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The most influential person in my life the most influential person in my life is a black American hero, a man who

can confidentially be called the best neurosurgeon in the world. He is a man that preaches assertiveness in his words.he is a non-racist.His name is Benjamin carson.He was born and brought up in the united states.His life story gives a sense of hope to the hopeless.when ben carson was young,he did not perform very well at primary school.infact he was among the least people in school.despite that fact he still had the hope that he would improve coupled with the support his mother gave to him. Ater high school in u.s,he moved to college and surprisingly he started cathing up with his mates.this went on until he finished college and gained admission into yale university.the irst day he was there ,when he heared people talking he found that even if hehad been the best in college,there was still more to learn.that part really yielded a positve inpact in me.

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