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A Watt steam engine, the steam engine fueled primarily by coal that propelled the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain and the world.

The Industrial Revolution was a period from the 18th to the 19th century Starting in the United Kingdom, then subsequently spreading throughout Europe, North America, and eventually the world The industrial revolution can be defined as a drastic transformation both of the processes by which American (and European) society produced goods for human consumption, and of the social attitudes surrounding these processes. Textile industry, iron-making technique, refined coal

REASON In the two centuries, average income and population began to exhibit unprecedented sustained growth. Great Britain had a lead in the Industrial Revolution because it had the natural resources available, it had a large enough working mass to make production work, and it had enough money and land to support the many things needed to start production. Britain had enjoyed quite a long period of political stability and Britain had been economically prospering. the British weather - rain to feed the rivers that turned the waterwheels of the early mills and factories. Other reasons are: Agricultural growth, and trade and inventions ,population growth, economy, military.

-Animal based economy towards machine based economy

-Expansion of power -Increased production -Population Shifts -New Imperialism -Social Classes 1. Middle class 2. Working class -Growth of factory -Growth of capitalism -Growth of means of transportation -Child labour

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