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DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Zantac GENERIC NAME Ranitidine CLASSIFICATION Gastrointestin al/ Hepatobillary Drug

DOSAGE & ROUTE 150 mg BID or 300 mg at bedtime PO

ACTION Inhibits histamine at H2 receptor site in the gastric parietal cells which inhibits gastric acid secretion.

INDICATION Used in the management of various gastrointestinal disorders such as dyspepsia, gastroesophagal reflux disease, peptic ulcer and zollinger-ellison syndrome.

ADVERSE EFFECTS Cardiac arrhythmias, Bradycardia, Headache, Sondolence, Fatigue, Dizziness, Hallucinations, Depression, Insomnia

CONTRAINDICATIO N Hypersensitivity , History of acute porphyria, Long term therapy

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Use caution in presence of renal or hepatic impairmen t. May be given with or without meals. Give antacids 1 hour before or 1 hour after this drug. Avoid excessive alcohol. Allow 1 hour between any antacids (if approved by physician) and ranitidine.

DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Hizon Epinephrine GENERIC NAME Epinephrine CLASSIFICATION Cardiovascul ar Drug

DOSAGE & ROUTE 0.2-1 ml of the 1: 1000 solution q 4 hours ; SC or IM

ACTION Stimulates both alpha and beta receptors with sympathetic nervous system that relaxes bronchial smooth muscle.

INDICATION Treatment and prophylaxis of transitory antrioventicular heart-block. Treatment of Adam-Strokes syndrome. Treatment of hay fever. Relief of bronchial asthma Treatment of syncope caused by heart block or carotid sinus. Hypersensitivit y

ADVERSE EFFECTS Cardiac arrhythmias Excessive hypertensio n Palpitations Dysrithmias Angina pain in predisposed patients flushing

CONTRAINDICATI ON Angleclosure glaucoma Shock (other than anaphylactic ) Organic heart and brain disease Cardiac dilation Arrhythmias Coronary insufficiency Cerebral arteiosclerosi s

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Obtain patients history, including drug history and any known allergies. Monitor blood pressure, pulse, respiration and urinary output and observe patient closely following IV administrati on.


DOSAGE & ROUTE 5-20 mg daily; PO

ACTION Facilitates/ potentiates the inhibitory activity of GABA at limbic system and reticular formation to reduce anxiety, promote calmness and sleep.

INDICATION Tablet: symptomatic relief of anxiety, agitation, tension due to psychoneurotic states and transient situational disturbances, adjunct in major mental and organic disorders; relief of reflex muscle, spasm due to spinal and supraspinal interneurons.

ADVERSE EFFECTS Blurred vision Paradoxical reactions Dependence Withdrawal symptoms

CONTRAINDICATIO N Pregnancy (category D) Hypersensitivit y Dependence in other substance including alcohol, except in management of acute withdrawal reactions Severe hypercapnia

NURSING RESPONSIBILITY Obtain history of patients underlying condition before therapy and reassess regularly thereafter. Monitor signs of anxiety Monitor vital signs: BP, CR, and RR. Hold drug if BP drops 20mmHg and monitor respirations every 5-15 minutes if drug is given IV.



ACTION Inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membrane during cardiac depolarization, produces relaxation of coronary vascular smooth muscle and peripheral vascular smooth muscle and dilates coronary vascular arteries, increases myocardial oxygen delivery in patients with vasospatic angina.

INDICATION Treatment of vasospatic (printzmetal s or variant) angina Chronic stable angina Hypertention (sustainedrelease tablets only)

ADVERSE EFFECTS Dizziness Flushing Headache Hypotension Peripheral edema Tachycardia Palpitations

CONTRAINDICATIO N Hypersensitivity Cardiovascular shock Combination with rifampicin Immediate release nifedipine contraindicated instable angina and after recent MI Severe aortic stenosis Severe hypotension with systolic pressure of <90mmHg Decompensate d heart failure Pregnancy and lactation

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Assess potential for interactions with other pharmacolo gical agents or herbal products patient is taking that may increase risk for hypotensio n and toxicity. Monitor blood pressure and pulse rate before therapy during close titration, and periodically during therapy. Take with

iron fatty food. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and grapefruit juice. DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Hemostan GENERIC NAME Tranexami c Acid CLASSIFICATION Hemostatic Drug DOSAGE & ROUTE 25mg- 50mg BID/TID; PO ACTION Inhibits breakdown of fibrin clots. It acts primarily by blocking the binding of plasmin to fibrin; direct inhibition of plasmin occurs only to a limited degree. INDICATION

ADVERSE EFFECTS Gastrointestinal disturbances Hypotension particularly after rapid IV administration Thrombotic complications have been reported. Instances of transient disturbance of colour vision associated with its use.

CONTRAINDICATIO N Hypersensitivity . Patients with active intravascular clotting of the rick of thrombosis. Severe renal insufficiency Patients with microscopic hematuria

and prophylaxis of hemorrhage associated with excessive fibrinolysis. Prophylaxis of hereditary angioedema .

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Assess patients history, if with active intravascula r clotting, predisposed to thrombosis; hemorrhag e due to disseminate d intravascula r coagulation . Monitor anti coagulant cover. Perform eye examinatio n.

Perform liver function test. Perform blood test. Obtain prothrombi n time of the patient. DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Furosemid e GENERIC NAME Furosemid e CLASSIFICATION Diuretic/ Antihypert ensive Drug DOSAGE & ROUTE 400mg BID; PO ACTION Inhibits sodium and chloride reabsortion at the proximal tubules, distal tubules and ascending loop of Henley leading to excertion of water together with sodium, chloride and potassium. Diuretic/ antihypertensive INDICATION Treatment of edema associated with congestive heart failure (CHF) hepatic cirrhosis and renal disease, hypertention ADVERSE EFFECTS Orthostatic hypotension Thromboplebitis Chronic aortitis Vertigo Fever Headache Dizziness Parethesia Sensitivity Restlessness Photo-uticaria Pruritis Necrotizing anginitis Exfolative dermatitis Erythema multiforme CONTRAINDICATIO N Hypersensitivit y to sulfony lureas anuria NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Assess patients underlying condition before starting the therapy. Monitor for renal, cardiac, neurologic, GI, pulmonary manifestati on of hypokalemi a. Monitor for CV, GI, respiratory

Rash Local irritation Pain with parenteral use

& neurologic manifestati on for hyponatrem ia. Assess fluid volume status. Assess patients for tinnitus hearing loss, ear pain.

DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Plasil GENERIC NAME Metoclopramid e CLASSIFICATION Prokinetic Drugs/ Antiflatulents


ACTION Dopamine antagonist that acts by increasing receptor sensitivity and response of upper GIT tissues to acetylcholine . This causes contraction of gastric smooth muscles,

INDICATION Gastrointestinal motility disturbances. Nausea and vomiting of central and peripheral origin associated with surgery, metabolic diseases and drug induced. Radiological

ADVERSE EFFECTS Sedation Restlessness Lassitude Fatigue Diarrhea Insomnia Headache Dizziness Nausea Extra pyramidal effects Tardive dyskinesia

CONTRAINDICATION Phaechromocytom a Patients in whom increased gastrointestinal motility might be dangerous eg. Presence of GI hemorrhage, mechanical obstruction or perforation. Hypersensitivity or intolerance to drug

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Assess patients GI complaints. Frequently monitor blood pressure of patients taking IV form of drug. Monitor for possible drug

relaxation of the pyrolic sphincter and increased peristalsis without stimulating gastric, biliary and pancreatic secretions. It also produces sedation and induces release of prolactin.

procedures of GIT. Control of postoperative vomiting and to assist in intestinal intubation.

Parkinsonism Drowsiness and bowel upset Somnolence Nervousness Dystonic reactions Increased pituitary prolactin release gynecomasti a Galactorrhea Menstrual disorder.

lactation. Patients with breast cancer should be with held following gut surgery. Epilectics or patients on drugs likely to cause extra pyramidal symptoms.

induced adverse reactions (CNS, CV, GI, Hematologi c, Skin) Monitor and for immediatel y report occurrence of extra pyramidal symptoms and tardive dyskinesia
especially in elderly patients.

DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Antamin GENERIC NAME Chlorphenirami ne CLASSIFICATION Antihistamines and Antiallergics

DOSAGE & ROUTE 1 tablet 3x/day; PO

ACTION Competes with histamine for H1-receptor site on effectors cells; decrease allergic response by blocking histamine

INDICATION Allergy Allergic rhinitis Bronchial asthma Vasomotor rhinitis Dermatoses etiology Urticaria

ADVERSE EFFECTS Sedation Lassitude Elation or depression Irritability Paranoid Psychosis Delusion Hallucination GIT

CONTRAINDICAT ION Lower respiratory disease Newborn or premature infants

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Assess for allergy symptoms: rhinitis, pruritus, urticaria, watering eyrs, before and periodically during

Drug sensitization Serum sickness Anaphylactic shock Insects bites

disturbance Headache Tinnitus Difficulty in micturation

treatment Assess respiratory status and increase in bronchial secretions, wheezing, chess tightness Monitor inputoutput ratio: be alert for urinary retention, dysuria, frequency.

DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Diclofenac GENERIC NAME Diclofenac CLASSIFICATION Analgesic, Muscle Relaxant

DOSAGE & ROUTE 150mg/day 1 tab; PO

ACTION Inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX), an enzyme need for the biosynthesis of prostaglandin, subsequent decrease in prostaglandin result to the analgesic, anti

INDICATION It is used mainly as the sodium salt for the relief of pain and inflammation in various conditions. Musculoskeletal and joint disorder such

ADVERSE EFFECTS Edema Water retention Hypertension Congestive heart failure Headache Vertigo Drowsiness Dizziness

CONTRAINDICAT ION Sensitivity to aspirin or any non-steroidal antiinflammatory drug; soft contact lenses. Administration on intravenous diclofenac is contraindicated. In patients with

NURSING RESPONSIBILITY Assess for hypersensiti vity or anaphylactic reaction: fever, skin rash, urticaria, ecchymosis, thrombocyto penia and

and Uricosurics

pyretic and anti inflammatory effects.

as rheumatoid arthritis, osteo arthritis, soft tissue disorders such as sprains and strains. Pain condition: dysmenorrhea, renal colic, acute gout.

Rash Uticaria Diarrhea Vomiting Abdominal pain Dyspepsia

moderate or severe renal impairment, hypovolemia or dehydration. Pregnancy (third trimester or near delivery)

hematoma. Assess renal status before and during therapy. Assess patients for eye pain, inflammatio n, redness, swelling.

DRUG NAME BRAND NAME Buscopan GENERIC NAME Hyoscine Nbutylbromide CLASSIFICATION Antispasmodi

DOSAGE & ROUTE 10mg 1-2 tabs TID-QID; PO

ACTION Buscopan acts by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulses by acetylcholine in the parasympathetic nervous system.

INDICATION Acute GI Biliary and genitourinar y spasm, including biliary and renal colic Parenterally also as an

ADVERSE EFFECTS Xerostomia Tachycardia Urinary retention When administere d IV Visual accommoda

CONTRAINDICATIO N Myasthenia gravis Megacolon Hypersensitivit y Parenteral: glaucoma, hypertrophy of the prostate

NURSING RESPONSIBILIT Y Drug compatibilit y should be monitored closely in patients requiring adjunctive therapy


aid in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, e.g, gastroduode nal, endoscopy, radiology

tion disturbances Dizziness

with urinary retention, mechanical stenosis of GIT, tachycardia.

Avoid driving operating machinery after parenteral administrat ion Avoid strict heat.

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