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parts of the pancreas, duodenum, common bile duct, and if required, part of the stomach.

- removing the cancerous

Indication: Performed to address chronic pancreatitis and cancer of the pancreas, duodenum, ampulla of vater, and the distal bile duct.
Pre Operative Care:

y y y

y y

y y

Promoting pt. comfort Preventing complications Encourage patients to eat high-protein, high vitamins, high-calorie, low-fat diet NPO one night prior to surgery Cleansing Enema before the surgery Health Teaching about the procedure and activities after the procedure Correction of anemia administration of iron supplements Vit. K supplement Emphasized on deep breathing, coughing, importance of activities (pain, increased risk postoperative pulmonary infection, risk of adhesion, GI

Intraoperative y Anesthesia : GA y Hour/s: 2-6 hours y Possible Complications: Hemorrhage, Hepatofailure, hypovolemic shock

Whipple s Procedure

Post Operative Care: y Position client on semi-fowler y Vital signs every 1 to 2 hours y Administering of analgesics as ordered y Continue prophylaxis antibiotics y Follow asepsis technique y Use splint and support pillow during coughing y Deep breathing exercise y Encourage early ambulation y Monitor closely the wound especially for signs of infection y Given TPN / NGT to transitional diet y Diet is on high protein and high carbohydrates low fat with supplementary vit. K, vit. C y WOF: Fever, Atelactasis, DOB,
Laboratories y y y CBC Duodenography Percutaneous needle biopsy of the pancreas y Angiography

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