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17/5/11Adva: good morning pupils Pupils: good morning teacher. Adva: how are you today?

Pupils: I am fine thank you and how are you today? Adva: I am fine too, thank you. Do you remember about what we learned yesterday? Pupils: Lag B'omer!!! Adva: you are right we learned about Lag B'omer. When we go to a party what we should make? Pupils: ? Avital : ? Adva: Dor: Adva: to get ready how we can get ready? George: dress Adva: you are right! Should we also make a list? list? ' Ofek: Adva: list ! Check list Ofek: yes, we need! Adva: so today we are going to make a checklist for Lag B'omer !!!! Pupils: Adva: first let's think. What do we need for lag B'omer night? Dor: matches Adva: great! Avital: wood. Adva: good answer! George: marshmallows Adva: excellent! Ofek? Ofek: food Adva: good job! Dor: potatoes! (shouting) Adva: thank you Dor but there is no need to shout. Avital: drinks! Adva: great. Now let's say it in a sentence! We need ________ for Lag B'omer night. Each one will say one sentence.

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Dor: what??? . Adva: Each one will say one sentence. George: we need potatoes for Lag B'omer night. Dor: we need food for Lag B'omer night. Ofek: we Adva: need Ofek: mat Adva: matches Ofek: matches for Lag Bomer night. ! Avital: Adva: but you know the words! Try! Avital: we n Adva: need Avital: drinks for lag B'omer night. Adva: night, we dont hear the G before H. Now each one will choose one word from the words and we will write a checklist for the all class. ? Ofek: Adva: we? Ofek: Adva: try to understand. will write Ofek: Adva: checklist Ofek: Adva: to the class Ofek: Adva: great job Ofek!!! Let's do it! . Go through the sentence and add your word. Adva: good job guys we have a wonderful checklist. I had a great lesson with you. Avital: I had a great lesson too.

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