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CAMELOT REVISED A Play by Alex Neeley

Cast of Characters: Arthur Gwenevere/Jennifer Lancelot/Ancel Elaine Galahad Mark IseultCulhwch TristranOlwen Morgana Morgause Mordred Gawain Ragnelle/Lorie Merlin Mimmy/Nimue Percival Blanchefleur Gareth Lyoness Gaheris Lynette Aggravine Ban Ygraine Kay Pelles Vivien Woodsman Cat Elf Maiden Red Knight Dragon of Corbenic Ysbaddaden

Synopsis: It is the declining years of King Arthur s Camelot. Arthur, the idealistic High King of Early Middle Ages Britain, is suffering inside due to the long-standing affair between his Queen, Gwenevere, and his greatest warrior, Sir Lancelot. Lancelot and Gwenevere are themselves torn over the choice of either continuing their affair and hurting Arthur and his Round Table or ending their relationship and each living their lives apart from

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