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Drupal 6 hook_user

This hook allows modules to react when operations are performed on user accounts.

$op What kind of action is being performed. Possible values (in alphabetical order):

"after_update": The user object has been updated and changed. Use this (probably along with 'insert') if you want to reuse some information from the user object. "categories": A set of user information categories is requested. "delete": The user account is being deleted. The module should remove its custom additions to the user object from the database. "form": The user account edit form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form. "insert": The user account is being added. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit. "load": The user account is being loaded. The module may respond to this and insert additional information into the user object. "login": The user just logged in. "logout": The user just logged out. "register": The user account registration form is about to be displayed. The module should present the form elements it wishes to inject into the form. "submit": Modify the account before it gets saved. "update": The user account is being changed. The module should save its custom additions to the user object into the database and set the saved fields to NULL in $edit. "validate": The user account is about to be modified. The module should validate its custom additions to the user object, registering errors as necessary. "view": The user's account information is being displayed. The module should format its custom additions for display, and add them to the $account>content array.

&$edit The array of form values submitted by the user. &$account The user object on which the operation is being performed. $category The active category of user information being edited.

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