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Presenters Adriana Gamboa Prez Patricia Hernndez Sampedro Rosendo Torres Aguilar

The human body contains an endocrenal system.

Hormones are chemical substances produced by the body that regulate metabolic processes

It exists a close relation between hormones and obesity.

Genes that produce bad hormones

Gen resposible PCK1


This gen activates several hormones and circulating peptides that are involved in controlling appetite insulin, glucagon, GLP1, and proopiomelanocortin (POMC).

Other cause is alterations in thyroid glands because of changes in hormones that secreting these gland.

The other face of problem The damage caused by obesity in organs can pruduce bad hormones.

For example, obesity causes damages in the pancreas and this produces few insulin or bad insulin.

The hormone leptin is produced by fat cells and is secreted into the bloodstream.

Leptin reduces appetite by acting on specific centres of the brain to reduce the urge to eat.

When hypothyroidism occurs, the production of a bad THS or few of this hormone happens.

N-acylphosphatidilathanolamines (NAPEs) ` NAPEs can be used to control appetite and therefore obesity.

Also in suplementary fashion to treat obesity in humans

Damages in
pancreas, heart, stomach, bones, brain

` ` `

Infarto in heart or brain liver damage cirrhosis death

APPLICATION OF HORMONES: ` Leptin ` POMC ` Insulin ` Glucagon ` GLP1 ` Tiroxin ` Aplication of radioIode

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