be the helplesa p··re··-y·· of an uncontrollable 1"'0"-" stfn ct. These distlncttons are quite beyond Roosevelt, Even In. the. act. of elatmmg that the b:lrtb 'rate 0 the undeslrables should be controlled in. one direction and. of the destrables In another, he charges btindly bull moose fashfon, at. .all advocates of birth control 0'0" the assumptlon that they are all steriJ.:i,' vcluptuartea, T'hat 'wi)l enid in his setttng eversone against him, and damaging the cause he has really at heart. ,~ .. 'Lik······ ".1., .:.,,, . _.'e· ·a c·h"]d"- he . wants tc have blrtb con ..0 .. W,~- ·-:o~.a·.·e .. lr.". .' ntrol 's: t' be" 'n0"':' 'W". e'r- to d 0' g': ood _.1,. v' bo·th-·:'· ·w··· ·"-a···y·· Hi" e Wi,. rants wjtboll' the pOlwe'r to do harm, I daresay he ot~n gees Into :a shop and aska f,olr a kn.ife: that will carve a rfb o'f beet but will not cut ,... c\hildreo';s fingers: and he has ,a,s likely as







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nOI~asked Edi,s,on, to Invent a ;s'hell that 'will kill G~rma,n soldtera in Br'uges but, will nor kill Belgtan women and c'hildr'en,. When ble la told ~tbat he cannot have weapona e'arDlarke(J 'In _"""" thi~ w'ay', h,e '0'0 doubt denounces tb,e cutler' __ . " ': '.and Eldison aSI bloo,dy mtnded chil.d murderers, '... That is prretty 'Tedd'y"s wa,y'~, . St.ill" l' Iike a 'man w'bo does, real:,.Y want something, and; wants on. 'the w,b,ole,., tbe rig ;.1.'\, t,h,ing, though he doesn't k,DOW how' to get j.t and cannot even disti.nguisb, between hla .. friend.s and bis foes. .I' sball put him to a 1)],ay some Ida,,.: am I not Ie MQ.Ii:e,r,e' d,e DO~=-·



charactertsttc o·-,"f:···' '·t"h-··· t,. h:',8··:"" s~'b;o-,ul':-,d,' ba ·8'·;8·1 h Is 0<'0''''' h·'l"m·'·' a. ; .:.>~. alaught upon, me- on one sup:rentely Bil:ly' sen .. tenee which he never read ll.'Dtil he saw I,t in h,i,s own handwrttlng, In ~'903 I' pub Isb ed the: follow'ing prop,os"itions. 'Th,e eseentlat function o'f maT'r~iage! is fhe co~ .. flnuance of the race, as, stated j,.n th e Book ot Oomm m Pra 'y·:·e:.'·r
. ..
", 1 .... ,' ~_~l _~' .. _')

,jours? ~ _e -.u. ",.. . ,".. n H- has -I 'anl"'ld, e'·'~ "'0" "," O'ID·I· ._.' e' potn
I 'U"







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kind. ~ . .. The artificial sterilization of marriage ma~e_8 it possible "to fulfU its accidental function 1V'hilst neglecting its els,sential o:n~", ..: . .r'~ _~; 'e,' . T"-·h··'m,c···..iost revolu ttonarr i'nve'D'tion ot tll.e. marof XI.X,

. 'The aecldentlal function of Dlarriage' is, the ..gratification of the amoristic sentiment of' man-









'.century was· the ,a' ste,ril.iz.atlon, 'riaga. ... . ... ... .... tbe mind This finds its way in due Ume to ._..





, ..






, .'







it, as '·'.Bi.rth control 'is the great discovery (t.r: the' XIX eentu:ry,."" He then goes on to say that I have lid 'h""' lo;d-···· h· t nott only ..s·at.·. thts n ..Iottc t,;'lDg ( h contra.·t,··:e .. ·.J·.·e··d'~O· n' - t 0" ,I:.:' not a great ..d'II·'SC-·O-'V''e'r'y" 'W' 'aa ce'p t"'v .. .n-'I'Y <.-' '<,'1 ~.' ',,',1',: .. , ,. 'it was Dot really ,a d.l's·covary at Ill]; it. was known In the X.·VII century), but He explains ._,.,. that I s.a:id. it In B.lIC·h a context and. \vith such an emphasts ;&,8. to 'prevent my readers from seeing any side 0'[ it except tbe stertle vohrptuary side" .,'You ',vill see that as a matter of 'fact Its context and its wordlng make any su c'~'b milst a, ··{e·'· Im:.',p"·o,8'..' j b le .. ·e' ..n . ].~ ~ th"','9'" rea d e:..: .... ..}. · '8:' ·ve·· f:' 'r ]1. ad. not already been taken through the scene 'in whtch hell is deserfbed as the 'paradise, ot voluptuous stertlity, the (levi) as its sentimental advocate, a nd the statue (who is rather Ilke Theodore, bfy' the "ray) says that "Peo',ple ,vJl:0 ~'et rirl of the tear of poverty and children, and. devote themselves to havlng a, g'Qofl time o'f it, only leave their mtnds free for the tear of old a,ga and ugltness 8D(1 Impotence and death .. Th.€! ehtldless laborer Is more, tormented by hts wife's idleness and her constant demands for amusement and dlstractlon than hie: could be by twenty children: and Ills wire is more wretched than 11e·,/'· 'In abort, e,ver,y'tlliL,g that 'I'heodore wants to have said I have sald with patient care, with practised sleil), and wit.h dramatic e;ff,e··ct.And the resu it is that he snatches the 'pen out o'f hand and w"--)'""t'h'-:- 8.'J shout .. ·' ot '1~"S':"e"e'me do 1"t-: ", my·-··: proceeds to do the work over again in .own contused, hasty, unskilled ~a'YJ Inter-larding it with assuraneea that I am a. blackguard and
he reproduces
·.·.11· ..


o'f ·Theo·do,re:.







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!:L/-. that nobody who believes In. me is, to be ~X·~- trusted. What are you, to do 'with such a r:~-.: . man'? Clearlv, put htm on, the stage and g'ive . :s~.'. the world a g,-;.ood Jang.. at him, _··.]l ., _.:~.". :~(. :' 4:t the same time" I eontess 1. cannot defend . .::.r.~~ ~:J~~. all .~Y. admirers. E'vle:ry ruttlan- and bully 'in '.' ~~y.... the United States makes a, hero of' ·T,edd.y the' .,




:~'.~'::".' Rough Rfder, _ and ev,el~Y blatant demagogue re .. :: ..' gards himself as s, posslble g·u'cc:.e::s,so:r' to the .' '~', u...... n 11 -, -. .. :~,:, D,n,~" :'lVloos,e~,.,I do, 'not blame Colonel Roosevelt ,;:-: fo:r' that: let htm not blame me ff there are ;~~~ paeudo-Bhavtans .:, : as well as, pseudo-Roose:~:'~' ..' ~'."veltians, At, Ieast I have, in 'T'he Doctor'a :~.~:"!.'::' ~. Dilemma, rebuked ..~ and. exposed the anarchist ·~·~~t";" 8D!d llbertine .:.~. who plead's, that 'he is "a dis:f.,r,
r~_ •• -

} .. :::.;";- clnte ,0' f"'" Bern a 'r····d·:..''~··h-; :. ,':,' Can S aw ¥iJ"' ',".... . ')~." ,"_,"', ,~ .... "'", ~ .t~,·::.:: eiples? is, T'lle'o,do'f,e ..' going to 2~'i~~:·~ ': when .... '.'.. . .' ''. ,
):1:.• ". . .. .. " I. '. • " ..

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my friends In the, F:'Ia'b ia,D :Society ;..... );. were t'II'>'1 e '4Fl~'r'~'t:" t·-o··-·~·I"1'po ublle n.ft.t-o,e-:'",-·_· tlo n to tho e a .. ,1. L- u danger of raC 9 aulclde ill a series ,0,:('artfcles b,y ~.:". Slt'ld'·"D! ev Webb In th e: L,'-o"·n:·on Tir 'I..m es baser') on a ·d ::.:.:./~ ., ,J \I'\" ,..... ~~;' .eensus of the Soc:i.e:ty' which revealed - the :'.

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~f""Btartling fact that the married couples in thin 1':-::.·:~:- typ'i:cal body of ._. ntellectunls I 11a(1 pr-oduced exactly -a child and a. ~alf:))er nUlrdage".'Ve t~~_:'. Jnsisted on the economic side of the Q..1l1cstIOfl, and urged, not merely that parents ,S~1101],1(',1.. ~:o , -. 'exempted fr,om taxation (you cannot reed chfl ... .. .:.';Id,re'n on. "abatements") but that motherboo1d . /. sh.. ould be .'p()si'tiv,e'm,y endowed. SOID,e y o:ar:8 .~' Iater Theodor'e made his first,' un'ba.'ppy' con..,' .'.,<. tr]blltiont~ the ;subject. declatrillg'vthat Am~~~ ".;-'l·el~-,a·was .. :· c omam Ittln g."_" race o'n·~~:l·d·::·!e:~, J ,a.YoW{Dg '




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his boots on us. .

dlvorees, He 'was faselnated, I suppose, 'by South Carolina, with its Indtssoluble marr-iage, its concnbtnage, and its Illegtttmacy. And now that he has at last got his Ideas o'n the sub ... ject, combed Gilt fairly straight, he is not content to stand [on OUf' shoulders, he must wlpe

The other day a Iady reproached nile' for helping to corrupt public morals because a g,ir) . had ju;st told her that if she could 'not get .. d netore sne was thirty, 8,-"8' would, have h hi h " marrien b f a child anyhow: she did n.. eare what anyot 'body ·'sa'i,d,. T'be: lady was wtser than T:heod"o:re:: she knew that I had had my share :in, the blessed reaction towards the en ,,t ,.of motherhood that has succeeded the' revolt a,gai'nst it .. , Bu ,to it W·",,·8IS····· people o':f,';'!'lh:, eod ore's polittcal T lo'm" ,plexion that, protested against Zola's, much needed novel-tract called Fecnndlty, and In fact prevented it 'from, reaching the Englis,'h spe:akiD,g' peoples ,ef,fecti,v'ely .. now, Ilant Colonel wants a D-" A,'n';',d'~ .",," ·l~,f"· the g"",',a" ~ authentlc Instance of my advtstng Wo sen not to have children, tell him that I have said that. if' I were a woman I should retuse to' bear a child for Iess than :$10:,000,and that a nation that will. not ~ guarantee the proper nurture o'f' it.s, chftdren does not deserve to have them, [ have also said (and this 'will make Th,eo1d:ore·s,
















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halr stand on end) that we should. not sterilize the excellent old Betsy Trotwoods, who would have children and bring them u,:pvery well j,:f they bad D,Ot to pa'y the p'ri,ce. ~f ha!ing' a .man . thrust U,POID them as W1ell. This POID,t Is Id,leaIt



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.-·i~-.··., . wit.h
I. :'~.,.

; :: :'.:':;" .. ~·,Gran.tha·m.. I do DQt f'Q,rg'et that a house lvith .. : , . ..: ,-,' t a m .. It ,." t an l~e"a. ,'lI;d I l : ~.'::<':.'., 0,0', a man In .•l,_- IS no ... home f,ar a grow~:.>~:.:.' :lDg' bo'y or .8:1rl.: but as the average house Is a J.: :~':"".'.:~~.) .house wlt,b,o,u.t.,Il man in it (he being' at work ~'. ·-':··'Y:·'·:·:· ,all d·Q,Y:"··'),I the 0.":0"'-_.'..·'···D-:-···d·.:~· "".' --' 8-'O'lc"'1~a"I' - ·"- ~.'." ·e·'··:s'·· 111. a'- '-.. other .:., _ _____. -.-"::'" a··· ... .. l' "'" .... -" .. ',. .. . seh _.'-' ... . .. _,"--'_:". g··aD····C··t·' .. r·:;·:·~':: could do almost as much as 'the fa,ther D,OW bas ,. ;::~;an,. chance of ,doing. S,t:i'),), this is .8 matter '.: .. '.;'.- -'.' 'W-hl:'"·C.,'-:h -efre.· •• ts' onlv e w~-'7h'~,a-:; ]'~Q" ea ' ... '.' t... '!V ,,-.-'" t ~ .. 'I-,'!'e""'d, he Isu.per -"J .. "'_ , <.~' . 'DU!O:U:R, wo,m,Bn,;: the wom,aa tor whom there- Is .~_>".. ' DO h'usbau.d,_i'· or tbe 'w-o,ma'D wb,o v'oIJunt-arily ""::'''''M_''' '~"" makea room fOlr her by 'r'efus:iD,g marrtage, The. :.~;:· ..:·.m.a.ID. oint to be, driven home ts that the bur-, p .B::~.:.,:~~;·'.;~~; bringtng den l of' up the chtldren o·f the com- . .,.~/~'" m,'un'i'ty s!bou],d f'alm OD tho communltv and not . :':,:O'D, the Jndtvldual. . Th·e woman risks her li.:f'@ .. :.'j.,...• aDd gets torn to, pieces 'almost in the bfrrth pro. ~:~·-··c·:-··'e"ea~· -'do; t'.'b'··· at - '--l'~'S'_-' "q':.' u·,-;·t-·'".:-, aIS",_, m:-- ..c·"··t~· 8·;': ~ ~b--e'-" can ':." a~Ln' ·e' -·:·'u·'·· b-e' OD, I...J, . · .r~',~,·~~···i::y reasonably expected to undertake e-ven w-i·tll .-:··~:·full, guarantee that the subststence of her ..a · -,<·ch'iO]d. and of herself R:S its gua.rdjan shall 'bee ';~: guaranteed, and 'that sh.. shall not have 'it e '~:::'~;·o her 'in, vain for rood whfls t Pekinese t _==... 'dogs 'are eatlng cutlets In tbe next street, ',":'Remis:sion,s of taxation are' all rig'llt as tar ~(Bs ~. tbe'y g'o"1'bn.t they are Dothln.,g lil{-e enough,

in m,y play' "Getting Ma:rri,ed/' In the scenes between General Brldgenerth B'nd Leshta










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..-.:o.•• ~'.;.,

I need 8,ay B,othi.:ng about the Colon.el.·'·scom .. :~!~""'·-··m··,-'e·'··n- on th e···· W·" . ar -I':.;re·'::"-'8'" b'. y 't·e-mp.'era:me·nt. R-D ta ... ,.-' !!.:~", )' .. , . ''B,tp -n,eare'st' thing to a H,olle'D:z:ollern the Amertean eonstttutfon allows him to be... ~~.___;.~ .. '.such u hoe is the ,eag,e'f' dupe of _ E'ur~p:~an ll:n~ '.':..lsm, as, we fourl.d wllen he vl'~l~.·~,e·(I, III 'be'lo,re the war and w'o"f:sbipped our' Florel~D
.... , ," 'I'-Q . ....
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Inhumanitv ~ invite him to discuss so dlf·fi.cult. a quest ion with me : it would be Ilke Carpentier or Jack Johnson challengtng an in..ant .. He put f his money (,11 the, wrong horse at the Preai ... qe·nti.a'l election through DOlt takirig my advice, i am atraiu i have inflicted a very long letter O'El ·Y'01.1; and I can make 'only- tile' hackneved excuse IOf' Pascal: that I had not ttrne t.'·'·o" write a: s .h .r t on e .. '1,:- a ve scrtb b.1'1' ed h a "'0' n ' g... r e ckl e.sal y,.' s o a",' '"'l"'v~-::e' "I·"','. ·.'ry:'~· _~l_:..' ....: : _"-.' ~~, 0,(···· . 'neod or IS" eve .. chance with yO'[L, ,I should Iike 'to' have a irtendlv talk, with him, just as I should. Iike 'to aave .lol:n,ewith Kaiser Bill. Yours ·faithfull:y ... G·" Bernard Sha'w.i · R.' ..b".·er'_ I "''l';, '1 f" E-.... ...,:, ,':0, -- t _~,.. ~'O'"., :-'sq ..1'4 A· nders on A:·'· .. ··' venu e Pa Ilsad e t "'.. Ne, ·W-·:·: J, e.rsev .1':Ii Ui.....·S-··~n· erte a·.'1
_il......_ " ",,_. 'fl'.

ROOSEVELT Ottlce, God help him'! I cannot without posttlve









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