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Saddleback 5

word of the week

The Saddleback 5 highlights information from these five topics each week: A theological word, a historical person, a Bible verse, a Saddleback Church ministry team, and current PEACE team trips.

InspIratIon Gods work through his Spirit to inspire the writing of a perfect Bible through imperfect people.

historical person of the week

MartIn Luther (1483-1548) founded Protestantism, one of the major movements of Christianity. Luther was a German monk, theologian, university professor, priest, and church reformer. In 1517, his 95 Theses was published and was considered to have begun the Reformation. He taught that salvation is a free gift from God, received only through true faith in Jesus, and not through works or good deeds. His translation of the Bible into common languages (instead of Latin) made it more accessible, causing a tremendous impact on the church and on Western culture.

Martin Luther

verse of the week

Matthew 17:20 Jesus told them, I assure you, even if you had faith as small as a mustard seedNothing would be impossible. (NLT)

ministry of the week

CoMMunIon We are now serving Communion every Sunday night and we need volunteers to help set up and serve! Bring your spouse, a friend, or small group once a month and serve with us. If youre interested or have questions, contact Brian at

peace trips of the week

argentIna, phILIppInes, rwanda, and natIve aMerICa Please pray for Saddleback Church PEACE teams this week as they minister globally. One PEACE team will be serving in Argentina, one in the Philippines, two in Rwanda, and one to Native America.

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