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Data Load errors:

1) RFC connection lost. 2) Invalid characters while loading. 3) ALEREMOTE user is locked. 4) Lower case letters not allowed. 5) While loading the data i am getting messeage that 'Record the field mentioned in the errror message is not mapped to any infoboject in the transfer rule. 6) object locked. 7) "Non-updated Idocs found in Source System". 8) While loading master data, one of the datapackage has a red light error message: Master data/text of characteristic ZCUSTSAL already deleted . 9) extraction job aborted in r3 10) request couldnt be activated because theres another request in the psa with a smaller sid 11) repeat of last delta not possible 12) datasource not replicated 13) datasource/transfer structure not active 14) Idoc Or Trfc Error 15. ODS Activation Error

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