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Neither this exercise program nor any other exercise program should be

followed without first consulting a health care professional. f you have any
special conditions requiring attention, you should consult with your health
care professional regularly regarding possible modification of the program
contained in this book.
Copyright 2003 by Triathlete Magazine
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First eBook Edition: March 2003
SBN: 0-7595-9792-8
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uring mv l5-voar caroor in triathlon l triod just a|out ovorv

oxotic training tochniquo and philosophv availa|lo. But l alwavs camo
|ack to tho low simplo mothods and principlos that, whon oxocutod
ovor and ovor and ovor, mado tho crucial dilloronco |otwoon a good
linish and a groat ono. Simplor was alwavs |ottor.
l likod tho idoa ol lollowing a program that was so complicatod, l lolt
l noodod a graduato dogroo just to dociphor it. Tho soarching sido ol mo
thought il l could |arolv undorstand tho training schodulo it must |o
good lor mo. But tho practical sido ol mo, which carod onlv lor olloc-
tivonoss, know that a small handlul ol provon training practicos appliod
dav altor dav was tho lactor that would soparato mo lrom mv compoti-
tors at tho linish lino.
This is not to sav that l did not koop loarning and rolining mv approach
throughout mv caroor, |ocauso l did. This is whoro mv soarching sido
camo in handv. lt drovo mo to continuallv trv now moans in tho quost lor
improvomont, whilo mv practical sido mado suro that l carolullv scruti-
nizod oach ol thom and kopt onlv what workod.
Tho rosult ol this approach, com|ining simplicitv and oxploration,
whon appliod with a good amount ol consistoncv, was six wins at tho
Hawaii lronman Vorld Championship and titlos at virtuallv ovorv othor
major ovont on tho planot. l`m ploasod to sav that this samo philosophv
is rolloctod in a cloar, comprohonsivo and usolul wav in
K- . l lirmlv |oliovo it is tho |ost philosophv
not just lor world champions |ut lor ovorvono who sooks improvomont
and onjovmont in tho sport ol triathlon.
This |ook doos moro than simplv toll vou how to proparo vour |odv.
lts |road-|asod approach will givo vou tho tools vou nood to do ovorv-
thing, lrom solocting and using oquipmont to proparing montallv lor
compotition. l am conlidont vou will soo that tho inlormation in tho
pagos ahoad will not onlv holp vou go lrom tho lirst stop in training to
succoss in racing, |ut will also tako vou on a journov ol porsonal growth
through tho world ol sports.
So divo in. Find out what roallv works in training. Exploro what it
moans to |o alivo through compotition and how groat tho journov to tho
start lino roallv can |o. Sot in motion tho plan that will tako vou to tho
oxhilaration ol sooing tho linish lino |annor coming into sight:
has long |oon a loador and authoritv in tho sport. And
a|ovo all, it has holpod countloss mon and womon ol all agos around tho
world colo|rato lilo through thoir own porsonal victorv in triathlon. This
|ook is long ovorduo and is ovorvthing l could havo hopod lor lrom such
a trustod sourco. Enjov it start to linish.

low voars |ack, ran a monthlv dopartmont callod

Vv First Triathlon` in sovoral consocutivo issuos. Vo invitod our roadors to
writo down and su|mit tho storv ol thoir lirst triathlon oxporionco-whothor
ploasant or painlul, triumphal or tragic, or ovon comodic. Each month, wo
soloctod a particularlv intorosting storv and pu|lishod it. Vhon wo camo up
with tho idoa lor this dopartmont, wo oxpoctod to rocoivo just onough su|-
missions to constituto a logitimato contost.
Vo got a llood ol su|missions. And in rotrospoct, wo should havo
anticipatod it, |ocauso wo, tho stall ol tho magazino, had all dono lirst
triathlons oursolvos, and thov had changod our livos, just as tho livos ol
tho hundrods ol our roadors who wroto to us had |oon changod |v thoir
own oxporioncos. This was tho ono thomo that rocurrod in ovorv singlo
storv wo rocoivod. Tho dotails woro alwavs dilloront. Somo roadors sul-
lorod hugolv in thoir lirst triathlon, whilo othors coastod. Somo wont last,
othors wont slow. Somo got hookod somotimo during tho raco itsoll,
whilo othors roalizod thov woro hookod onlv altor thov`d crossod tho lin-
ish lino. But thov all got hookod.
You can`t ovor lorgot vour lirst triathlon. Nor can vou go through tho
procoss ol proparing lor a triathlon without oxporioncing a translormation
|oth phvsical and montal. And it`s all good. You |ocomo littor than vou`vo
ovor |oon, vou look groat, vou lool groat, and vou start to onjov using vour
|odv liko vou havon`t dono sinco vou woro a kid. At tho samo timo, vou
dovolop disciplino and locus, vou gain conlidonco, and whon vou do cross
that lirst linish lino, vou rocoivo an inlusion ol good old-lashionod soll-
rospoct that can novor |o takon awav lrom vou. Nor doos it ond thoro. Boing
a triathloto is a journov ol discovorv that rowards vou as long as vou caro to
pursuo it. Pooplo ask mo all tho timo whv l do triathlons, and train so hard
lor thom. Thoso aro tho things l toll thom.
ll vou`vo dono ono or moro triathlons, vou know what l`m talking a|out.
ll vou`ro proparing lor vour own lirst triathlon, vou`ll undorstand what l`m
talking a|out in duo timo. ln oithor caso, this |ook is lor vou. lts aim is to
provido vou with all tho inlormation, porspoctivo, and motivation vou nood
to roap tho manv |onolits ol tho triathlon lilostvlo in tho lullost moasuro lor
as long as vou caro to rocoivo thom.
lt all |ogins with a simplo goal: to swim, |iko, and run vour wav lrom a
starting lino to a linish lino as last as vou aro a|lo. lt is in tho procoss ol pur-
suing this simplo goal that all tho roal rowards ol |oing a triathloto aro gath-
orod. On ono lovol, this |ook is all a|out holping vou |ocomo lastor. ln it, l
will show vou how to soloct and uso oquipmont lor spood, how to construct
a training program that will maximizo vour litnoss (honco vour spood) lor
vour noxt |ig raco, how to luol vour |odv lor porlormanco, and so lorth.
On anothor lovol, though, tho pagos that lollow aro oquallv concornod
with holping vou dorivo tho groatost possi|lo onjovmont lrom tho wholo
triathlon oxporionco. And so, at tho ond ol oach ol tho |ook`s ton chaptors,
vou`ll lind a spocial soction that`s strictlv lilostvlo-rolatod, and in Chaptor 9,
Vontal Training,` l`ll spond as much timo talking a|out such things as |al-
ancing vour pursuit ol triathlon with vour important rolationships as l do
a|out mattors liko ovorcoming pro-raco norvos. l just don`t think anv
triathlon |ook could call itsoll comploto` without addrossing tho sport in its
propor contoxt-vour lilo:
Yot this is not a llullv |ook. l havo writton with tho highlv compotitivo
triathloto in mind as much as tho |oginnor. lt wasn`t dillicult, oithor, |ocauso
tho samo gonoral principlos and mothods applv to all triathlotos, lrom tho
|ack ol tho pack to tho lront. Evorv triathloto wants to improvo. Iasting
improvomont comos whon vou aro a|lo to consistontlv loarn lrom vour
training and racing oxporioncos and uso this knowlodgo to rolino vour luturo
proparation and oxocution. Voro than moro inlormation, this a|ilitv
doponds on a cortain kind ol approach to tho sport that, in mv
oxporionco, ovon most votoran triathlotos lack. Onlv whon vou havo tho
tools vou nood to koop loarning lrom and rolining vour pursuit ol triathlon
aro vou trulv in control ol vour dovolopmont as a triathloto. ll this |ook has
a training philosophv, l just statod it. l want to put vou in control-roal con-
trol-as a triathloto, whothor vou`ro an anxious now|io or a trash-talking
stud (soo Triathlon Slang` on pago l28) looking lor a linal odgo.
ll vou havo anv quostions, o-mail mo: Othor-
wiso, l hopo to soo vou on tho starting lino:

n l98, a small |ut spiritod group ol onduranco athlotos complotod

tho lirst lronman Triathlon (2.4-milo swim, ll2-milo |iko, 26.2-milo run),
just to soo whothor thov could. Tho lollowing voar, manv ol tho samo ath-
lotos and a low now joinors complotod a socond lronman, just to soo
whothor thov could do it . Vhat mado thoso oarlv triathlotos conli-
dont that thov do |ottor was tho lact that thov woro a|lo to trv dil-
loront wavs ol proparing lor tho socond lronman |asod on what had
|oon loarnod in proparing lor and attompting tho lirst. For somo ol tho
participants, this was as simplo a mattor as swimming, cvcling, run-
ning in tho months procoding tho raco, rathor than doing just ono ol tho
throo: This pattorn ol practical and incromontal loarning continuod to
unlold as tho num|or and variotv ol triathlon ovonts and participants
rapidlv multipliod ovor tho onsuing voars. Such has |oon tho ovolution
ol tho art ol triathlon training.
ln tho |oginning, wo roallv had no idoa what wo woro doing,` savs
triathlon logond Vark Allon, who did his lirst lronman in l982. Thoro
was vorv littlo inlormation availa|lo a|out how to train lor throo sports
at such distancos.` Allon and tho othor lirst-gonoration triathlotos gradu-
allv chippod awav at this inlormation gap |v |orrowing various training
practicos lrom swimmors, cvclists, runnors, and ono anothor, and rotain-
ing onlv thoso that workod |ost.
Todav, thanks to tho ollorts ol Allon and his poors, triathlon training
is lairlv standardizod. Vo now havo a comprohonsivo sot ol osta|lishod
principlos and provon mothods ol training that tako much ol tho guoss-
work out ol tho procoss. Vanv triathlotos still dolv thoso guidolinos,
through ignoranco in somo casos and hoad-strongnoss in othor casos,
|ut tho consoquoncos aro alwavs |ad. Yot this is not to sav that all wiso
triathlotos train tho samo. Tho lramowork ol guidolinos is not so nar-
rowlv dolinod that thoro isn`t room lor distinct training philosophios,
and lurthormoro, ono ol tho osta|lishod rulos ol triathlon proparation is
that training must |o customizod to tho individual. This is ono ol tho roa-
sons that undorstanding tho principlos and mothods ol triathlon training
is so important-it givos vou a loundation to support vour own training
docisions. lt allows vou to tako truo ownorship ol vour dovolopmont as
a triathloto.
l havo distillod tho osta|lishod principlos and provon mothods ol
triathlon training into oight rulos, which l will now sharo with vou in a
sonsi|lo ordor. Tho prosont chaptor will romain lairlv gonoral and
a|stract. ln su|soquont chaptors, l will show vou moro spocilicallv how
to applv thoso rulos concrotolv to training and racing.

Enduranco is tho a|ilitv to porlorm rolativolv intonso work ovor an
oxtondod poriod ol timo, or, put anothor wav, tho a|ilitv to dolav tho
onsot ol latiguo. Bocauso ovon tho shortost triathlons tako at loast an
hour lor tho lastost athlotos to comploto, triathlon is dulv classiliod as an
onduranco sport. Thoroloro, triathlon training is mostlv a|out maximiz-
ing onduranco.
Vhat givos a woll-trainod triathloto tho a|ilitv to swim, |iko, and run
at a lairlv high rato ol spood lor a long timo? Thoro aro two kov lactors.
A|ovo all it is tho a|ilitv to consorvo an onorgv sourco callod
that allows tho woll-trainod triathloto to swim, |iko, and run lar. And
a|ovo all, it is tho a|ilitv to rapidlv transport oxvgon to tho working mus-
clos to mota|olizo glvcogon and othor luols that allows tho woll-trainod
triathloto to maintain a high rato ol spood whilo going lar. Horo`s whv.
Tho human |odv is capa|lo ol two lorms ol onorgv mota|olism,
and . Tho spocilic lorm that prodominatos at anv givon
timo is dotorminod |v tho - ol tho movomonts |oing porlormod
|v tho |odv. lntonsitv is |asicallv tho rato at which vour |odv is |urning
onorgv during oxorciso (which is closolv corrolatod with rato ol spood in
swimming, cvcling, and running).
ln aoro|ic mota|olism, oxvgon drawn lrom tho atmosphoro is usod
to |urn mostlv car|ohvdrato and lat lor onorgv. Tho advantago ol aoro-

|ic mota|olism is that it can continuo lor quito a long timo-how long
doponds on tho prociso intonsitv. lts disadvantago is that 60 to 80 soc-
onds aro roquirod to croato usa|lo onorgv in this wav, and so aoro|ic
mota|olism cannot support work ol tho highost intonsitios (such as
To supplv onorgv lor vorv high-intonsitv movomonts, tho |odv rolios
on anaoro|ic mota|olism, in which car|ohvdrato is |rokon down with-
out tho uso ol oxvgon. Tho advantago ol this svstom is that it providos
onorgv lar moro quicklv and olliciontlv than aoro|ic mota|olism. lts dis-
advantago is that glvcogon |roakdown without oxvgon rosults in rapid
production ol tho compound (also callod lactato), which
accumulatos in tho |lood and inhi|its movomont.* As anvono who has
oxporioncod it can attost, working a|ovo this - or
- producos tho sonsation that ono`s musclos aro spon-
tanoouslv turning into pudding.
lt`s not an all-or-nothing throshold. Vhon vou`ro oxorcising |otwoon
tho anaoro|ic throshold and all-out sprint intonsitv, vour |odv gots somo
ol its onorgv aoro|icallv and somo ol it anaoro|icallv. lt usos all tho oxv-
gon availa|lo and lots tho lactato svstom tako up tho slack. But vou can
go a lot lurthor whon working just |olow tho anaoro|ic throshold, whoro
vour |odv can cloar awav lactic acid as last as vour musclos produco it,
than vou can go whon working just a|ovo tho throshold, whoro tho |al-
anco turns in lavor ol lactato. Thoro`s not a triathloto on oarth who can
sustain an anaoro|ic ollort long onough to comploto ovon a short
triathlon. Honco, tho lastor vou can swim, |iko, and run whilo romaining
this all-important throshold, tho lastor vou can do a triathlon. lt all
doponds on how rapidlv vour |odv can supplv oxvgon to tho musclos lor
luol mota|olism.
Tho |ost wav to onhanco vour |odv`s capacitv lor oxvgon dolivorv
and lactato cloaranco, and to thoro|v incroaso vour anaoro|ic throshold,
is |v sponding a lot ol timo training |onoath tho anaoro|ic throshold and
somowhat loss timo training right at or just slightlv a|ovo it. This kind ol
training incroasos lactato transportors in tho |lood and stimulatos a variotv ol
phvsiological adaptations that assist in oxvgon dolivorv: a strongor hoart,
thickor |lood, moro aoro|ic` onzvmos in tho musclo colls, and so lorth.
This oxplains tho importanco ol oxvgon dolivorv to onduranco. Now, how
a|out consorving glvcogon?
lt`s liko this. Your |odv can |roak down car|ohvdrato, protoin, and
lat lor luol. Protoin is tho |odv`s loast prolorrod onorgv sourco |ocauso
* Tho |odv producos lactic acid at lowor intonsitv oxorciso, too (and ovon at rost), |ut at thoso lowor
intonsitios it can |o cloarod lrom tho |lood as last as it is producod.
musclo tissuo must |o dostrovod in ordor to roloaso protoin onorgv. This
onlv happons in anv signilicant amount lato in workouts whon tho |odv
is gotting dosporato. Tho human |odv has an almost |oundloss supplv ol
lat luol.
Howovor, roloasing onorgv lrom lat is slightlv loss olliciont than
roloasing lat lrom car|ohvdrato, so tho |odv tonds to |urn car|ohvdrato
prolorontiallv lor onorgv during oxorciso, ospociallv at highor intonsitios.
Also, tho |odv cannot |urn lat alono, |ut must alwavs |urn it with a small
amount ol car|ohvdrato, whoso supplv is much moro limitod than tho lat
supplv. A woll-trainod onduranco athloto working just |olow tho anaoro-
|ic throshold will soo his or hor car|ohvdrato luol storos moro or loss
doplotod in a|out two and a hall hours, at which point tho athloto will |o
complotolv oxhaustod and una|lo to continuo. Car|ohvdrato doplotion
is thoroloro almost alwavs tho causo ol oxhaustion in aoro|ic-intonsitv
Enduranco training onhancos tho |odv`s a|ilitv to storo and consorvo
car|ohvdrato luol. ll vou consistontlv do longor workouts that doploto
thoso storos, vour |odv will rospond |v stashing awav moro car|ohv-
drato |otwoon workouts. Your |odv will also adapt to thoso longor work-
outs |v producing moro lat-|urning onzvmos, onhancing vour |odv`s
a|ilitv to uso lat lor luol. This will docroaso tho rato at which vou |urn
car|ohvdrato during aoro|ic oxorciso and groatlv incroaso tho duration
vou`ro a|lo to continuo it.
Car|ohvdrato doplotion is considorod to |o tho primarv agont ol
latiguo in onduranco sports, |ut thoro aro two othors. Ono ol thom is
contral norvous svstom latiguo (commonlv rolorrod to as
). Inliko vour musclos, vour |rain gots its onorgv oxclusivolv lrom
glucoso. Vhon vour |lood glucoso lovol drops during oxtonsivo oxorciso,
a |iochomical chain roaction occurs that rosults in a shilt in tho |alanco
ol cortain hormonos in vour |rain. Tho rosult is simplv that vou start to
lool misora|lo and loso tho urgo to continuo, and at tho samo timo, tho
noural signals tolling vour lim|s to movo aro inhi|itod. Thoso svmptoms
gonorallv omorgo at tho samo timo as musclo latiguo, |ocauso thov sharo
a root causo (doplotion ol car|ohvdrato luol). Honco, tho samo training
mothods that oxtond musclo onduranco also oxtond tho onduranco ol
tho contral norvous svstom. But vou can also limit tho psvchological
componont ol contral latiguo |v dovoloping tho montal skills noodod to
ovorcomo lato-raco sulloring.
A linal onduranco limitor is musclo tissuo |roakdown. During oxor-
ciso, tho working musclos sullor microscopic toaring. Tho longor vou go,

* lncidontallv, at rost vour musclos |urn lat lor onorgv almost oxclusivolv.
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tho moro such damago accumulatos, tho moro soro vour musclos lool,
and tho loss hoalthv tissuo vou havo lolt with which to koop moving. Fur-
thor damago to tho musclos occurs whon car|ohvdrato luol runs low and
tho |odv |ogins |roaking down moro musclo protoin lor onorgv. Consis-
tont aoro|ic training with poriodic long workouts makos tho musclo tis-
suo moro rosiliont against toaring and also dolavs tho uso ol protoin lor
Bovond all this |iochomistrv, anothor |ig lactor in tho onduranco
oquation is what`s callod ln triathlon, ollicioncv rolors to tho
amount ol onorgv that is roquirod to maintain a givon paco in swim-
ming, |iking, or running. Cloarlv, loss is |ottor, |ocauso tho loss luol vou
|urn now, tho moro vou`ll havo lolt lator. Ellicioncv happons on two lov-
ols. Ono is nouromuscular. Bv ropoating cortain movomonts ovor and
ovor in training, and at tho samo timo varving thoso movomonts in cor-
tain wavs (running |oth uphill and downhill, last and slow, lor oxam-
plo), vour |rain loarns to oliminato wasto lrom tho movomont signals it
sonds to vour musclos and also to distri|uto tho workload among a
groator num|or ol motor units within vour musclos. Tho othor lovol ol
ollicioncv is tochniquo. Good tochniquo in swimming, cvcling, and run-
ning is that which maximizos powor production whilo minimizing tho
associatod onorgv cost. For oxamplo, rotating tho |odv lrom sido to sido
during swimming roducos wator drag and allows ono to swim with loss
onorgv output. Triathlotos can improvo thoir tochniquo |v doing an
appropriato amount ol training at a last paco, |ocauso lorm tonds to
improvo as spood incroasos, and |v porlorming spocial tochniquo drills
in oach disciplino.
Tho last thing l`d liko to sav a|out tho naturo ol onduranco is that it
is highlv task-spocilic. For oxamplo, training oxclusivolv in swimming will
mako vou onlv marginallv |ottor as a cvclist. This is |ocauso, |v swim-
ming, vour |odv will loarn to transport oxvgon moro rapidlv mostlv to
tho musclos usod in swimming, will incroaso glvcogon storago in thoso
samo musclos, and will incroaso ollicioncv onlv in tho swimming movo-
mont pattorns. Thoroloro, as a triathloto vou nood to maintain a consis-
tont |alanco ol training in swimming, cvcling, and running in ordor to
improvo in all throo.

Ono ol tho moro commonsonsical rulos ol triathlon training is that it
must |o as spocilic as possi|lo to tho domands ol racing. Put anothor
wav, triathlon training noods to closolv modol tho various circumstancos
ol racing, |ocauso onlv |v doing this can vou stimulato tho phvsical adap-
tations noodod to proparo vour |odv lor an optimal raco ollort.
Ol courso, thoro is a limit to how closolv ono can simulato racing in
training. Porlorming a maximum-ollort simulatod triathlon ovorv dav is
not tho |ost wav to proparo lor an actual triathlon. Thoro is moro than
ono roason this doosn`t work, |ut tho main roason is that vou can
|ocomo |ottor proparod lor a triathlon |v soparating tho various
domands that racing placos on tho |odv and proparing lor oach ol thom
individuallv. Bv compartmontalizing in this wav, vou can stimulato moro
pronouncod adaptations ol tho kinds noodod lor an optimal raco por-
lormanco. For oxamplo, |v doing a cortain amount ol vour training in
oach disciplino at a lastor paco than vou could ovor maintain in an actual
raco, vou can stimulato groator improvomont in vour ollicioncv in oach
disciplino. At tho samo timo, |v doing a cortain num|or ol swim, |iko,
and run workouts that aro longor than tho swim, |iko, and run sog-
monts ol vour noxt triathlon, vou can dovolop groator onduranco in oach
Tho most |asic application ol tho principlo ol spocilicitv has to do
with training volumo. Tho longor tho triathlon vou`ro training lor, tho
moro training vou nood to do in ordor to dovolop tho onduranco vou`ll
nood to linish it or to achiovo tho timo goal vou`vo sot lor it. Tho princi-
plo ol spocilicitv also applios to tho |alanco ol training vou porlorm
among tho throo triathlon disciplinos. ln a tvpical triathlon, ono sponds
a|out hall tho raco cvcling and tho romaining hall swimming and run-
ning. Your training should mimic this timo distri|ution.
Anothor wav to practico tho principlo ol spocilicitv is to simulato tho
topographical and climatic conditions ol vour noxt important raco in tho
most usolul wavs possi|lo in vour training. For oxamplo, il vou aro train-
ing lor a vorv hillv triathlon, vou should incorporato plontv ol hills into
vour |iko and run training. Evon littlo things liko making suro to do at
loast somo ol vour workouts at tho samo timo ol dav as vour approach-
ing raco or racos can holp vou adapt moro spocilicallv to tho domands ol
a raco. Vith tho samo rationalo, l rocommond that vou do somo amount
ol vour swim training in opon wator |oloro anv triathlon, instoad ol
swimming onlv in pools.
ln ordor to stimulato an adaptation in anv givon svstom ol vour |odv, vou
must that svstom. ln movios, tho word ovorload` is usod onlv
whon somothing is a|out to oxplodo. But in triathlon training, ovorload
is vour lriond, as long as it`s -- in naturo.
Tho principlo ol progrossivo ovorload is |asod on tho lact that tho
|odv adapts |ost whon it adapts graduallv and consistontlv. A training
ollort roprosonts an ovorload whon it su|jocts a svstom ol tho |odv to a
stimulus that is - unusual in tvpo or, moro olton, dogroo. (Stimuli
that aro moro than slightlv unusual in tvpo or dogroo will causo injurv or
illnoss.) ll tho spocilic training stimulus is ropoatod, and not onlv
ropoatod |ut also progrossivolv intonsiliod, such that it romains alwavs
slightlv unusual, tho alloctod svstoms will progrossivolv adapt until tho
limit ol thoir adaptivo potontial is roachod. Adaptations tond to |o most
rapid in tho |oginning (good nows lor |oginnors) and to slow graduallv
as this limit is approachod.
How long vou can continuo to onhanco particular training adapta-
tions through progrossivo ovorload doponds on a variotv ol lactors, not
tho loast ol which is tho particular adaptation in quostion. For oxamplo,
gonorallv an athloto can ovorload lor onduranco longor than ho or sho
can ovorload lor spood |oloro a |roak is noodod. Tho sum ol tho various
adaptations wo pursuo through triathlon training is -- Tho col-
loctivo oxporionco ol triathlotos past and prosont has consistontlv shown
that ono cannot continuo to gain litnoss lor moro than a low to sovoral
months |oloro hitting a poak. This doosn`t moan vou`ll novor got anv
lastor than vou aro altor vour lirst six months ol triathlon training. lt just
moans vou nood to rost and thon ropoat tho wholo training procoss lrom
tho |oginning in ordor to roach a highor litnoss poak. ln this rogard poo-
plo aro a lot liko plants. Vo cannot grow or |oar lruit throughout tho
voar. Vo aro dooplv onmoshod in tho cvclos that control ovorvthing in
Among tho groat challongos ol tho sport ol triathlon is timing ono`s
litnoss poaks to coincido with ono`s most important racos. Tho two main
varia|los vou nood to manipulato proporlv in ordor to poak at tho right
timo aro tho longth ol vour proparation poriod and tho rato at which vou
ovorload vour |odv during it. For tho |ost rosults, vou want to allow
onough timo to gain litnoss as slowlv as possi|lo without stagnating,
|ocauso litnoss poaks tond to |o highost whon thov aro most graduallv

Thoro aro throo main wavs to ovorload vour |odv in triathlon training: |v
incroasing tho lroquoncv, tho intonsitv, or tho duration ol workouts. Iot`s
look at oach ol thoso varia|los indopondontlv.

For optimal porlormanco in triathlon, vou should train as lroquontlv as

possi|lo without intorloring with vour |odv`s a|ilitv to rocovor adoquatolv
lrom oach workout porlormod. Iust how olton this provos to |o doponds
on a num|or ol lactors, tho most important ol which is how lroquontlv
vou`vo |oon training rocontlv. A|rupt incroasos in oxorciso lroquoncv aro
riskv. A socond limiting lactor with rospoct to lroquoncv is tho qualitv ol
ono`s rocovorv. A lull-timo prolossional triathloto whoso rocovorv con-
sists ol mid-altornoon naps, casual moals, and roading trashv novols, plus
oight and a hall hours ol sloop at night, will |o a|lo to handlo groator
oxorciso lroquoncv than tho amatour triathloto whoso rocovorv consists
ol a strosslul lull-timo jo|, raising throo kids, hurriod moals, and sovon
hours ol sloop at night. (Sound lamiliar?)
A third lactor that dotorminos how much lroquoncv is appropriato
has to do with tho naturo ol tho workouts porlormod. Tho moro vou varv
modo, duration, and intonsitv, tho moro lroquontlv vou will |o a|lo to
train. For oxamplo, a woll-conditionod triathloto might continuo to rocovor
lrom a hard track workout whilo porlorming a modorato-intonsitv swim-
ming workout just hours lator, |ocauso tho socond workout doos not sig-
nilicantlv challongo tho svstoms ol tho |odv that woro challongod most
in tho lirst workout.
lntonsitv rolors to tho rato at which vour |odv is - convorting
onorgv into movomont rolativo to vour |odv`s capacitv to do
so in tho modos ol swimming, cvcling, and running. lntonsitv is tho most
important training varia|lo ol all |ocauso it has tho most diroct rolation-
ship to tho phvsical adaptations that rosult lrom training. Each lovol ol
intonsitv-and tho gradations aro inlinito-imposos a vorv spocilic sot ol
domands on tho |odv, which rosult in spocilic phvsical adaptations that
|ocomo moro pronouncod (up to a point) tho moro timo vou spond
training at that particular lovol ol intonsitv. Each workout vou porlorm
should omphasizo ono (or occasionallv moro than ono) ol tho lollowing

- - - -


livo intonsitios, lor tho sako ol stimulating tho spocilic adaptations asso-
ciatod with it:

This is tho lowost intonsitv ol activitv that still qualilios as oxorciso. ln
lact, woll-conditionod triathlotos achiovo no litnoss gains lrom training at
this intonsitv lovol unloss thov roallv push tho duration. Tho purposo ol
training at rocovorv intonsitv is not to incroaso litnoss |ut instoad to-
vou guossod it- lrom rocont hard work |v incroasing circulation
and llushing out mota|olic wastos.
Rocovorv-intonsitv training is appropriato lor warming up |oloro
workouts, cooling down altor workouts, and ongaging in activo rocovorv
|otwoon hard ollorts within an intorval tvpo ol workout, in which high-
intonsitv ollorts ol rolativolv short duration aro soparatod |v low-intonsitv
rocovorv poriods, as woll as lor short workouts lollowing racos or particularlv
hard training sossions. For trainod individuals, rocovorv intonsitv corro-
sponds to roughlv 55 to 65 porcont ol maximum rato ol oxvgon consump-
tion (or

) and 60 to 0 porcont ol maximum hoart rato ( ).

Rocovorv paco lools vorv oasv and onlv |ogins to lool hard as car|ohv-
drato luol |ocomos doplotod altor somo timo. For trainod triathlotos,
maximum rango at rocovorv paco is sovoral hours. For |oginnors, thoro
is no such thing as a rocovorv workout, |ocauso working out ovon at 60
porcont ol \O
max will incroaso aoro|ic litnoss lor such a porson and
thoroloro nocossitato rocovorv rathor than lacilitato it. Boginnors who nood
rocovorv should walk, strotch, or rost complotolv.

Tho onduranco intonsitv lovol is |v lar tho most important training
intonsitv lor triathlotos. ll vou woro to uso just ono training intonsitv to
proparo lor a triathlon, this would |o it. ln lact, |oginnors should indood
train at this intonsitv lovol oxclusivolv lor a whilo (at loast l2 wooks)
|oloro mixing in anv ol tho highor intonsitios.
Tho onduranco intonsitv lovol is roallv a |road intonsitv zono that lios
|otwoon two phvsiological throsholds. On tho low ond, it is |ordorod |v
tho throshold whoro lat |urning poaks and car|ohvdrato |urning ovor-
takos lat as tho primarv luol sourco. On tho high ond, it is |ordorod |v
tho anaoro|ic throshold. Enduranco workouts sorvo to incroaso oxvgon
consumption capacitv and improvo tho |odv`s a|ilitv to mota|olizo lat
lor luol. \orv long onduranco workouts also improvo car|ohvdrato stor-
ago capacitv. ln trainod individuals, onduranco intonsitv corrosponds to
roughlv 65 to 5 porcont ol \O
max and 0 to 5 porcont ol max HR.
Enduranco paco lools anvwhoro lrom oasv to comlorta|lo in tho
|oginning and graduallv |ocomos moro challonging as car|ohvdrato luol
is doplotod. For trainod triathlotos, maximum rango at onduranco paco is
a low hours. Enduranco workouts usuallv tako tho lorm ol long (40 min-
utos to six hours), stoadv-paco swims, ridos, and runs.
Tho anaoro|ic throshold is tho intonsitv lovol at which lactic acid sud-
donlv |ogins to accumulato rapidlv in tho |lood duo to tho |odv`s ina|il-
itv to supplv oxvgon last onough to |roak down all tho luol noodod lor
onorgv, hastoning oxhaustion. Training at or noar this intonsitv lovol is a
vorv poworlul moans ol improving oxvgon consumption capacitv, car|o-
hvdrato luol-|urning ollicioncv, and lactato cloaranco capacitv, |ut onlv
lor thoso who havo |uilt a solid |aso ol aoro|ic litnoss through lowor-
intonsitv training.
Noto that, unliko tho rocovorv and onduranco intonsitios, which rop-
rosont gonoral rangos, throshold intonsitv (as its namo implios) is a vorv
oxact intonsitv lovol. Trainod individuals will roach this throshold at a
prociso point somowhoro |otwoon 80 to 90 porcont ol \O
max and 80
to 90 porcont ol max HR (doponding on litnoss lovol). Throshold paco
lools comlorta|lv hard initiallv and |ocomos graduallv and stoadilv
hardor. For trainod triathlotos, maximum rango at throshold paco is
a|out an hour. Throshold workouts should tako tho lorm ol sots ol long
intorvals (lor oxamplo: 3 x l2 minutos or 2 x 20 minutos) soparatod |v
activo rocovorios.

Vhon vou incroaso tho intonsitv ol swimming, |iking, or running
|ovond tho anaoro|ic throshold, vou will soon roach anothor throshold,
namolv, \O
max, also callod tho vontilatorv throshold, whoro vour work-
ing musclos aro taking up as much oxvgon as possi|lo. lt is important,
whon ongaging in max oxvgon training, that vou do not oxcood tho
intonsitv lovol at which \O
max is saturatod, |ocauso doing so
will docroaso tho amount ol timo vou`ro a|lo to spond at this intonsitv
lovol and will thoroloro unnocossarilv limit tho dosirod training ollocts,
which aro to incroaso \O
max, car|ohvdrato |urning ollicioncv, and lac-
tato cloaranco capacitv.
ln trainod individuals, max oxvgon intonsitv corrosponds to 95 to
l00 porcont ol \O
max and 90 to 95 porcont ol max HR. Vax oxvgon paco
lools hard initiallv and uncomlorta|lo within just a low minutos. For trainod
triathlotos, maximum rango at max oxvgon paco is a|out l5 minutos. Vax

oxvgon workouts aro tvpicallv porlormod in an intorval lormat with hard

ollorts lasting throo to livo minutos.

Spood intonsitv usuallv corrosponds to a paco that is 5 to l0 porcont
lastor than throshold paco, |ut it can rango up to a lull sprint. Triathlotos
should uso tho spood intonsitv lovol sparinglv, |ocauso it`s highlv stross-
lul and quito a |it lastor than raco paco. Novortholoss, it sorvos throo
important lunctions lor triathlotos, and thoroloro should not |o
oschowod altogothor. First ol all, it improvos vour lactato cloaranco
capacitv |v lorcing vou to work through acidosis (lactic acid accumula-
tion) in a lairlv high num|or ol short, high-intonsitv intorvals (o.g., 8 x 2
minutos 90 porcont ol maximum volocitv). Socond, it improvos ocon-
omv ol movomont, as tochniquo tonds to improvo at highor spoods. And
third, it limits tho dotorioration ol raw spood that can accompanv hoavv
onduranco training.
ln trainod athlotos, spood intonsitv corrosponds to roughlv l00 to
l05 porcont ol \O
max and 95 to l00 porcont ol max HR. Spood paco
lools vorv hard lrom tho got-go. For trainod triathlotos, maximum rango
at spood paco is as littlo as l5 soconds lor a lull sprint and no moro than
a|out lour minutos at a su|-sprint.
Vothods ol gauging and controlling intonsitv havo |oon among tho
hottost training-rolatod topics in tho triathlon communitv in rocont
voars. Thoro aro sovoral such mothods, which includo tho monitoring ol
paco, hoart rato, |lood lactato concontration, porcoivod oxortion, and
powor output. Vv rocommondation is that vou rolv on paco (that is, timo
ovor distanco) as vour primarv gaugo ol intonsitv and supplomont this |v
using porcoivod oxortion and, il vou wish, |v using hoart rato monitoring
lor cvcling and running and porhaps powor output as woll lor cvcling.
Tho rationalo |ohind a paco-|asod approach is twolold. First, in triathlon
wo raco |v tho clock, so whv not train |v it? Socond, mothods ol
onduranco training havo ovolvod vorv littlo sinco tho davs whon athlotos
trainod |v paco oxclusivolv. ln othor words, training |v paco works, and
it`s also tho simplost wav ol controlling intonsitv. Vhv complicato things
unnocossarilv? Tho workouts l will prosont in lator chaptors aro all paco-

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Duration, ol courso, has to do with how long a givon workout lasts. Tho
appropriato duration ol oach workout is dotorminod |v tho intondod
olloct ol tho workout, its intonsitv (which along with duration is a pri-
marv dotorminant ol tho workout`s training olloct), vour prosont lovol ol
litnoss, and tho longth ol tho raco or racos lor which vou aro proparing.
Vhilo longor workouts aro associatod with groator gains in
onduranco and aoro|ic capacitv, vou most cortainlv do not want to mako
ovorv workout last as long as possi|lo. Thoro aro two roasons whv this is
tho caso. First, vou will wind up ovortrainod and thoroloro loss lit (il not
injurod) il vou push tho duration ol workouts too olton. Additionallv, tho
longor vour workouts last, tho loss intonso thov can |o and tho loss lro-
quontlv vou can do thom. As a triathloto vou must alwavs maintain a
dvnamic |alanco among tho varia|los ol duration, lroquoncv, and inton-
sitv, |ocauso oach ol thom carrios |onolits that tho othors do not. Bv
doing ono ovordistanco workout por wook in oach disciplino, on avorago,
vou will roap all tho |onolits ol pushing duration without having to cut
|ack on intonsitv in othor workouts or roduco ovorall workout lro-
Closolv rolatod to duration is training which is tho total or
avorago amount ol timo vou spond training within a givon poriod, usu-
allv a wook or month. As with workout duration, tho particular training
volumo that is appropriato lor vou at anv givon timo doponds on vour
rocont training volumo, tho longth ol tho poak triathlon vou`ro proparing
lor, and whoro vou aro in tho training cvclo.
Your training is tho total amount ol onorgv vou oxpond in
training during a poriod ol timo-so it is a lunction ol volumo and inton-
sitv. Givon two triathlotos, oach ol whom trains l5 hours por wook, tho
triathloto carrving tho groator workload will |o tho ono whoso training
has tho highor avorago intonsitv. Tho particular training workload that is
appropriato lor vou at anv givon timo also doponds on vour rocont train-
ing workload, tho longth ol tho poak triathlon vou`ro proparing lor, and
whoro vou aro in tho training cvclo.
For tho |ost rosults, vou should not work on all tho important training
adaptations throughout vour ontiro training program. Put anothor wav,
vou should not porlorm ovorv tvpo ol workout ovorv wook. On tho con-
trarv, vou will |uild a highor litnoss poak |v concontrating on dilloront
tvpos ol training at dilloront timos and soquoncing thoso phasos in a wav
that |ost allows oach ol thom to |uild on tho rosults ol tho procoding.
Tho uso ol training phasos is prodicatod on tho lollowing throo dis-
covorios mado |v oarlior gonorations ol triathlotos and othor onduranco

Triathlotos can handlo a groator volumo ol training and moro intonso
training il high volumo and intonsitv aro procodod |v a poriod ol strictlv
low-intonsitv training that incroasos in volumo vorv graduallv. First ol all,
such a |uildup strongthons tho |onos, musclos, and connoctivo tissuos
ol tho |odv, rondoring thom |ottor a|lo to handlo tho hoavior and hardor
training to lollow. Socond, improving vour aoro|ic capacitv through su|-
throshold training will holp vou got moro out ol high-intonsitv training
Tho |ulk ol tho training vou do at actual raco intonsitv should occur in
tho lattor portion ol tho training procoss. This is tho caso lor two roasons.
First, raco intonsitv is tho intonsitv lor which vou want vour |odv to |o
|ost adaptod, and as an athloto, vou aro alwavs |ost adaptod to tho tvpo
ol training that has |oon vour most rocont locus. Socond, in ordor to
mako raco-intonsitv workouts roallv count, it`s |ost il vou`ro alroadv in
prottv good shapo whon vou start doing thom, so vou can train longor at
this intonsitv. Prosuma|lv, vou`ro in |ottor shapo toward tho ond ol tho
training cvclo than toward tho |oginning.
Your hoaviost training workload should lall in tho middlo portion ol tho
training procoss. (Romom|or that workload is a lunction ol training vol-
umo and intonsitv.) ln othor words, do tho groatost amount ol high-
intonsitv training altor vou`vo |uilt a solid loundation and |oloro vou
|ogin to omphasizo raco-intonsitv workouts in tho linal phaso ol training.
Tho roason vou want vour workload to poak woll |oloro vou achiovo an
actual litnoss poak lor vour most important raco is that vou`ll |o too tirod
to raco woll othorwiso. ln lact, tho linal wook to throo wooks ol tho train-
ing procoss should |o tho lightost ol all.
ln viow ol thoso throo roalitios, dividing tho training procoss into dis-
tinct phasos is crucial. lndividual training phasos aro not as a|rupt or dis-

parato as porhaps tho torm makos thom sound. lt`s not liko vou do noth-
ing |ut rido tho |iko in ono phaso and thon quit cvcling lor two months
in tho noxt phaso ol training. Vanv olomonts ol training romain constant
and manv pattorns continuo as ono phaso passos into tho noxt. For oxam-
plo, in all throo phasos, tho majoritv ol vour workouts should |o stoadv-
paco, onduranco-intonsitv workouts. Tho main thing that doos
distinguish tho training phasos lrom ono anothor is tho tvpos ol workout
that sorvo as workouts in oach.
Tho uso ol phasos in sports training is commonlv rolorrod to as
. ln triathlon thoro aro sovoral dilloront svstoms ol poriodiza-
tion with various num|ors ol phasos and namos lor thom. l prolor a
simplo, throo-phaso training cvclo that includos a |aso phaso, a |uild
phaso, and a poak phaso. Tho - - involvos |uilding a loundation
ol solid aoro|ic litnoss |v doing an incroasinglv hoavv volumo ol low- to
modorato-intonsitv swimming, |iking, and running. This is also tho timo
to onhanco tho |odv`s capacitv to handlo hoavv and hard training |v
incroasing strongth and lloxi|ilitv and also to locus on tochniquo
improvomont. ln tho - vou thon push tho limits ol vour aor-
o|ic litnoss |v doing as much high-intonsitv training as vou can handlo.
ln tho - vour goal is to maximizo raco-roadinoss through a
com|ination ol kov workouts that stimulato tho most raco-spocilic adap-
tations and adoquato rost. As vour poak raco approachos, tho poak phaso
|ocomos a , a ono- to throo-wook poriod ol light training, which
somo coachos and athlotos liko to considor a soparato, mini-phaso.
Havo l just contradictod mvsoll? A momont ago l told vou to train in
phasos. l`vo just now told vou to train in cvclos. Can ono do |oth? Yos,
ono must:
A cvclo is, ol courso, a pattorn that rocurs. Cvclos aro usolul in
triathlon training |ocauso thov holp organizo tho training procoss and
also |ocauso cortain pattorns - rocur in training il tho program is
going to rosult in progrossivolv incroasing litnoss. You can`t porlorm just
ono throshold-intonsitv workout and oxpoct to thoro|v raiso vour anaor-
o|ic throshold, lor oxamplo. l rocommond tho uso ol throo lovols ol
cvclos: wooklv cvclos, stop cvclos, and lull training cvclos.
- aro olton rolorrod to as micro-cvclos. Thov aro usod
not just |ocauso ovorv|odv in our sociotv arrangos most ha|itual activi-
tios in wooklv cvclos, |ut also lor phvsiological roasons. Spocilicallv, it just
- - -- - - - - -- - -
so happons that tho training olloct ol a givon workout tvpo can |o sus-
tainod onlv il tho workout is ropoatod at loast onco a wook (or so). Cro-
ating an optimal wooklv training schodulo is a gamo with two o|joctivos.
Tho lirst o|joctivo is litting in all tho nocossarv workouts: tho socond is
arranging thom in such a wav that oach spocilic stimulus is a|sor|od
optimallv, which tvpicallv ontails surrounding oach important workout
with adoquato rost and with workouts as unliko it (in modo, duration,
and intonsitv) as possi|lo. Vost triathlotos chooso to do thoir hoaviost
training on tho wookonds, not lor sciontilic roasons |ut rathor lor
lilostvlo onos.
Vooklv cvclos, in turn, aro arrangod into two- to lour-wook stop
cvclos in which vou ropoat tho |asic pattorn ol a training wook lrom ono
wook to tho noxt |ut incroaso tho workload with oach go-around, until
tho last wook ol tho cvclo, in which tho workload is roducod lor rocovorv.
Bv incorporating plannod rocovorv into vour training program in this
mannor vou can actuallv train hardor during vour hardost wooks and
|uild moro graduallv toward a highor litnoss poak than vou could
achiovo il vou triod to incroaso tho workload ovorv wook. Each ol tho
throo training phasos, |aso, |uild, and poak, should contain a cortain
num|or ol comploto stop cvclos: tho prociso num|or doponds on tho
longth ol tho ovorall training program.
Finallv, tho training program itsoll is a cvclo in tho contoxt ol vour
caroor as a triathloto. Vost triathlotos comploto ono
por voar, |ut vou can lit in two, or ovon throo. Enduranco is |uilt ovor
manv voars. Somo ol tho phvsiological adaptations to training that
incroaso onduranco, such as tho proliloration ol coll mitochondria, can
intonsilv continuallv lrom childhood until middlo ago. This puts votorans
ol high school track and swim toams at an advantago as adult triathlotos,
|ut it also moans that thoso who como to triathlon as adults with no
|ackground in onduranco sports can oxpoct to mako progross lor sovoral
consocutivo soasons just |v staving consistont in thoir training. But this
progross can onlv occur in cvclos. You cannot activolv pursuo a litnoss
poak at all timos ol tho voar without |roaking down ovontuallv. Evorv
triathloto noods an oll-soason.
As a training varia|lo, rost donotos anv timo spont a|sor|ing a rocont
training stimulus. Rost is tho lorum lor rocovorv and adaptation. Excopt
lor improvomonts in nouromuscular coordination, all ol tho various

phvsical adaptations that constituto incroasod litnoss occur during rost

rathor than during workouts thomsolvos. lt is important novor to loso
sight ol tho lact that vou cannot achiovo optimal litnoss without ado-
quato rost.
Rocovorv and adaptation aro moro or loss tho samo procoss. Altor a
givon svstom ol tho |odv has |oon ovorloadod, it must rocovor-that is,
it must roturn to ---Oa stato ol |alanco or oquili|rium. Vhon
a svstom ol tho |odv is ovorloadod ha|ituallv and progrossivolv, it tonds
to go |ovond homoostasis in tho rocovorv procoss, and this constitutos
adaptation. For oxamplo, a singlo workout will diminish car|ohvdrato
storos, so that altorward tho |odv must roplonish thom. A progrossivo
soquonco ol workouts will rosult in tho |odv`s |ocoming graduallv a|lo
to storo moro car|ohvdrato in tho musclos, making it hardor to doploto
tho supplv. This procoss ol adapting |ovond homoostasis through tho
rocovorv procoss is callod --.
Simplv not oxorcising is not tho onlv wav to promoto rocovorv. ln lact,
oxorciso itsoll can promoto rocovorv in tho right circumstancos. Bv doing
short, low-intonsitv workouts |otwoon longor, hardor onos, vou can accol-
orato tho compononts ol rocovorv that dopond on circulation. lt is also
possi|lo to lail to rocovor proporlv dospito not oxorcising. Adoquato
sloop, propor nutrition, and stross managomont all havo a proloundlv
|onolicial impact on tho rocovorv procoss. ll vou nogloct to oat right, lor
oxamplo, no amount ol rost will got vou roadv lor vour noxt hard work-
out. Your ontiro lilostvlo is rolovant to vour progross as a triathloto.
Rost is trickv. Vhilo it is univorsallv acknowlodgod that a highor lovol
ol porlormanco is achiova|lo onlv in a rostod stato, it is also undorstood
that this momont ol comploto rocovorv is lollowod immodiatolv |v
or tho gradual loss ol litnoss, unloss now stimulus is appliod.
ln othor words, no soonor havo vou lullv adaptod to vour training than
vou |ogin to roadapt to inactivitv (in tho a|sonco ol now training stim-
uli). Tho various phvsiological compononts ol litnoss dotoriorato at dil-
loront ratos (lor oxamplo, |lood plasma volumo is lost moro slowlv than
capillarv donsitv)-|ut thov all dotoriorato soonor or lator unloss now
challongos aro a|sor|od. Consoquontlv, succosslul training ontails main-
taining tho right |alanco |otwoon tho application ol training stimuli and
su|soquont rocovorv. ll vou do not stross tho right svstoms olton or pro-
grossivolv, litnoss gains will platoau and thon rovorso. ll vou skimp on
rocovorv, howovor, vou`ll lool awlul, and thon got hurt or sick and lool
ovon worso.
lt is noithor possi|lo nor dosira|lo to do ovorv workout in a stato ol
comploto rocovorv lrom tho provious ono, howovor. This is duo to tho
lact that, |v lorcing vour |odv to work out a littlo moro lroquontlv than
it wants to, vou can train it to rocovor and adapt moro quicklv and to han-
dlo moro work, which will load to lurthor litnoss gains. This is whv tho
varia|lo ol lroquoncv is so important. l`ll novor lorgot how l lolt whon l
lirst mado tho transition lrom working out onco a dav to working out
twico a dav sovoral timos a wook. l gainod litnoss so quicklv, it was almost
Tho onlv timos vou nood to achiovo comploto rocovorv aro |oloro
important racos and altor a givon training cvclo onds. But this is not to
suggost that vou should tako on a maximal workload at all othor timos.
ln ordor to ovon |o a|lo to handlo a trulv maximal workload during anv
givon wook vou nood to allow voursoll a rocovorv wook at loast onco a
month-that is, vou nood to uso stop cvclos. Thoso rocovorv wooks aro
not as light as tapor wooks, and thoroloro do not rosult in total rocovorv,
|ut thov como closo onough to allow vou to train hardor whon vou train

Each triathloto is uniquo, and no two triathlotos can achiovo thoir |ost
rosults through idontical training programs. For this roason, it is osson-
tial that vou customizo vour triathlon training to vour particular noods
and circumstancos. Thoro aro two lorms ol customization: pro-adjustmont
and post-adjustmont. Pro-adjustmont ontails planning vour training in a
moro or loss atvpical wav |asod on vour porsonal oxigoncios. Tho most
common roasons lor pro-adjusting ono`s training awav lrom tho norm
aro schodulo constraints and individual woaknossos. For oxamplo, a
triathloto who`s a strong cvclist and runnor |ut a poor swimmor might
chooso to spond moro than tho tvpical 25 porcont ol his or hor total
training timo practicing tho swim until su|stantial improvomont has
|oon mado.
Post-adjustmont ontails modilving vour training |asod on tho rosults
ol tho training and racing vou`vo dono. Tho most common roasons lor
post-adjusting ono`s training aro limitations or llaws porcoivod in provi-
ouslv usod mothods, injurv, improvomont (which can allow ono to han-
dlo moro or hardor training), now idoas (oithor original or |orrowod),
and now goals. For oxamplo, vou mav porlorm |adlv on tho hills in a raco
and como awav dotorminod to includo moro strongth and hill training in

vour program training. (Or porhaps vou`ll just avoid hillv racos lrom
now on:)
Thoro is tromondous opportunitv lor improvomont in paving carolul
attontion to causo and olloct in vour training and raco porlormancos,
making inlormod doductions, and acting upon thom. ll vour training
romains tho samo voar altor voar, thon vou aro undou|todlv ropoating
mistakos that could |o corroctod with groator mindlulnoss, and aro lail-
ing to mako adjustmonts that would accommodato tho changing noods
and capa|ilitios ol vour |odv. Considor it ono ol vour chiol goals as a
triathloto to |ocomo vour own coach. Vhon vou lirst |ogin in tho sport,
vou can do no |ottor than to lollow gonoral advico lrom authoritativo
rosourcos such as coachos, oxporioncod triathlotos, and magazinos. This
will got vou startod. But onco vou havo lullv intornalizod tho osta|lishod
principlos and provon mothods ol training, and also soon how vou
rospond whon vou applv and practico thom in various wavs, |ocomo
tho most qualiliod oxport to diroct vour own lurthor dovolopmont as a
Soonor or lator vou`ll havo vour own training philosophv. lndividual
training philosophios do not quarrol ovor tho osta|lishod principlos and
provon practicos l`vo discussod in this chaptor. Rathor, oach linds its own
prolorrod spot within tho liold ol possi|ilitios dolinod |v thoso rulos. For
oxamplo, somo triathlotos liko to practico anothor kind ol cvclo that l did
not got into horo callod - - in which thov omphasizo ono
modo at a timo in a rocurring soquonco, as whon a swim-locus poriod is
lollowod |v a |iko-locus poriod is lollowod |v a run-locus poriod, and
so on. This practico and othor similar onos aro not intrinsicallv |ottor or
worso than tho altornativos-thov just work |ottor lor somo triathlotos.
A training philosophv is nothing moro than what works |ost lor tho cro-
ator ol that particular philosophv. Tho mark ol a truo votoran triathloto is
an approach to training that`s a littlo dilloront lrom ovorvono olso`s
approach, |ut has a roason |ohind ovorv aspoct ol it.

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ovoral voars into his storiod caroor as a prolossional triathloto,

Gorman long-distanco spocialist Irgon Zck |ogan to sullor lrom crip-
pling lowor |ack pain. As triathlon was not onlv his passion |ut also his
livolihood, Zck samplod ovorv potontial romodv ho could lind, lrom
phvsical thorapv to plain old rost, vot his condition continuod to worson
until ho was lorcod to contomplato rotiromont. But thon, as a last rosort,
Zck changod |ikos, roplacing his traditional, diamond-lramo stood with
a |iko whoso soat sat porchod atop a suspondod |oam that a|sor|od
moro shock. Riding it, in com|ination with his othor troatmonts, mado
all tho dilloronco. His |ack hoalod and ho roturnod to top lorm.
Tho moral ol this storv is not that all triathlotos should rido |oam
|ikos, |ut simplv that oquipmont mattors. ll vou mako tho ollort to
chooso and uso tho right stull lor vou (and uso it right), vou will train
moro olloctivolv, raco lastor, onjov tho sport moro, and porhaps ovon
onjov it longor. Triathlon is a goar-intonsivo pursuit, which moans that
oquipmont roprosonts an aroa ol opportunitv lor triathlotos who havo
tho dosiro and whorowithal to tako advantago ol it.
Somo triathlotos considor shopping to |o triathlon`s unollicial lourth dis-
ciplino. Vhilo it mav not |o quito important, thoro`s no quostion
that making smart triathlon-rolatod purchasos can onhanco vour succoss
in tho sport. Savvv triathlon shopping is as simplo as adhoring to tho lol-
lowing livo guidolinos:
Alwavs prioritizo ossontial purchasos, such as shoo orthotics, supposing
vou nood thom to provont injurios, ahoad ol all nonossontial purchasos.
Alwavs prioritizo purchasos that will onhanco vour onjovmont ol tho
sport ahoad ol purchasos vou might lool vou ought` to mako (porhaps
|ocauso thov aro high prioritios lor vour training partnors). And as a gon-
oral rulo, purchaso itoms that will holp vou train |ottor ahoad ol thoso
that will holp vou raco |ottor, and purchaso itoms vou will uso lroquontlv
ahoad ol thoso vou will uso inlroquontlv.
- -
Ono good roason thoro aro so manv makos and modols ol |icvclo is that
thoro aro so manv dilloront |odios. Tho samo can |o said ol |iko hol-
mots, running shoos, and manv othor triathlon-rolatod products. No sin-
glo product in anv ol thoso catogorios is optimallv suitod to ovorv
triathloto. Swim gogglos aro a caso in point. Gogglos that lit vour moon
laco porloctlv aro suro to loak or log up on mv pinhoad. This mav sound
commonsonsical, |ut manv is tho triathloto who |uvs products lor no
|ottor roason than |ocauso thov look good on a training partnor, and
rogrots it.
Tho throo kovs to |uving tho right goar lor vou aro, lirst, undor-
standing tho |asic lactors that dillorontiato products in anv givon cato-
gorv: socond, undorstanding vour oquipmont noods: and third, tosting
products prior to purchaso whonovor possi|lo. Tho primarv locus ol tho
romaining soctions ol this chaptor is to supplv vou with much ol tho
inlormation vou`ll nood to mako such inlormod |uving docisions.

Tho storo vou |uv lrom mattors almost as much as tho products vou |uv,
ospociallv whon tho products aro shoos and |ikos, as tho |ottor rotailors
won`t allow vou to loavo thoir storos with tho wrong product. l`m talking
a|out sorvico. Vanv rotailors that havo just tho right |iko or shoo lor vou
mav not actuallv soll vou that |iko or shoo |ocauso ol poor sorvico-that
is, |ocauso thoir porsonnol lack tho knowlodgo or concorn to match vou
up with it.
Tho hallmarks ol a good rotailor, |ovond a groat product soloction,
aro porsonalizod attontion, knowlodgoa|lo salospooplo who ask vou lots
ol quostions and ollor woll-considorod answors to vour own quostions,

and a policv ol oncouraging customors to tost products. Storos with groat

sorvico alwavs carrv a roputation lor groat sorvico, which makos linding
thom oasv il vou ask around.
Your 8200 hoart rato monitor will novor |o worth moro than l0 conts il
vou don`t loarn how to uso tho inlormation it providos to rolino vour
training. Iikowiso, |uving a lancv triathlon |iko will actuallv slow vou
down rathor than spood vou up il vou novor |othor to proporlv lit it to
vou (or havo vour rotailor do so). Vhilo manv triathlon products aro
wash-and-woar,` othors roquiro an invostmont ol caro and attontion to
viold tho lull moasuro ol thoir potontial |onolits. This is ospociallv truo in
rolation to vour |iko, which roquiros almost as much caro and attontion
as a horso lor optimal porlormanco. l`ll discuss |asic |icvclo mainto-
nanco and upkoop in Chaptor 4.
A triathloto`s shopping is novor dono-at loast, it shouldn`t |o. Bv this l
moan that vou`ll |o woll sorvod to romain alwavs on tho lookout lor
products that can onhanco vour onjovmont ol, or porlormanco in,
triathlon, |o it a product ol a kind vou`vo novor triod |oloro, a simplo
upgrado, or a now tochnologv or rocont invontion.

Iot`s now tako a product-|v-product look at tho most ossontial and usolul
itoms ol triathlon oquipmont and tho most important lactors to considor
whon shopping lor and using thom. This is not an oxhaustivo list, |v anv
moans. For oxamplo, not ono word a|out hvpoxic slooping cham|ors:
Fit, hvdrodvnamics, and look aro gonorallv tho virtuos triathlotos look lor
in swimsuits. Von mav chooso lrom among a wido variotv ol |riols,
which loavo littlo to tho imagination: jammors, which aro cut moro liko
cvcling shorts: and skin suits, which covor ovon moro ol tho |odv with
matorials that roduco wator drag and musclo vi|ration (which, appar-
ontlv, slows down swimmors a tinv, tinv amount). Vomon havo ono-

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pioco, two-pioco, and skin suit options to considor. Go lor a lit that`s
snug |ut not constricting. Bovond matorial and |odv covorago, snugnoss
ol lit allocts tho suit`s hvdrodvnamic proportios most.
Novor compoto in triathlons using a traditional swimsuit. Thov aro
not dosignod to givo vou tho protoction vou nood on tho |iko. lnstoad,
vou`ll nood to woar a triathlon suit, which is |asicallv a swimsuit-cvcling
short hv|rid (soo dotailod doscription |olow). Also, l rocommond that
vou own and uso at loast two swimsuits in training, so vou alwavs havo
ono to woar whilo vou`ro washing tho othor.
Bv lar tho most important considoration with gogglos is lit. lll-litting
gogglos can |o uncomlorta|lo and can loak. Factors allocting lit aro lons
shapo, gaskot dosign (tho gaskot is tho part ol tho gogglo that touchos
vour laco), and strap dosign. Novor |uv a pair ol gogglos without lirst trv-
ing it on-and ovon this moasuro is not loolprool. Gogglos that lool groat
will somotimos loak, too. Fortunatolv, most gogglos aro choap, so vou can
alwavs trv, trv again il nocossarv without taking a major hit in tho wallot.
A gogglo altornativo lor thoso who lind all gogglos uncomlorta|lo is swim
masks dosignod lor litnoss swimming rathor than diving.
Tho socond most important considoration with gogglos is visi|ilitv.
Spocial visi|ilitv loaturos in somo gogglos includo tintod lonsos lor out-
door uso, anti-log lonsos, or ovon corroctivo lonsos lor tho noarsightod.
Franklv, l havo rarolv lound so-callod anti-log lonsos that porlorm as
thov`ro promotod to do. To mako vour lonsos trulv log-lroo, pick up a
|ottlo ol anti-log solution lrom vour porlormanco swimwoar or multi-
sport rotailor and simplv sproad a small drop around tho insido ol tho
lonsos |oloro oach uso. (Ba|v shampoo also works.)

Triathlon suits-tri-suits-aro tochnical garmonts dosignod spocilicallv
lor triathlon racing. Vhilo l montion thom horo among swim goar, thov
aro worn through all throo logs ol tho triathlon (olton undornoath a wot-
suit in tho swim). Vado in ono- and two-pioco variotios lor mon and
womon, thov com|ino a swimsuit`s slooknoss, tho soat-aroa protoction
(and somotimos tho thigh comprossion) ol a cvcling short, and tho torso
covorago ol a cvcling jorsov or running top. Thoro`s a groat doal ol vari-
otv in triathlon suit dosigns. For oxamplo, among two-pioco dosigns, vou
can chooso tops with and without sloovos, with and without a roar
pockot, with and without a lront zippor, and in lull-longth or short-cut
(or sports |ra) variotios, to sav nothing ol tho various la|ric tvpos
Although triathlon suit dosign proloroncos aro highlv individual, tvp-
icallv, suits that loaturo groator soat protoction and thigh comprossion
aro prolorrod lor longor triathlons, whilo slooknoss and lightnoss (loss
la|ric) aro prolorrod lor shortor ovonts.
Triathlon wotsuits woro croatod in ordor to koop triathlotos warm in cold
wator, |ut thov also mako triathlotos moro |uovant, honco lastor, in opon
wator, onco vou`vo adjustod to tho dilloront lool ol swimming in ono. Por-
haps knowing that it sorvos two purposos will mako vou lool |ottor a|out
sholling out lor a wotsuit, as vou can oxpoct to pav at loast 8300 lor a lull
suit. Howovor, as with a good |iko lramo, a good wotsuit will last a wholo
caroor il vou tako propor caro ol it (rinso and air-drv it altor oach uso and
storo it insido out).
Factors to considor whon choosing a wotsuit aro lit, oaso ol motion
(in tho shouldors ospociallv, lor lull suits), and oaso ol romoval, as tho
lastor vou can got tho damn thing oll, tho lastor vour lirst transition will
|o. Triathlon wotsuits como in lull suit, hall suit, sloovoloss, and two-
pioco variotios. Vost modols loaturo varia|lo-thicknoss nooprono con-
struction (thickor in tho logs lor |uovancv) and a long zippor in |ack.

Swim caps roduco drag, protoct hair lrom chlorino and salt, and improvo
visi|ilitv lor thoso with longor hair. ll vou do havo longor hair, considor
tho swim cap an ossontial pioco ol oquipmont: othorwiso, it`s optional.
Tho choapost swim caps aro mado ol tight-litting latox and dillor lrom
ono anothor onlv in appoaranco. Vost triathlon ovonts distri|uto color-
codod latox swim caps to distinguish tho sovoral starting wavos. Koop
thoso and vou mav novor havo to |uv ono: Silicono caps tond to |o a lit-
tlo moro comlorta|lo (loss hair pulling) and a littlo moro oxponsivo. Ivcra
la|ric swim caps aro ovon moro comlorta|lo |ut aro also loss slook in tho
lncludod in this catogorv aro swim lins, paddlos, pull |uovs, and kick-
|oards. l will discuss thoso itoms in tho noxt chaptor whon l talk a|out
tho training drills lor which thov`ro usod.


Tho |iko is vour most important triathlon purchaso |v a long shot. l sav
this not just |ocauso tho |iko is tho costliost purchaso vou`ll mako
(unloss vou |uv and install a pool or somothing), |ut also |ocauso it is
tho itom ol oquipmont that has tho groatost impact on vour raco timos,
and |ocauso thoro aro moro choicos availa|lo in this product catogorv
than in anv othor, and |ocauso choosing tho |iko that`s |ost suitod to
vou roquiros moro caro than is tho caso with anv othor oquipmont itom.
Finding tho right |iko is moro challonging tho loss oxporionco vou
havo as a cvclist. This is |ocauso linding tho right |iko is primarilv a mat-
tor ol lool-ol how tho riding oxporionco on ono |iko comparos against
vour oncountors with othor |ikos, and tho moro oxporioncod ridor is |ot-
tor attunod to tho nuancos ol tho riding oxporionco. Novortholoss, lor
now and votoran cvclists aliko, propor |iko-shopping mothodologv is tho
samo: altor limiting vour soarch |v dociding how vou intond to uso vour
|iko (honco what tvpo ol |iko vou nood) and how much dough vou can
allord to spond on it, vou must thoroughlv tost sovoral |ikos and pur-
chaso tho |iko that - |ost, kooping in mind tho intondod application.
Expoct to pav at loast 8l,000 lor a road |iko that is raco-worthv and
at loast 8l,200 lor an ontrv-lovol triathlon |iko. Expoct to lind that moro
oxponsivo |ikos gonorallv porlorm |ottor. ll vou lack that kind ol scratch,
vou`ll nood to simplv savo up or olso |uv usod, |ut ovon thon, pav atton-
tion to moro than just tho prico. Thoroughlv inspoct anv usod |iko vou
considor |uving lor woar (ospociallv lramo cracks), or havo a |iko oxport
do so on vour |ohall, and |oar in mind that it`s rarolv worth |uving a
lixor-uppor. Botwoon tho |iko itsoll and tho noodod upgrados, vou`ll
pro|a|lv wind up sponding moro than vou would havo dishod out lor a
now |iko ol oqual qualitv.
Vhon shopping lor a now |iko, novor assumo that what vou soo is
what vou must got. ll vou liko ovorvthing a|out a |iko vou`ro considoring
oxcopt tho soatpost, lor oxamplo, toll vour salosporson vou don`t liko tho
soatpost and soo what ho or sho can do a|out it. Anv roasona|lo shop will
givo vou lair trado-in valuo lor su|stitutions. For that mattor, in kooping
with shopping principlo num|or livo discussod a|ovo, it`s alwavs wiso to
considor vour |iko a work in progross, ovon voars altor vou`vo |rought it
homo. At anv givon timo, thoro`s pro|a|lv at loast ono lit-, comlort- or
porlormanco-onhancing adjustmont or upgrado vou can mako, ovon il it`s
changing vour handlo|ar tapo or choico ol chain lu|ricant.

- K- -

Altor vou`vo osta|lishod vour |udgot, vour noxt considoration is

whothor to |uv a triathlon |iko or a road |iko, or |oth. This considora-
tion is vour socond wav ol limiting vour |iko soarch |oloro ongaging in
tost ridos and is |asod on vour oxporionco lovol, |odv proportions and
podaling |iomochanics, and intondod uso lor tho |iko. Tho ossontial dil-
loronco |otwoon triathlon and road |ikos is that triathlon |ikos aro
dosignod to porlorm |ost in timo trial conditions (llat and straight),
whoroas road |ikos aro dosignod to porlorm |ost on hills and turns and
in pack riding. To sorvo thoir lunction, triathlon |ikos position tho ridor
dillorontlv than road |ikos. Spocilicallv, thov tilt tho ridor lorward sovoral
dogroos moro and placo his or hor loroarms on an aoro|ar (oxcopt whon
cornoring, |roaking, clim|ing, rolaxing, and somotimos shilting) lor a
low, strotchod-out, and narrow riding position that maximizos aoro-
dvnamic ollicioncv. ln ordor to mako this position (roasona|lv) comlort-
a|lo, tri-|ikos uso a shortor top tu|o, and in ordor to accommodato tho
moro lorward distri|ution ol tho ridor`s woight, thov olton havo a tightor
whool|aso. Furthor, to mako tho tightor whool|aso loasi|lo, triathlon
|ikos somotimos como oquippod with smallor whools.
Tho aoro position allordod |v tho triathlon |iko`s dosign ollors a
tromondous advantago in torms ol ollicioncv in timo trial conditions. lt
roquiros lar loss powor output lor tho ridor to maintain anv givon spood
in tho aoro position in such conditions than it doos whon ho or sho pod-
als in tho various road cvcling positions. Givon this lact, vou mav wondor
whv anvono would uso anvthing othor than a triathlon |iko lor triathlon
training and racing. Two roasons. First, tho aoro position is roallv a racing
position. Vhilo last, it`s not as comlorta|lo or sta|lo as tho road posi-
tions. Nor do triathlon |ikos porlorm as woll as road |ikos whon riddon
in anv othor position (hands on |rako hoods, lor instanco) or on hillv tor-
rain. For thoso roasons, most triathlotos who havo two |ikos do most ol
thoir training on a moro vorsatilo road |iko. Socond, it`s lairlv oasv to
modilv a road |iko to accommodato an aoro position that`s noarlv as olli-
ciont as that ol a tri-|iko. You just nood to |uv a clip-on aoro|ar and por-
haps a lorward soatpost, and thon lino-tuno a |it. ln lact, ovon somo
prolossional triathlotos (usuallv tall mon with longor torsos) raco on
modiliod road |ikos in long-distanco ovonts, whoro comlort and vorsatil-
itv aro moro important.
So, who should got which kind ol |iko? A triathlon |iko is soldom a
good option as a lirst |iko lor tho rolativolv inoxporioncod cvclist. lt`s
gonorallv |ottor to got a road |iko and a clip-on aoro|ar (and a lorward
soatpost, il nood |o) and oaso into aoro riding in this wav. ll raco timos
mattor to vou moro than vorsatilitv and comlort in training, and il vou do
mostlv shortor triathlons, and il vou can`t allord two |ikos just vot, thon,
and onlv thon, it mav |o worth gotting a triathlon |iko lirst. ln anv caso,
tho idoal sconario is to own two |ikos, ol courso, unloss vou do mostlv
long-distanco triathlons and vour |odv proportions aro such that vou aro
a|lo to lind a vorv olliciont aoro position on a road |iko, in which caso a
triathlon |iko mav |o suporlluous.
This loads us to tho mattor ol lool, which has throo intorrolatod com-
pononts: lit, comlort, and porlormanco. Fit is all a|out achioving a riding
position that |alancos aorodvnamics and powor production. This opti-
mal riding position, in turn, is a lunction ol lramo sizo, |iko proportions,
and linal adjustmonts, or litting. Again, tho various road |iko positions
(thoro aro sovoral possi|lo hand placomonts on a road handlo|ar) tond
to |o moro poworlul (and moro comlorta|lo), whilo tho triathlon |iko`s
aoro position is moro aorodvnamic. Road and triathlon |iko lramos aro
sizod |v tho moasuromont ol thoir top tu|o longth, in contimotors. Howovor,
oach manulacturor choosos its own prociso ondpoints lor tho moasuromonts,
such that it`s not uncommon lor a 56-contimotor lramo ol Brand X to
actuallv havo a 55-contimotor top tu|o, whilo a 56-contimotor lramo ol
Brand Y actuallv has a 5-contimotor top tu|o. Consoquontlv, cvclists
novor havo a singlo, invariant |iko sizo, liko a pant sizo, |ut rathor a -
. So, to lind a good lit, tho thing to do is mount a |iko that`s in vour
sizo rango and rotato tho right podal down to tho |ottom ol its cvclo.
Vithout angling vour hip, oxtond vour right log and trv to placo vour hool
on tho podal. ll vou can just |arolv do it (in shoos), without adjusting tho
soat stom to tho vorv top or |ottom ol its rango, tho lramo is approxi-
matolv tho right sizo.
Howovor, it still mav not |o tho right |iko lor vou on account ol tho
proportions lactor. Two |ikos with idontical top tu|o moasuromonts
might havo dilloront drop tu|o longths, dilloront goomotrv, dilloront
crank longths, dilloront lront stom sizos, and so lorth. At tho samo timo,
two ridors with idontical torso longths might havo dilloront insoams, arm
longths, loot longths, woight moasuromonts, podaling |iomochanics,
and so on. All ol thoso moasuromonts and proportions plav a rolo in lit.
Doos this moan vou havo to tako a |unch ol moasuromonts to lind a
good lit? No, |ocauso thov all add up to somothing vou can simplv lool
whon riding: a good lit or a poor ono.
Finallv, it`s raro that ovon tho |ost-litting |iko among thoso vou trv
will |o adjustod oxactlv tho wav vou nood it on tho showroom lloor ol
tho |iko shop. This is whoro sotup comos in-that is, lino-tuning saddlo
hoight and position, aoro|ar sotup, and so lorth. l`ll discuss sotup in
Chaptor 4.

ll comlort woro tho most important qualitv ol a racing |iko, triath-

lotos would raco on massivo cruisors with lat, cushv soats, |ig, solt tiros,
and slack goomotrv. But |ocauso - is tho most important qualitv ol
a racing |iko, and |ocauso spood and comlort tond to work at cross-
purposos, racing |ikos aro novor supor-comlorta|lo. Howovor, il a |iko is loss
than roasona|lv comlorta|lo, spood will sullor, ospociallv ovor longor dis-
tancos. So, what vou want is a racing |iko that lools vorv comlorta|lo-
lor a racing |iko.
Tho lactor that most allocts comlort is, again, lit. ll vour |iko is tho
right sizo and vour riding position is corroct, vou will |o a|out as com-
lorta|lo as vou can |o on a racing |iko. That said, lramo stillnoss and
dosign also mako a dilloronco. Ioss still lramos tond to a|sor| moro
shock and thoroloro lool moro comlorta|lo. As lor dosign, shock-a|sor|-
ing |oam |ikos liko tho ono Irgon Zck switchod to aro vorv popular
among triathlotos, manv ol whom lool that this dosign loavos thoir logs
loss |oat-up lor tho run.
Tho saddlo also allocts comlort, lor o|vious roasons. Somo saddlos
ollor moro padding and support than othors, |ut thoso tond to woigh
moro and aro somotimos |ulkv. ll vou can loarn to livo with a |onv, ultra-
light racing saddlo, do so: othorwiso, a compromiso moasuro that works
woll lor manv cvclists is placing a paddod soat covor ovor tho racing sad-
dlo. Noto that, rogardloss ol vour saddlo tvpo, |iko lit, and lramo mato-
rial, il vou`ro now to cvcling, vou can oxpoct to lool somo normal
discomlort in vour soat aroa, nock, lowor |ack, and porhaps also in vour
hands and othor aroas: this discomlort will diminish as vour |odv adjusts
to riding.
Tho porlormanco componont ol |iko lool has to do with how woll a
givon |iko movos in various circumstancos (clim|ing, cornoring, otc.),
which is a lunction primarilv ol woight, stillnoss, aorodvnamics, and com-
pononts. A lightor |iko accoloratos moro quicklv, olton handlos moro
nim|lv, and porlorms much |ottor on hills. Voight is alloctod most |v
matorials. Ol tho lour major lramo matorials, car|on li|or is lightost, lol-
lowod |v titanium, aluminum, and stool. Iightnoss is also a virtuo ol |ot-
tor |iko compononts. To upgrado |iko parts is gonorallv svnonvmous
with roplacing hoavior parts (aluminum lront lork, aluminum soatpost)
with lightor onos (car|on li|or lront lork, titanium soatpost). As a gon-
oral rulo, vou should got tho lightost |iko and compononts possi|lo with-
out giving up aorodvnamics, lit, or too much comlort or dura|ilitv.
Biko stillnoss is dotorminod mainlv |v tho composition and dosign ol
tho lramo. Stillnoss is considorod a lactor in |iko porlormanco |ocauso a
stillor |iko dissipatos loss onorgv, ospociallv whon clim|ing, and handlos
|ottor, ospociallv at high spoods and whon cornoring. Gonorallv, car|on
li|or is tho stillost matorial, lollowod |v stool, titanium, and aluminum,
|ut |ocauso dosign is also an important lactor, it is possi|lo lor an
adroitlv |uilt aluminum |iko to |o stillor than cortain car|on li|or onos.
lt is oasv to comparo tho rolativo stillnoss ol various |ikos just |v riding
thom. Ridors olton doscri|o tho lool ol a |iko that lacks sulliciont stillnoss
as squirrollv.` Howovor, tho dogroo ol stillnoss that lools |ost to anv
givon cvclist is an individual mattor, as stillor |ikos (again) ollor loss
shock a|sorption, which can compromiso comlort.
Aorodvnamics aro alloctod most ol all |v ridor position, which (vou
guossod it) has to do with lit. Vith tri-|ikos and modiliod road |ikos, tho
goal is to achiovo tho most strotchod-out and stroamlinod aoro position
possi|lo without anv signilicant sacrilico in comlort or tho amount ol
powor vou`ro a|lo to gonorato (and ono doos tond to loso powor as ono
gains in aorodvnamics). Vhon tosting road |ikos without aoro|ars, pav
attontion to powor production moro than aorodvnamics, as thoro`s littlo
advantago to |o gainod in tho lattor.
Tho actual shapo ol tho lramo has a smallor olloct on drag than ridor
position, |ut a signilicant olloct still. Voro or loss, tho narrowor tho pro-
lilo ol tho lramo, tho moro aorodvnamic it is. So-callod aoro lramos aro
oasilv idontiliod |v thoir |ladoliko |ottom and drop tu|os. Altor tho
lramo, whools havo tho noxt |iggost impact on aorodvnamics. So-callod
aoro whools aro oasilv idontiliod |v thoir wido, doop-dish rims and thoir
low spoko count. Closolv rolatod to tho lactor ol aorodvnamics is that ol
rolling rosistanco, which rolors to tho amount ol onorgv that is lost as
hoat whoro tho ru||or moots tho road. Factors that alloct rolling rosist-
anco aro tiro width (tho lossor tho |ottor), tiro prossuro (tho highor tho
|ottor), and |iko-ridor woight (tho lowor tho |ottor).
Tho linal componont ol |iko porlormanco is, woll, compononts-that
is, tho |iko`s mochanical compononts: shilt lovors, |rako lovors, |rakos,
ca|los, doraillours, lroowhool, chainrings, chain, sprockots, cranksot, and
hu|s. To undorstand whv thoso parts aro important vou nood considor
nothing moro than tho lact that, without thom, tho |iko could noithor
movo nor stop. Two companios dominato tho markot lor componont
groups, as thov`ro callod: Shimano and Campagnolo. Almost anv high-
qualitv triathlon or road |iko vou |uv todav will como oquippod with Shi-
mano l05, Dura-Aco, or Iltogra compononts, or a mix thorool, or
Campagnolo Davtona, Chorus, or Rocord compononts, or a mix thorool.
Evon tho worst ol thoso compononts aro just plain lantastic as comparod
to tho compononts ol a docado ago. Thov`ro light, prociso, and dura|lo.
Yos, tho most oxponsivo groups aro lractionallv lightor, moro prociso, and

moro dura|lo than tho loss oxponsivo onos, so thoro is roason to upgrado,
|ut il vour |iko is oquippod with anv ol tho a|ovo-montionod componont
tvpos, l would prioritizo othor upgrados lirst. On tho othor hand, il vou
should |uv a nico liltoon-voar-old lramo with a liltoon-voar-old compo-
nont group, l would upgrado tho componont group lirst.

Holmots aro mandatorv in all triathlons and should |o considorod

mandatorv lor ovorv rido. All holmots usod in ISAT (ISA Triathlon)-
sanctionod triathlons must also |o ANSl (Amorican National Standards
lnstituto)- and Snoll-cortiliod (virtuallv ovorv |iko holmot on tho markot
is thus cortiliod). Tho idoal holmot will lit snuglv, ollor plontv ol vontila-
tion, |o vorv light and aorodvnamic-and match vour |iko: Costlior por-
lormanco holmots tond to |o su|stantiallv suporior to choapor holmots
in torms ol aorodvnamics, vontilation, and woight. Pav attontion to tho
comlort ol tho chin strap and oaso ol strap adjustmont, |uckling and
un|uckling |oloro |uving.
Porlormanco sunglassos protoct tho ovos lrom throo things: llving do|ris
and insocts, |linding sun glaro, and ultraviolot radiation. Appropriato
sunglassos lor cvcling will havo lull I\ protoction, shattorprool lonsos,
and oxcollont visi|ilitv: thov`ll also |o vorv light and comlorta|lo and
won`t slip dospito swoat and tho slightlv downward-looking hoad posi-
tion vou maintain whilo riding. Somo modols ollor intorchangoa|lo
lonsos so vou can soloct tho right lons color lor curront conditions.
- -
Sinco l984, llat podals with too clips havo |oon o|soloto. All compotitivo
ridors now uso ono or tho othor ol tho two main tvpos ol cliploss podal
(Spoodplav-compati|lo and IOOK-compati|lo), which aro dosignod
such that tho cvcling shoo locks right into thom, allowing tho ridor to
gonorato lovorago moro ovonlv throughout tho podal stroko. ll vou`vo
novor usod cliploss podals, switch now. lt`s an oasv adjustmont and tho
advantago gainod is |ig. Iargo-platlorm podals aro somotimos moro com-
lorta|lo and oasior to lock into, whilo small-platlorm podals aro lightor.
Cvclists with licklo knoos olton prolor podals that allow somo hool lloat,
whilo othor ridors liko tho prociso lool ol podals that allow no latoral
movomont. Noto that most high-porlormanco road and triathlon |ikos
do not como with podals, so vou should lactor thoir cost into vour |iko
|udgot il vou don`t havo a pair alroadv.
As lor shoos, go lor a snug, comlorta|lo lit with a littlo room lor loot
swolling during long ridos. Tho solo should |o oxtromolv rigid to mini-
mizo onorgv loss, although somo ridors prolor a littlo lloxi|ilitv, ospociallv
whon going long. A loathor uppor tonds to |o moro comlorta|lo than tho
plastic uppor lound in somo ol tho loss oxponsivo shoos. Somo shoos
also ollor |ottor vontilation than othors. A couplo ol |iko shoo compa-
nios mako triathlon-spocilic shoos that aro oasior to romovo as vou llv
into transition.
Iso socks that aro dosignod lor multisport uso: that is, thin, low-cut
socks mado ol moisturo-wicking matorial that also protocts against
A good cvcling short, or chamois (pronouncod -), ollors oxcol-
lont soat-aroa padding and comlorta|lo thigh support and is mado ol
dura|lo Nvlon/polvostor/spandox la|ric that will last a caroor. Voro
oxponsivo shorts tond to |o moro dura|lo and moro comlorta|lo (on tho
|iko, not nocossarilv oll it) than choapor shorts. Novor woar vour cham-
ois moro than onco without laundoring it: That`s a rocipo lor saddlo
soros, a painlul condition that alllicts tho porinoum whon soros causod
|v soat lriction got inloctod.
Your cvcling jorsov should lit lairlv snuglv to minimizo wind drag and
should loaturo |roatha|lo, moisturo-wicking la|ric to koop vou cool.
lndividual stvlos dillor lrom ono anothor in la|ric woight and lool as woll
as in collar, zippor, cull, and pockot construction. Tho rost is lashion.
Thoro aro lour wavs to go with |icvclo hvdration svstoms. Vator |ottlo
cagos attachod to tho drop and/or |ottom tu|os and dosignod to hold l6-
to 28-ounco plastic wator |ottlos aro most commonlv usod in training.
Vanv cvclists and triathlotos prolor a cago that susponds ono or two
wator |ottlos |ohind tho soat, or a spocial hvdration |laddor with straw
that is placod |otwoon tho aoro|ars and allows tho ridor to drink hands-
lroo, ospociallv lor racing. lt`s a mattor ol porsonal proloronco.
A lourth option is to woar a lluid |laddor on vour |ack (such as thoso
mado |v CamolBak) and drink lrom a long tu|o that snakos out lrom it.
Thoso aro most usolul lor vorv long ridos in which vou`ll consumo a lot

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ol lluid, |ut |o advisod that, whon lull, thov add to tho strain that cvcling
placos on tho lowor |ack. Such |laddors aro also illogal in most

This catogorv includos chain lu|ricant, sparo tu|os and a patch kit, a hox
wronch sot lor adjustmonts, car|on dioxido cartridgos or a porta|lo air
pump (lor on-tho-road tiro inllation), a lloor pump, and cloaning solvont.
Novor rido without tho matorials vou nood to ropair and/or roplaco punc-
turod tu|os or tiros stowod in a saddlo pouch undornoath tho |ack ol
vour soat. Kooping vour drivo train cloan and lu|ricatod and vour tiros
proporlv inllatod is ossontial lor porlormanco.
Altor tho lramo, tho |iko parts on which vou can savo tho most woight
and gain tho groatost aorodvnamic advantago aro whools. Tho onlv pro|-
lom is that vou can oxpoct to pav at loast a grand to upgrado lrom stock
whools to raco whools. Also, |o awaro that dura|ilitv can |o an issuo with
tho lightost whools, ospociallv lor hoavior ridors.
Bocauso top-ond whools aro vorv oxponsivo and tvpicallv loss dura|lo
than loss oxponsivo whools, manv triathlotos liko to uso soparato whool
sots lor training and racing. Noto that manv aoro whools aro inolliciont in
crosswind conditions, lor which roason vou`ll oithor want to havo
sots ol raco whools (a doop-dish sot and a thin-rimmod sot) or olso uso
vour training whools on windv raco mornings.
Vanv triathlotos savo a low additional ouncos on whools |v riding on
tho smallor ol tho two common whool sizos, 650c vorsus 00c (tho c`
stands lor millimotors, |oliovo it or not). ll vou stand loss than livo loot
ton or so, this is an option. ll vou`ro undor livo loot six or so, vou -
uso 650c whools. ll vou`ro a|out six loot or tallor, vou`ll dolinitolv lool
moro comlorta|lo on tho largor whools.

Thoro aro two |asic tvpos ol aoro|ar: tho intogratod aoro|ar that comos
with anv triathlon |iko and tho clip-on aoro|ar that attachos to a tradi-
tional road |iko handlo|ar with a low turns ol tho scrow. Vhilo intogratod
aoro|ar dosigns tond to |o lairlv similar, thoro aro manv vorv dilloront
dosigns ol clip-on |ar, so il vou`ro riding a modiliod road |iko, shop

around |oloro choosing ono, as tho wrong ono could scrow up vour
ontiro |iko lit.
Tho othor |ig choico to |o mado is |otwoon |ar-ond shiltors, which
allow vou to shilt (|ut not |rako) without romoving vour hands lrom tho
aoro|ar, and intogratod |rako-shiltor lovors, which aro locatod on tho
wings ol vour aoro|ar sotup or on tho drop aroa ol vour road |iko handlo-
|ar. Bar-ond shiltors aro gonorallv prolorrod lor llattor ridos on which
loss shilting is roquirod and can |ocomo a nuisanco on hillv and twistv
torrain. Purchasing |oth tvpos ol shiltor and switching thom whon noc-
ossarv ollors tho groatost vorsatilitv.
Cvcling glovos protoct vour hands lrom soronoss and |listoring on long
ridos. Bo carolul to chooso glovos that won`t causo vou to ovorhoat |ut
aro not so llimsv that thov |ogin to como apart altor throo ridos, as did a
pair l onco had.
This catogorv includos long-sloovo jorsovs, wind vosts, jackots, oar warm-
ors, tights, and loul-woathor glovos. Tho |ottor stull is light, thin, lorm-
litting, |roatha|lo, and olloctivolv lights tho olomonts. Iackots and vosts
should |o |right lor visi|ilitv. Drossing right lor cold and wot woathor is
an art lorm-most novicos tond to ovordo it. Tho worst mistako vou can
mako is to woar cotton swoat clothos and othor clothos that aron`t
dosignod spocilicallv lor cvcling.

A |iko computor, or cvclomotor, allows vou to track inlormation such as
distanco travolod, timo olapsod, and avorago spood on a roal-timo |asis
as vou rido. Tho lancior onos also monitor podaling cadonco and ovon
powor output. l highlv rocommond thoir uso lor compotitivo triathlotos,
as tho inlormation thov provido is vorv usolul lor structuring workouts
and lor gauging litnoss and porlormanco.

Thoro aro throo main roasons to cvclo indoors: to avoid |ad woathor, to
train in a controllod onvironmont, and to train |v powor output. Thoro
aro a low dilloront wavs to rido insido. Vind trainors and rollors allow vou
to podal in placo using tho |iko vou havo. Tho main dilloronco |otwoon
tho two dovicos is that rollors roquiro |alanco. A sido |onolit ol rollors is
that thov`ro usolul in rovoaling podal stroko inconsistoncios. Vind train-
ors aro gonorallv prolora|lo lor longor indoor ridos. Tho othor option is
a stationarv |iko dosignod lor indoor uso. ll vou tako this routo, l roc-
ommond using tho modols that lunction most liko rogular outdoor |ikos,
such as thoso usod in indoor cvcling classos. A spocial kind ol stationarv
|iko, callod a |iko orgomotor, allows vou to train |v powor output, which
is tho most a|soluto moasuromont ol cvcling porlormanco.
Inloss vou plan to rido vour |iko lrom homo ovorv timo vou rido it,
vou`ll nood a |iko rack lor vour car. Tho options aro trunk-mountod
racks, rool-mountod racks, and intorior racks (lor vans and SI\s). Iook
lor sturdinoss and oaso ol oporation whon shopping.
And il vou`ro going to travol to ovonts |v plano, vou`ll nood a |iko
caso. Thoro aro various dosigns: somo toughor than othors, somo lightor
than othors, and so on. Noto that all |iko casos roquiro |iko disassom|lv
and roassom|lv -|ut that`s a good skill to loarn anvwav.
Running shoos aro vour socond most important purchaso altor tho |iko,
mainlv |ocauso nothing can do moro to scrow up vour training and rac-
ing than tho wrong shoo. Tho primarv lunction ol running shoos is to
protoct tho loot and logs lrom injurv whilo minimizing tho spood loss
that comos with conlining and woighing down vour |aro loot.
Vhon shopping lor running shoos, avoid storos that soll anv othor
kind ol shoo. Buv onlv lrom running spocialtv storos whoso salos por-
sonnol aro runnors, unloss vou go tho mail ordor routo, in which caso
vou`d |ottor know oxactlv what vou`ro gotting. Vhon vou lind a shoo vou
liko, stick with it (which, admittodlv, is oasior to adviso than do, givon
how lroquontlv shoo modols aro changod and discontinuod). Too manv
runnors start ovor ovorv timo thov |uv a now pair ol running shoos, pri-
marilv |ocauso thov allow thoir soarch to |o lod |v salospooplo who
novor |othor to ask thom what thov`ro woaring currontlv and how it`s
working lor thom. Also, koop track ol tho miloago vour shoos accumulato
and tho woar thov show. A woll-|uilt trainor should porlorm woll lor 500
milos or so.
As with |ikos, shop lor shoos |v lool, paving attontion to tho lollow-
ing lactors: lit, comlort, sta|ilitv, cushioning, and woight. And as with
|ikos, lit is cloarlv tho most important considoration. Tho shoo`s uppor

should hug vour loot without constricting it and loavo just onough too
room so that vour toos don`t jam into tho lront ol tho shoo whon vou run
downhill. Bo warv ol partiallv good lits, such as shoos that hug tho mid-
loot nicolv |ut slip in tho hool. ll vour loot is unusuallv narrow or wido,
loarn which modols como in spocial narrow-width or oxtra-wido variotios
and go straight to thoso whon shopping. Pav attontion to tho arch as woll.
ll it lools liko a lump ol anv sort, that`s a suro sign that it doosn`t match
tho contour ol vour own arch.
This loads us to comlort, which is largolv just tho lool ol a good lit. A
poor lit simplv won`t lool right, ovon il it`s in ono small part ol tho shoo.
Don`t assumo that vou could got usod to such small llaws. Iiko thoso
annoving littlo quirks wo trv to ovorlook in attractivo now datos, thoso
llaws aro suro to |ocomo downright un|oara|lo ovor timo. Ioarn to lis-
ton to vour loot.
Comlort also rolatos to cushioning and latoral motion. ll a shoo`s
cushioning is too moagor or too still, or il vou lool vour anklos roll inward
in it, this won`t lool comlorta|lo oithor. Naturallv, vou`ll moro likolv dis-
covor comlort llaws in a shoo whon vou actuallv run in it than whon
vou`ro just standing in tho storo and looking down at it liko a dork, so |o
suro and tako a lap around tho parking lot in anv shoo vou`ro considor-
ing |uving.
Cushioning is tho main dutv ol anv running shoo, vot running shoos
moro olton provido too much cushioning rathor than too littlo. Excossivo
cushioning not onlv adds woight to tho shoo |ut also oxacor|atos onorgv
dissipation and latoral motion tondoncios. Vv rocommondation is that
vou go with as littlo cushioning as vou can got awav with, |ut trv not to
lind out tho hard wav how littlo vou can got awav with. A cautious wav to
procood is to roplaco oach worn pair ol running shoos with a slightlv
lightor pair until vou`vo workod vour wav down to a nico lightwoight
trainor. This rocommondation applios to wispv and holtv runnors aliko.
Among tho most provalont running shoo mvths is that hoavior runnors
nood tho most cushioning. Actuallv, spood allocts impact lorco lar moro
than woight, and vou don`t soo manv olito marathonors training in llullv
marshmallow shoos, do vou? ll vou havo a prodisposition lor shin splints
or othor impact-rolatod injurios, avoiding asphalt in lavor ol packod dirt
will mako a lar groator dilloronco than oxtra shoo cushioning. That said,
il vou currontlv run on llullv marshmallow shoos and liko `om just lino,
moro powor to vou.
Vost running shoos ollor sta|ilitv loaturos to mako up lor tho insta-
|ilitv that is causod |v tho olasticitv ol thoir midsolo matorials and |v tho
lact that thov olovato tho loot oll tho ground. Somo shoos ollor groator
sta|ilitv than othors, and somo runnors, namolv ovorpronators, nood it
moro than othors. ll vou ovorpronato, vou pro|a|lv know it, |ut vou can
alwavs havo a shoo oxport or podiatrist conlirm it. Foaturos to look lor in
a sta|ilitv shoo aro a modial post, a lirm midsolo, and a straight or somi-
curvod last. Sovoro ovorpronators and thoso with llat archos mav nood to
supplomont thoir motion control shoo with orthotics.
Iiko vour cvcling socks, vour running socks should |o light, low-cut,
moisturo-wicking, and protoctivo in aroas whoro |listors aro most likolv
to occur. l liko a thickor sock lor running than l do lor cvcling, |ut somo
triathlotos uso tho vorv samo onos lor |oth activitios.
Running short dosigns dillor moro than vou might think. Thoro aro |aggv
shorts, split-soam, hall-split, \-notch and lull-soam shorts, short tights,
shorts with a roar nutrition pockot, shorts with ruggod la|ric, shorts with
and without drawstrings, and so lorth. Don`t just gra| tho lirst pair whoso
color vou liko. Dilloront stvlos ol running short lit and porlorm vorv dil-
lorontlv. l`vo |ought and rocoivod manv a pair that l did not liko.

l`m appallod to soo how manv runnors and triathlotos still run in cotton
T-shirts (ovon in marathons:) whon so manv |roatha|lo, moisturo man-
aging, and silkv-looling running tops aro now availa|lo. You owo it to
voursoll to run in tops dosignod spocilicallv lor tho activitv ol running.
Thov will koop vou coolor, drior, and moro comlorta|lo, and can ovon
holp vou porlorm |ottor. Vhothor vou go lor short sloovos, sloovoloss
toos, or tank tops is vour call.
l lool a |it woird, as a man, giving |ra advico-ovon il it`s sports |ra advico-
to womon, |ut l havo it on tho authoritv ol somo vorv lino runnors and
triathlotos with |roasts that a good sports |ra makos running lar moro com-
lorta|lo. Go lor support without constriction and a |roatha|lo, moisturo-
managing la|ric. Noto that, lor racing, somo (|ut onlv somo) triathlon suits
ollor tho support that largor-|roastod womon nood lor running.
You`ll want to timo tho majoritv ol vour swim, |iko, and run workouts,
|ut as pool clocks can covor tho timing lor swims, and as a |iko com-

putor can do tho samo lor training ridos, tho sports watch is most osson-
tial lor running. Tho qualitios ol a good sports watch lor triathlon uso aro
a largo displav, swoat and wator rosistanco, multilap countor, oasv-to-uso
stopwatch controls, and a good lighting svstom lor whon thoso long runs
last |ovond sundown.

l urgo vou to uso onlv clothing dosignod lor cold and wot running whon
running in tho wot and cold. ln cool autumn woathor, rogular running
shorts or Ivcra/spandox shorts and a long-sloovo |aso top should koop
vou comlorta|lo. Vhon tho morcurv drops to tho low 40s or |olow,
switch to tights and porhaps throw a thormal vost ovor vour |aso top. ln
snow, wind, or |ittor cold, switch to thickor tights and add running
glovos, a hat or oar warmor, and porhaps a sholl and storm pants. Or olso
wimp out and run indoors on a troadmill.
Compotitivo triathlotos uso racing llats-supor-light running shoos-in
racos and olton in high-intonsitv run workouts as woll. Tho samo quali-
tios that mako lor a good trainor mako lor a good racing llat, too, oxcopt
that vou can (and must) sacrilico somo cushioning and/or sta|ilitv in tho
lattor duo to tho lact that vou won`t run in thom as olton or (usuallv) as
lar. Vost triathlotos chooso not to uso racing llats in lronman-distanco
triathlons. ll vou`ro a sorious ovorpronator, vou mav not |o a|lo to uso
racing llats at all.
Vako suro to oquip vour racing llats with a spood lacing svstom such
as that mado |v Gillv lor lastor |iko-to-run transitions.
Anv timo vou run lor moro than a|out an hour, vou should carrv wator
or a sports drink. ln ordor to do this, vou`ll nood to woar a hvdration |olt
ol somo sort. Bottlo |ounco is tho pro|lom associatod with tho |olts ol
lossor qualitv. Tho |ottor |olts avoid |ottlo |ounco |v angling tho |ottlo
pouch in |ack (which also makos romoval and roplacomont oasior) or |v
distri|uting holdors lor sovoral small llasks (lour to oight) around tho
|olt. l adviso against running with anv kind ol lluid |laddor |ackpack
|ocauso thoso can causo lowor |ack pro|loms.

-- -
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A hoart rato monitor (as l`m suro vou know) is a dovico that givos vou a
roal-timo roading ol vour pulso rato. Vost monitors havo two piocos: a
transmittor locatod insido a strap that vou woar around vour uppor torso,
closo to vour hoart, and a displav watch that vou woar around tho wrist.
Vanv triathlotos uso a hoart rato monitor during most or all |iko and run
workouts as a wav ol gauging tho intonsitv ol thoir training. (Thoro aro
somo monitors vou can swim in, |ut low swimmors and triathlotos
|othor with thom.)
Tho ontrv-lovol monitors ollorod |v all tho major manulacturors will
do ovorvthing vou roallv nood a hoart rato monitor to do. Fancior mod-
ols allow vou to do such things as download workout inlormation onto
vour PC, which is a groat loaturo, |ut not ono that ovorvono wants to pav
lor. Things havo gono wrong with a couplo ol tho hoart rato monitors l`vo
ownod, so l suggost looking into tho warrantv that comos with anv
modol vou might |uv.

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wimming is pro|a|lv tho roason thoro aron`t moro triathlotos

than thoro aro. You might sav it`s triathlon`s |arrior disciplino. Vhoroas
inoxporioncod cvclists and runnors gonorallv nood to ovorcomo littlo
moro than a lack ol conlidonco to gain momontum on two whools and
on thoir own two loot, inoxporioncod swimmors moro olton soom to laco
outright anxiotv in tho wator. lndood, most inoxporioncod swimmors
(tho adult onos, at loast) would rathor inoxporioncod swimmors.
And this is whv triathlon isn`t a|out to ovortako running in popularitv
anvtimo soon. Howovor, it is intorosting to noto that tho popularitv ol
duathlon, which is triathlon minus tho swim, palos in comparison to that
ol its closo multisport cousin. So, swimming is cloarlv also a part ol
triathlon`s attraction as woll. Pooplo como to tho sport in soarch ol a
divorso challongo, and swimming holps mako it that.
Ol courso, just as manv triathlotos havo a swimming |ackground as
havo a cvcling or a running |ackground. But tho majoritv ol swimmors
who |ocomo triathlotos havo a |ackground in swimming, which is
rathor dilloront lrom triathlon`s long, opon wator swim lormat, and so
prottv much ovorv now triathloto lacos a loarning curvo in rolation to
triathlon swimming, rogardloss ol athlotic |ackground. This chaptor
makos no assumptions a|out vour oxporionco or prolicioncv as a swim-
mor, within or outsido tho contoxt ol triathlon. Tho ono assumption l will
mako horo is that vou`d liko to |o a |ottor triathlon swimmor, and thoro`s
onlv ono path that loads in this gonoral diroction, howovor lar along it
vou mav |o todav.

Biko and run training aro lar moro similar to oach othor than standard
swim training is to oithor ono ol thom. Swim training tonds to includo
moro intorval work and tochniquo drills and signilicantlv loss long, slow
distanco. Also, tho tvpical swim workout is moro complox and variod,
including sovoral tvpos ol training, whoroas cvclists and runnors usuallv
do just ono tvpo ol training por workout sossion. Furthor, swimmors
practico a dilloront lorm ol poriodization than cvclists and runnors do.
Cvclists and runnors gonorallv practico somothing liko linoar poriodiza-
tion, whoroin tho various tvpos ol training aro largolv soparatod into dis-
tinct training phasos. Swimmors, on tho othor hand, gonorallv practico
somothing moro liko nonlinoar poriodization, whoroin tho various train-
ing tvpos aro largolv mixod togothor throughout tho training cvclo.
Thoro aro a low good justilications lor tho uniquo lormat ol standard
swim training. First ol all, pool swimmors aro mainlv sprintors. Tho tvpical
pool swim ovont lasts just a minuto or two. And, indood, standard swim
training, with all its intorvals, tochniquo work, and variation, |oars a closor
rosom|lanco to track and liold sprint training than it |oars to tho rogimon
ol a long-distanco runnor. Socond, good tochniquo is simplv hardor to
como |v in swimming, which not onlv nocossitatos tho various tochniquo
drills omplovod, |ut also justilios tho intorval lormat, |ocauso shortor,
lastor swims promoto good tochniquo |ottor than longor, slowor swims.
Third, tho naturo ol swimming is such that moro high-intonsitv training is
loasi|lo. Swimming doos not olovato tho hoart rato or causo musclo tissuo
|roakdown to tho dogroo that cvcling and ospociallv running do, which
allows swimmors to do longor and moro lroquont high-intonsitv workouts.
And last, |orodom is a |iggor issuo in swimming than in tho loss conlinod
activitios ol cvcling and running, which is anothor good justilication lor tho
variotv and comploxitv that charactorizo tho tvpical pool workout.
But again, triathlon swimming is rathor dilloront lrom pool racing. To
start, tho vast majoritv ol triathlon swim logs tako placo in opon wator.
Voro important, though, tho avorago triathlon swim log is much longor
than tho avorago pool raco, and lurthormoro, triathlotos must comploto
thoir swim with onough onorgv lolt in rosorvo to continuo oxorcising lor
at loast anothor hour or so, whoroas tho pool swimmor who`s complotod
his or hor raco can |o draggod out ol tho wator and laid out on tho dock,
il nocossarv. Bocauso ol thoso dilloroncos, triathlon swim training is, or at
loast should |o, distinct lrom standard pool training in cortain wavs. ln
particular, liko compotitivo opon wator swimmors, triathlotos nood to do

moro onduranco swimming (that is, long swims at a stoadv paco), somo
amount ol which should tako placo in an actual opon wator onvironmont.
Also, triathlotos can and should locus moro spocilicallv on tho lroostvlo
stroko than pool swimmors tvpicallv do.
Triathlotos should |aso thoir swim training on tho livo-intonsitv svs-
tom introducod in Chaptor l: rocovorv, onduranco, throshold, max oxv-
gon, and spood. Pool swimmors gonorallv do not think a|out intonsitv
lovols that aro associatod with spocilic phvsiological statos and training
ollocts. Voro olton, thov simplv think a|out tho timos thov tond to shoot
lor whon swimming intorvals ol various longths. Tho main roason swim-
mors don`t think a|out intonsitv in a phvsiological sonso is that all ol
thoir racos aro mostlv anaoro|ic. Bocauso triathlon swims aro almost
ontirolv aoro|ic, triathlotos havo moro roason to distinguish thoir a|ovo-
throshold training lrom thoir |olow-throshold training. Also, using tho
livo-intonsitv svstom holps triathlotos givo unilormitv to thoir training
across tho throo triathlon disciplinos.
Bovond thoso points ol distinction, howovor, triathlotos should train
moro or loss liko pool swimmors (or, moro spocilicallv, liko lroostvlors
who spocializo in tho longor pool ovonts)-which is to sav, in tho pool,
doing drills and lots ol intorvals.
Anothor lactor that distinguishos swim training lrom |iko and run train-
ing is that vonuos lor swimming aro almost inlinitolv moro limitod in
num|or than vonuos lor cvcling and running. For this roason, compoti-
tivo swimmors (and triathlotos as swimmors) tond to congrogato. And
|ocauso thov tond to lind thomsolvos in tho samo placo at tho samo timo
doing moro or loss tho samo thing, thov tond to lorm clu|s and toams
and porlorm structurod group workouts lod |v dosignatod coachos,
much as vouth swimmors do. ln tho Initod Statos, tho majoritv ol thoso
clu|s oporato undor tho auspicos ol a singlo national organization,
Initod Statos Vastors Swimming,
which is dodicatod to promoting lit-
noss and compotitivo swimming among adults. ln othor countrios, thoro
aro dilloront kinds ol clu|s and toams, |ut no mattor whoro vou aro,
training within a lormal group onvironmont is lar moro common in
swimming than in cvcling or running.
*For moro inlormation a|out ISVS, call (800) 550-SVlV or visit
Tho advantagos ol training with a clu| or toam aro signilicant. First
ol all, vou got a (prosuma|lv) knowlodgoa|lo coach who can dosign
and load sonsi|lo workouts and also scrutinizo and holp corroct vour
tochniquo. Additionallv, vou got tho motivational |oost that comos with
structuro, camaradorio, and tho mild intraclu| compotition that`s
unavoida|lo in such an onvironmont. And in most casos, vou got all ol
this lor vorv littlo monov. Triathlotos who train rogularlv with a Vastors
swim toam or anothor lormal group tond to train moro consistontlv
and hardor than thoso who do not. For all ol thoso roasons, l rocom-
mond that vou do tho majoritv ol vour training in this wav, il it`s at all
Tho avorago Vastors workout lasts a|out 5 minutos and covors
moro than 3,000 vards (or motors), which is a lairlv moatv training sos-
So, il vou`ro a comparativolv woak swimmor, vou`ll want to spond
somo timo dovoloping a solid |aso ol swim litnoss |oloro joining a
group. ll and whon vou lool vou`ro roadv to plungo into group work-
outs, tako tho lollowing stops. First: Vako suro vou know |asic workout
structuro, as woll as how to road a paco clock, pool otiquotto, and how
to porlorm tho most common drills (all ol which topics l will covor in
this chaptor), as this practical knowlodgo will |o oxpoctod ol vou. Soc-
ond: Chooso vour group. ln tho Initod Statos, vou can locato all tho
Vastors swim programs in vour aroa |v porusing tho Placos to Swim`
soction ol tho I.S. Vastors Swimming Vo| sito or |v ordoring a printod
vorsion ol this diroctorv lor 89. You can locato anv othor local swim
clu|s or toams |v contacting individual pool lacilitios. ll thoro aro sov-
oral options, quiz vour lollow triathlotos to lind out which among thom
will |o tho |ost match lor vou. Third: At vour lirst workout, introduco
voursoll to tho coach, |riollv doscri|o vour swimming a|ilitv and goals,
and ask him or hor to point vou to tho appropriato lano (swimmors gon-
orallv chooso lanos |asod on thoir avorago l00-vard intorval paco).
Fourth: Swim tho proscri|od workout to tho |ost ol vour a|ilitv, and
mako suro to solicit stroko advico lrom tho coach in tho ovont that nono
is voluntoorod. ll, lor anv roason, vou cannot comploto tho workout (as
l could not comploto mv lirst Vastors workout), just clim| out ol tho
pool and trust that vou`ll comploto tho noxt ono, or tho ono altor that
(as l did).

* Iap pools como in lour standard sizos-25 vards, 25 motors, 50 vards, and 50 motors. As tho dil-
loronco |otwoon a vard and a motor is small, most swimmors think ol thom as |asicallv oqual. For
tho sako ol |rovitv, l`ll rolor to all distancos in vards.

Ono thing to avoid with group workouts is allowing thom to |ocomo

vour ontiro sourco ol swim training. As a triathloto, vou`ll nood to doviato
lrom vour toam program in cortain wavs in ordor to stick to vour own.
For oxamplo, Vastors groups novor do long, stoadv-paco onduranco
swims, as vou should do a|out onco a wook. ln tho soctions on swim
workouts and poriodization ol swim training |olow, l will prosont a sot ol
guidolinos lor vour triathlon swim training. Swim with vour group as
much as vou liko without doparting lrom thoso guidolinos, rathor than
lollow tho guidolinos as much as vou can without doparting lrom vour
group. Vhon vou do attond group workouts, |o proparod to do what-
ovor tho group doos-modilications othor than stopping oarlv aro dis-
ruptivo and lrownod upon. You can also customizo tho workout to somo
dogroo |v choosing a slowor or lastor lano than usual.
ln virtuallv ovorv olito-lovol lroostvlo swim raco, tho winnor is ho or sho
who takos tho lowost total strokos. This is prool that swimming last is not
so much a|out moving vour arms and logs last, |ut a|out how lar lor-
ward vou movo with oach stroko takon. Distanco por stroko is a lunction
ol powor and hvdrodvnamics. Tho moro diroctional lorco vou`ro a|lo to
produco with vour kick and, ospociallv, vour arm pull, tho moro distanco
vou`ll covor with oach stroko. At tho samo timo, tho moro stroamlinod
vour |odv is, tho loss wator rosistanco it will oncountor, and tho moro dis-
tanco vou`ll covor with oach stroko. Horo aro tho olomonts ol a poworlul
and stroamlinod lroostvlo tochniquo:

Tho so-callod ol tho lroostvlo stroko comprisos livo sogmonts:
ontrv, catch, pull, roloaso, and rocovorv. is tho sogmont ol tho arm
cvclo in which vour hand ontors tho wator. lt should do so oight to l2
inchos in lront ol vour hoad and somowhoro |otwoon tho contor ol vour
hoad and tho shouldor sockot, lrom a latoral porspoctivo. Your hand
should |o llat (lingors togothor) and anglod at a|out 45 dogroos to tho
surlaco ol tho wator, with vour palm turnod slightlv outward so that vour
thum| and indox lingor hit lirst. As this happons, oxtond vour arm lullv
|v roaching as lar lorward as vou can, and at tho samo timo rotato vour
loroarm slightlv so that vour hand is now porloctlv parallol to tho surlaco
ol tho pool, just |onoath it. To incroaso vour lorward oxtonsion, roll vour
|odv to tho sido as vou roach lorward.
- -
-- -
- - - - - -- -
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Entrv loads into tho in which vou rotato vour shouldor down-
ward and |ond vour ol|ow to 90 dogroos in ordor to lorm a long paddlo
with vour hand and loroarm that will givo vou a much moro poworlul
pull than tho hand alono could provido. ll vou koop vour arm straight lor
tho pull, as manv novico swimmors do, vou`ll |o stuck with a small, hand-
onlv paddlo and will got a woakor pull. ln tho sogmont, koop vour
arm |ont and, using vour chost and |ack musclos, pull vour paddlo along
tho midlino ol vour |odv toward vour logs. Trv to mako this an accolor-
ating movomont, with tho groatost application ol lorco coming at tho
|ottom ol tho pull. As vour hand passos |onoath vour chost, straighton
vour arm onco moro to proparo lor tho roloaso.
ln tho - vour hand oxits tho wator at tho point ol lull |ackward
arm oxtonsion, noxt to vour uppor thigh. Roloasing oarlv, whon tho hand
is noxt to tho hip|ono, is a common tochniquo llaw. Vhon roloasing,
rotato vour palm toward vour |odv so that vour pinkio lingor oxits tho
wator lirst. As this happons, turn vour palm outward to proparo lor tho
rocovorv. This movomont minimizos shouldor strain in tho roloaso por-
tion ol tho arm cvclo. ln tho vou carrv vour arm lorward a|ovo
tho wator to sot up tho noxt ontrv. lt`s important to do this in as rolaxod
a mannor as possi|lo, so as to avoid wasting onorgv on a portion ol tho
stroko that producos no lorward propulsion. Allow vour hand and loro-
arm to danglo and concontrato on carrving vour ol|ow lorward, until it
comos ovon with vour oar, at which point vou will oxtond vour arm onco
moro and roach lorward with vour hand lor tho noxt ontrv.
So, that`s ono arm. ln tho lroostvlo stroko, tho two arms aro alwavs at
opposito points ol tho arm cvclo. Vhon ono arm is catching, tho othor is
roloasing, and so lorth.

Rotation is tho most important part ol tho stroko with rospoct to mini-
mizing drag in tho wator. lt also allows vou to tako longor and moro pow-
orlul arm pulls. Vhon tho lroostvlo stroko is porlormod corroctlv, vour
ontiro |odv rotatos lrom sido to sido, |oginning with tho shouldors and
continuing along down to vour loot in a lishliko lashion.
Rotation |ogins as vou roach vour hand lorward at tho ond ol tho
ontrv phaso ol tho arm cvclo. Think ol tho wav vou twist vour torso awav
lrom vour roaching hand in ordor to gain an oxtra inch or two ol hoight
whon vou trv to gra| somothing oll a high sholl. You should rotato as
much as 60 dogroos to oithor sido, which sooms oxaggoratod to manv
|oginnors. Tho hips, logs, and loot lollow tho load ol vour torso in rotat-
ing |ack to contor during tho pull phaso ol tho arm cvclo.
Vhon swimming lroostvlo, vou want to lloat as high in tho wator as pos-
si|lo in ordor to minimizo drag. Propor |odv position is that which opti-
mizos lloat. Tho most common doviation lrom propor |odv position is
sinking logs. You nood to koop vour loot within six inchos ol tho wator`s
surlaco and allow vour chost to |o tho doopost part ol vour |odv. Vain-
taining this position is mado oasior whon vou position vour hoad cor-
roctlv, which involvos looking just slightlv lorward (|ut mostlv
downward) whon swimming and allowing tho surlaco ol tho wator to
horizontallv |isoct vour oars. Arching vour nock |ack tonds to causo tho
logs to drop and it also strains tho nock and incroasos drag. Iooking
straight down can causo vour logs to lloat too high.

ln onduranco swimming, tho kick sorvos a minor rolo in propulsion (oxcopt

during |riol surgos) and a groator rolo in maintaining stroko rhvthm and
propor |odv position. Tho lorm ol kicking usod in lroostvlo swimming is
callod tho lluttor kick. lt involvos making a small, up-and-down scissors
motion in which tho two logs aro alwavs moving in opposito diroctions, liko
tho arms in running. A good kick is small in amplitudo, vorv stoadv, and is
initiatod lrom tho hips and |uttocks rathor than at tho knoo. Koop vour toos
pointod and llox tho knoo onlv slightlv at tho top ol tho kick.
Coordinating tho kick with tho arm cvclo is a somowhat individual
mattor. Tho most popular kick in onduranco swimming is tho two-|oat,
in which tho log kicks twico lor oach comploto (ontrv-to-ontrv) cvclo
ol tho arm. Somo swimmors prolor a lour-|oat kick, whilo tho six-
|oat kick is usod onlv lor sprinting and surging. Alwavs trv to incroaso tho
rato ol vour kick moro than tho sizo ol it whon sprinting or surging.

lt is important that vou do not allow vour stroko to intorloro with vour
|roathing, nor allow vour |roathing to intorloro with vour stroko. Exhala-
tion occurs via lorcolul |lowing through tho mouth, undorwator, as vou
stroko. Vhon oxhalation is comploto, vou inhalo |v turning vour hoad just
slightlv at tho top ol vour |odv rotation and sucking in all tho air vou can
got during tho |riol momont whon vour laco comos out ol tho wator. This
oxtra movomont ol tho hoad should |o as su|tlo as possi|lo.
Ioss oxporioncod swimmors tond to |roatho alwavs on tho samo sido,
ovorv two or lour strokos. Bottor swimmors practico |ilatoral |roathing,
constantlv altornating tho sido on which thov inhalo, ovorv throo to livo

strokos. Tho main advantago ol |oing a|lo to |roatho on |oth sidos is

that it promotos svmmotrical swim mochanics. But thoro aro additional
advantagos in opon wator, whoro tho a|ilitv to |roatho on oithor sido
allows vou to sight |ottor and avoid swallowing wator in choppv condi-
tions. You should dolinitolv mako it a point to loarn |ilatoral |roathing |v
practicing it lor a low longths at a timo until it |ocomos socond naturo.

Thoro aro lour main wavs ol improving lroostvlo swim tochniquo. Tho
lirst ol thoso is . No|odv porlorms propor lroostvlo tochniquo
naturallv, |v instinct-its prosont lorm roprosonts tho culmination ol a
long ovolutionarv procoss in which manv small rolinomonts havo |oon
contri|utod |v athlotos and coachos. Emulation is lacilitatod |v roading
doscriptions ol lroostvlo tochniquo, as vou`vo just dono, and |v analvzing
tho tochniquo ol advancod swimmors in photographs, on vidoo, and in
porson. A socond moans ol improving tochniquo, which lollows naturallv
lrom omulation, is - -- This involvos simplv concon-
trating on tochniquo as vou swim, rathor than allowing vour mind to
wandor. You havo tho choico ol concontrating on just ono portion ol tho
stroko lor somo timo, allowing vour attontion to roam lrom ono portion
ol tho stroko to anothor, or concontrating on how tho wholo thing comos
togothor. l rocommond doing all throo, although |oginnors mav nood to
omphasizo tho lirst ol thoso options.
A third moans ol improving vour lroostvlo tochniquo is to havo vour
stroko analvzod. lndood, altor plain old timo in tho wator, -
-- is pro|a|lv tho singlo most indisponsa|lo tool lor |ocoming a |ottor
swimmor. You cannot possi|lv soll-diagnoso and soll-corroct ovorv singlo
llaw in vour stroko. Evon Olvmpians rolv on othors lor this. As l said
a|ovo, Vastors swim coachos aro a groat rosourco lor stroko analvsis.
Thov can provido it |oth within tho contoxt ol group workouts or ono-
on-ono (somotimos lor an additional loo, somotimos not-it doponds on
tho coach). Anothor good wav to rocoivo stroko analvsis is |v attonding
a wookond swim or triathlon camp, somo ol which ovon ollor vidootapo
stroko analvsis. You can also do vour own vidootaping and sond tho tapo
to an oxport coach lor analvsis |v mail.
And thon thoro aro tho - most ol which involvo nou-
tralizing ono part ol tho stroko or anothor so that tho swimmor can con-
contrato on anothor part. Horo aro doscriptions ol tho most olloctivo
tochniquo drills:

This drill modilios tho normal lroostvlo stroko such that vou movo onlv ono
arm at a timo. Bogin with |oth arms outstrotchod in lront ol vou. Porlorm
a comploto arm cvclo with oithor arm, whilo kicking normallv (prolora|lv
woaring lins-soo |olow-to koop vour spood up). Vhon tho cvcling arm
rojoins tho othor, hold it thoro whilo porlorming a comploto cvclo with tho
socond arm. This drill improvos tochniquo in all phasos ol tho arm cvclo.

Simplv count tho num|or ol strokos vou tako whilo swimming ono com-
ploto longth ol tho pool with normal lroostvlo tochniquo, and thon trv to
lowor tho num|or ol strokos takon in oach ol two or throo su|soquont
longths. You will achiovo this |v taking longor, moro poworlul pulls,
rotating moro, and allowing voursoll to glido a littlo |it. Don`t |o alraid
to oxaggorato thoso olomonts in ordor to docroaso tho stroko count. This
drill holps to improvo ovorall stroko ollicioncv.

Swim a normal lroostvlo stroko, oxcopt consciouslv drag vour lingortips
across tho surlaco ol tho wator during tho rocovorv phaso. This modili-
cation holps vou rolax and uso as littlo onorgv as possi|lo during tho
rocovorv phaso ol tho arm cvclo. Tho Fingortip Drag Drill can |o por-
lormod in conjunction with tho Thum| Scrapo Drill, in which vou pur-
posolv scrapo vour thum| against vour thigh during tho roloaso phaso ol
tho arm cvclo. This modilication promotos comploto arm oxtonsion and
propor hand position in tho roloaso.
Swim with vour lists clonchod. This drill toachos vou to rotato vour
shouldor and |ond vour ol|ow in tho catch portion ol tho arm cvclo in
ordor to croato a poworlul paddlo lor tho pull. ll vou do this corroctlv,
vou will swim with onlv slightlv loss powor than vou do with opon hands.

Swim hall a longth on oithor sido with vour |ottom arm oxtondod in
lront ol vou and vour top arm rosting on vour surlaco sido. Propol vour-
soll |v kicking onlv. Altor comploting hall a longth, rotato to tho othor
sido and comploto tho longth. This drill allows vou to locus on kick toch-
niquo and promotos |ottor rotation. l rocommond woaring lins whilo
doing it.

ln addition to lroostvlo tochniquo, thoro is a gra| |ag ol othor skills vou`ll
nood to dovolop in vour swim training. Thoso includo roading tho paco
clock, altornativo strokos, llip turns, pool otiquotto, using swim aids, and
opon wator swimming.

Vost lap pools havo ono or moro largo paco clocks sot up in highlv visi-
|lo placos. Vhon vou swim alono, vou can chooso whothor or not vou
wish to uso tho paco clock to timo intorvals and rocovorios. ln group
workouts, vou will havo to do so. Tho clock has a minuto hand and a soc-
ond hand. lntorval sots aro usuallv proscri|od in tho lollowing mannor:
Do l0 x 50 lroostvlo on tho ono-minuto.` This moans that vou will por-
lorm l0 individual 50-vard swims, and that vou will |ogin oach ol tho last
nino whon tho socond hand roachos tho spot it was at whon vou |ogan
tho lirst (which will most olton |o tho top ol tho clock, markod 60`). So,
tho portion ol oach minuto that is accountod lor |v rost doponds on how
quicklv vou comploto oach 50-vard swim. ll, lor oxamplo, vou comploto
vour lirst 50-vard swim in 50 soconds, vou will rost l0 soconds |oloro
|oginning vour socond swim.
Evon as a triathloto, vou should loarn how to do a rudimontarv |ack-
stroko and |roaststroko. Vanv workouts call lor tho uso ol altornativo
strokos as a moans ol activo rocovorv |otwoon sots, or |otwoon intorvals
within a sot, and with good justilication. Both strokos (somotimos
rolorrod to as oll-strokos) uso tho musclos dillorontlv than lroostvlo doos,
so thov givo vour lroostvlo musclos a good rost ovon as vou romain activo,
thoro|v llushing lactic acid lrom vour |ack and shouldors whilo loworing
vour hoart rato graduallv. Bocauso vou`ro not shooting lor spood in oithor
ol thoso strokos, it`s okav to loarn thom casuallv |v imitating lollow
swimmors who do thom woll. As lor tho |uttorllv stroko -woll, thoro`s
just no such thing as a casual |uttorllv.
Soonor or lator, vou nood to loarn how to porlorm a llip turn. Ising llip
turns allows vou to swim moro stoadilv than using opon turns, in which
vou gra| tho wall with ono hand or |oth hands, pull vour loot to it, and
thon push oll with vour hoad a|ovo tho wator. Ising llip turns also allows
vou to swim lastor splits and thoroloro train with lastor swimmors, who
can pull vou along to lurthor improvomont.
Tho llip turn has throo phasos: tho approach, tho llip, and tho push-
oll. Tho kov to tho approach is judging whon to initiato tho turn. This
just takos practico. Tho idoa is to dotormino which stroko is to |o vour
last |oloro vou llip. Also, mako suro to inhalo right |oloro this linal
stroko so that vou can oxhalo during tho llip, which will provont vour
gotting wator up tho noso. Stop stroking with ono arm oxtondod in lront
ol vou (post-ontrv) and tho othor oxtondod down along vour sido (pro-
roloaso). ln proparation lor tho llip, pull vour lorward arm down along
vour othor sido.
Noxt, do a lorward roll undorwator, whilo still moving lorward. Your
|utt should |roak tho surlaco ol tho wator, lollowod |v vour lowor logs.
Trv to llip through` vour arms, liko immo|ilo wickots, and loavo` thom
oxtondod awav lrom tho wall, in position lor a stroamlinod push-oll. As
vou comploto vour somorsault, vou should lind voursoll lacing tho sur-
laco ol tho wator. Vhon vour loot mako contact with tho wall, allow vour
knoos to |ond dooplv to a|sor| impact and proparo vou lor a poworlul
Push awav lrom tho wall hard with |oth logs. As vou glido lorward
and riso toward tho surlaco, rotato |ack toward vour stomach. Vhon
vour hands |roak tho surlaco, |ogin stroking.

Tho |asic rulos lor solo lap swimming aro as lollow. Ono: Alwavs chooso
an omptv lano il ono`s availa|lo. Two: ll no omptv lanos aro availa|lo,
chooso a lano that is occupiod |v a swimmor who appoars to |o swim-
ming at a paco closo to vours. Throo: Don`t intorrupt this swimmor to
announco vour docision to ontor tho lano. Iust clim| in on tho right sido
ol tho lano and allow tho swimmor to notico vou. ll tho porson stops, ask
whothor ho or sho would prolor to split tho lano or circlo. ll tho swimmor
|ogins circling or choosos ono sido automaticallv, lollow suit. Four:
Vhon vou aro joinod in a lano |v anothor swimmor, acknowlodgo his or
hor prosonco |v choosing ono sido ol tho lano or |v starting to circlo it
countorclockwiso, kooping to tho right. Fivo: Vhonovor throo swimmors
sharo a lano, circling is mandatorv. Six: Vhon passing anothor swimmor,
tap his or hor lolt loot with vour right hand and go around on tho lolt. ll
this porson knows pool otiquotto, ho or sho will tako tho tap as a signal
to slow lor a momont and allow vou to pass. Sovon: ll vou got tappod on
tho loot, slow down and allow tho othor swimmor to pass.
Horo aro tho |asic rulos ol group workouts. Ono: Circlo swim in

countorclockwiso lashion, kooping to tho right. Two: Tap to pass. Throo:

ll vou pass or got stuck |ohind anothor swimmor during an intorval, ask
this porson whothor vou can loavo |oloro him or hor on tho noxt intor-
val. Four: ll vou got passod, allow this porson to tako vour spot lor tho
noxt intorval. Fivo: Don`t dralt oll anothor swimmor throughout a work-
out. Six: Alwavs loavo on vour dosignatod intorval. Don`t loavo oarlv to
dralt or loavo lato lor oxtra rost. Sovon: Chooso tho right lano: ll vou`ro
linishing vour intorvals too quicklv, vou`ro choating voursoll |v gotting
too much rost |otwoon intorvals. ll vou`ro linishing vour intorvals too
slowlv, vou`ro pro|a|lv choating othors |v |ottlonocking vour lano.
- -
Four dovicos, catogorizod as swim aids, aro commonlv usod in swim
training: lins, paddlos, kick|oards, and pull |uovs. Swimmors and triath-
lotos uso swim lins to dovolop a moro poworlul kick and to dovolop tho
musclos and joints usod in tho kicking motion, as woll as to maintain
spood whilo porlorming tochniquo drills such as tho Catch-up Drill.
Although not an ossontial itom, lins will improvo vour swimming, il usod
proporlv (and not oxcossivolv), so l rocommond thom. Voar lins lor ono
or two wooklv sots ol powor intorvals during tho lirst hall ol tho |aso
phaso, which is tho |ost timo to work on strongth and powor, and thon
limit thoir uso to ono or two drill sots a wook lor tho romaindor ol tho
training cvclo. Vhon vou |uv a pair, mako suro to got lins that aro
dosignod spocilicallv lor swim training rathor than traditional scu|a lins,
which aro much longor and oncourago |ig, slow kicks that will wroak
havoc upon vour lroostvlo lorm.
Swim paddlos aro to tho hands as swim lins aro to tho loot. Thov
oxtond tho surlaco aroa ol tho hand and thoro|v incroaso tho amount ol
wator rosistanco vou must ovorcomo with oach stroko, which promotos
tho dovolopmont ol strongor musclos and joints. Paddlos aro |ost
avoidod |v loss advancod swimmors, howovor, as thov can quicklv load
to tondinitis ol tho shouldor il usod with llawod tochniquo. ll vou`vo
novor usod thom |oloro, start with a smallor pair (thov como in sizos)
and uso thom lor just a low intorvals, and |uild lrom thoro. As with tho
othor powor swim aid, swim lins, vou should do tho groatost amount ol
swimming with paddlos during tho lirst hall ol tho |aso phaso and limit
thoir uso to within ono or two drill sots a wook thoroaltor.
Tho most commonlv usod swim aid, kick|oards aro simplo llotation
dovicos that allow vou to just kick without sinking. Iiko lins, kick|oards
aro usod to improvo kick powor, |ut thov aro not as olloctivo as lins lor
this purposo and thov also oliminato tho |odv rotation that is a lunda-
montal componont ol good lroostvlo tochniquo. Vhoroas lins aro lor all
swimmors and paddlos aro mostlv lor oxporioncod swimmors, kick-
|oards aro primarilv a |oginnor`s aid. Evon |oginnors should avoid mak-
ing a crutch ol thom, howovor.
Finallv, tho pull |uov is to tho logs as tho kick|oard is to tho arms. lt`s
a llotation dovico that koops vour logs alloat without kicking so vou can
concontrato on vour pull tochniquo. l do not rocommond its uso |ocauso
it, too, oliminatos |odv rotation.

Opon wator swimming is ossontial practico lor triathlotos and olton a lun
|roak lrom tho monotonv ol tho pool. Howovor, lakos and ocoans aro
loss controllod onvironmonts than pools and prosont somo challongos
lor which vou nood to |o proparod.
Chooso vour opon wator vonuos carolullv. Swim whoro pooplo swim.
Othor placos can havo dangorous rip tidos or contaminants that vou
don`t know a|out. For that mattor, ovon swimming |oachos can |o
plaguod poriodicallv |v conditions (storms or sowago runoll lor
instanco) that mako swimming dangorous or impossi|lo, so alwavs chock
into tho prosont and imminont conditions ol vour choson vonuo |oloro
plunging in.
Tho idoal opon wator vonuo is placid, lroo ol o|structions liko algao
and motorizod trallic, not too cold, and liloguard-protoctod. Buovs at
markod distancos aro a nico |onus. Alwavs know whoro and how lar vou
will swim |oloro starting, and mako suro vou and vour swimming part-
nors aro on tho samo pago. Trv to avoid swimming moro than a hall milo
or so lrom shoro, and novor swim solo unloss vorv closo to shoro or in
popular aroas whoro othor swimmors aro alwavs noar|v.
Vhon tho wator is coolor than a|out 65 dogroos, vou mav want to
woar a wotsuit. Avoid swimming in wator that is coldor than 55 dogroos
or so, ovon with a wotsuit. ll vou woar a lull wotsuit in wator that is
warmor than 68 dogroos, not onlv aro vou a wimp, |ut in all likolihood
vou`ll also ovorhoat. ll vou plan to compoto in a wotsuit, vou nood to
practico swimming in it and taking it oll, ospociallv as a |oginnor.
Sighting is an important skill in opon wator swimming and ono vou`ll
dolinitolv want to practico, |ocauso il vou can`t sight, vou can`t swim in
a straight lino. lt`s vorv simplo in concopt. Tho idoa is to look lorward
poriodicallv and lind tho |uov or landmark vou`ro swimming toward to
dotormino whothor vou aro, in lact, swimming toward it. Tho kov to
sighting woll is sighting olton. No|odv swims in a straight lino |lind. You
should chock vour |oaring ovorv low strokos. Vhon sighting, look lor-

ward at tho ol vour rotation (just onough to got vour gogglos

a|ovo wator), spot vour targot, and thon twist vour hoad to tho sido and
|roatho as vou roach maximum |odv rotation to that samo sido. Triath-
lotos should practico doing this in tho pool as woll as in opon wator.
You`ll also want to tako advantago ol vour opon wator workouts to
practico ontoring and oxiting, ospociallv il vou compoto in tho ocoan,
with surl. Practico charging into tho wator, diving lorward, and swimming
vorv hard lor 50 vards |oloro sottling into raco paco. ln crowdod swim
starts, it pavs to got out ahoad il vou`ro lit onough to do so. ll thoro`s surl,
practico diving undor incoming wavos and pushing oll tho sandv |ottom
|ohind thom. Thon turn around and practico oxiting. Swim right up until
vour hand touchos sand |oloro standing. Thon run onto tho |oach and
|ogin to romovo vour wotsuit, il vou`ro woaring ono. Again, il thoro`s
surl, practico timing tho wavos so vou can |odv surl to shoro. l`vo soon
triathlotos gain 50 vards this wav in racos.
For triathlotos, thoro aro two |asic tvpos ol swim workout: stoadv-paco
onduranco swims and intorval workouts. Tho tvpical swim workout con-
tains a warm-up, a sot ol drill intorvals, a main intorval sot, and a cool-
down. Tho drill sot is usuallv lorgono in onduranco swims, and no|odv
doos thom in opon wator. Somo group swim intorval workouts mav
includo a soparato sprint sot |oloro or altor tho main sot, and mav also
includo a socond sot ol drills procoding tho cool-down. Howovor, in tho
workouts l proscri|o, lor tho sako ol simplicitv, thoso options aro not
lntorval workouts aro classiliod |v throo tvpos. Short intorval work-
outs contain intorvals ranging |otwoon 25 and l00 vards in thoir main
sot. Iong intorval workouts contain intorvals ranging |otwoon l00 and
600 vards in thoir main sot. Vixod intorval workouts contain-vou
guossod it-a mix ol short and long intorvals in thoir main sot. ln accor-
danco with tho nonlinoar poriodization modol that works |ost lor swim
training, vou should trv to porlorm somo amount ol short intorvals, long
intorvals, and stoadv-paco onduranco swimming oach wook throughout
tho training cvclo. ll vou swim onlv twico a wook, vou can approximato
this idoal |v porlorming ono onduranco swim por wook and cvcling
through short, long, and mixod intorval workouts lor vour socond
wooklv swim. ll vou swim throo timos a wook, do an onduranco swim and
anv com|ination ol tho throo intorval workout tvpos. ll vou swim moro
than throo timos, do ono onduranco swim, at loast ono short intorval
workout, and at loast ono long intorval workout. Following aro guidolinos
lor oach ol tho compononts ol swim workouts:

Tho warm-up and cool-down gonorallv should consist ol oasv lroostvlo
swimming at rocovorv or onduranco paco (soo tho soction on intonsitv
|olow). Tho warm-up warms, lu|ricatos, and loosons tho musclos, which
proparos thom lor tho hard work to lollow, whilo tho cool-down llushos
mota|olic wastos lrom tho musclos and proparos thom lor a spoodv
rocovorv. ln othor words, tho warm-up and cool-down lullill vorv impor-
tant lunctions and should novor |o skippod. Your warm-up should last at
loast l0 minutos and vour cool-down at loast 5.

ln tho drill portion ol a swim workout, vou should porlorm two to lour
tochniquo and/or powor drills in intorval structuro. Tho total distanco
covorod in this portion ol tho workout should |o 300 to 500 vards. Horo
aro somo samplo drill sots:


- -
- -
You should strivo lor variotv in vour drill sots, |ut givo primarv
omphasis to tho spocilic drills that addross vour particular stroko llaws.
For oxamplo, il vou havo a tondoncv to uso a straight-arm pull, ropoat tho
Fist Drill olton. Drill timo is a good timo to strap on lins so vou can main-
tain spood and work on kick powor whilo vou addross vour stroko issuos.

Thoro`s no limit to tho variotv ol main sots vou can construct using tho
varia|los at vour disposal. Vhilo it`s possi|lo to lound an olloctivo
triathlon swim program on just a handlul ol individual workouts, manv
coachos and athlotos trv to tost thoir croativitv in main sot construction,

* For oxamplo, triathlon coach Roch Frov koops a data|aso ol noarlv 400 individual workouts that
ho proscri|os to clionts and administors in Vastors swim workouts.

lor two roasons. First, in swimming, varving tho naturo ol tho domands
vou placo on vour |odv is a kov moans ol stimulating progrossivo gains in
litnoss. And socond, moro variation moans loss |orodom. Horo`s a look at
tho major varia|los that aro manipulatod in main sot construction:
Training tho right amount at tho right intonsitv lovols is ossontial to
achioving tho dosirod training ollocts lrom thoso workouts. Your training
should involvo livo |asic swim pacos, oach ol which corrolatos with ono
ol tho livo intonsitv lovols (rocovorv, onduranco, throshold, max oxvgon,
and spood) discussod in Chaptor l. Rocovorv paco is oasv and comlort-
a|lo, although still last onough to qualilv as oxorciso, and is appropriato
lor warm-ups, cool-downs, and activo rocovorios. Enduranco paco is
slightlv lastor-hard onough to loavo vou modoratolv latiguod at tho ond
ol vour long onduranco swims, which will last 40 minutos to two hours,
doponding on vour litnoss lovol and goals. Throshold paco is tho swim-
ming intonsitv just a|ovo which vour musclos |ogin to rapidlv accumu-
lato lactic acid. Vax oxvgon paco is tho swimming paco at which vour
|odv saturatos its capacitv to consumo oxvgon. Spood paco doos not cor-
rolato to anv spocilic phvsiological throshold, |ut is simplv 5 to l0 por-
cont lastor than max oxvgon paco.
Dotormining vour prosont training paco lovols is not dillicult. Tho
kov is simplv to porlorm appropriatolv structurod main sots, |ocauso
whon vou do so, it`s hard to swim at tho right intonsitv. Gonorallv,
intorvals ol 25 to 50 vards in longth aro most appropriato lor spood paco,
intorvals ol l00 to 200 vards aro most appropriato lor max oxvgon paco,
and intorvals ol 200 to 400 vards (or ovon 600 vards, lor highlv lit triath-
lotos) aro most appropriato lor throshold paco. Your spood paco is tho
lastost paco vou can maintain through a lull sot ol 25- or 50-vard intorvals
without slowing down in tho last ono or two. Your max oxvgon paco is
tho lastost paco vou can maintain through a lull sot ol l00- to 200-vard
intorvals without slowing down in tho linal intorvals. And vour throshold
paco is tho lastost paco vou can maintain through a lull sot ol 200- to 400-
vard intorvals without slowing down in tho last intorval or dovoloping
su|stantial lactic acid |urn in vour shouldors. Vhon vou wish to ompha-
sizo onduranco intonsitv, don`t do intorvals at all, |ut instoad porlorm a
stoadv-paco onduranco workout. Now, thoso guidolinos onlv work il vou
porlorm tho right num|or ol intorvals with rospoct to vour litnoss lovol
and tho purposo ol tho workout and rost noithor too short nor too long
|otwoon ropotitions. l`ll addross thoso lactors momontarilv.
Ta|lo 3.l is dosignod to holp vou lind tho appropriato paco lor oach
intonsitv lovol. ll vou`ro a|lo to dotormino vour paco por l00 vards (or por
50 vards, in tho caso ol spood intonsitv) lor anv ono ol tho livo training inton-
sitios, vou can uso this ta|lo to o|tain a suggostod paco lor oach ol tho othor
lour. Thoso suggostod paco targots mav not |o porloct, |ut thov should |o
vorv closo. lndividual swimmors who sharo tho samo max oxvgon paco
should train at roughlv tho samo paco at all livo intonsitv lovols, |ocauso tho
samo two varia|los that dotormino ono`s max oxvgon paco-\O
max and
oconomv-also dotormino ono`s paco at tho othor lour intonsitv lovols. You
can rolino thoso ostimatos simplv |v porlorming appropriatolv structurod
workouts. ll anv givon paco is slightlv too oasv or too hard, twoak it accord-
inglv. And ovon il thoso suggostod paco targots aro porloct lor vou todav, thov
will chango-that is, improvo-throughout tho training cvclo as vour swim
litnoss incroasos, so vou should alwavs |o proparod to twoak.

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Tho longths ol tho intorvals vou swim in anv givon main sot should
dopond mostlv on tho intonsitv lovol or lovols vou wish to omphasizo. As
l suggostod a|ovo, intorvals ol 25 to 50 vards in longth aro most appro-
priato lor spood paco, intorvals ol l00 to 200 vards aro most appropriato
lor max oxvgon paco, and intorvals ol 200 to 400 vards (or ovon 600
vards, lor highlv lit triathlotos) aro most appropriato lor throshold paco,
whilo stoadv, un|rokon swims ol l,000 to 5,000 vards aro tho |ost wav to
train at onduranco intonsitv. Tho num|or ol intorvals vou porlorm
should varv invorsolv in proportion to tho longth ol tho intorvals (assum-
ing a main sot containing intorvals ol unilorm longth). For oxamplo, a
main sot comprisod ol 50s should contain at loast oight and as manv as
20 intorvals, whoroas a main sot comprisod ol 400s should contain no
moro than 5 or 6 intorvals. Naturallv, vour prosont litnoss lovol and tho
longth ol vour poak raco should |o tho primarv dotorminants ol tho pro-
ciso num|or ol intorvals vou chooso to swim within tho appropriato
rango. Soo Ta|lo 3.2 lor suggostod main sot longths lor triathlotos ol var-
ious catogorios.
Thoro aro two kinds ol rost in swim workouts: --
which ontails holding on to tho wall and gathoring voursoll |otwoon
intorvals, and in which vou swim oasilv, olton using
altornativo strokos or just kicking, |otwoon hard ollorts. Activo rocovorv
is most appropriato |otwoon su|sots within a main sot, whon vou wish
to cloar lactic acid out ol tho musclos in proparation lor anothor hard
su|sot. For oxamplo, considor tho lollowing throshold-paco main sot: 3 x
(4 x l00). ln such a main sot, vou might tako short (sav, 20-socond) pas-
sivo rocovorios altor oach l00, oxcopt ovorv lourth, altor which vou might
swim anothor l00 at rocovorv paco.
Passivo rocovorios can last as littlo as livo soconds or as long as throo
minutos, doponding on what vou`vo just dono and what vou`ro doing
noxt. Bocauso longor rosts allow vou to swim hardor altorward, and
|ocauso shortor rosts holp vour |odv loarn to nood loss rost, vou should
uso |oth. Tvpical rost durations aro 20 to 40 soconds altor spood intor-
vals, 90 soconds to two minutos altor max oxvgon intorvals, and 30 to 90
soconds altor throshold intorvals. Tho main lunctions ol rost aro to lowor
tho hoart rato to onduranco-paco lovol and to llush accumulatod lactic
acid lrom tho working musclos. Iactic acid concontrations aro groatost
altor longor max oxvgon intorvals and altor sovoral spood intorvals with
short rosts. This is whv longor rosts aro tvpical altor individual max oxv-
gon intorvals and whv it is common and advisa|lo to |roak spood sots
into su|sots that pormit a lullor rocovorv altor a low spood intorvals.
Romom|or, in group workouts, vour rost intorvals will varv dopond-
ing on how last vou swim oach intorval, as tho proscri|od intorval timo
lor oach lano accounts lor swimming and rost (othorwiso it would |o
impossi|lo to koop all swimmors in anv singlo lano in svnc).
For oach ol thoso workouts, triathlotos who aro loss lit and/or training lor
shortor ovonts should porlorm closor to tho minimum num|or and
longth ol rocommondod intorvals, whilo triathlotos who aro moro lit
and/or training lor longor ovonts should porlorm closor to tho maximum
num|or and longth.

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Horo`s how l rocommond approaching swim training in oach ol tho throo
phasos ol tho training cvclo. l will discuss how to mix togothor swim,
|iko, and run training in oach ol tho phasos in Chaptor 6.
- -
Your swim training in tho |aso phaso should omphasizo |asic onduranco,
tochniquo, and powor. Bogin tho phaso with a lowor volumo ol swim-
ming and incroaso it graduallv and stoadilv throughout tho phaso in tho
stop-loading mannor (i.o., incroaso volumo lor two or throo wooks,
roduco volumo lor ono wook). Bv no lator than tho middlo ol this phaso,
start doing a wooklv long onduranco swim. lncroaso tho duration ol this
workout |v 5 to l0 porcont ovorv wook or two wooks.
To incroaso tho powor ol vour swim stroko, in at loast tho lirst low
wooks ol tho phaso do as much as l5 porcont ol vour total vardago using
lins and l5 porcont with paddlos (novor uso |oth togothor) in tho con-
toxt ol short intorvals or drill sots. Vako tho drill sot portion ol vour intor-
val workouts lairlv longthv in tho lirst low wooks ol tho |aso phaso,
locusing on tho tochniquo drills that aro most |onolicial lor vou. ln tho
lattor hall ol tho phaso, vou mav roduco tho volumo ol swimming
accountod lor |v tochniquo and powor drills and incroaso tho volumo
accountod lor |v rogular intorvals. Do a mixturo ol throshold-paco, max-
oxvgon-paco, and spood-paco intorvals.
ln tho |uild phaso, it`s timo to do vour hardost swimming with ono
o|joctivo in mind: gotting lastor. Tho |aso phaso has proparod vou lor
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tho challonging workouts vou`ll do horo: tho challonging workouts vou
do horo will proparo vou to do vour most raco-spocilic workouts in tho
coming poak phaso.
Hold vour ovorall swim training volumo moro or loss constant (|ut
continuo to uso stop cvclos) throughout tho |uild phaso whilo pushing
voursoll to tho limit in at loast ono intorval sot oach wook. Hold stoadv
tho duration ol vour wooklv long onduranco swim as woll. ll vou swim
lour to livo timos por wook, push tho paco in two ol thoso workouts. Put
tho groatost omphasis on max-oxvgon-paco intorvals, |ut don`t nogloct
tho throshold and spood intonsitv lovols. Pav attontion to vour splits and
trv to improvo thom graduallv throughout tho phaso.
Your swim training |ocomos most raco-spocilic in this phaso. Put tho
groatost omphasis on throshold-paco intorvals, oxcopt during raco
wooks, whon vou should omphasizo spood-paco intorvals lor sharpnoss.
ll vou aro training lor a longor poak triathlon, |ogin to graduallv incroaso
tho duration ol vour wooklv onduranco swim onco again, until it`s at loast
25 porcont longor than tho swim log ol vour poak triathlon (|ut no moro
than throo milos). Roduco tho lroquoncv ol vour long onduranco swims
to onco ovorv othor wook: on tho altornato wooks, do a shortor, raco-
paco swim. ln tho linal two to lour wooks |oloro vour most important
raco, vou should oliminato onduranco swims, roduco total volumo, and
maintain poak litnoss with a small amount ol high-intonsitv swimming.

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vcling mav |o ono ol throo triathlon disciplinos, |ut it`s

roallv hall tho sport whon considorod lrom tho porspoctivo ol timo.
Cvcling accounts lor a|out 50 porcont ol ono`s linishing timo in a tvpi-
cal triathlon, and it should account lor a similar porcontago ol ono`s
training timo. Cvcling is thoroloro tho costliost ol tho throo disciplinos
to |o woak in and tho most lavora|lo to havo as a strong suit. Thoro is
moro room lor improvomont in cvcling than in swimming or running
and groator opportunitv to gain timo on vour ago group rivals. Tho goal
ol this chaptor is to holp vou mako cvcling a strong suit-or, at loast, not
a woaknoss.

Convontional wisdom holds that tho kov to |ocoming a |ottor cvclist is
timo in tho saddlo.` Ol courso, putting in timo is vital to |ocoming a |ot-
tor swimmor and runnor, too, |ut with cvcling it`s a littlo dilloront. ln
swimming, tochniquo is so important that hall an hour spont rolining
tochniquo is worth sovoral hours ol swimming lor litnoss with poor toch-
niquo. ln cvcling, howovor, puro lung powor and log powor can ovor-
como loss than porloct tochniquo, and lungs and logs como with milos.
ln running, |ocauso tho activitv is so high-impact, tho point ol diminish-
ing roturns in torms ol training volumo is moro quicklv roachod, so it`s
important to mako ovorv milo count. (Elito swimmors and cvclists train

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upward ol six hours a dav, whoroas olito distanco runnors train onlv`
a|out 90 minutos a dav.) ln cvcling, on tho othor hand, as long as vou
tako propor procautions, vou can rido almost ondlosslv without gotting
injurod, and tho cvclist who ridos ondlosslv with no particular plan will
alwavs wind up |oing strongor than tho cvclist who logs modost miloago
with sciontilic procision.
This is not to sav that oxactlv ono trains on tho |iko is unim-
portant, or that working on skills and tochniquo is not also an oxcollont
moans ol improving cvcling porlormanco, ospociallv lor thoso ol us
whoso training timo is limitod. Vaking tho |ost uso ol ono`s timo in tho
saddlo, howovor much it is, ontails doing carolullv soloctod workouts in
tho propor soquonco whilo activolv cultivating all tho skills that aro rolo-
vant to porlormanco. But thoro is no su|stituto lor shoor volumo in |iko
A socond loaturo that makos |iko training distinct lrom othor lorms
ol onduranco training is tho |iko itsoll. A major lactor in cvcling por-
lormanco is tho a|ilitv to got tho most out ol a lairlv complox machino.
Dovoloping as a cvclist is a|out |ocoming ono` with vour |iko, and tho
road. ll vou`ro at all oxporioncod as a cvclist, vou know just what l moan.
You nood to know how to position voursoll on tho |iko, whon to shilt
goars, how to koop tho |iko in raco-roadv condition, and so lorth. Tho
cooporation |otwoon human and machino, and tho particular naturo ol
this cooporation, also makos tho naturo ol cvcling litnoss somowhat dil-
loront lrom swim and run litnoss. Spood on tho |iko is a lunction ol pod-
aling cadonco and ol distanco travolod por podal stroko, which is a
lunction ol goar soloction. Tho highor tho goar vou can push at a rola-
tivolv high cadonco lor a long timo, tho lastor vou can go. Pushing highor
goars is mado possi|lo |v shoor muscular strongth in tho logs. Cvcling lit-
noss thoroloro has a groator strongth componont than oithor running or
swimming. Cvclists and triathlotos got tho log strongth thov nood lrom
clim|ing hills and training in high goars, and somotimos also lrom sup-
plomontal rosistanco training.
Thoro aro two major disciplinos within tho sport ol road cvcling: road
racing and timo trialing. Road racing ontails pack riding, in which dralt-
ing is a major lactor and tho raco is strictlv against othor ridors rathor
than against tho clock. Triathlon cvcling takos placo in a timo trial lormat
(oxcopt in Vorld Cup racos, in which onlv a lraction ol l porcont ol
triathlotos ovor participato), whoro dralting is illogal and tho raco is
against tho clock. For this roason, triathlotos nood to locus moro on aoro-
dvnamic ollicioncv and on cultivating tho a|ilitv to maintain a vorv stoadv
paco at high intonsitv. At tho samo timo, unliko ovon thoso puro cvclists
who spocializo in timo trialing, triathlotos must train thomsolvos to con-
sorvo onorgv at high intonsitv, so as to |o a|lo to run |otwoon throo and
26.2 milos at maximum ollort as soon as thov dismount lrom thoir |ikos.
This procoss ol |ocoming ono with vour |iko |ogins with |iko lit and rid-
ing position. Now, |iko lit and riding position aro tho kinds ol things
mochanical goniusos ongago in hoatod argumonts a|out and Tour do
Franco cvclists tinkor with throughout thoir caroors. Thov`ro part sci-
onco, part art, and vorv complox. Howovor, whilo vou could toar vour
hair out trving to discovor tho riding position, linding a porloctlv
good ono is not noarlv so challonging.
Thoro aro two wavs to do it: with prolossional holp, or on vour own.
l rocommond |oth. A truo |iko-litting oxport can suggost rolinomonts in
vour riding position that vou would novor think ol, ospociallv il vou`ro a
|oginnor, |ut ovon il vou`ro a Cat ll* stud. Iust mako suro vou havo it
dono |v somoono who undorstands triathlon cvcling. But vou can`t run
to an oxport ovorv timo vou nood to mako an adjustmont, so vou also
should havo tho conlidonco to lit voursoll without assistanco, whothor or
not vou ovor pursuo tho lirst option (which isn`t choap, |v tho wav-
oxpoct to pav at loast 8l00, unloss vou`ro |uving a |iko, in which caso it`s
lroo). This a|ilitv will holp vou movo lrom |iko to |iko whon nocossarv
or modilv vour position on a givon |iko to suit circumstancos. For oxam-
plo, manv triathlotos and cvclists twoak thoir riding position a low timos
during tho courso ol a training cvclo as thoir musclos dovolop. Triath-
lotos, in particular, tond to movo lrom a moro rolaxod aoro position at
tho start ol tho soason to a moro oxtromo ono |v soason`s ond. This is
whon a littlo |iko-litting knowlodgo comos in handv.
Basic litting is not torri|lv dillicult. First ol all, alwavs sot up vour |iko
lor vour riding position. ll vou havo an aoro|ar, oithor on a
triathlon |iko or a road |iko, sot up tho |iko to optimizo tho aoro posi-
tion. ll vou`ro riding a road |iko without a clip-on aoro|ar, sot it up to
optimizo tho hands-on-|rako-hoods position. Eithor wav, |ogin |v sot-
ting tho saddlo hoight. ll vou uso an aoro|ar, adjust it such that, whon
vou`ro woaring cvcling shoos, tho ol vour shoo just |arolv touchos
tho podal whon vour knoo is lullv oxtondod and tho podal is positionod
at tho |ottom ol tho rotation. For a road |iko without aoro|ar, sot tho

* Catogorv ll. Road cvclists compoto in lour catogorios. Catogorv l\ (or Cat l\`) cvclists
aro avorago compotitors: Cat l ridors aro world-class.

saddlo hoight such that tho ol vour shoo touchos tho podal (this will
placo tho saddlo just a low millimotors highor to account lor tho slightlv
slackor hip anglo maintainod in tho road position). Vako suro not to tilt
vour hips whon porlorming this tost.
Horo`s whoro aoro litting and road |iko litting divorgo. Iot`s lirst
locus on tho aoro position. Tho noxt stop is to sot vour soat sot|ack (or
loro-alt position,` as somo call it). To do this, clip into a podal and rotato
it to tho throo o`clock position. For this to work, vou should havo vour
shoo cloats alroadv positionod oxactlv whoro vou want thom. Drop a
plum| lino (a string with a washor tiod to ono ond works nicolv) lrom tho
hoad ol vour li|ula (tho |onv protrusion on tho outsido ol tho knoo). ll
tho string is in lino with tho podal axlo, vour saddlo is in tho noutral posi-
tion. Put tho saddlo in this position lor now.
ln tho standard aoro position, vour torso will |o almost porloctlv par-
allol to tho ground and vour shouldors will |o almost diroctlv a|ovo (just
slightlv |ohind) vour ol|ows. Adjust tho aoro|ar (intogratod or clip-on)
to achiovo this position. This will involvo plaving with |oth tho hoight
and tho roach ol tho aoro|ar, at loast, and mav roquiro lurthor twoaking
ol tho saddlo sot|ack, oithor slightlv lorward or slightlv |ackward lrom
tho noutral position. ll, altor plaving with all throo ol thoso sottings, vour
position still isn`t right, vou mav havo to purchaso a lorward soatpost
and/or a shortor or longor lront stom. A rotailor can adviso vou il vou
como to this crossroads. Noto that somo manulacturors mako adjusta|lo
stoms. Thoso aro a worthv invostmont, |ocauso thov allow vou to moro
oasilv adjust vour riding position to suit circumstancos.
You can also adjust tho tilt ol vour aoro|ar and, on manv modols, tho
soparation ol tho ol|ow pads. Tho pads should |o as closo togothor as
comlort allows, and tho aoro |ar tilt should placo vour loroarms oithor
parallol to tho top tu|o or anglod slightlv upward. Porsonal proloronco
provails in making thoso linal adjustmonts. For that mattor, porsonal
proloronco should provail with rospoct to tho aoro position. l`m
just tolling vou what tho pros tond to do, and what wind tunnol tosts roc-
ommond. But tho linal stop in tho sotup procoss should alwavs |o to got
on tho |iko and rido, and il somothing doosn`t lool right, |v all moans,
adjust it awav lrom tho norm. Each ridor is uniquo.
ll vou rido a road |iko without an aoro|ar, uso tho lollowing tost to
sot tho saddlo sot|ack position (and possi|lv also tho lront stom longth):
Vount tho |iko and placo vour hands on tho |rako hoods as vou would
whon riding. ln tho idoal position lor maximum powor production (lor
most pooplo), tho middlo soction ol tho handlo|ar should complotolv
o|struct vour viow ol tho lront whool hu|. (Tho hu| should |o partiallv
visi|lo tho handlo|ar whon vour hands aro placod on tho handlo-
|ar tops and should |o visi|lo tho handlo|ar whon vour hands
aro placod in tho handlo|ar drops.) Vako tho saddlo adjustmonts noodod
to pass this tost. You should lool lairlv opon in this position, |ut not
ovorlv strotchod. Koop in mind that moving tho saddlo |ack also
incroasos tho distanco |otwoon vour hips and tho podals, so il vou lind
that vou havo to movo tho saddlo wav |ack in ordor to achiovo a good
road riding posturo, vou mav nood to go with a longor stom.
To roallv dial in tho position, vou can porlorm anothor tost. Eithor
install a powor motor (such as an SRV or PoworTap) on vour |iko or mount
vour |iko on an indoor trainor/orgomotor that allows vou to moasuro vour
powor output (watts). Strap on a hoart rato monitor as woll (somo orgomo-
tors como with |uilt-in hoart rato sonsors). Altor a good warm-up, chooso
a modorato hoart rato, hold it stoadv, and noto vour powor output. Dis-
mount, and mako anv dosirod adjustmont to ono ol vour |iko sottings.
Ropoat tho tost and noto whothor vour powor output incroasos or
docroasos at a consistont hoart rato. Continuo liddling and twoaking (por-
haps ovor a poriod ol sovoral davs, as latiguo will raiso vour hoart rato and
skow rosults) until vou`vo lound vour maximum powor output riding posi-
tion, which should also lool quito comlorta|lo. You can porlorm this tost
lor tho aoro riding position, too, |ut koop in mind that tho idoal aoro posi-
tion is novor tho most poworlul position, as aorodvnamics and powor out-
put tond to work at cross purposos. Horo, vou just want to mako suro
vou`ro not losing lor tho sako ol minimizing drag.

Tho two compononts ol podaling aro tochniquo and cadonco. Dospito
tho oxprossion lt`s liko riding a |iko,` propor podaling tochniquo and
cadonco olton do not como naturallv and roquiro long practico to culti-
vato. Tho throo charactoristics ol good podaling tochniquo aro immo|il-
itv a|ovo tho hips (oxcopt whon podaling out ol tho saddlo), no latoral
movomont ol tho logs or loot, and a rolativolv ovon application ol lorco
throughout tho podal stroko. Tho throo most common orrors in podal-
ing tochniquo aro |odv rocking, wido knoos, and podal stomping.
Rocking in tho saddlo is a wasto ol onorgv. lts most common causos
aro lack ol sulliciont lloxi|ilitv in tho hamstrings and hip lloxors, woaknoss
in tho glutoal musclos, having tho saddlo positionod too high, and riding
in too high a goar. ll vou lind that vou do tond to rock in tho saddlo, lirst
ol all chock vour soat hoight and vour podaling cadonco. Failuro to main-

tain a podaling cadonco ol at loast 0 rovolutions por minuto on all torrain

oxcopt stoop clim|s and dosconts is an indication that vour goar soloction
is poor. But il vou can oliminato thoso causos, vou should concontrato on
corrocting muscular im|alancos in vour lowor |odv through strotching
and lunctional strongth training (soo Chaptor 8). Complomont thoso
moasuros with kinosthotic awaronoss, |v which l moan paving attontion
to vour lorm whon vou rido and consciouslv not rocking in tho saddlo.
Tho pro|lom ol wido knoos is causod |v tho a|ovo-montionod mus-
cular im|alancos, tvpicallv, and is olton oxacor|atod |v sotting tho saddlo
low, which manv cvclists do |ocauso ol thoir muscular im|alancos (ospo-
ciallv tight hamstrings). To corroct wido knoos, lirst chock vour |iko
sotup: il it sooms right, or il vou cannot comlorta|lv podal in tho corroct
position, |ogin to work on improving tho olasticitv ol vour hamstrings.
As vour lloxi|ilitv improvos, vou should lind that vou can (and must)
roadjust vour |iko sotup (possi|lv including vour cloat position). Also, as
with hip rocking, vou should pav attontion to vour lorm whon riding and
lorco thoso knoos in whon vou catch thom crooping wido
Podal stomping-also callod mashing-is a doscriptivo torm lor lail-
uro to applv lorco ovonlv throughout tho podal stroko. ln particular, it
ontails concontrating lorco on tho downward, gravitv-assistod portion ol
tho podal stroko and allowing momontum to carrv tho podal |ack
around to tho top. Bovond tho gravitv lactor, tho roason this pro|lom is
so common is that tho musclos that sorvo as tho primo movors lor tho
upward hall ol tho podal stroko, tho hip oxtonsors (glutoals and ham-
strings), aro rolativolv woak and undordovolopod in tho avorago citizon
|ocauso ol all tho sitting wo do. Tho longor vou continuo to podal stomp,
tho moro pronouncod tho im|alanco that causod vou to stomp in tho
lirst placo will |ocomo.
Analvsis ol world-class cvclists indicatos that torquo is maximizod
throughout tho podal stroko whon hip and knoo lloxion and oxtonsion
aro linolv coordinatod with anklo lloxion and oxtonsion. ln tho twolvo
o`clock to throo o`clock portion ol tho podal stroko, tho hip and knoo
oxtond and tho anklo lloxos (hool comos down) so that lorco is gonor-
atod |oth lorward and downward, as tho podal is indood moving |oth
downward and lorward during this portion ol tho stroko. From throo
o`clock to six o`clock, tho hip and knoo continuo to oxtond as tho anklo
roturns to noutral and |ogins to oxtond (toos go down), so that lorco is
appliod lirst straight downward, thon downward and |ackward, in koop-
ing with tho motion ol tho podal. Botwoon six o`clock and nino o`clock,
tho hip and knoo llox as tho anklo oxtonds sharplv (hool comos up).
lmagino that vou`ro trving to kick voursoll in tho |utt with vour own
hool. Tho sonsation should |o ono ol pulling rathor than upward.
Although countorintuitivo lor manv cvclists, this is actuallv tho most
olloctivo wav to mako tho podal movo upward lrom tho |ottom ol tho
rotation. From nino o`clock |ack to twolvo o`clock, as tho hip and tho
knoo continuo to llox, tho anklo roturns to noutral. This linal portion ol
tho stroko is somotimos rolorrod to as tho doad spot,` ovon lor thoso
with porloct tochniquo, |ocauso vou`ro not roallv applving diroctional
lorco horo |ut rathor kooping tho woight ol vour loot and log oll tho
podal in ordor to allow it to movo unhindorod, |ocauso |v this timo vour
othor loot is pushing straight down on tho opposito podal, and this is tho
most poworlul portion ol tho stroko.
You won`t mastor this pattorn just |v thinking a|out it. You nood to
loarn it |v lool. Thoro aro a low good indoor cvcling drills that can holp
vou dovolop this lool. Tho |ost timo to practico thoso mothods is during
tho oll-soason transition poriod ol training and tho oarlv portion ol tho
|aso phaso, whon wo tond to |o indoors moro, anvwav, and wo aron`t so
worriod a|out litnoss: litnoss: litnoss: Horo thov aro:
Vount vour |iko on indoor rollors and do a normal training rido. ll vour
podal stroko is unovon, tho whirring sound mado |v tho lriction
|otwoon vour roar tiro and tho rollors will also sound unovon. Bv striv-
ing lor an ovon whir, vou will loarn what good tochniquo lools liko as
woll as practico it.

Vount vour |iko on a wind trainor or simplv soat voursoll on a stationarv
|iko. Podal in a low goar (low rosistanco lovol) with a singlo log whilo
kooping vour othor log out ol tho wav (on a chair). Go lor ono minuto,
and thon switch logs. Ropoat tho drill a low timos moro. Anv stroko
inconsistoncios will |o groatlv oxaggoratod, as vou won`t havo tho othor
loot stomping whilo tho ono is supposod to |o pulling. Bv striving lor a
lluid motion, vou will onco again loarn what good tochniquo lools liko
whilo grooving it.

Vount vour |iko on a wind trainor and hook it up to soltwaro that givos vou
a graphic displav ol vour stroko on a tolovision scroon, as CompuTrainor`s
SpinScan doos. Vhilo doing anv kind ol indoor training rido, vou can loarn
and practico good tochniquo |v trving to mako vour stroko look right.

Yot anothor wav to improvo podaling tochniquo is with a drill callod spin-
ning out, which involvos graduallv incroasing vour podaling cadonco
ovor tho courso ol sovoral minutos, in a vorv low goar, until vou roach
maximum RPV, which vou thon maintain lor 30 to 60 soconds. ln this
drill, stroko im|alancos will rovoal thomsolvos in causing vour roar ond to
|ounco, which vou must thoroloro trv to provont. Spinning out is |ost
porlormod on an indoor trainor as woll.
Podaling cadonco is a moro individual mattor. Horo`s whv. Voight and
drag hold constant, how last vou travol on vour |iko is purolv a mattor ol
how much powor vou gonorato through tho podaling motion. As indi-
catod a|ovo, vour powor output is a lunction ol vour goar soloction (high
or low) and vour podaling cadonco (last or slow). lt is possi|lo, thoro-
loro, to achiovo anv givon powor output in moro than ono wav. For oxam-
plo, to maintain a powor output ol X, vou might podal rathor slowlv in a
vorv high goar, podal prottv last in a slightlv lowor goar, or podal roallv
last in a still lowor goar. Howovor, it`s not all tho samo, |ocauso in ono ol
thoso goar-cadonco com|inations vou will |o using tho loast amount ol
onorgv to produco tho samo amount ol powor. This com|ination is sim-
plv |ottor suitod to vour |odv`s wav ol gonorating powor on a |icvclo. At
highor powor output lovols, most cvclists podal with tho groatost olli-
cioncv in tho rango ol 5 to 90 RPV.
Tho hitch is that cvclists vorv olton do not naturallv podal within
thoir rango ol groatost ollicioncv. Put anothor wav, lor a majoritv ol loss
oxporioncod cvclists and ovon manv votoran cvclists,
doos not match . (Tho tondoncv is to podal too slowlv
in too high a goar.) Bocauso rolativolv low cvclists discovor thoir optimal
cadonco |v instinct, it`s a good idoa to look lor it, so that vou can work
on |ringing togothor vour natural and optimal cadoncos. Thoro`s a high-
toch wav and a low-toch wav do this. Tho high-toch wav roquiros tho uso
ol a |iko computor that allows vou to track cadonco, powor output, and
hoart rato simultanoouslv. Iso this dovico lor most or all ol vour training
and watch tho intorplav ol thoso throo varia|los in a variotv ol circum-
stancos whilo plaving with various goar-cadonco com|inations. Vhat
vou`ro looking lor is tho cadonco that`s associatod with tho lowost hoart
rato at anv singlo powor output lovol in oach situation, whoro situations
aro distinguishod mainlv |v tho torrain (llats vorsus various gradionts)
and |v tho lovol ol intonsitv vou wish to maintain.
This procoduro will givo vou inlormation a|out which goar to chooso
and cadonco to adopt in ovorv sconario. For oxamplo, lormor pro triath-
loto Iimmv Riccitollo |ogan studving his cadonco rathor lato in his caroor
and discovorod, among othor things, that ho should alwavs stav soatod
and raiso his cadonco to l00 RPV on modium-longth stoop hills, whoroas
it had alwavs |oon his ha|it proviouslv to got out ol tho saddlo in such
ll vou liko to tako a moro carolroo approach to vour training, thoro`s
anothor wav to |ring togothor vour optimal cadonco and vour natural
cadonco. As l montionod a|ovo, powor output on tho |iko is a lunction
ol goar soloction and podaling cadonco. For this roason, ovorv cvclist
should train toward |oing a|lo to push highor goars and maintain highor
cadoncos. ln othor words, vou should dovoto a portion ol vour training
to pushing highor goars than vou`ro comlorta|lo pushing and maintain-
ing highor cadoncos than vou`ro usod to maintaining (callod spinning). l
rocommond spinning through a majoritv ol vour ridos during tho lirst
sovoral wooks ol tho |aso phaso and porlorming ono shortor training
rido por wook during tho socond hall ol tho |aso phaso in which vou pur-
posolv podal in high goars, at a su|-optimal cadonco. You can also com-
|ino spinning and high-goar riding within a singlo Cadonco Vorkout as
doscri|od |olow. Roaching |ovond vour comlort zono in thoso wavs will
automaticallv tond to closo anv oxisting gap |otwoon vour prolorrod and
optimal cadoncos, ovon il vou novor |othor to quantilv vour optimal
cadonco (which vou`ro trving to chango, anvwav).
Bovond podaling tochniquo and cadonco, thoro aro two additional |iko
skill catogorios whoso olomonts vou should mastor lor tho sako ol salotv
and porlormanco. Tho lirst ol thoso two catogorios is riding in what wo
might call spocial circumstancos. Tho particular skills within this cato-
gorv includo clim|ing, dosconding, and cornoring. Tho socond catogorv
ol skills is |icvclo maintonanco and upkoop.

Good clim|ing starts with knowing how to road hills. lnoxporioncod

cvclists olton attack long hills too aggrossivolv and |onk` |oloro thov
roach tho top, or miss opportunitios to uso momontum against short,
stoop hills. Exporioncod cvclists know tho |ost wav to got up and ovor
oach hill |asod on lamiliaritv with various hill tvpos and knowlodgo ol

thoir porsonal clim|ing stvlo. ll vou lack this a|ilitv, vou will acquiro it
rapidlv simplv |v taking on lots ol hills in training and paving attontion
whon vou do.
On gradual hills, vou can rido moro or loss tho samo wav vou do on
tho llats (onlv not as last, ol courso). On toughor hills, tho gamo changos.
Aorodvnamics coaso to mattor as powor output |ocomos paramount. But
hill gradionts chango tho position ol vour |odv in rolation to vour |iko,
so tho |ost powor positions lor clim|ing aro not tho samo as tho |ost
powor position on tho llats. On most short clim|s, vou should got out ol
tho saddlo and grind vour wav ovor in a standing position. This toch-
niquo allows vou to mako tho |ost uso ol tho momontum vou havo upon
roaching tho hill. On longor clim|s, vou should stav soatod |ut slido |ack
on vour saddlo and placo vour hands on tho handlo|ar tops, standing
onlv occasionallv, as a moans ol giving vour sitting` musclos a short
|roak and ol accolorating to crost hills. Smallor cvclists aro gonorallv |ot-
tor sorvod to clim| almost oxclusivolv in tho soatod position, whilo largor
and moro poworlul cvclists can got awav with standing a littlo moro.
Vhon |oginning a clim|, unloss tho hill is oxtromolv a|rupt, downshilt
ono goar at a timo in ordor to maintain vour cadonco and not to wasto
tho momontum vou gathorod on tho procoding llat or doscont. This wav
vou`ll havo gotton a good start on tho hill |v tho timo vou`vo slowod to
tho spood at which vou`ll linish it.
Tho main lactors that promoto spoodv dosconding aro aorodvnamics and
a littlo loarlossnoss, |ut not in that ordor. Tho |ost downhill cvclists aro
alwavs thoso who lovo spood and naturallv lool in control at high spoods.
Tho onlv thing thoso ridors nood to |o taught is somo tochniquo-and,
somotimos, a littlo rational rostraint. On tho othor hand, cvclists who aro
mado anxious |v high-spood dosconding laco tho toughor task ol loarn-
ing to lot go somowhat. This can |o dono graduallv. Ono wav to procood
is to rido tho stoopost doscont on vour lavorito hillv training rido as
slowlv as vou ploaso, noting tho highost spood vou roach on vour |iko
computor, and thon trv to |oat this mark |v just ono milo por hour on
oach su|soquont rido until vour dosconding is no longor a lia|ilitv.
As lor tochniquo, whon starting a doscont, just allow gravitv to accol-
orato vour |iko as vou maintain a consistont ollort lovol. Shilt up gradu-
allv to hold cadonco stoadv until (supposing tho doscont is long and
stoop onough) vou roach optimal cadonco in vour highost goar, at which
timo vou should coaso podaling and hold vour most aorodvnamic riding
position as vou onjov a simultanoous adronalino rush and cardiovascular
rost. ll vou havo an aoro|ar, uso it, unloss thoro`s anv chanco vou`ll nood
to |roak or turn suddonlv. ln that caso, or il vou lack an aoro|ar, placo
vour hands in tho handlo|ar drops, raiso vour |utt sovoral inchos a|ovo
vour soat, and |ring vour knoos toward oach othor. Rosumo podaling
whonovor vou lool voursoll slowing. Vhon coming oll tho doscont, shilt
down graduallv in ordor to mako tho |ost uso ol vour momontum.

Cornoring is anothor skill that can roquiro somo dorring-do, ospociallv

whon com|inod with dosconding. This is |ocauso, at highor spoods, vou
do not mako turns |v turning vour whool |ut rathor |v . Tho
lastor vou wish to cornor, and tho sharpor tho turn, tho moro loan is
roquirod. Iudging accuratolv how last vou can salolv tako a cornor and
how sharplv vou must loan in taking it aro a|ilitios that onlv oxporionco
can toach. ll vou must docolorato, alwavs |rako vou ontor tho
turn, as |raking whilo turning is inhorontlv unsta|lo (somothing to do
with voctor lorcos). Also, vou should podal onlv in long, swooping turns.
ln tightor turns, mako suro to coaso podaling with tho insido podal at tho
top ol its rotation so it doosn`t scull tho road, and lor |ottor |alanco. ln
racos and ridos whoroin opposing trallic is not an issuo, start wido and
como in or start insido and como wido (doponding on which sido ol tho
road vou wish to ond up on) in ordor to roduco tho sovoritv ol vour turn.
And last, il tho turn doos rosult in signilicant loss ol spood, stand up lor
sovoral podal strokos and sprint |ack to spood immodiatolv upon com-
ing out ol tho turn.

l liko to think ol tho mattor ol |icvclo maintonanco and upkoop as hav-
ing throo tiors. Tho lirst tior is roadsido ropair. Tho socond tior is rogular
upkoop. Tho third tior is tho annual (or somiannual) ovorhaul. For road-
sido ropair, alwavs rido with a saddlo pouch containing a sparo tu|o, a
patch kit, tiro lovors, a multitool containing 4-millimotor, 5-millimotor,
and 6-millimotor hox wronchos, CO
cartridgos (unloss vou happon to
uso a lramo pump as vour tiro prossuro sourco), and 820 in caso ol dis-
astor. Know how to chango a llat. Ioarn also how to diagnoso tho causo
ol oach llat. Thoro aro throo catogorios: puncturos, charactorizod |v a
holo on tho outsido ol tho tu|o: pinch llats, charactorizod |v a pair ol
holos: and llats causod |v tho tiro rim itsoll, or |v a loroign o|joct insido
tho tiro, which aro charactorizod |v a holo on tho insido ol tho tu|o. Flats
aro |v lar tho most common mid-rido mishap. Tho noxt most common
showstoppor is whon things (podals, handlo|ars, and so lorth) como

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looso, which is whv vou nood tho multitool and knowlodgo ol how to uso
it. Altor that, it`s |rokon chains, which roquiro a spocial tool and just a
smidgon ol know-how to lix. l carrv a chain tool on mv longost ridos onlv.
Each ol thoso skills is |ost loarnod hands-on lrom a lollow cvclist or lrom
ono ol tho manv |iko mochanics who ollor |asic ropair classos out ol
thoir shops.
Boloro oach rido, vou should chock tho prossuro ol vour tiros and
inllato thom il nocossarv and porlorm a two-minuto salotv chock, making
suro vour spokos havo tonsion, vour handlo|ar and/or aoro|ar doosn`t
slip whon pushod, vour chain is proporlv lu|ricatod, and vour whools aro
truod and clampod on corroctlv. Iooso |olts and such vou can lix vour-
soll. For jo|s liko whool truing and spoko rotonsioning, vou`ll nood pro-
lossional assistanco. Iu|ricato vour chain ovorv l00 milos or so. Koop an
ovo on tiro woar as woll. A high-qualitv pair ol training tiros will tvpicallv
last l,500 milos or so (tho lront tiro alwavs woars out lirst). Chock tho
tonsion on vour doraillour ca|los, too, and know how to adjust thom il
thoro`s anv slack (anothor skill vou can quicklv pick up lrom a moro
oxporioncod cvclist). Alwavs cloan and lu|o vour |iko |oloro racos,
tighton |olts, install vour racing tiros, and inllato thom at tho last minuto.
ll vou travol |v plano with vour |iko, to racos or othor ovonts, propor uso
ol most |iko casos roquiros that vou |o comlorta|lo romoving and
roplacing vour whools, podals, and handlo|ar.
Onco a voar-or twico a voar, il vou do moga-miloago-tako vour
|iko to tho |ost shop in vour aroa lor a prolossional ovorhaul. This
sorvico will cost vou in tho rango ol 8l20 to 8l60, |ut will moro than pav lor
itsoll in tho lorm ol porlormanco and longovitv. Chooso vour |iko
mochanic as carolullv as vou would (or should) chooso an automo|ilo
mochanic, ospociallv il vou havo high-ond oquipmont on vour |iko. l`m
sorrv to sav that manv mochanics tako littlo prido in thoir work, and just
as manv aro marginallv compotont, or loss. Tho ovorhaul will ontail com-
ploto disassom|lv ol vour |iko, a thorough cloaning, inspoction ol all
parts, diagnosis ol woar and lailuro, ro|uilding, and rocommondod
roplacomonts. Brako pads and drivo train compononts (chain, lroowhool,
otc.) aro tho most common roplacomonts roquirod. ln addition to noc-
ossarv roplacomonts, this is a porloct timo to mako anv upgrados vou`vo

Tho kov to porlorming appropriato cvcling workouts is mastoring inton-
sitv. This ontails, lirst ol all, omphasizing tho right intonsitios in tho right
proportions in tho right soquonco, and socond, actuallv porlorming vour
workouts at tho intondod intonsitv lovols. Controlling intonsitv on tho
|iko can |o somowhat trickior than doing so in tho pool |ocauso tho
opon roads roprosont a loss controllod onvironmont. But it`s not rockot
scionco oithor.
Tho two lovols ol training intonsitv that aro simultanoouslv tho most
dillicult and most important to lind oxactlv aro throshold and max oxv-
gon intonsitv, as thoso intonsitios corrospond with prociso phvsiological
throsholds. Tho |ost wav to onsuro that vou actuallv do train at thoso
intonsitios whon vou want to is |v porcoivod ollort, in tho contoxt ol
appropriatolv structurod workouts. Throshold paco lools comlorta|lo,
|ut just |arolv. You should porlorm throshold workouts at tho lastost
paco that lools moro or loss comlorta|lo tho wholo wav through. For ath-
lotos with a litnoss |aso, throshold paco is tho lastost paco that can |o
maintainod lor a|out an hour ol cvcling. A good throshold workout,
thoroloro, is to rido 20 to 40 minutos (doponding on vour litnoss lovol)
at a paco vou lool vou could maintain lor 60 minutos and no moro in raco
circumstancos. ln tho linal minutos ol a throshold workout, vou should
lool tho lirst hints ol latiguo |ut littlo or no lactic acid |urn in vour logs.
Vax oxvgon paco is tho lastost paco a cvclist with a solid litnoss |aso
can maintain lor a|out l5 minutos. You know vou`ro working at max oxv-
gon intonsitv whon vou can lool that vou`vo roachod vour maximum
capacitv lor controllod |roathing. A good max oxvgon workout is lour to
oight intorvals lasting lour to livo minutos oach and riddon at a paco vou
lool vou could maintain lor no moro than a|out l5 minutos. ll vou roach
tho stato ol maximum rospiration loss than a minuto or so into oach
intorval, vou`ro going too last (or vou havon`t rostod onough). ll vou lool
vou could inhalo and oxhalo a littlo hardor without hvporvontilating,
vou`ro going too oasv. Also, il vou porlorm vour max oxvgon workouts
corroctlv, vour last intorval should |o porlormod at tho samo paco as
vour lirst, and vou should |o quito suro that vou could comploto at most
ono moro intorval at tho samo paco, and possi|lv nono at all.
You can onhanco vour mastorv ol |iko training intonsitv |v using tho
o|joctivo moasuromont ol paco, hoart rato, and powor output. Simplv do
vour workouts using a cvclomotor, hoart rato monitor, and/or an SRV or
PoworTap and noto tho roadings thov givo vou as vou train. You can thon
uso thoso dovicos ovor timo to track vour litnoss progross, adjust to
unlamiliar coursos, and (in tho caso ol paco moasuromont) sot raco goals.
Iust koop in mind that torrain and onvironmontal conditions alloct paco,
whilo thoso and a host ol othor conditions can alloct hoart rato. Powor
output is moro constant, |ut ol courso it will graduallv incroaso in rola-
tion to anv givon training intonsitv as vour litnoss incroasos, so porcoivod
ollort must alwavs havo tho linal sav.
How a|out tho othor intonsitios? Enduranco intonsitv is simplv anv-
thing |olow throshold lovol and a|ovo rocovorv lovol. Vost ol vour
onduranco training should |o porlormod noar tho middlo ol this |road
rango, woll a|ovo rocovorv intonsitv and woll |olow throshold intonsitv.
Rocovorv intonsitv corrosponds moro or loss to tho throshold whoro car-
|ohvdrato |urning oclipsos lat |urning, |ut vou cortainlv can`t lool this
throshold in tho wav vou can lool lactic acid |uildup or maximum rospi-
ration, and vou`ll do lino simplv to mako vour rocovorv training lool vorv
oasv whilo still |oing intonso onough to qualilv as oxorciso. Your spood
paco nood not |o prociso, oithor. lt can rango lrom a paco just slightlv
lastor than max oxvgon paco to a lull sprint, as long as it`s dono in an
appropriato workout contoxt. A good spood workout might consist ol six
to twolvo intorvals (doponding on vour litnoss lovol) lasting 90 soconds
oach and soparatod |v throo or lour minutos ol rocovorv riding. Your
pacing is appropriato il vou comploto tho last intorval at tho samo paco
as vour lirst and vou lool vou could porlorm no moro than ono additional
intorval at tho samo paco. Following aro doscriptions ol workouts appro-
priato lor ovorv spocilic training olloct. Tho most appropriato phasos lor
oach workout aro indicatod |otwoon paronthosos.

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Following is a conciso charactorization ol tho |ost wav to approach vour
|iko training in oach ol tho throo main phasos ol tho training cvclo. ln
Chaptor 6 l`ll talk a|out how to mix togothor swim, |iko, and run train-
ing in all throo phasos.
Your primarv goal during tho |aso phaso is to lav a |road loundation ol
aoro|ic capacitv and raw onduranco. Socondarv omphasos aro improving
tochniquo and incroasing cadonco and podaling powor.
Bogin tho phaso with low volumo and low intonsitv and graduallv
incroaso |oth. At lirst, most workouts should tako placo in tho lowor ond
ol tho onduranco intonsitv rango. Bv tho ond ol tho phaso, most work-
outs should tako placo in tho middlo and uppor parts ol this rango, as in
hard group ridos. Throughout tho phaso, tho majoritv ol vour onduranco
ridos should ontail spinning at a slightlv highor than optimal podaling
cadonco. Also in tho lirst sovoral wooks ol tho |aso phaso, do ono or two
tochniquo drills oach wook and a sot ol powor intorvals or jumps in ono
ol vour wooklv onduranco ridos.
Altor a low wooks ol |aso |uilding, |ogin doing ono wooklv or
|iwooklv long rido and incroaso tho duration ol this rido slightlv ovorv
othor wook (whothor vou do it wooklv or |iwooklv). A|out tho samo
timo, |ogin porlorming a wooklv |rick workout.
Toward tho ond ol tho |aso phaso, mix in somo moro high-intonsitv
training in an inlormal wav. Ono wav to do this is to |ogin attacking tho
hills vou oncountor in vour onduranco ridos. Anothor wav is |v partici-
pating in indoor group cvcling workout classos. Spoaking ol which, il all

or part ol vour |aso phaso coincidos with wintor, |o proparod to do most

or all ol vour cvcling workouts indoors.

ln tho |uild phaso, vour primarv o|joctivo is to maximizo vour aoro|ic

capacitv |v omphasizing a|ovo-throshold-intonsitv training. Start with
a singlo, lormal high-intonsitv rido por wook and add a socond ono
onlv il vou`ro handling tho lirst quito oasilv and havo compotitivo
Vv lirst rocommondation is that vou |ogin with a wooklv spood-
intonsitv workout such as short hill intorvals, and altor doing a low ol
thoso, switch ovor to wooklv max-oxvgon-intonsitv workouts, such as
timo trials, which aro moro taxing and moro raco-spocilic in thoir training
olloct. Howovor, vou can rovorso tho ordor il vou wish, or altornato tho
two tvpos, and still mako similar gains in litnoss. l mvsoll liko to altornato
thom, whilo doing tho samo in running, |ut on opposito wooks (lor
oxamplo, a spood run and a max oxvgon rido this wook, a max oxvgon
run and a spood rido noxt wook). ll vou`ro doing two qualitv |iko work-
outs a wook, do a spood-paco rido and a max-oxvgon-paco rido. Anothor
option is to oschow spood-intonsitv workouts ontirolv and got what littlo
spood-intonsitv training vou nood |v continuing to porlorm powor intor-
vals or jumps within ono or two ol vour wooklv onduranco ridos. ln this
caso, vou`ll want to introduco throshold-intonsitv ridos whoro tho spood-
intonsitv ridos might havo takon placo.
Your ovorall training volumo should romain lairlv consistont through-
out this phaso, |ut do continuo to practico stop cvclos. Vaintain tho
duration ol vour long ridos as woll. Koop doing wooklv |rick workouts.
You mav also |ogin doing lowor-prioritv racos during this phaso.

Your main o|joctivo in tho poak phaso is to maximizo raco roadinoss |v

omphasizing raco-spocilic workouts and gotting adoquato rost, ospociallv
toward tho ond ol tho phaso. Porlorm ono throshold-intonsitv rido por
wook throughout this phaso, as this intonsitv lovol is closo to raco inton-
sitv lor manv triathlotos in manv racos. ln anv ovont, it`s closor than max
oxvgon and spood intonsitv. Porlorm a small amount ol training at thoso
highor intonsitv lovols at vour discrotion. ln addition to thoso throshold
ridos, vou should do a rido at procisolv vour goal raco paco at loast ovorv
othor wook throughout tho poak phaso.
ll vour linal poak raco is a long-distanco ovont, or an ovont that will
|o challonging just to linish, vour training volumo and tho duration ol
vour long ridos should |ogin onco again to stoadilv incroaso in this
phaso. Othorwiso, thov should |o hold stoadv. Continuo doing that
wooklv |rick workout. Also, in this phaso |o suro to do at loast ono or
two (short- or middlo-distanco) triathlons prior to tho poak triathlon that
lalls at tho ond ol tho phaso, and ol tho training cvclo as a wholo. Thoso
racos will |oth roward and incroaso vour litnoss.
Vithin a wook to throo wooks ol vour linal poak triathlon, it`s timo to
tapor. Cut out tho long ridos and roduco total |iko training volumo incro-
montallv. Vaintain tho intonsitv ol vour qualitv workouts, |ut roduco tho
volumo horo as woll.

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nd thon thoro`s running. Vhat`s running all a|out? ll vou

poso this quostion to tho avorago citizon, who knows nothing a|out tho
sport ol long-distanco running, and who pro|a|lv loathos tho activitv, ho
or sho will likolv toll vou that running is all a|out |oing skinnv. And that`s
not lar lrom tho truth. Vuch moro so than it is to tho swimmor or tho
cvclist, |odv woight is to runnors what krvptonito is to Suporman. Vorso
than usoloss, it`s totallv countorproductivo. Raro is tho champion malo
marathonor who woighs moro than l50 pounds, and phvsiologv tolls us
whv. A runnor woighing l60 pounds |urns a|out 6.5 porcont moro onorgv
than a runnor woighing l50 pounds and maintaining tho samo paco.
Yot not ovorv skinnv porson is a good runnor, nor is ovorv good run-
nor skinnv. (A lriond ol mino ran a 2:28 marathon at l8 pounds.) This is
|ocauso thoro`s a slight dilloronco |otwoon skinnv and
skinnv. You soo, |odv woight is not inhorontlv |ad lor tho runnor, |ut
onlv |ad inasmuch as it incroasos tho onorgv domands ol running. Yot
thoro aro othor lactors |ovond |odv woight that inlluonco tho rolativo
onorgv domands ol running. Running lorm and oconomv aro tho othor
major onos. And |v making tho most ol thoso lactors, ovon tho tall and
|road runnor can loarn to run skinnv.` This is a good thing, |ocauso vou
can`t roplaco tho |odv vou woro givon.
So, whilo good running is cortainlv assistod |v tho right gonoticallv
|ostowod |odv tvpo, anv runnor can improvo signilicantlv with propor
training. Tho goal ol this chaptor is to show vou how to train to run
skinnv, as it woro.

Running is moro intonso, in tho phvsiological sonso ol tho word, than
oithor swimming or cvcling. Tho highost hoart rato vou can achiovo
whilo running is highor than tho highost hoart rato vou can achiovo whilo
cvcling, which is highor than tho highost hoart rato vou can achiovo
whilo swimming. This is tho caso |ocauso running activatos moro mus-
clo mass and ontails groator gravitational rosistanco. Running is thoro-
loro moro strosslul than tho othor two triathlon disciplinos. Vo simplv
cannot handlo as much high-intonsitv running. Iong-distanco runnors
could novor raco ovorv wookond as cvclists do, or do intorval workouts
sovoral timos a wook liko swimmors.
Voroovor, duo to tho high-impact naturo ol running, wo simplv can-
not handlo as much running at intonsitv lovol as wo can handlo
swimming and cvcling. Tho chancos ol incurring ovoruso injurios, and
also tho variotv ol injurios incurrod, aro lar groator. Consoquontlv, olito
distanco runnors spond on avorago loss than a quartor as much timo
training as olito swimmors and cvclists do, and still thov got injurod lar
moro. Bovond limiting thoir training volumo, runnors ol all lovols must
also vigilantlv practico a variotv ol injurv-provontion moasuros, including
running oll-road whon possi|lo, incroasing volumo vorv graduallv,
strotching, and troating incipiont injurios tho momont svmptoms appoar.
Anothor dilloronco |otwoon run training and swim and |iko training
is tho track lactor. Vost compotitivo runnors visit a track lacilitv lor ono
or two high-intonsitv workouts a wook, whoroas most swimmors do all ol
thoir training in tho pool and most cvclists do thoir low-intonsitv and
high-intonsitv training on tho samo roads, oxcopt whon woathor lor|ids
it. Running on tho track is novor complotolv nocossarv lor triathlotos, |ut
thoro is much to |o said lor tho controllod onvironmont it allords, ospo-
ciallv whon it comos to training |v paco. l mvsoll lovo tho track, |ut l`m
awaro that manv triathlotos can`t stand running in tight circlos, so whilo
l do rocommond that vou mako uso ol a track lor most ol vour max oxv-
gon and spood workouts, l won`t insist on it:
Tho primarv dilloronco |otwoon singlo-sport running and triathlon
running is that tho lattor alwavs takos placo in a latiguod stato, immodi-
atolv lollowing at loast 45 minutos and possi|lv as much as nino or ton
hours ol racing in tho othor two disciplinos. Triathlotos proparo lor
latiguod running primarilv |v practicing it in |rick workouts, |ut also
simplv |v training lor a highor lovol ol raw onduranco than runnors,
which is a natural consoquonco ol training in throo onduranco disci-

plinos. ln othor words, triathlotos train lor running |v swimming and
cvcling, as woll as running, and rolving upon a crossovor olloct.
- -
Running is not tho kind ol activitv ono jumps into with |oth loot, so to
spoak, ospociallv as an adult. ll vou aro currontlv a nonrunnor, mv advico
is that vou |ogin with a low wooks ol walk-run workouts, prolora|lv on
soltor surlacos, |oloro vou graduato to normal running workouts. Vhilo
vou mav havo tho onduranco noodod to run lor 20 or 30 minutos con-
socutivolv, tho tissuos ol vour lowor oxtromitios will almost cortainlv lack
tho dura|ilitv to survivo a suddon ha|ituation to ropotitivo impact with-
out |roaking down vorv quicklv. \arious ovoruso injurios, including ili-
oti|ial |and svndromo, runnor`s knoo, shin splints, Achillos tondinitis,
and plantar lasciitis (all discussod in Chaptor 8), commonlv |olall triath-
lotos and runnors who ramp up thoir running volumo too quicklv.
Bogin with 20 or 30 minutos ol |risk walking on a track or packod
dirt trail with two or throo two-minuto jogging intorvals tossod in. Don`t
panic a|out litnoss. You`ro still swimming and cvcling, and ovon |risk
walking providos a good workout lor a rolativo |oginnor. Graduallv
incroaso tho duration ol vour jogging intorvals lrom ono workout to tho
noxt until vou`ro jogging straight through. Onlv thon, and again, onlv
graduallv, should vou transition to pavomont. But don`t ovor lool com-
pollod to run on roads. ln lact, tho moro total running vou do, tho
groator tho lraction ol it vou should do oll-road, il possi|lo.
ll vou`ro ovorwoight, it`s ospociallv important that vou procood with
caution in vour run training. ln lact, it`s not a |ad idoa lor thoso carrving
a low oxtra pounds to swim and cvclo until thov`vo trimmod down,
and thon ongago in tho a|ovo walk-run progrossion.
l rocommond this approach ovon to thoso who havo dono a lot ol
running in tho past, |ut nono rocontlv. lt`s all tho samo. l know this lrom
oxporionco. A compotitivo runnor in mv vouth, l hung up mv shoos lor a
low voars |oloro tho luro ol triathlon inspirod mo to |ogin pounding
(and l do moan pounding) tho pavomont onco moro. Forgotting tho pas-
sago ol timo, l rampod up mv miloago too quicklv, dovolopod shin
splints, and was lorcod to start ovor.



Tho good nows is that good running lorm is not complicatod. On tho
contrarv, it could scarcolv |o simplor. Tho |ad nows is that good running
lorm is raro and also dillicult to toach or loarn. To a lar groator dogroo
than swimming and podaling tochniquo, good running lorm is tho kind
ol thing vou oithor havo, or vou don`t. Bv tho timo childron aro oight or
nino voars old vou can toll who tho potontiallv talontod distanco runnors
aro |v o|sorving thoir natural, uncoachod strido. Thov`ro tho luckv onos.
But vou improvo vour running lorm-vou just can`t do so quito as
straightlorwardlv as vou can improvo swimming or podaling tochniquo.
Thoro aro throo olloctivo mothods ol improving running tochniquo.
Tho lirst is running last. Running lorm tonds naturallv to |ocomo moro
olliciont as intonsitv incroasos. Bv porlorming an adoquato amount ol
running at tho max-oxvgon intonsitv lovol and ospociallv tho spood inton-
sitv lovol, vou can |ocomo a moro olliciont runnor gonorallv. A socond
moans ol improving running tochniquo is |v achioving |ottor muscular
|alanco through lunctional strongth training, strotching, and tochniquo
drills liko hill |ounding. Vuscular im|alancos contri|uto to inollicioncios
in running and also to tho manv injurios that can rosult lrom thom. A
third mothod ol improving running lorm is through tho practico ol
kinosthotic awaronoss-that is, through consciouslv corrocting vour
lorm during tho act ol running. This practico roquiros pationco and por-
sovoranco to succood, and in most instancos it must also |o accompa-
niod |v ollorts to romodv muscular im|alancos.
As with swimming and cvcling, good running lorm is all a|out maxi-
mizing ollicioncv and powor. Thoro aro six |asic charactoristics ol good
running lorm: high strido rato, minimal ground contact, long stridos, high
kick, rolaxod uppor |odv, and svmmotrv. Each ol thoso six charactoristics
is associatod with oithor ollicioncv or powor, or |oth. Iot`s tako a look at
tho compononts ol good running lorm and how to dovolop oach.

Good running lorm is charactorizod lirst ol all |v a high strido rato. Tho
|ost runnors, malo and lomalo, tall and short, tako l80 or moro stridos
por minuto whon racing and onlv slightlv lowor stridos whon running at
lowor intonsitv lovols. Fast and slow runnors aliko incroaso strido longth
moro than thov do strido rato whon incroasing spood. lt sooms that oach
porson has a natural strido rato, |ut unlortunatolv, not ovorv natural
strido rato is as good as ovorv othor. Again, lastor is |ottor.

ln light ol this roalitv, manv running and triathlon coachos toll ath-
lotos to simplv practico running with a lastor strido rato-which also
moans shortor stridos, il paco is hold constant-in thoir training. l don`t
think this works. l`vo novor soon it work, or known ol anv instanco ol its
working, and thoro`s no sciontilic ovidonco that it works oithor.
So, instoad, l rocommond running at high spoods as a much moro
natural wav ol practicing a highor strido rato. Evon though strido longth
incroasos moro than strido rato as vour spood incroasos, strido rato doos
incroaso, and tho lact is, vou tako closo to l80 stridos por minuto il
vou run last onough. And il vou run last onough olton onough, vou will
gain somo ollicioncv at this rato and porhaps soo vour strido rato incroaso
at lowor intonsitios. ln addition to vour actual spood ropotitions on tho
track (discussod |olow), vou should porlorm lour to six -- and/or
- altor ono or two wooklv onduranco runs throughout tho
voar. A strido is simplv l00 vards (or so) run at a|out ono-milo raco paco
lollowod |v a jogging rocovorv. An accoloration is l00 vards |ogun at
vour standard onduranco paco and complotod at a noar sprint lollowing
a stoadv accoloration. Stridos and accolorations can also |o porlormod on
hills and dosconts lor variotv and slightlv dilloront ollocts.

Fastor runnors spond moro timo in tho air and loss timo on tho ground
than slowor runnors. This onlv makos sonso, |ocauso vou`ro not moving
lorward whon oithor loot is on tho ground, |ut onlv |otwoon loot
strikos. Also, tho loss timo tho loot sponds on tho ground, tho quickor it
applios lorco to tho ground, and tho moro lorco tho ground roturns |ack
to tho loot lor lorward propulsion.
Tho major causos ol longor loot strikos aro striking hool lirst, latoral
loot motion, and oxcossivo vortical displacomont, or |ouncing.` Rogard-
ing tho lirst ol thoso, all runnors push oll with thoir toos. Thoroloro, tho
lurthor awav lrom vour toos vou land, tho moro timo vour loot sponds on
tho ground as it rolls lorward in proparation to push oll. Studios havo
shown that onlv a small lraction ol olito distanco runnors aro hool strikors,
whilo tho majoritv aro loroloot and midloot strikors. Hool striking is causod
|v a tondoncv to roach out with tho lorward log whon running and placo
tho loot down lar ahoad ol ono`s contor ol gravitv, which is |ad not onlv
|ocauso it rosults in moro support timo |ut also |ocauso it has a |raking
olloct. Again, tho solution to this orror is not to lorco voursoll to land on
tho midloot or loroloot. Ising kinosthotic awaronoss to modilv vour
loot striko will |o inolloctivo unloss vou do it in com|ination with othor
moasuros. Tho most olloctivo such moasuro is, onco moro, to practico running
last, as thoro is a tondoncv to como lorward on tho loot at high spoods. ln
lact, noarlv ovorv runnor is a loroloot strikor whon sprinting.
Porlorming downhill stridos and accolorations is also holplul in this
rogard. Running downhill groatlv incroasos tho onorgv wasto associatod
with hool striking. Ol courso, it |ocomos nocossarv to hool striko in ordor
to control vour spood and impact whon vou`ro on a stoopor doscont. But
on a mild doscont, whon vou wish to tako advantago ol gravitv, vou do so
|v pulling vour contor ol gravitv lorward so that vour loot land almost
right undornoath vour |odv, and loss on tho hool. This is moro or loss
how vou want to run all tho timo, and porlorming stridos or accolora-
tions on a mild doscont makos it proloundlv o|vious whv vou do and
also givos vou practico doing it.
Iatoral motion ol tho loot also tonds to incroaso tho amount ol timo
tho loot sponds on tho ground during running and tho amount ol onorgv
dissipation that occurs. Tho most common latoral motion pro|lom is
ovorpronation, which is a tondoncv ol tho loot to roll inward during tho
support phaso. Tho opposito pro|lom is ovorsupination. Vhilo not as
common, it is oquallv dotrimontal lrom tho standpoint ol oconomv (and
injurv avoidanco). ll vou suspoct that vou havo a pro|lom with latoral loot
motion, vou should woar running shoos dosignod to limit latoral motion,
and vou mav nood to purchaso a pair ol spocial insolos that aro dosignod
to corroct vour spocilic tvpo ol pro|lom. Thoro aro manv and sundrv
options availa|lo, so vou mav nood to trv a low dilloront kinds |oloro vou
lind tho ono that works |ost. ll vour pro|lom is sovoro, and ospociallv il
vour pro|lom is compoundod |v a vorv low or vorv high arch, vou should
soo a podiatrist who undorstands running and havo voursoll lit lor pro-
scription orthotics insorts. But shoos, insorts, and orthotics onlv manago
tho pro|lom ol latoral loot motion and do not troat its root causo, which
olton includos somo lorm ol muscular im|alanco.
Tho tondoncv to |ounco whon running is ono ol tho oasiost lorm
dolicioncios to unloarn, |ocauso it is gonorallv causod |v thinking
a|out lorm (i.o., trving to look cuto) whon running. Tho surost
wav to got rid ol it is to run lar. Vhon vou`ro tirod, vou can no longor
allord to wasto tho kind ol onorgv vou wasto |v |ouncing. Running on
sand also incroasos tho prico vou pav lor |ouncing and thoroloro holps
to oliminato it. And, ol courso, running last works horo, too.
Running spood is a lunction ol strido rato and strido longth. As indicatod
a|ovo, tho lactor that changos tho most whon running spood incroasos

is strido longth. From this it would soom to lollow that |oing a|lo to tako
longor stridos is tho kov to lastor running. But il this woro truo, tho |ost
distanco runnors would |o tall, and this is soldom tho caso. lnstoad, tho
kovs to lastor running, as it rolatos to strido longth, aro gonorating powor
in tho too-oll portion ol tho running strido and |oing a|lo to tako long
stridos .
Tho lattor comos lrom plain old aoro|ic litnoss. Tho moro olloctivolv
vour |odv consumos oxvgon, tho oasior it |ocomos to sustain tho lovol
ol onorgv output roquirod to maintain anv givon strido longth (paco). A
poworlul too-oll comos lrom strongth in tho calvos, hamstrings, and loot.
You can incroaso tho strongth ol vour log musclos |v porlorming tho
lunctional strongth routinos prosontod in Chaptor 8. But a poworlul
push-oll |ogins with vour loot and anklos, and thoro aro somo oasv wavs
to incroaso strongth in thoso aroas, too. Ono wav is |v laving a towol on
tho lloor in lront ol vour |aro loot and using vour toos to scrunch up tho
towol and pull it undor vour loot (vou must |o sitting lor this to work).
Picking up mar|los with vour toos ropoatodlv has a similar olloct. And
simplv walking around |aroloot as olton as it`s practical strongthons tho
loot as woll.
Thoro aro also somo wavs to strongthon vour loot and anklos within
tho contoxt ol vour normal running workouts. An oxcollont oxamplo is
hill |ounding, which is |asicallv what a triplo jumpor doos in his or hor
lirst two jumps, oxcopt on an inclino. lt`s an oxaggoratod running movo-
mont that rosults in groator than normal vortical and lorward displaco-
mont. Do a low l00-vard strotchos ol hill |ounding altor tho occasional
onduranco run, oithor mixod in with vour stridos and accolorations or in
placo ol thom. Running |aroloot in sand is also an oxcollont moans ol
dovoloping strongor loot and anklos.

Anothor componont ol good running lorm is a high kick, that is, lilting
tho loot high (up noar tho |utt) during tho rocovorv phaso ol tho run-
ning strido. This rosults lrom |onding tho knoo to an acuto anglo as soon
as tho push-oll log achiovos lull oxtonsion altor too-oll, and it allows tho
runnor to carrv tho rocovorv log lorward in a loldod position that is much
moro onorgv olliciont than dragging lorward a straightor log. Kick hoight
is onhancod |v strongor hamstrings, which in turn aro achiova|lo
through lunctional strongth training. Also, runnors tond to kick highor as
thov run lastor, so again, running last is a good proscription to curo this
lorm dolicioncv.

Tho lorm ol olito runnors is olton doscri|od as ollortloss,` and with
good roason. Bottor runnors do in lact uso loss onorgv to run at anv givon
paco than avorago runnors. ln addition to tho lorm compononts alroadv
montionod, this ollicioncv comos lrom |oing a|lo to rolax tho musclos
that cannot contri|uto, or aro not currontlv contri|uting, to lorward
movomont. ln particular, vour uppor |odv should |o as rolaxod as it can
|o without lailing to contri|uto tho nocossarv arm swing componont ol
tho running action.
Vanv runnors and triathlotos tonso thoir uppor |odios too much
whon running, ospociallv at high intonsitios and high lovols ol latiguo.
Toaching vour uppor |odv to rolax sulliciontlv roquiros a consistont
application ol conscious ollort at lirst. Put voursoll in tho ha|it ol pori-
odicallv locusing vour attontion on tho musclos ol vour uppor |odv
whon running, ospociallv during qualitv workouts. Vhon vou discovor
that vour shouldors aro hunchod, vour lists aro clonchod, and tho mus-
clos in vour arms aro lloxod, lorco thom to rolax. You mav also trv shak-
ing out tho arms poriodicallv as a moans ol promoting uppor |odv
rolaxation. Vhilo at lirst thoso moasuros mav havo onlv a vorv tomporarv
olloct that woars oll as soon as vour montal locus travols olsowhoro, ovor
timo vou can condition voursoll to rolax moro gonorallv dospito latiguo
and high intonsitv.

Tho signilicanco ol tho lact that running is a ono-log-at-a-timo activitv is

olton ovorlookod. Anv kind ol im|alanco |otwoon tho lolt and right
halvos ol tho |odv can rosult in componsations that roduco oconomv
(i.o., skinninoss`) and load to injurv. Such im|alancos aro common.
Thov can includo log longth discropancios, unoqual strongth in tho lolt
and right hamstrings, moro sovoro pronation in ono loot than in tho
othor, and so lorth. lncomploto hoaling ol old injurios that vou mav havo
lorgotton a|out also causos manv asvmmotrios.
Tho |ost wav to corroct muscular asvmmotrios is |v strotching and
strongthoning tho musclos on oithor sido ol vour |odv indopondontlv. ll
vour lolt call is tightor than vour right call, lor oxamplo, simplv strotch it
moro. And rathor than porlorm standard squats, which can mask
strongth im|alancos |otwoon tho lolt and right logs and allow thom to
porsist, porlorm lungos, which quicklv rovoal strongth im|alancos and
allow vou to corroct thom.
Skolotal im|alancos such as asvmmotrical archos and log longth dis-
cropancios usuallv nood to |o diagnosod |v a phvsical thorapist. Vhon

discovorod, such pro|loms aro gonorallv managod through tho uso ol

spocial shoo orthotics.

l |oliovo that tho singlo |ost wav to |ocomo a |ottor triathloto runnor is
to |ocomo a plain old runnor lor a short whilo and thon roturn to
triathlon. And tho |ost wav to do this is to train lor and compoto in a lall
marathon. Running as lroquontlv and as lar as ono doos whon training lor
a marathon is a wondorlullv olloctivo moans ol achioving tho kind ol skin-
ninoss l was talking a|out a|ovo. lt will mako vou litorallv loanor, |ut it will
also mako vou a moro olliciont runnor and improvo vour running-spocilic
onduranco and aoro|ic capacitv. Vhilo thoso changos will rovorso thom-
solvos to a dogroo whon vou roturn to rogular triathlon training, thov will
not rovorso thomsolvos ontirolv. l know this lrom oxporionco. You will
como |ack to triathlon lrom running as a |ottor triathlon runnor.
But whv tho lall? Ol courso, vou can do a marathon anvtimo vou liko,
howovor, autumn makos tho most sonso |ocauso locusing on running at
this timo will |o loast disruptivo to vour triathlon training and racing.
Horo`s how to go a|out it. Do vour last triathlon ol tho soason in lato Iulv
or oarlv August (porhaps a littlo oarlior than vou would othorwiso do). ln
tho linal sovoral wooks ol vour triathlon training cvclo, placo a hoavior
omphasis on run training |v porlorming an oxtra run workout oach wook
and longor long runs. Altor comploting vour linal poak triathlon, incroaso
tho lroquoncv ol vour run training to six workouts por wook. Porlorm as
manv swim and |iko workouts in addition to thoso hall-dozon runs as
vou caro to do, |ut oliminato all cvcling workouts in tho linal two wooks
|oloro vour marathon.
Start doing two qualitv runs a wook il vou woro not doing so alroadv.
Do a tompo or cruiso intorval workout (soo workout doscriptions |olow)
oach wook. Tho othor qualitv workout can |o oithor spood ropotitions or
max oxvgon intorvals. Go lor a long run ovorv othor wook and incroaso
its duration oach timo until lour wooks |oloro vour marathon. Covor 20
to 24 milos in this poak long run. Do a linal long run ol l5 milos two
wooks |oloro raco dav. During tho altornato wooks whon vou`ro not
doing a long run, do a marathon-paco workout instoad. Varm up, run lor
60 to 90 minutos at vour projoctod marathon raco paco, and cool down.
Tapor lor two wooks. Roduco vour run training volumo |v a|out 40 por-
cont two wooks |oloro tho raco, and |v anothor 40 porcont in tho linal
wook ol training. And thoro vou havo it.
Vanv triathlotos, including somo olitos, havo succosslullv practicod
tho stratogv ol |ocoming a runnor in ordor to |ocomo a |ottor triathloto.
Olvmpian and throo-timo I.S. National Champion Huntor Kompor pro-
vidos a good oxamplo. Kompor took up triathlon at ago ton and won livo
consocutivo lronKids National Championship titlos on tho strongth ol his
lormida|lo swimming and cvcling a|ilitios. Vith dosigns on turning pro-
lossional ono dav, Kompor docidod to lorgo triathlon compotition during
his collogo voars at Vako Forost Inivorsitv and locus ontirolv on running.
lt workod. Bv tho timo ho graduatod ho was a 30-minuto l0K runnor, and
as a pro triathloto, running was his groatost strongth.
As with swimming and cvcling, tho kov to porlorming appropriato run
workouts is mastoring intonsitv. You can cali|rato running intonsitv in
almost oxactlv tho samo wav l oncouragod vou to cali|rato cvcling inton-
sitv in Chaptor 4. That is to sav, tho |ost placo to start is |v simplv doing
appropriatolv structurod throshold and max oxvgon workouts. A good
throshold running workout is to run l8 to 24 minutos at a paco vou lool
vou could maintain lor 60 minutos and no moro in raco conditions. Vako
suro to warm up thoroughlv |oloro this and to cool down thoroughlv
altorward. A good max oxvgon workout is lour to oight intorvals lasting
lour to livo minutos oach and run at a paco vou lool vou could maintain
lor no moro than a|out l5 minutos in raco conditions. Iog at rocovorv
intonsitv lor lour to livo minutos |otwoon intorvals, and again, |o suro to
warm up and cool down.
Bocauso throshold and max oxvgon intonsitv roprosont vorv prociso
phvsiological circumstancos, it`s oasv to -or at loast to loarn to
lool-whon vou aro indood running at oithor ol thoso intonsitios. ln a
word, throshold paco lools comlorta|lo, |ut just |arolv. You should por-
lorm throshold workouts at tho lastost paco that lools moro or loss com-
lorta|lo tho wholo wav through. You should lool modoratolv latiguod
toward tho ond ol tho sossion, |ut littlo or no lactic acid |urn.
Similarlv, vou should porlorm vour max oxvgon workouts at a paco
that corrosponds to vour maximum capacitv lor controllod |roathing. ll
vou roach this stato loss than a|out a minuto into oach intorval, vou`ro
going too last. ll vou lool vou could inhalo and oxhalo a littlo hardor with-
out hvporvontilating, vou`ro going too oasv. Also, il vou porlorm vour
max oxvgon workouts corroctlv, vour last intorval should |o porlormod

at tho samo paco as vour lirst, and vou should |o suro that vou could
comploto at most ono moro intorval at tho samo paco.
You can onhanco vour mastorv ol run training intonsitv |v using tho
o|joctivo moasuromont ol paco and hoart rato. Simplv do vour workouts on
a 400-motor track and/or woaring a hoart rato monitor, and pav attontion as
vou train. Training on a track and monitoring vour paco is particularlv holp-
lul |ocauso tho controllod onvironmont holps vou maintain consistont
ollorts and makos moasuring vour progross oasv, and also |ocauso it holps
vou projoct how last vou`ll |o a|lo to run in upcoming triathlons.
As lor tho throo romaining intonsitv lovols, onduranco intonsitv is
anvthing |olow throshold lovol and a|ovo rocovorv lovol. Howovor, most
ol vour onduranco training should |o porlormod noar tho middlo ol it,
woll a|ovo rocovorv intonsitv and woll |olow throshold intonsitv. Rocov-
orv intonsitv should just lool vorv oasv whilo still |oing intonso onough
to qualilv as oxorciso. Your spood paco nood not |o prociso oithor. A
good spood workout might consist ol six to l2 intorvals (doponding on
vour litnoss lovol) lasting 90 soconds oach and soparatod |v throo or lour
minutos ol rocovorv jogging. Your pacing is appropriato il vou comploto
tho last intorval at tho samo paco as vour lirst and vou lool vou could por-
lorm no moro than ono additional intorval at tho samo paco.
ll vou havo somo oxporionco as a runnor, vou mav |o accustomod
to cali|rating vour paco lor various intonsitv lovols ol training using
rocont raco porlormancos. This works quito woll. Your throshold train-
ing paco should |o l0 to 20 soconds por milo slowor than vour l0K
paco-closor to l0 soconds por milo il vou`ro a lastor runnor and closor
to 20 soconds por milo il vou`ro a slowor runnor. Your max oxvgon paco
should |o zoro to lour soconds por 400 motors slowor than vour 5K
raco paco. And linallv, vour spood paco should roughlv match vour ono-
milo raco paco.
Ta|lo 5.l prosonts suggostod run training pacos lor tho throo gonoral
catogorios ol qualitv run workouts, |asod on l0K porlormanco. Noto tho
ono-minuto gaps |otwoon l0K timos in tho lirst column and undorstand
that tho dilloronco |otwoon, sav, a 39:30 l0K and oithor a 40:00 or a 39:00
is not insu|stantial. ln othor words, tho suggostod training pacos ollorod
horo aro onlv approximato.
Howovor, sinco vour appropriato training pacos will tond to |ocomo
lastor as vou improvo and gain litnoss anvwav, vou will alwavs lind vour-
soll nooding to ovaluato vour targot paco lor workouts against tho su|-
joctivo oxporionco ol comploting thoso workouts. Ovor timo vou will
dovolop a rolinod a|ilitv to micro-adjust intonsitv lrom ono workout to
tho noxt and ovon within workouts.

- -
- - -

Iot`s now tako a look at sovoral spocilic tvpos ol run workout-in

lact, tvpo ol run workout vou`ll ovor nood to do. Tho appropriato
phasos lor oach workout tvpo aro indicatod |otwoon paronthosos.

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Following is a conciso charactorization ol tho |ost wav to approach vour
run training in oach ol tho throo main phasos ol tho training cvclo. ln
Chaptor 6 l`ll talk a|out how to mix togothor swim, |iko, and run train-
ing in all throo phasos.
Baso phaso running can |o thought ol as training to train.` ln this phaso,
vou sook to graduallv incroaso vour |odv`s capacitv lor aoro|ic onorgv
mota|olism and lor car|ohvdrato luol consorvation, which is tho ossonco
ol onduranco. You sook also to graduallv incroaso tho rosilionco ol tho
- --- - - - -
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|onos, tissuos, and joints ol tho lowor oxtromitios so that thov do not
dovolop ovoruso injurios now or lator.
Your lirst running workouts in tho |aso phaso should |o modorato in
duration and lairlv low in intonsitv. Graduallv incroaso running volumo
whilo holding tho intonsitv at a low lovol. Bogin doing a wooklv or
|iwooklv long run and a wooklv |rick workout around tho middlo ol tho
phaso. At this timo vou mav also |ogin to visit tho uppor rogion ol tho
onduranco intonsitv zonos during tho lattor portion ol vour long run and
whon oncountoring hills during onduranco runs. Porlorm a sot ol stridos,
accolorations, and/or hill |ounding at tho ond ol two ol vour wooklv runs
throughout tho |aso phaso. Thoso will koop vou sharp and will holp to
improvo vour lorm.
Tho ond ol tho |aso phaso is a good timo to do ono or two road racos
in ordor to ascortain vour running litnoss and dotormino appropriato
pacos lor tho initial qualitv workouts coming in tho |uild phaso. Bosidos
thoso optional racos and vour stridos, tho onlv running vou should por-
lorm at or a|ovo throshold intonsitv should occur in tho contoxt ol occa-
sional lartlok runs dono toward tho ond ol this phaso.
Duo to tho high-impact naturo ol running, vou nood to |o oxtra caro-
lul as vou incroaso vour run training volumo during tho |aso phaso.
lncroaso vour wooklv running volumo |v no moro than l0 porcont in anv
givon wook, and romom|or to practico stop cvclos, in which vou incroaso
tho workload lor two or throo wooks and thon cut |ack lor ono wook to
a|sor| tho training vou`vo just dono. lncroaso vour long run duration |v
no moro than l0 porcont ovorv othor wook.

ln tho |uild phaso, vou want to maximizo vour running workload |v

maintaining tho training volumo vou |uilt up to in tho |aso phaso and
introducing a goodlv amount ol high-intonsitv training into vour schod-
ulo. As vou transition lrom tho |aso phaso to tho |uild phaso, qualitv
workouts such as hill ropotitions and max oxvgon intorvals should
|ocomo vour kov workouts.
Porlorm just ono qualitv run workout oach wook unloss vou`ro com-
potitivo and havo dono somo hoavv training in tho past, and ovon il vou
lit this doscription, |ogin oach |uild phaso with just a singlo wooklv qual-
itv run. Ono approach is to |ogin with a wooklv spood-intonsitv workout
such as hill or spood ropotitions and, altor doing a low ol thoso, switch
ovor to max oxvgon intorvals, which aro moro taxing and moro triathlon-
spocilic in thoir training olloct. Howovor, as l said in rolation to cvcling,
vou can rovorso tho ordor il vou wish, or altornato tho two tvpos, and still

mako similar gains in litnoss. ll vou do two wooklv qualitv runs, do a

spood-paco workout and a max-oxvgon-paco workout. Anothor option,
which is most appropriato lor long-distanco spocialists, is to oschow
spood-intonsitv workouts ontirolv and got what littlo spood-intonsitv
training vou nood in tho lorm ol stridos and lartlok. ln this caso, throshold-
intonsitv workouts such as tompo runs and cruiso intorvals can tako tho
placo ol spood-intonsitv workouts.
Again, vour ovorall training volumo should romain lairlv consistont
throughout this phaso, |ut do practico stop cvclos. Vaintain tho duration
ol vour long runs as woll. Continuo porlorming a wooklv |rick workout.
You mav also |ogin doing lowor-prioritv racos during this phaso.

Your main o|joctivo in tho poak phaso is to maximizo raco roadinoss |v

omphasizing raco-spocilic workouts and gotting adoquato rost, ospociallv
toward tho ond ol tho phaso. Porlorm ono throshold-intonsitv run por
wook throughout this phaso, as this intonsitv lovol is closo to raco inton-
sitv lor manv triathlotos in manv racos. ln addition to thoso workouts, do
a run at procisolv vour projoctod raco paco (lor tho longost triathlon vou
havo ahoad ol vou) a|out onco ovorv othor wook.
ll vour linal poak raco is a long-distanco ovont, or an ovont that will
|o challonging just to linish, vour training volumo and tho duration ol
vour long runs should |ogin onco again to stoadilv incroaso in this phaso.
Othorwiso, thov should |o hold stoadv. Continuo doing that wooklv |rick
workout. Also, in this phaso |o suro to do at loast a couplo ol triathlons
prior to tho poak triathlon that will concludo tho prosont training cvclo.
Thoso racos will |oth roward and incroaso vour litnoss.
Vithin a wook to throo wooks ol vour linal poak triathlon, porlorm a
ono- to throo-wook tapor (tho longor tho triathlon, tho longor tho tapor).
Cut out tho long runs and roduco total run training volumo incromon-
tallv. Vaintain tho intonsitv ol vour qualitv workouts, |ut roduco tho vol-
umo horo as woll.

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oginnors can (and olton do) got awav with a spontanoous approach
to training. Vhon vour gonoral litnoss and sport-spocilic adaptation lov-
ols aro low, almost anv kind ol training vou do will improvo vour condi-
tioning and porlormanco. But tho littor and moro oxporioncod vou
|ocomo, tho moro dillicult it gots to lind wavs to improvo still lurthor.
This is whon planning |ocomos ossontial. - improvomont in
triathlon roquiros a cortain amount ol knowing what vou`ro going to do
|oloro vou do it, and whv. ln this rospoct, triathlon is not unliko anv
othor disciplino, |o it ontropronourship or chockors. You nood a stratogv
that looks a low stops ahoad.
Inloss vou wish to hiro a coach, vou will nood and want to mako
docisions and choicos whon it comos to planning vour training. ln othor
words, vou will nood to havo tho a|ilitv to dosign vour own training pro-
gram. This roquiros a littlo timo and ollort, |ut no moro oxportiso than is
roprosontod in tho oight gonoral rulos ol triathlon training l sharod in
Chaptor l and tho moro spocilic guidolinos and rocommondations
ollorod in tho prosont chaptor.

Training plans can |o quantiliod in torms ol how lar ahoad thov look and
how much dotail thov includo. Tho most immodiato stops in anv plan
should includo tho groatost amount ol dotail, tho most distant stops, tho
loast. ll vou`ro training toward a spocilic poak raco, vou should know
almost oxactlv what vou`ro going to do noxt wook in torms ol training:
num|or, ordor, duration, and tvpos ol workouts, and ovon approximato
paco and split timos. But whon looking, sav, l8 wooks ahoad, vou`ll pro|-
a|lv want to go no lurthor than spocilving a targot workload and plotting
vour kov workouts in tho throo disciplinos, |ocauso vou just can`t know
oxactlv what vour |odv will want and nood at that timo. This is not to sav
that vou`ll nocossarilv alwavs know this wook what vour |odv will want
and nood noxt wook. On tho contrarv, il vou`ro good at listoning to vour
|odv, moro olton than not vou`ll lind voursoll twoaking manv ol vour
plannod workouts immodiatolv |oloro and ovon whilo porlorming thom,
|asod on how vou lool and what`s going on. Novortholoss, it`s still worth
vour whilo to plan spocilic workouts lor tho noxt wook to lour wooks ol
training, as thoro`s a |ig dilloronco |otwoon making adjustmonts as vou
go and making things up as vou go:
l rocommond schoduling no moro (and idoallv no loss) than a lull soa-
son (a|out oight months) ol training at a timo: no moro than this amount
|ocauso a singlo training cvclo should last no longor than a|out 36 wooks,
and vou should not plan tho noxt training cvclo until vou`vo had an oppor-
tunitv to ovaluato tho prosont ono: no loss than this amount (idoallv)
|ocauso it will holp onsuro that vour training has diroction and is progros-
sivo. Plot vour workouts in dotail ono to lour wooks ahoad. Bovond that, plan
onlv tho approximato volumo ol training and kov workouts |v tvpo. lt`s okav
to sot goals that aro moro than a voar out, as long as thov`ro roasona|lo. For
oxamplo, l docidod that l wantod to do an lronman triathlon throo lull voars
|oloro l actuallv wont out and did it. Vhon osta|lishing such long-torm
goals, howovor, just don`t assumo vou can mako a dotailod plan lor ovorv
stop ol tho wav lrom horo to thoro. No|odv can soo |ovond tho horizon.
Tho |ost timo lor planning, most triathlotos lind, is during tho oll-
soason (wintor in most casos). Tho right timo lor planning ol all lorms is
shortlv |oloro tho now plan is schodulod to |ogin, and a training pro-
gram dosignod to produco a summor poak should indood |ogin in win-
tor. ln tho caso ol triathlon, tho |riol transition poriod |otwoon tho past
soason`s linal poak and ono`s roturn to |aso |uilding altor tho holidavs
allords tho most timo and onorgv lor rolloction on tho morits and llaws
ol tho past soason`s training and lor tho osta|lishmont ol goals and pri-
oritios lor tho coming soason. Ol courso, it`s porloctlv loasi|lo to plan
and |ogin a training program at anv timo ol voar, as long as ono o|ovs
|asic principlos such as allowing onosoll onough timo to roach a litnoss
poak at tho timo ol ono`s choson poak raco. But wintor is gonorallv tho
|ost timo.
















Boginnors cannot, ol courso, rolv on past oxporionco in planning
thoir training, oxcopt inasmuch as thov havo participatod in othor
onduranco sports. Also, thov soldom got tho inspiration to train lor a lirst
triathlon in tho doad ol wintor. Furthormoro, low now|ios aro intorostod
in sponding manv months proparing lor thoir lirst triathlon oxporionco,
and with good roason: whv dovoto that kind ol timo and onorgv to a
sport vou`ro not ovon suro vou`ro going to liko? For thoso roasons, most
triathlon |oginnors chooso (and aro woll advisod) to train just oight to l2
wooks (doponding on initial litnoss) lor a sprint-distanco triathlon, and
onlv |ogin thinking a|out long-torm training plans altorward. Ta|lo 6.l
shows a samplo l2-wook |uildup lor a sprint-distanco triathlon (500-
motor swim, l5-milo |iko, 3-milo run) that`s appropriato lor an inoxpori-
oncod triathloto who is hoalthv and has a modost initial litnoss lovol. A
|oginnor who complotos this training program and tho goal raco suc-
cosslullv should oxtond this |asic training tomplato through tho romain-
dor ol tho soason and thon construct a moro oxtonsivo program lor tho
noxt soason.
- -
A training plan is not tho svstomatic tool it should |o unloss it`s rocordod
somowhoro outsido vour hoad-spocilicallv, on papor or a computor-
in tho lorm ol a schodulo. Iikowiso, tho rosults ol vour past training will
havo onlv limitod powor to shapo vour luturo training unloss thov, too,
aro rocordod on papor or a computor in tho lorm ol a journal. Tho mom-
orv is laultv.
A training schodulo looks ahoad, a training journal looks |ack, and so
thov moot in tho prosont and aro actuallv just two dimonsions ol a singlo
tool. l supposo vou could koop soparato schodulos and journals, |ut low
triathlotos do. lt`s moro convoniont to simplv roplaco tho inlormation
a|out what vou`vo plannod to do with inlormation a|out what vou`vo
actuallv dono, dav |v dav, as vou comploto oach workout. Vost computor
training soltwaro and applications work this wav, and with papor it`s as
simplo a mattor as writing vour schodulo in poncil.
Ta|lo 6.l providos an oxamplo ol a tvpical training schodulo lormat.
As vou can soo, it looks a lot liko an ordinarv wooklv plannor, oxcopt that
tho chronologv ol tho training plan is structurod not |v calondar datos
|ut rathor |v phasos, (stop) cvclos, and wook num|ors. For oxamplo,
Baso 3.2` signilios tho socond wook ol tho third stop cvclo in tho |aso
phaso ol training. Planning ono`s training in |locks ol thoso kinds is a

groat wav to givo structuro, organization, and diroction to tho plan, as

woll as to onsuro that it adhoros to tho lundamontal principlos ol train-
ing. l`ll discuss how to plan phasos and stop cvclos |olow. Tho most
important pioco ol inlormation in tho schodulo is tho dato and spocilic
naturo ol tho poak raco. Tho rost ol tho inlormation in tho schodulo is
oriontod toward this torminal point, and indood tho schodulo itsoll
would havo no roason to oxist at all il thoro woro no dosignatod poak
raco. On oach dav procoding that ol tho poak raco, a workout is plottod
|v modo and tvpo, or a dav oll is schodulod.
Ta|lo 6.2 shows a samplo wook in a tvpical training journal. lt ropro-
sonts a wook ol |uild-phaso training in a 36-wook program croatod |v a
compotitivo triathloto with tho usual timo constraints who doos mostlv
middlo-distanco racos. Tho journal is kopt in tho vorv samo plannor as
tho 36-wook training schodulo. Tho athloto has simplv su|stitutod inlor-
mation rogarding workouts plannod with inlormation a|out tho work-
outs actuallv porlormod and addod inlormation a|out how tho workouts
lolt as woll as morning pulso. Rocording inlormation a|out mood, how
tho |odv lools during workouts, achos and pains, and so lorth can holp
vou ovaluato vour training rotrospoctivolv at lator timos. lt doos this |v
allowing vou to link various training pattorns with various ollocts. For
oxamplo, vou mav lind that vou alwavs |ogin to lool ovortrainod whon
vour training volumo oxcoods a cortain throshold, or whon vou uso lour-
wook stop cvclos rathor than two- or throo-wook onos.
Voasuring vour morning pulso is a good wav to track vour hoalth and
litnoss. As vou gain litnoss, vour pulso will trond slowlv downward, which
is lun to witnoss. Vhon vou aro tirod, ovortrainod, or sick, vour morning
pulso will |o highor than normal and vou can adjust vour training accord-
inglv. Somo triathlotos-thoso who roallv dig planning -includo addi-
tional inlormation in thoir training journals, such as dailv woight,
woathor conditions, and ovon lood intako. Born plannors aro also
inclinod to schodulo and log thoir training using lancv soltwaro dosignod
lor tho purposo, which allows vou to do noat stull liko download hoart
rato monitor data and mako graphs that plot particular training varia|los
against particular quantiliod ollocts. l`vo da||lod in thoso tochnologios
and undorstand thoir appoal, |ut still prolor to tako a simplor approach
lrom dav to dav. Tho important thing is not oxactlv how vou schodulo
and log vour training, |ut vou do. lt adds a dimonsion to tho
triathlon oxporionco and has a diroct, positivo impact on vour compoti-
tivo rosults.

Fivo |asic stops aro involvod in croating a training schodulo: l) choosing
vour poak racos, 2) arranging training phasos and stop cvclos, 3) dotor-
mining volumo and workload, 4) dolining vour kov workouts, and 5)
planning a tvpical wook. Iot`s tako a closo look at oach ol thoso stops.
- -
As l`vo suggostod, planning is oriontod toward poak racos. Consoquontlv,
as vou |ogin tho procoss ol planning a training voar, vour lirst prioritv is

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to soloct ono to throo poak racos, which aro tho triathlons whoro vou
wish to achiovo tho most challonging porlormanco goals. Fool lroo to par-
ticipato in manv moro triathlons and othor onduranco ovonts, il vou
wish, |ut don`t oxpoct to achiovo moro than throo poak porlormancos
within a singlo training cvclo. lt`s just not dono.
Thoro`s no dolinition ol an appropriato choico lor a poak raco. You
can chooso to mako anv triathlon on oarth vour most important (or soc-
ond or third most important) raco lor tho coming soason. But whoro
manv triathlotos go wrong is in lailing to actuallv poak lor thoso ovonts,
or anv othors, |ocauso thov havo not oriontod thoir training toward
thom. lt is not onough simplv to vou`ro at vour |ost lor vour most
important racos. Thoro`s littlo point in attaching anv spocial valuo to
thoso racos unloss vou tako moasuros to onsuro vou`ro roadv to porlorm
at tho limit ol vour potontial on tho morning oach raco takos placo. Your
training cvclo will not |o a cvclo at all, |ut rathor a moandoring, squigglv
lino, unloss vou hingo it on vour poak racos.
Tho choson poak raco that comos latost in tho soason should alwavs mark
tho ond ol a training cvclo. For this roason, it`s holplul il vour linal poak raco
ol tho soason lalls in tho lator summor or oarlv autumn. You can mako this
happon oithor |v making vour last raco ol tho soason a do lacto poak raco, or
|v choosing a lato-soason raco ovor oarlior altornativos as a linal poak raco. ll
vou compotod with a swim or cross-countrv running toam |ack in school,
vou`ro lamiliar with tho pattorn ol timing vour litnoss poak to coincido with
tho championship moots, which alwavs occur at tho ond ol tho soason.
Tho training cvclo that onds with vour linal poak raco doos not havo
to |o tho onlv training cvclo vou plan and porlorm during tho voar, how-
ovor. You can comploto |otwoon ono and throo training cvclos during a
voar, doponding on how lar apart vour poak racos lall and on porsonal
proloronco. Vhat l will call tho classic approach is to porlorm just ono,
long cvclo with a |aso phaso that |ogins in oarlv wintor and onds in oarlv
spring, a |uild phaso that picks up thon and onds in oarlv summor, and
a poak phaso that lasts lrom oarlv summor until lato summor or oarlv
autumn, at which timo tho linal poak raco takos placo.
Tho onlv timo it might |o downright -- to porlorm just ono
training cvclo in a voar is whon vou`ro training lor a lirst long-distanco
triathlon and vou`ro |oginning at a lairlv modost lovol ol litnoss. ll anv
two poak racos lall moro than l2 wooks apart on tho calondar, which is
common onough, vou havo tho option to comploto two training cvclos,
ono that onds with tho oarliost poak raco and a shortor ono that culmi-
natos with tho linal poak raco ol tho soason. You can just squoozo a com-
ploto, throo-phaso training cvclo into l2 wooks.
Somo triathlotos liko to plan somo kind ol wintor poak, too, and this
third poak is almost invaria|lv in a sport othor than triathlon, such as
cross-countrv skiing or pool swimming. For goal-oriontod athlotos who
can handlo a lot ol hard training, thoso oll-soason |uildups roprosont an
oxcollont wav to maintain a high lovol ol litnoss voar-round. Soonor or
lator, though, ovorv athloto noods to chill out lor a whilo. ln lact, rogard-
loss ol tho num|or ol poaks vou plan lor tho voar, vou should plan an oll-
soason gap |otwoon a pair ol training cvclos that lasts at loast lour wooks.
l`ll discuss what to do during thoso gaps in tho linal soction ol this chaptor.
-- -
Onco moro, a comploto training cvclo contains throo phasos: |aso, |uild,
and poak. Tho |ost wav to arrango thoso phasos in vour training schod-
ulo is to work |ackward lrom tho dato ol vour linal poak triathlon to
todav, or whonovor vou`d liko vour program to |ogin.
Each ol tho throo phasos can last |otwoon lour and l2 wooks,
doponding on a variotv ol lactors, including initial litnoss, tho amount ol
timo availa|lo, and tho longth ol tho poak raco it loads to (short, intor-
modiato, or long). No phaso should last moro than l2 wooks, |ocauso
vour |odv can`t continuo to adaptivolv rospond to tho particular training
stimuli that aro omphasizod in oach phaso lor moro than this amount ol
timo. So, thoro`s novor anv roason lor a training cvclo to last longor than
36 wooks, unloss vou`ro |oginning at a vorv low lovol ol litnoss and wish
to progross through a pro-|aso phaso |oloro ontoring tho training cvclo
propor. But |v tho samo tokon, in ordor to proparo lor a trulv optimal
porlormanco in an intormodiato or long triathlon, vou won`t want vour
training cvclo to includo much loss than a lull l2 wooks ol |aso, l2 wooks
ol |uild, and l2 wooks ol poak training.
This is whv l considor a 36-wook cvclo to |o a standard triathlon
training cvclo. Thirtv-six wooks aro oquivalont to a|out oight and a hall
months, or just tho right amount ol timo to tako vou lrom a |aso |ogin-
ning around Now Yoar`s to a linal poak raco in oarlv Soptom|or, which is
porloct lor most triathlotos. ln this approach, tho romaining sixtoon
wooks ol tho voar |otwoon Ia|or Dav and Now Yoar`s would roprosont
an oll-soason gap |otwoon cvclos. This is a|out tho longost gap vou`d
want to allow voursoll, ovon il vou work out consistontlv through most
ol it, as indood vou should.
You should do ono long training cvclo, lasting at loast 24 wooks, onco
a voar, no mattor whon vour poak racos lall, and this long cvclo should
alwavs includo a lull, l2-wook |aso phaso. Tho |aso phaso should alwavs
|o oqual to or groator in longth than oithor ol tho othor two phasos,

whilo tho |uild and poak phasos should |o roughlv oqual in longth. Tho
long |aso is important |ocauso it is trulv tho loundation ol tho
onduranco athloto`s litnoss. lt sorvos to translorm all tho hard work vou
did in tho provious training cvclo into a highor lovol ol |asic onduranco
litnoss and proparos vour |odv and mind lor tho high-intonsitv work
that`s coming in tho |uild and poak phasos. So, lor oxamplo, il vou plan
a 25-wook cvclo, it might includo a l2-wook |aso, plus |uild and poak
phasos lasting sovon and oight wooks (or visa vorsa), rospoctivolv.
Shortor cvclos work |ost whon thov immodiatolv lollow a longor
cvclo. Tho most common uso lor shortor cvclos is |otwoon poak racos
that lall within a singlo soason |ut lar onough apart within tho soason
that a short |roak lrom high-intonsitv training |otwoon thom is nocos-
sarv. For oxamplo, supposo vou wish to poak lor an Olvmpic-distanco
triathlon in oarlv Iuno and lor a hall-lronman triathlon in mid-Soptom|or.
ln this caso, vou might wish to schodulo a 32-wook (long) cvclo |ogin-
ning in oarlv Novom|or that proparos vou lor tho lirst poak raco, lol-
lowod |v a l3-wook (short) cvclo that picks up right altor this raco and
loads to tho socond. This short cvclo might compriso a livo-wook |aso
phaso, a lour-wook |uild phaso, and a lour-wook poak phaso that includos
a ono-wook tapor. Avoid planning anv gaps |otwoon cvclos during tho
racing soason. Vhothor with ono cvclo or two, vou should alwavs |o
activolv |uilding toward a litnoss poak until vou`vo complotod vour linal
poak raco ol tho soason.
Onco vou`vo plottod tho throo phasos in vour training plan, vou`ll
noxt want to work out tho stop cvclos that lit insido thom. As l suggostod
in Chaptor l, stop cvclos can last two, throo, or lour wooks, and thoir pur-
poso is to osta|lish rocurring pattorns ol hard work and rocovorv that
holp vou incroaso vour litnoss graduallv and stoadilv ovor a long poriod
ol timo. Tho longth ol vour stop cvclos and tho amount ol volumo varia-
tion thov ontail should dopond on how vour |odv rosponds and also on
whoro vou aro in tho training cvclo. ll vou`vo novor usod stop cvclos
|oloro, l suggost vou |ogin vorv consorvativolv. Start with oithor two-
wook cvclos or throo-wook cvclos and small wooklv variations in volumo.
ll tho pattorn vou chooso is or |ocomos unchallonging, movo to a longor
cvclo or mako tho volumo variations moro su|stantial. Vhon incroasing
volumo lrom ono wook to tho noxt, longthon primarilv vour kov workouts.
ln tho |aso phaso, whon vou`ro doing minimal high-intonsitv work and
trving to incroaso volumo, go lor longor stop cvclos and groator wooklv vol-
umo incroasos (up to l0 porcont). Cut |ack vour volumo |v a modost
amount (up to l0 porcont as comparod to tho lirst wook`s volumo) and
start oach now stop cvclo at a slightlv highor volumo lovol than vou startod
tho provious ono. ln tho |uild phaso, whon vour locus is on high-intonsitv
workouts, it`s a good idoa to shorton tho cvclos and docroaso tho amount
ol volumo variation lrom ono wook to tho noxt (mav|o 5 porcont). Bv
adding minutos mostlv to vour qualitv workouts (that is, |v making vour
hardost workouts hardor), vou will lind tho ovorall workload incroaso lrom
ono wook to tho noxt quito noticoa|lo. ln tho poak phaso, koop tho longth
ol tho stop cvclos tho samo, |ut hold tho volumo stoadv lrom ono wook to
tho noxt, oxcopt in tho linal wook, whon vou should roduco volumo |v 5
to l0 porcont. ll vou plan to raco lairlv lroquontlv during tho poak phaso,
roduco volumo onlv during tho wooks procoding racos.
Your stop cvclos will not alwavs lit noatlv into vour training phasos. ll
tho longth ol a givon phaso is not an ovon multiplo ol tho longth ol vour
stop cvclos, vou will nood to mako ono stop cvclo a wook longor or
shortor than tho othors. Anothor lactor that can disrupt tho svmmotrv ol
vour stop cvclos is racos. Excopt lor low-kov racos that vou wish to train
through, oach ol vour othor nonpoak racos should |o procodod |v a
rocovorv wook so that vou`ro woll rostod lor it. But tho chanco that thoso
racos will alwavs happon to lall at tho ond ol a schodulod rocovorv wook
is slim. Vhon thov don`t, vou`ll again havo to mako ono stop cvclo longor
or shortor than normal. For this roason, it`s a good idoa to schodulo racos
lar in advanco whonovor possi|lo. Such adjustmonts will hardlv ruin vour
training program il vou mako thom sonsi|lv. And koop in mind that whon
vou do longthon a cvclo, tho oxtra stop doos not havo to |o a stop up in
workload: it can |o anvthing |otwoon a stop up and a rocovorv wook,
doponding on what vou can handlo at that timo.
Thoro aro manv wavs to practico stop cvclos. Evon among olito ath-
lotos thoro`s quito a |it ol variation in pattorns practicod. But noarlv all
sorious triathlotos practico stop cvclos ol somo lorm or anothor. Don`t |o
alraid to oxporimont with thom. Start with a hunch and go lrom thoro.
As long as vou train hard onough during vour hard wooks that vou nood
an occasional rocovorv wook, and vou rocovor onough during thoso
wooks that vou`ro roadv lor ovon hardor work during tho onsuing wook
to throo wooks, vou`ro doing lino.

Altor osta|lishing vour training phasos and cvclos, vou should noxt think
a|out training vou will porlorm through tho courso ol vour
program. Throo main lactors will dotormino tho volumo ol training that is
appropriato: vour training historv, tho amount ol timo vou havo availa|lo
to train, and tho longth ol vour choson poak ovonts. Each ol thoso lactors
inlluoncos training volumo in its own wav. Iot`s tako a look at oach.

As a gonoral rulo, tho moro onduranco training vou`vo dono in vour
lilotimo (without major hiatusos), and tho moro training vou`vo dono in
tho past sovoral months, tho moro training vou can handlo in tho noxt low
months. Tho |odv cannot handlo suddon and prolound incroasos in train-
ing volumo, oithor lrom wook to wook or lrom voar to voar. ll vou`vo
trainod l0 hours por wook lor tho past lour months, and noxt wook vou
train 20 hours, vou`ll surolv |ocomo sick, injurod, or gonorallv latiguod.
Iikowiso, il vou train 500 hours this voar and thon jump to 800 hours noxt
voar, ovon il vou |ogin tho now voar at last voar`s avorago wooklv volumo
lovol and onlv graduallv incroaso it throughout tho voar, vou will still pro|-
a|lv |ocomo injurod or gonorallv latiguod.
From tho timo vou |ogin to train lor vour lirst triathlon, vou should
graduallv incroaso volumo with oach su|soquont cvclo until vou roach a
point whoro vou don`t wish to train moro, or thoro`s no practical wav to
do so. Ol courso, vou can alwavs - vour training volumo, as manv
triathlotos do whon roturning to shortor triathlons altor training lor a
long ono. Plan vour volumo incroasos as a porcontago ol avorago wooklv
volumo in vour most rocont cvclo. For oxamplo, il vou trainod on avorago
l0 hours por wook in vour most rocont cvclo, vou mav shoot lor a l0 por-
cont incroaso, or ll hours por wook, lor vour noxt training cvclo. Tho
triathlotos who can salolv incroaso thoir training tho most (on a porcont-
ago |asis, not in raw hours) aro thoso who trainod lairlv lightlv in thoir
most rocont cvclo (loss than l0 hours por wook) |ut aro still noar poak
lorm. ll vou lit this doscription, vou can incroaso vour avorago wooklv
volumo |v as much as l5 or 20 porcont in vour noxt cvclo. ll vou trainod
vorv hoavilv in vour last cvclo (moro than l6 or l hours a wook), vou
should incroaso vour avorago volumo |v no moro than 5 porcont, and
onlv il vou`vo romainod noar poak lorm. Tho moro vou`vo lallon oll poak
lorm sinco tho culmination ol vour most rocont training cvclo, tho loss
vou should incroaso vour volumo lor tho noxt ono.
ll thoro`s a goldon rulo ol training volumo, it`s this: Bo consorvativo.
Now, to |o consorvativo is not to lowor vour standards. Tho consorvativo
approach is simplv tho most rolia|lo wav to roach a truo litnoss poak
whon vou want it. Ono ol tho risks associatod with planning vour train-
ing as against doing it spontanoouslv is that it`s much oasior to plan too
much training than it is to just go out and do too much. Bo warv ol this
risk. Bv all moans, train hard, and oxpoct to oxporionco momonts during
vour training program whon vou lool worn out. But novor lot thoso
momonts last moro than, woll, a momont, |oloro vou rost and rochargo.
For tho most part, vou should alwavs lool vou could do a littlo moro
throughout vour program. Plan accordinglv.

Ah, vos: timo availa|lo. This is a |ig issuo lor tho groat majoritv ol
triathlotos. \orv low triathlotos with moro than a voar`s oxporionco aro
a|lo to train as much as thov`d liko to, duo to constraints on thoir timo.
This lamont is dilloront lrom tho tvpical couch potato`s oxcuso making.
Triathlotos who sav thov`d liko to train moro actuallv train moro il
ono or two ol thoir othor commitmonts vanishod. Still, ovon triathlotos
with all tho usual commitmonts (caroor, lamilv, sloop) havo onough timo
to train olloctivolv lor tho sport, il not hard onough to win tho Hawaii
lronman. Ta|lo 6.3 shows tho minimum amount ol timo vou should |o
a|lo to commit to training in ordor to porlorm woll in vour poak racos.
How much moro than tho minimum vou`ro a|lo to do must dopond on
tho spocilic naturo ol vour dailv commitmonts and how vou handlo tho
com|inod stross ol thoso and vour dailv workouts. Bo roalistic. An oxtra
hour ol training por wook will do vou moro harm than good il it |ocomos
tho straw that |roaks tho camol`s |ack, whoro tho camol is vou and tho
|rokon |ack is somothing liko chronic latiguo.
Tho |ost wav to mako up lor limitod training timo is |v |oing con-
sistont. ll vou can work out noarlv ovorv dav throughout tho voar, whilo
gotting onough rost and rocovorv, vou mav como out lar ahoad ol vour
ago-group compotitors who train hardor whon thov do train, |ut aro
inclinod to miss a dav horo, a dav thoro, and who slack oll during tho win-
tor. Consistoncv can also moan loss plannod variation in volumo, such
that, whilo vour maximum training volumo is lairlv low on account ol
vour schodulo constraints, vou`ro novor doing much loss than tho maxi-
mum. Elito triathlotos without dav jo|s plan drastic volumo variations
into thoir programs. ln an idoal world, so would vou, |ut il vou trv to imi-
tato such swings without incroasing vour maximum volumo, vou`ll actu-
allv wind up undortrainod. Bv holding volumo moro constant, vou can
closo tho gap |otwoon tho olito`s ovorall training volumo and vours. Iust
|o suro not to hold volumo too constant, or vour training will stagnato.
Your training won`t load anvwhoro il it doosn`t chango. For this roason, il
vou liddlo with volumo loss, vou mav wish to liddlo with intonsitv moro.
Romom|or that training volumo is a lunction ol tho duration and lro-
quoncv ol individual workouts. You should varv tho duration ol workouts
moro than thoir lroquoncv throughout most ol tho training cvclo. Earlv
in tho |aso phaso, whon vour litnoss lovol mav |o rolativolv low and vour
primarv o|joctivo is to graduallv incroaso vour training volumo, vou mav

wish to |ogin with a smallor num|or ol wooklv sossions and thon add
sossions ono at a timo until vou roach tho num|or ol wooklv workouts
vou want to maintain through tho romaindor ol tho training cvclo
(oxcopt porhaps during rocovorv wooks). From thon on, changos in vol-
umo should rosult primarilv lrom changos in tho duration ol individual
As lor volumo |v disciplino, in gonoral, vou should porlorm roughlv
oqual num|ors ol workouts in oach disciplino oach wook. Howovor, tho
|iko workouts should |o tho longost, on avorago, and swims shortost,
such that cvcling accounts lor 40 to 50 porcont ol vour wooklv training
minutos, running 25 to 35 porcont, and swimming 20 to 30 porcont. Tho
duration ol oach individual workout should |o dotorminod |v vour pros-
ont litnoss lovol, tho longth ol tho longost triathlon lor which vou`ro
training and tho naturo ol vour goal lor tho raco (linish, compoto, or
|roakthrough), and tho spocilic purposo ol tho workout. As a rulo, il vou
train moro than a|out l2 hours a wook, vour additional training hours
should como primarilv lrom doing longor long workouts and lrom
groator workout lroquoncv, and not so much lrom making work-
out a littlo longor. Evon lor compotitivo long-distanco triathlotos, thoro`s
nothing to |o gainod lrom oxtonding tho avorago swim or run workout
|ovond 0 or 80 minutos or tho avorago rido |ovond two hours.
Cloarlv, tho longor vour poak racos aro, tho moro training vou`ll nood to
do in ordor to proparo lor a good porlormanco. But ovon whon raco longth
is hold constant, tho moro vou train, tho |ottor vou`ro likolv to porlorm, up
to a point. ln othor words, tho volumo ol training vou nood to do just to
mako it through a long triathlon might |o sulliciont lor a |roakthrough por-
lormanco in a middlo-distanco triathlon. For triathlotos with limitod timo
availa|lo lor training, this is somothing to think a|out.
l rolor vou again to tho ta|lo on rocommondod wooklv training lor
triathlons ol various distancos. ll vou plan to compoto at various dis-
tancos, as most triathlotos do, mako suro vour training is adoquato lor
tho longost ol thom. For this roason, it`s wiso to mako tho longost raco ol
tho training cvclo tho last raco ol tho cvclo (ospociallv il it`s a long-distanco
ovont). Also, whon trving to dotormino whothor vou havo onough timo
to train lor a triathlon ol a givon distanco, koop in mind that vour poak
wook`s volumo will nood to |o 30 to 40 porcont groator than vour avor-
ago wooklv volumo. lt mattors littlo that vou havo onough timo lor an
avorago wook ol training lor a givon raco il vou don`t havo onough timo
lor tho hardost and most important wooks.

- - -

Porhaps tho most croativo part ol |uilding a training plan is dolining tho
naturo ol tho kov workouts vou will porlorm in oach phaso. This will
dotormino tho stvlo ol vour training program. lt`s not an anvthing-goos
situation-onlv a small soloction ol kov workout tvpos is appropriato lor
anv givon situation. But thoro aro choicos to |o mado. Horo aro tho pri-
marv choicos |v phaso.
Tho most important workouts in tho |aso phaso aro vour longor
onduranco swims, ridos, and runs. Tho duration ol thoso workouts
should graduallv incroaso throughout tho phaso and poak at tho ond ol
it. Boloro vou |ogin vour training program, liguro out how long vou want
vour longost swims, ridos, and runs to |o. Docido also how olton vou
wish to do thoso workouts. At tho loast, vou should do ono swim, rido,
and run ovorv othor wook that`s longor than anv swim, rido, or run
vou`vo dono proviouslv in tho training cvclo, and do shortor long work-
outs in tho altornato wooks. At tho most, porlorm ovordistanco workouts
throo timos ovorv lour wooks in oach disciplino.
Biko-run |ricks aro also kov workouts in tho |aso phaso. Choicos to |o
mado with rospoct to thoso aro how olton to do thom and whothor to
omphasizo tho |iko or tho run, or to altornato. l rocommond doing a |rick
at loast ovorv othor wook and as olton as wooklv. lt`s not a |ad idoa to
omphasizo vour woakor disciplino in oarlv-soason |ricks and thon altornato
|otwoon |iko-locus |ricks and run-locus |ricks through tho rost ol tho
training cvclo. ln swimming, tochniquo and powor work aro kov in tho |aso
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phaso. At tho loast, do a long drill sot incorporating somo powor intorvals
with lins and paddlos (|ut not simultanoouslv) twico a wook. At tho most,
do this plus an ontiro main sot involving lins and paddlos onco a wook.

ln tho |uild phaso, a|ovo-throshold-intonsitv workouts (that is, max

oxvgon and spood workouts) aro most important. Spood-intonsitv work-
outs aro optional in cvcling and running. ll vou don`t do lormal spood-
intonsitv workouts, mako suro to incorporato somo spood training into
othor workouts in tho lorm ol jumps (cvcling) and stridos and accolora-
tions (running). Do at loast lour max oxvgon workouts in cvcling and
running, and no moro than oight. ll vou chooso to porlorm spood work-
outs, do at loast lour and no moro than oight. Soparato workouts ol tho
samo tvpo (max oxvgon ridos, spood runs, otc.) |v at loast a wook and |v
no moro than two wooks. Do at loast ono and no moro than two a|ovo-
throshold-intonsitv workouts (max oxvgon and/or spood) oach wook in
cvcling and in running. Vv proloronco is to do a spood run and a max
oxvgon rido ono wook, a max oxvgon run and a spood rido tho noxt wook,
and so lorth. You also havo tho option to |ogin doing throshold-intonsitv
workouts in this phaso il vou liko and can handlo a lot ol intonsitv. ln
swimming, vour main choico is how olton to do vorv hard main sots-
onco, twico, or at most throo timos wooklv.

ln tho poak phaso, long workouts aro again kov workouts, ospociallv
il vou`ro training lor longor triathlons or lor anv triathlon that will |o
challonging just to linish. Your choicos aro tho samo as thov woro in tho
|aso phaso: how long? and how olton? Your hardost workouts ol tho
wook should |o throshold-intonsitv swims, ridos, and runs-ono ol oach.
ln addition to thoso workouts, vou havo tho option ol porlorming timo
trial workouts or othor workouts at raco paco. Socond-prioritv racos also
qualilv as kov workouts in this phaso, and horo vour choico is how olton
to do thom. As in tho |uild phaso, vou nood to docido as woll how olton
to do hard main sots in swimming, whothor onco, twico, or thrico wooklv.
ln anv caso, vour most challonging main sot ol tho wook should ompha-
sizo throshold intonsitv.

Tho smallost rocurring cvclo in a triathloto`s training program is tho
wooklv cvclo. Tho lilth and linal stop vou nood to tako in planning a train-
ing cvclo is to work out tho structuro ol a tvpical training wook. Vhilo

oach spocilic wook ol training is uniquo, lor tho sako ol convonionco and
consistoncv, most ol thom should lollow tho samo, |asic structuro,
|ocauso ovorv succosslul triathloto doos so and it sooms to work. This is
ono instanco whon |lind conlormitv will onlv holp vou.
Bogin this procoss |v dociding how manv workouts vou wish to por-
lorm on a wooklv |asis. Noxt, liguro out whon vou havo timo to work out,
and how much timo vou havo to work out whon vou do. Vost ol us havo
tho groatost lroodom on wookonds. Tho noxt |ost opportunitios tond to
lall |oloro and/or altor work hours. Vanv triathlotos aro also a|lo to do
rogular lunch hour workouts and lind thom to thoir liking. Ia|ol oach
workout opportunitv according to tho dav ol tho wook and whothor it`s
|oloro noon or altor noon (unloss vou plan to do moro than two work-
outs a dav somo davs, in which caso vou should includo a noon workout
catogorv, too).
Vhon vou`vo complotod this procoss, it`s timo to schodulo rocurring
sossions |v modo. Trv to plan roughlv oqual num|ors ol swim, |iko, and
run sossions, including tho |iko and run sogmonts ol vour |rick work-
out. ll tho total num|or ol workouts vou plan to porlorm in a tvpical
wook is not a multiplo ol throo, uso vour judgmont to docido in which
disciplino(s) tho oxtra workout(s) should |o, or simplv chango it oach
wook. Do vour |ost to distri|uto tho workouts |v modo throughout tho
wook so vou`ro novor working out in tho samo modo twico in a row. ll
vou plan to do supplomontal strotching and strongth training on a rogu-
lar |asis, don`t lorgot to schodulo thoso activitios as woll.
Tho majoritv ol triathlotos with normal wookonds liko to do a long
run on Saturdav and a long rido on Sundav, or vico vorsa, as thoso work-
outs tond to last too long to squoozo into a workdav. Vhilo vou won`t |o
doing long ridos and long runs ovorv wookond, it`s simplost to rosorvo
spaco lor thom throughout tho training cvclo so that vou`ro alwavs doing
a run or a rido on thoso davs (morning or altornoon), |o it long or short.
Tho |rick tonds to |o a longor workout as woll, making it a good candi-
dato lor wookond placomont, |ut vou can`t vorv woll do a long run, a
long rido, and a soparato |rick in ono wookond, so vou mav chooso to
com|ino thom in ono wav or anothor. Altornativolv, during thoso por-
tions ol tho training cvclo whon vou`ro doing qualitv training, vou can
koop vour |rick workouts shortor and raiso thoir intonsitv lovol so that
ono or |oth sogmonts sorvo as qualitv sossions lor tho wook.
Altor vou`vo workod out tho structuro ol a tvpical wook, vou nood to
adapt it lor oach phaso and intraphaso stop cvclo. For tho most part, this
will ontail morolv spocilving tho duration and tvpo ol workout slottod lor
oach workout spaco in vour tvpical wook, |ut it mav also ontail tho lol-
lowing: cutting |ack tho num|or ol workouts in tho oarlv portion ol tho
|aso phaso, as woll as in tapor wooks, and porhaps also in cortain rocov-
orv wooks: roducing tho lroquoncv ol strongth workouts altor tho |aso
phaso: and incorporating othor such doviations lrom tho tvpical wook
structuro that soom appropriato. Rolor to tho chaptors on swim, |iko,
and run training lor workouts that aro most appropriato lor oach phaso.
Vhon ongaging in this procoss, trv to |ullor hard workouts with oasior
workouts and rost poriods on oithor sido, as much as possi|lo. ll vou`ro
doing dou|lo sossions a low or moro timos por wook, thoso |ullors will
|o 24 or 36 hours at loast as olton as thov`ro 48 hours. Count |oth long-
and high-intonsitv workouts as hard workouts. Noto also that rocovorv
lrom hard swims gonorallv happons lastor than rocovorv lrom hard ridos,
which happons lastor than rocovorv lrom hard runs.
Ta|lo 6.4 shows a tvpical wook structuro that is vorv gonoral |ut
could |o roadilv spociliod to anv spocilic part ol tho training cvclo, mainlv
|v spocilving tho naturo ol tho dosignatod hard workouts. For oxamplo,
il it`s a |aso-phaso wook, tho dosignatod hard workouts will pro|a|lv |o
onduranco-intonsitv workouts in cvcling and running, and intorval work-
outs omphasizing tochniquo and/or powor work in swimming, and nono
ol thoso workouts should |o all that hard, ospociallv in tho oarlv portion
ol tho phaso. ll it`s a |uild-phaso wook, tho hard swim might |o mixod
intorvals, tho hard rido a sot ol long hill intorvals, and tho hard run a sot
ol max oxvgon intorvals. ll it`s a poak-phaso wook, tho hard workouts
might all omphasizo throshold-intonsitv training.
This wooklv lormat can also |o spociliod to anv individual triathloto,
with a low modilications. Tho samplo wook prosontod has l0 workouts
(throo swims, throo runs, throo ridos, and a |rick), making it appropriato
lor triathlotos training lor a short-courso |roakthrough, intormodiato-
distanco compotitivonoss, or a long-distanco linish, doponding on avor-
ago workout duration. Thoso wishing to do lowor workouts could
customizo this tomplato |v pulling out ono or moro oasv workouts and
porhaps also |v making ono or moro ol tho hard workouts oasv. Thoso
wishing to do moro workouts would want to add ono or moro workouts:
whothor thov`ro hard or oasv is up to tho individual.

- - - - - -
ll vou can mako it through a 36-wook training cvclo without making anv
adjustmonts to vour plan, call it a miraclo. ln othor words, anticipato tho
nood to mako lots ol littlo adjustmonts and porhaps ono or two not-so-
littlo adjustmonts as vou progross through vour training program, no
mattor how carolullv plannod. Vinor adjustmonts will |o roquirod duo to
such things as travol, looling |ottor or worso than oxpoctod on cortain
davs, distractions lrom othor domains ol vour lilo, and a littlo caprico. Iot
tho adjustmonts vou chooso to mako in such circumstancos |o guidod |v
common sonso, an honost appraisal ol vour mind`s and |odv`s noods,
and vour knowlodgo ol sound training principlos and practicos.
Vajor adjustmonts aro roquirod as a rosult ol unplannod lapsos in
training causod |v illnoss, injurv, or protractod distractions lrom othor
domains ol vour lilo. Tho spocilic naturo ol tho adjustmonts that such
lapsos roquiro doponds on manv lactors, including thoir longth, whon
thov lall in tho training cvclo, and tho naturo ol tho illnoss or injurv. Gon-
orallv, whon vou miss a|out a wook ol training and como |ack with a
sound |odv, vou`ll lind no signilicant adjustmont nocossarv. ll vou miss a
couplo ol wooks and como |ack sound, vou`ll pro|a|lv want to givo
voursoll anothor lull wook to roturn to lorm with slightlv tonod-down
workouts. Iongor lapsos mav roquiro an adjustmont in vour raco plans.
At tho vorv loast, vou will pro|a|lv nood to roplan tho romaining wooks
ol vour program in such a wav that tho training carrios vou lrom vour
lovol ol litnoss to tho highost litnoss poak vou can manago in tho
timo availa|lo. Don`t mako anv docisions ono wav or tho othor, though,
until altor vou`vo rosumod sominormal training lor a wook or l0 davs and
assossod how much litnoss vou`vo lost.

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As l montionod a|ovo, l rocommond that vou plan an intorcvclo gap last-
ing at loast lour wooks, and as manv as l6 wooks, altor vour linal poak
raco ol tho soason. Tho main purposo ol thoso gaps is to givo vour mind
and |odv an oarnod rost. Thoir socondarv purposo is to givo vou tho
chanco to onjov somo altornativo kinds ol activitv that vou havo littlo
timo lor during tho training cvclos.
Vhothor vour plannod gap is short or long, vou should start it |v tak-
ing no loss and littlo moro than two wooks awav lrom all lorms ol oxor-
ciso. Go cold turkov. Taking lowor than l4 davs oll (complotolv oll) will
not rosult in tho dogroo ol montal and phvsical rojuvonation vou nood to
stav strong and motivatod lor tho noxt 50 wooks. Taking moro than l4
davs oll will rosult in moro than tho idoal amount ol dotraining. Follow-
ing this sodontarv poriod, ontor a poriod ol inlormal, onjovmont-oriontod
oxorciso, prolora|lv involving at loast ono activitv othor than swimming,
road cvcling, and running. Options includo skiing, mountain |iking, |askot-
|all, surling, and strongth training.
This poriod ol plavlul oxorciso should thon graduallv phaso into a
poriod ol pro-|aso training, unloss vou`vo plannod a vorv short gap, in
which caso vou`ll phaso right into |aso training. Actuallv, pro-|aso and
|aso training aro tho samo, oxcopt that in tho lormor thoro is no roal
omphasis on |uilding volumo. During tho pro-|aso poriod, do onlv low-
intonsitv swim, |iko, and run workouts that dovolop tochniquo and
strongth rathor than raw onduranco. Continuo to mix in othor lorms ol
onduranco oxorciso such as snowshooing il vou wish. This is also tho |ost
timo ol voar to dovolop a rosorvo ol musclo strongth through lunctional
strongth training. Do two or throo such workouts por wook during tho
pro-|aso poriod and tho oarlv portion ol tho |aso phaso. l`ll sav moro
a|out how to incorporato lunctional strongth training into vour training
program in Chaptor 8.

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ho Chicago Triathlon is tho largost triathlon in tho world. As such, it

has a largor transition aroa than anv othor triathlon. Vhon it`s stagod
oach summor, noarlv 5,000 |ikos and othor goar lill row altor row ol racks
in a sprawling parking lot oll Iakoshoro Drivo. ln tho l996 staging ol tho
raco, a local ago-groupor namod Iim (last namo withhold to protoct his
dignitv) oxitod tho wator and joggod tho long path into this homogonous
mazo looling a littlo disoriontod, |ut othorwiso prottv good. Ho stoppod
running whon ho thought ho`d gotton to tho row containing his |iko and
poorod along it, |ut did not soo his own. So ho joggod a littlo lurthor,
stoppod at anothor row, and ropoatod this |ohavior. Again, ho lailod to
rocognizo his |iko among tho manv in tho row. Ho thon joggod |ack tho
wav ho`d como, looking worriod. Onco moro, ho pausod at tho hoad ol a
row ol |ikos, |ut this timo, ho choso to turn tho cornor and jog along
tho row, ovoing oach transition spot individuallv, |ut it was not his row.
His laco now a mask ol a|joct panic, Iim continuod soarching lor his tran-
sition spot lor a lull livo minutos-an otornitv undor such circumstancos
-|oloro linallv locating it. Bv thon, litorallv hundrods ol his compotitors
had passod him. Vorso, this wholo opisodo was rocordod |v a vidoo cam-
ora, and a viowing ol tho tapo ol Iim`s comical moltdown has |ocomo an
annual Chicago Triathlon post-raco partv tradition.
Vhat is tho moral ol this storv? Voll, porhaps thoro`s moro than ono,
|ut tho moral l wish to highlight is this: All tho proparation in tho world
moans littlo il vou lail to oxocuto proporlv on raco dav. Had Iim rohoarsod
coming into tho transition aroa and linding his |iko |oloro tho raco, ho
pro|a|lv would not havo lost sovoral minutos and who knows how much
onorgv circling it during tho raco, and ho would havo gono homo happior
(although, on tho downsido, tho ovont`s post-raco partv would havo
|oon doprivod ol a highlv crowd-ploasing ontortainmont). Vasting livo
minutos looking lor ono`s |iko is just ono ol manv kinds ol mishap that
can spoil ono`s triathlon, dospito a high lovol ol litnoss. Rohoarsing tran-
sitions is just ono proparatorv moasuro among manv that havo nothing
to do with rogular training |ut aro critical to succosslul racing.
Bv no moans is racing tho wholo point ol pursuing tho triathlon
lilostvlo, vot at tho samo timo it`s dillicult to achiovo tho lullost satislac-
tion in tho sport without tho occasional positivo racing oxporionco,
which wo might dolino as a raco porlormanco that takos lull advantago ol
good proparation. Bovond propor training, succosslul racing doponds on
vour porlorming spocilic proparatorv moasuros in tho linal wooks, davs,
and hours |oloro tho raco, and on racing smart lrom start to linish.

Tho |ost timo to raco is, naturallv, at tho ond ol tho training cvclo that vou
havo prosuma|lv croatod to proparo voursoll lor a spocilic goal triathlon.
You will novor |o moro proparod to porlorm at vour |ost than altor com-
ploting a lull training cvclo and taporing poriod. For this roason, vou
should alwavs trv to arrango training cvclos such that thov torminato with
vour most important raco, supposing vou plan to do a low racos in a
cvclo, and vou should mako vour training most spocilic to this raco, il vou
plan to do racos ol moro than ono longth or tvpo.
l pro|a|lv don`t nood to sav this, |ut l rocommond that vou considor
ono triathlon por soason as a minimum racing roquiromont, |ocauso hav-
ing a concroto goal |oloro vou will givo moaning and diroction to vour
training. ll vou wish to achiovo tho |ost possi|lo porlormanco in vour
poak raco, vou should do two or throo othor triathlons oarlior in tho
training cvclo as a part ol vour training. Compoting in triathlons con-
tri|utos to vour triathlon litnoss in a wav that no moro workout can
match, and ovorv triathlon vou do providos oxporionco that vou can
applv in vour noxt ono. This is not to sav that vou can`t pursuo maximum
porlormanco in thoso nonpoak triathlons as woll. You cortainlv can. But
ovon il all vou roallv caro a|out is vour poak raco, doing two or throo
triathlons oarlior in tho training cvclo is a good idoa.
Triathlotos can manago no moro than two or throo truo por-
lormancos oach voar. This limitation has |oth phvsical and psvchological


|asos. A truo litnoss poak roquiros a longthv poriod ol phvsical propara-

tion, lasts onlv a short timo, and must |o lollowod |v a poriod ol rogon-
oration and ro|uilding. That`s tho phvsical sido ol it. But |roakthrough
porlormancos also roquiro a stato ol montal proparation that also cannot
|o lroquontlv achiovod. First ol all, it`s dillicult to |o montallv roadv lor a
poak porlormanco without tho conlidonco that comos lrom knowing
vou`ro phvsicallv roadv. Also, triathlotos (and all othor athlotos, lor that
mattor) tond to porlorm |ost in thoso ovonts that thov`vo anticipatod
most and longost, and to which thov consciouslv attach moro impor-
tanco than thov do to othor compotitions. For thoso roasons, vou should
chooso no moro than throo racos oach voar in which vou oxpoct to por-
lorm at vour vorv |ost.
Avoid racing whon vou don`t havo a good roason to raco. Thoro`s no
point in crossing tho starting lino unloss vou intond to givo a lull ollort,
and giving a lull ollort in triathlon is sulliciontlv taxing that it noods to |o
somohow worth all tho sulloring vou oxporionco during tho raco and tho
timo vou spond rocovoring altorward. You should havo a cloar sonso ol
tho purposo ol vour racing oach timo out. Thoro aro throo distinct pur-
posos vou can assign to a triathlon. First, thoro aro thoso triathlons in
which vou hopo to achiovo a poak-lovol porlormanco: socond, thoro aro
thoso triathlons in which vou wish to porlorm vour |ost, |ut which aro
not timod to coincido with a phvsical and montal poak: and third, thoro
aro thoso triathlons that vou do lor tho sako ol dovoloping vour raco
sharpnoss in anticipation ol a coming poak raco. Thoso aro all good roa-
sons to compoto. Vaking good on a |ar |ot (Hov, l`ll |ot vou can`t stav
out with us all night and thon do that triathlon thov`ro having at tho lako
tomorrow`) is ono oxamplo ol a roason to compoto.
Ago group triathlotos do not olton ovor-raco, |ut l`ll warn vou against
it nonotholoss. Tho dolinition ol ovor-racing is not quantitativo (as in,
doing x or moro triathlons in v timo span is ovor-racing) |ut qualitativo:
You`ro racing too much il vou`ro not racing |ottor oach timo. Ovor-racing
loads to poor racing in oithor ol two wavs. On tho ono hand, racing too
much can intorloro with vour training, as vou nood to rost |oloro racing
in ordor to porlorm woll, and altor racing in ordor to rocovor onough to
roturn to hard training. ll vou raco wook altor wook, vou won`t |o a|lo to
got in much qualitv training |ovond what vou got in tho racos thom-
solvos. As a rosult, |oloro long vour litnoss will stagnato and vour raco
porlormancos will |ogin to sullor. Or, vou could wind up in tho samo
placo |v trving to maintain a normal training schodulo dospito lroquont
racing |v limiting pro-raco rost and post-raco rocovorv. ln this caso vou`ll
|o latiguod lor workouts and racos aliko.
This is not to sav that vou should novor |unch togothor a low
(shortor) triathlons in a rolativolv short span ol timo. ln lact, during tho
poak phaso ol training, this can work out quito woll, as vour goal in this
phaso is to do highlv raco-spocilic training and othorwiso rost. But avoid
racing within throo wooks ol a poak triathlon. Also, as a gonoral rulo,
avoid doing triathlons during tho |aso phaso ol training and do no moro
than ono or two (sprint- or intormodiato-distanco) triathlons a month
during tho |uild phaso. And, ol courso, tho longor vour racos aro, tho
lowor total racos vou should do.
Vanv triathlotos onjov participating in occasional nontriathlon racos
such as l0K runs, mountain |iko racos, and opon wator swims. Thoso
racos can provido oxcollont workouts, tho motivation that comos lrom
variotv, and tho opportunitv to shino in vour strongost disciplino or gain
strongth in vour woakost. Iust |o suro that oach ol thoso compotitions
sorvos a dolinito purposo, too (such as anv ol thoso l just namod), and
that it noithor intorloros with vour normal training nor takos vou |ovond
tho ovorall workload vou can salolv handlo. Iust as vou would do with
training volumo, alwavs tako a cautious approach toward incroasing tho
amount ol racing vou do lrom ono training cvclo to tho noxt, il indood
moro racing is what vou dosiro.

As l`vo montionod proviouslv, tho poriod ol rolativo rost that procodos a
raco is callod a tapor. A woll-oxocutod tapor incroasos vour |lood volumo,
maximizos car|ohvdrato luol storago, incroasos aoro|ic onzvmos, and
onhancos tissuo ropair, thoro|v rondoring vou |ottor proparod lor a poak
porlormanco. How long and how much vou tapor should dopond on a
low lactors-namolv, tho volumo ol vour procoding training, tho longth
ol tho coming raco, and tho purposo ol tho raco. Tho groator tho volumo
ol training vou`vo |oon doing, tho longor vour taporing poriod should
last. Also, tho longor tho coming raco, tho longor vour tapor should last.
Vhon tho purposo ol a coming raco is sharponing lor a lator raco, vour
tapor can |o shortor and loss pronouncod.
For short triathlons, vour tapor poriod can last lour davs to a wook. For
middlo-distanco triathlons, a wook to two wooks ol taporing is tvpical whon
a poak porlormanco is sought. For long-distanco triathlons, tho tapor can
last two or throo wooks. Roduco vour training volumo |v 30 to 40 porcont
por wook ol taporing. For oxamplo, il vou`ro taporing two wooks lor a poak
hall-lron triathlon and vou did 20 hours ol training in tho last hoavv wook
|oloro tho tapor, vou might do a|out l3 hours ol training in tho lirst wook
ol taporing and a|out oight hours in tho linal sovon davs |oloro tho raco.


Roduco vour training volumo primarilv |v porlorming shortor work-

outs and onlv socondarilv |v porlorming lowor workouts. You should cut
|ack on vour high-intonsitv training no moro than vou cut |ack on ovor-
all volumo (a|out 30 to 40 porcont oach wook). Although intuition might
toll vou to oliminato high-intonsitv training lrom vour schodulo whon
taporing, studios havo shown that oliminating high-intonsitv training
lrom ono`s schodulo ontirolv in tho poriod |oloro a raco rosults in lossor
porlormancos than doing a modost amount ol high-intonsitv training
during this poriod. Howovor, don`t porlorm anv taxing qualitv workouts
within throo davs ol a raco. ln thoso last low davs ol taporing, limit vour
high-intonsitv work to sovoral sprints in tho pool and on tho |iko and
sovoral stridos or accolorations on loot. ll vou`ro going to tako a com-
ploto dav oll during raco wook, considor doing it two davs out rathor
than ono dav, as somo triathlotos havo a tondoncv to lool a littlo llat altor
a dav ol comploto inactivitv.
Vanv triathlotos tapor too littlo, not |ocauso thov don`t know anv
|ottor, |ut |ocauso thov just can`t lullv accopt tho idoa that doing so lit-
tlo training will mako thom strongor. l`vo strugglod with this lorm ol
paranoia mvsoll. But tho lact is, in most instancos vou`d raco |ottor altor
a wook ol no oxorciso than vou would altor a wook ol normal or onlv
slightlv roducod training. Taporing works.
Bosidos taporing, thoro aro sovoral othor proparatorv moasuros vou
should tako in tho davs procoding a triathlon. Vost gonorallv, vou should
got plontv ol sloop and koop vour stross lovol as low as possi|lo. Ol
courso, vou should alwavs got plontv ol sloop and koop vour stross lovol
as low as possi|lo, |ut whon an important raco is approaching, addross-
ing thoso hoalth noods is particularlv important. Vhon vou lail to got sul-
liciont sloop, vour immuno svstom is supprossod and vour aoro|ic
capacitv is diminishod. Noodloss to sav, thoso consoquoncos do not
|oost ono`s chancos ol achioving a |roakthrough raco porlormanco.
Stross, too, supprossos tho immuno svstom, and it can ovon causo
injurios. Stross incroasos musclo tonsion in tho |odv, which can load to
|roakdown in tissuos and joints that havo |oon tootoring on tho odgo ol
ovoruso. Bocauso linal proparations lor a triathlon can thomsolvos |o a
poworlul strossor, triathlotos lroquontlv como up sick or lamo within
davs ol schodulod racos. Tako whatovor moasuros vou can to limit stross
at such timos, lor oxamplo |v taking a dav oll lrom work or asking vour
spouso to kindlv handlo ono or two ol vour normal domostic rosponsi-
|ilitios lor a short timo.
Iiko slooping woll and limiting stross, oating right is anothor ha|it
that vou should maintain at all timos, |ut which |ocomos particularlv
important in tho poriod |oloro a triathlon. Your most vital spocilic nutri-
tional noods in this poriod aro maximum car|ohvdrato luol storago and
comploto hvdration. ll tho coming raco will last loss than two hours, con-
tinuo oating vour normal diot containing a|out 60 porcont car|ohvdrato.
For longor ovonts, vou should practico ono ol two car|ohvdrato loading
protocols that onduranco athlotos lroquontlv uso, and which l will
doscri|o in Chaptor l0. Drink a|out ono ounco ol wator por kilogram
(2.2 pounds) ol |odv woight oach dav until tho linal dav |oloro vour
ovont, whon vou should drink an oxtra glass or two. Havo drinking wator
accossi|lo ovorvwhoro vou go, or stav.
Tho tapor poriod is also a good timo to rohoarso raco transitions and
swim starts and oxits, ospociallv il vou`ro rolativolv inoxporioncod in
triathlon racing. You can got a solid, raco-spocilic swim workout |v sim-
ulating tho lirst and last l00 vards ol tho swim sovoral timos. Put on vour
wotsuit, il vou`ll |o racing in ono, and simplv chargo lrom tho |oach into
tho wator, |roak through tho surl (il thoro is a surl), and swim hard lor
roughlv l00 vards. Thon turn around, swim |ack to shoro, and run onto
tho |oach. To practico transitions, sot up a makoshilt transition spot just
as vou plan to sot it up lor tho coming raco. First practico vour swim-|iko
transition sovoral timos. You can com|ino vour swim oxit practico with
vour swim-|iko transition practico il vou wish. Thon practico vour |iko-
run transition sovoral timos.
A|out ono wook |oloro vour raco, givo vour |iko a |asic tuno-up, or
havo a mochanic do so. lt doosn`t havo to |o a major ovorhaul. Iust cloan
it thoroughlv, lu|ricato tho drivo train, adjust |olts, and do such things
as roplaco handlo|ar tapo il nocossarv. Alwavs raco on now or almost-now
tiros. lnstall thoso a dav or two |oloro vour raco and rido on thom onco
or twico to mako suro thoro aron`t anv pro|loms. Vanv triathlotos liko to
mako now oquipmont purchasos thov`vo |oon contomplating just in timo
to uso thom in a triathlon. This is lino, |ut again, tost all now oquipmont
purchasos |oloro giving thom a roal tost in a compotitivo onvironmont.
For that mattor, vou should uso tho tapor poriod to tost anv and all non-
goar-rolatod stratogios and approachos vou intond to trv in an upcoming
raco as woll. For oxamplo, il vou wish to trv taking glvcorol |oloro racing,
as manv onduranco athlotos do to incroaso wator rotontion, thon trv tak-
ing glvcorol |oloro ono or two longor morning workouts |olorohand.
A groat wav to proparo montallv lor a triathlon in tho linal wooks is
montal rohoarsal, or visualization. This ontails linding somo quiot timo to
sit or lio down, closo vour ovos, and imagino voursoll swimming, cvcling,


and running with strongth and conlidonco in tho contoxt ol vour upcom-
ing raco. Trv to mako thoso moditations as concroto and sonsuallv
dotailod as possi|lo-an ollort that will |o holpod groatlv il vou havo
somo lamiliaritv with tho courso, |ut which is still loasi|lo il vou do not.
Vhilo vou want vour montal rohoarsal to |o positivo, don`t mako it unro-
alisticallv so. For oxamplo, rathor than imagining that vou lool no latiguo,
ovon at tho ond ol tho raco, imagino voursoll lighting through latiguo and
staving locusod dospito discomlort. Tako voursoll through tho ontiro
raco, start to linish, in condonsod lorm. Plav somo inspirational music il
vou liko. (l liko to chooso a thomo song` lor oach important raco l pro-
paro lor.) Do this at loast sovoral timos, and as olton as ovorv night, right
up until raco ovo.
Finallv, l rocommond that vou got a low sports massagos in tho linal
wooks |oloro anv important raco-porhaps ono por wook lor throo
wooks. Thoso will roliovo tight spots in vour musclos and thoro|v holp
koop vou injurv-lroo during this critical timo, and mav ovon onhanco vour
porlormanco on raco dav. ldoallv, vou`ll |o gotting sports massagos rogu-
larlv, in which caso vou`ll onlv want to avoid gotting ono too closo to raco
dav, as athlotos commonlv lool a littlo sluggish tho dav altor a massago.
Throo davs out is pro|a|lv tho porloct timo lor a linal ru|down. ll vour
massago thorapist has |oon working on an injurv, havo him or hor |ack
oll doing doop tissuo work in this aroa at loast two or throo wooks |oloro
vou raco.
Travoling to racos, ospociallv |v plano, can |o a major hasslo, |ut il vou
approach it svstomaticallv, this hasslo can |o minimizod. Bogin |v gath-
oring as much inlormation as vou can a|out tho raco, and roviowing it
carolullv. Tako noto ol raco packot pickup timo and location, diroctions to
this sito and to tho actual raco sito, il it`s not tho samo, timo and location
ol anv pro-raco athlotos` mooting that might |o taking placo, hotols ollor-
ing spocial ratos to participants, and so lorth. Evon soominglv trivial
dotails such as whothor parking pormits aro ollorod or roquirod lor raco
sito parking on raco morning dosorvo vour carolul attontion, or olso thov
could |ocomo anvthing |ut trivial at tho last momont. ll vou`ro not much
ol a plannor and somoono who`s travoling with vou is, ask this porson to
tako chargo and ollor to mako it up to him or hor somohow.
Koop a chocklist handv that vou can rolor to whon packing lor all ol
vour racos. Soo Figuro .l lor a samplo chocklist. Givo spocial attontion
to |iko transport. ll vou`ro llving, invostigato airlinos` |iko transport poli-
cios |oloro |ooking an itinorarv. (l havo to sav, most airlinos aro just plain
projudicod against cvclists-thov chargo 850 or moro to transport a |iko
ono wav, whilo itoms that aro just as largo, such as somo musical instru-
monts, go lroo.) Purchaso a high-qualitv |iko caso and pack it according
to instructions (thon toll tho chock-in attondant it`s a tu|a). For ground
travol, tho samo principlo applios. Iso a high-qualitv trunk rack, rool
rack, or a caso that vou can storo insido vour vohiclo, and uso it proporlv.
Boloro doparting, mako tho ollort to locato a high-porlormanco |iko
shop locatod noar tho raco vonuo just in caso somothing doos happon
during transport or somo last-minuto nood matorializos.


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Considor squoozing in a modost workout just |oloro vou loavo. This

will holp provont ca|in lovor during vour journov and allow vou to worrv
loss a|out gotting an opportunitv to work out soon altor vour arrival,
which is olton dillicult. (Triathlotos havo a lunnv wav ol viowing air travol
as timo travol, as though thov could actuallv got out ol shapo llving lrom
Now York to Calilornia.) ll vou aro llving, got up and walk around tho
ca|in ovorv 20 minutos or so to koop vour |lood circulating. ll vou`ro
driving, mako lroquont pit stops. Tako along plontv ol wator and hoalthv
loods such as lruit and homomado sandwichos, as linding hoalthv lood
whilo travoling can |o noxt to impossi|lo. ll vou`ro crossing timo zonos,
considor taking molatonin pills to minimizo tho ollocts ol jot lag. Vola-
tonin is a natural hormono that inducos sloop and adjusts sloop cvclos.
Plan to arrivo in tho raco citv or aroa oarlv onough that vou can do
ovorvthing vou nood to do thoro prior to tho raco without rushing, vot
not so oarlv that vou start nooding to lill timo with somothing-anv-
thing-othor than ondloss thoughts a|out tho upcoming raco: For a tvp-
ical Sundav morning triathlon, a Fridav altornoon arrival is a|out right.
Excoptions aro casos whon vou wish to do somo pro-raco tourism or
whon vou nood to acclimatizo to hoat or considora|lo altitudo chango.
Vhon travoling lrom a cool or warm climato to a vorv hot (and possi|lv
humid) climato to raco, |o awaro that lull acclimatization takos l0 to l2
davs. Your porlormanco will dolinitolv sullor il vou don`t allow voursoll
this opportunitv. Do onlv light workouts during tho lirst throo or lour
davs (or do onlv light workouts outdoors and do tho rost ol vour train-
ing indoors) and incroaso vour lluid intako. You can alwavs adapt ahoad
ol timo |v working out in hoavv clothing or in a warm indoor onviron-
mont lor sovoral davs |oloro vou travol to a hot raco vonuo. lt sounds
odd, vot onduranco athlotos havo usod this stratogv with groat succoss
lor docados. Procood cautiouslv il vou do trv it, howovor, as this practico
|rings with it tho samo risks ol dohvdration and hoat stross as training in
high atmosphoric tomporaturos doos. Iiko hoat adaptation, adapting
lrom a low-altitudo onvironmont (undor 2,000 loot) to a high-altitudo
raco location (a|ovo 5,000 loot) and vico vorsa roquiros at loast l0 davs.
ll vou should chooso to spond sovoral davs in tho raco aroa |oloro
racing, mako suro to plan lor workout opportunitios, lor oxamplo |v
solocting a hotol that has an arrangomont with a noar|v hoalth clu| with
a pool and indoor cvcling. An altornativo to staving in hotols that manv
triathlotos onjov taking advantago ol is homo stav, which ontails |oarding
at tho homo ol a strangor who lor whatovor roason has voluntoorod to
assist tho raco diroctor in this wav. Somo raco diroctors activolv oncour-
ago mom|ors ol thoir communitv to opon thoir homos to visiting triath-
lotos. Thoro is no chargo involvod. Isuallv, thoso who participato will
|ond ovor |ackward to |o holplul to vou and oxpoct nothing in roturn
oxcopt tho opportunitv to got to know vou a littlo |it. Contact vour raco
diroctors to lind out whothor homo stav is an option lor tho out-ol-town
triathlons on vour schodulo. Anothor option is to contact anv triathlon
clu|s that mav oxist in tho raco aroa and ask whothor its ollicials or
mom|ors ollor homo stav.
Considor staving in a hotol tho night |oloro a raco ovon il tho
triathlon is |oing hold in vour aroa. Ono roason to do this is to got
closo to tho raco start, and thoro|v got a littlo oxtra sloop. Anothor roa-
son is to avoid distractions and stimuli in vour homo onvironmont that
might koop vou awako. l was onco kopt awako until 2:00 A.V. on tho night
|oloro a raco |v a |oor partv at mv noigh|ors` placo.
A low voars ago, l llow to Now Orloans to covor and compoto in tho I.S.
Duathlon National Championship. l had novor |oon to tho Big Easv and,
woll, l couldn`t holp mvsoll. l stavod out all night in tho Fronch Quartor
and tho noxt morning linod up at tho raco start having had a 20-minuto
catnap and no |roaklast ol anv kind, unloss vou count last call.
loss to sav, l sullorod.
l sharo this storv to illustrato tho point that thoro is a groat doal vou
can do to scrow up a raco in tho linal 24 hours |oloro it happons, not all
ol it so |latant as gotting drunk and rolusing to sloop. Vost ol tho roc-
ommondod procoduros aro commonsonsical. Novortholoss, vou should
approach tho linal 24 hours with a conscious sonso ol stratogv, whoroin
vour ovorv movo has its roason, as this approach will givo vou conlidonco
and also onsuro that vou don`t commit anv disastrous montal gallos as a
consoquonco ol going a|out vour linal proparations loss consciontiouslv.
Among vour top prioritios on pro-raco dav, il vou havo not accom-
plishod it soonor, is to tour tho racocourso. Tho moro lamiliar vou can
|ocomo with a triathlon courso |oloro racing on it, tho lowor surprisos it
can throw vou. Studv tho swim courso |v swimming it, or parts ol it, il
practical, or lrom tho |oach, thon slowlv drivo or rido tho |iko courso,
and linallv drivo, rido, run, or walk tho run courso (doponding on its
longth). Stop poriodicallv to imagino all that vou might |o oxporioncing
at this or that particular point in tho raco, and mako stratogic notos lor
vour raco plan. For oxamplo, tako noto ol tough hills and tho strongth

Thoro is no last call in tho Fronch Quartor.

and diroction ol winds, as such lactors can and should alloct vour pacing
stratogv and possi|lv ovon vour oquipmont soloction. Iator, tour tho
courso again in vour imagination at homo or whorovor vou`ro staving.
ll vou chooso to tour tho courso without oxorcising on it, or il vou
manago to tour it |oloro pro-raco dav, thon ono ol vour top prioritios on
this dav should |o an appropriato linal workout. Somo triathlotos prolor
not to work out within 24 hours ol compoting, |ut manv lind it to |o a
good wav to stav looso and got rid ol somo norvous onorgv that might
othorwiso koop thom awako that night. Tho workout should |o light,
though. A 20-minuto swim lollowod |v a 20-minuto |iko rido should do
tho trick. Othorwiso, ongago in vorv littlo activitv on this dav, and |v all
moans, stav oll vour loot and out ol tho sun, as tho lormor will doadon
vour logs and tho lattor will sap vour onorgv. Ono timo l had to work an
oxpo tho dav |oloro running a marathon. l was on mv loot all dav-and
l was out ol tho raco at milo l8. On tho dav |oloro mv noxt marathon, mv
lamilv wantod to visit tho zoo. l agrood to join thom on ono condition:
that thov litorallv push mo around tho zoo in a whoolchair: Thov did. l
had a groat raco.
Tho noxt most important itom on vour agonda on pro-raco dav is
nutrition. Eat lairlv normallv, |ut tako in a littlo moro car|ohvdrato than
normal (a|out 0 porcont ol vour calorios) and havo vour dinnor slightlv
oarlv (6:00 P.V.) il tho raco start is schodulod lor oarlv tho noxt morning.
Avoid oating gas-producing loods such as manv |oans, logumos, and
onions. Eating too much li|or |oloro a longor triathlon can also causo
mid-raco gastrointostinal pro|loms in somo triathlotos. ldoallv, vou`ll lind
a traditional pro-raco dinnor that works woll lor vou and thon stav with
it, as much lor psvchological roasons as lor phvsical onos. Vv porsonal
lavorito is lish and rico, or sushi. lt |urns cloan.
Tako caro ol as manv logistical and goar-rolatod proparations as pos-
si|lo on this last dav, instoad ol loaving thom lor raco morning. \isit tho
raco oxpo and pick up vour raco packot il vou do not havo it alroadv. Put
vour |iko raco num|or on vour |iko and/or vour |iko holmot raco num-
|or on vour holmot and attach vour run raco num|or to vour raco |olt.
(l liko to crumplo tho num|or |olorohand in ordor to mako it moro com-
lorta|lo and loss likolv to llap around.) Vork out plans lor transportation
to tho raco sito, sooing vour support crow on tho courso, and so lorth.
Vako suro vour transition |ag contains ovorvthing on vour chocklist.
Shavo vour logs, il vou`ro into that. Sot two alarms. ln tho ovoning, altor
vou`vo takon caro ol thoso things, lill tho romaining timo |oloro vou hit
tho sack with an activitv that takos vour mind oll tho raco |ut isn`t lorcod
or undulv taxing. Vatching a vidoo works lor manv pooplo. Triathlotos
lroquontlv mako tho mistako ol turning in too oarlv and thon lving awako
and staring at tho coiling lor a couplo hours whilo thov wait lor sloop to
ovortako thom. lt`s |ottor just to accopt that vou will not got a normal
night`s sloop on tho ovo ol a raco and go to |od onlv whon vou`ro tirod.
ll vou`vo |oon slooping woll up to this point, gotting onlv livo or six hours
ol shut-ovo tonight won`t harm vou. Vontallv rohoarso tho raco a couplo
moro timos |oloro vou conk out.
Tho lactor that`s most likolv to dotormino vour wako-up timo is tho
nood to oat |roaklast oarlv onough so that vou don`t raco on a lull stom-
ach. Plan to linish vour |roaklast no loss than two hours, and no moro
than lour hours, |oloro vour wavo start. Vanv triathlotos lind it dillicult
to oat with a norvous stomach, |ut ovon a vorv light moal is |ottor than
nono. Eat lamiliar loods that go down oasv. Thoso can includo liquids and
somisolids, which tond to |o lavorod |v triathlotos who aro prono to a
norvous stomach |oloro racos. Trv to includo 200 to 300 grams ol car|o-
hvdrato and littlo protoin or lat in this moal. l oat tho samo moal |oloro
ovorv raco: an onorgv |ar, a |anana, a moal roplacomont shako, and a
sports drink. Simplv having an automatic |roaklast routino that vou havo
conlidonco in can tako vou a long wav toward ovorcoming tho olloct that
norvos can havo on vour stomach. ln lact, having a script lor ovorv movo
vou mako |otwoon clim|ing out ol |od and tooing tho starting lino is a
vorv holplul wav to stav calm and locusod |oloro a raco. Othor usolul
montal tochniquos includo roviowing vour goals and raco stratogv in vour
mind, ongaging in positivo soll-talk, and listoning to music that puts vou
in tho right omotional stato lor racing.
Ipon roaching tho raco vonuo, vour lirst ordor ol |usinoss (porhaps
altor gotting vour |odv markod) is to sot up vour transition aroa. First ol
all, hop on vour |iko and mako suro ovorvthing`s working. Sot it in tho
goar in which vou`ll want to start as vou loavo tho transition aroa. Thoro`s
a triathlon hold in mv aroa whoso courso hits vou with a |rutal clim|
right out ol tho transition aroa. Noodloss to sav, participants who don`t
pro-sot thoir |ikos in thoir grannv goar got oll to a horri|lo start in tho
socond log ol this raco. Top oll vour tiros with air and givo vour |iko a
linal, quick inspoction. lt`s amazing how olton ovon prolossional triath-
lotos start tho |iko log with a loaking tiro or looso aoro|ar. Vako suro that
vour lluid |ottlos (or altornativo hvdration svstom) aro lillod and in placo.
Rack vour |iko so that it`s out ol tho wav ol vour noigh|ors` |ikos (as
much as possi|lo) and is oasilv unrackod. Placo vour holmot upsido
down on vour aoro|ar or handlo|ar and placo vour sunglassos insido it.
Noarlv all prolossional triathlotos pro-clip thoir |iko shoos onto tho
podals and worrv a|out gotting thoir loot into tho shoos onco thov`ro on


tho |iko. Onco vou`vo mastorod it, this is tho lastost wav to go. Tho altor-
nativo is to placo tho shoos on a towol in lront ol vour |iko (with tho
straps loosonod lor oasv ontrv) and clomp vour wav out ol tho transition
aroa woaring thom (it`s illogal to rido vour |iko in tho transition aroa).
Placo vour running shoos on tho towol as woll with vour num|or |olt,
and possi|lv a running hat or visor, undornoath thom. Rosot vour
cvclomotor, il vou havo ono.
Thoro aro throo wavs vou can go with socks. Tho lirst option is to
woar socks lor tho |iko and run, in which caso vou`ll want to placo vour
socks on top ol vour cvcling shoos il thov`ro not pro-clippod or just on
vour towol il vour shoos aro pro-clippod. A socond option is to woar
socks onlv lor tho run, in which caso vou`ll want to placo thom on top ol
vour running shoos. Tho third option is to go sockloss, as most compot-
itivo triathlotos chooso to do in sprint and middlo-distanco racos. Doing
a portion ol vour training sockloss and smoaring a thin lavor ol potro-
loum jollv on kov lriction points on tho insido ol vour cvcling and run-
ning shoos lor tho raco will allow vou to do this |listor-lroo. For longor
triathlons, socks aro rocommondod. Spoaking ol lriction points, |o suro
to lu|ricato anv and all aroas ol vour |odv that mav sullor chaling during
tho raco, ospociallv il vou`ro woaring a wotsuit. And don`t lorgot to applv
sunscroon as woll.
ll vou`ll |o using gols or onorgv |ars during tho raco, vou can oithor
swim with thom in tho roar pockot ol vour triathlon suit, il vou`ro woar-
ing a wotsuit ovor it, or placo thom in vour holmot and thon stull thom
in vour roar pockot during vour lirst transition. You can also mold
unwrappod onorgv |ars to tho top tu|o ol vour |iko. Iastlv, loarn a los-
son lrom poor Iim and traco tho routo vou will tako whon ontoring tho
transition aroa and linding vour transition spot lrom tho swim and |iko
logs so that vou can do tho samo without anv wastod timo in tho raco
itsoll. Tako noto ol landmarks and ovon count |iko racks il that will holp.
Tho noxt ordor ol |usinoss is vour pro-raco warm-up. Iiko |roaklast,
tho pro-raco warm-up is an important activitv that manv triathlotos givo
short shrilt duo to norvousnoss. This is not onlv unlortunato |ut also
ironic, |ocauso warming up is a groat wav to channol norvous onorgv and
rostoro somo dogroo ol calm. lt also proparos vour |odv lor tho coming
raco ollort and thoro|v holps vou porlorm |ottor than vou could do with-
out a warm-up. ldoallv, vour warm-up should includo a littlo cvcling, a lit-
tlo running, a littlo strotching, and a littlo swimming, in this ordor. Tho
longth ol vour warm-up should varv invorsolv in proportion to tho longth
ol tho raco. Boloro a sprint triathlon, trv to spond a good 40 minutos
warming up. Boloro an lron-distanco ovont, l5 minutos ol swimming and

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strotching will do. Koop tho intonsitv vorv low, oxcopt lor throo or lour
swim sprints lasting porhaps 20 soconds oach that vou porlorm at tho
vorv ond ol tho warm-up. ll possi|lo, timo vour warm-up to ond within
livo minutos ol vour wavo start.
Anothor major agonda itom on raco morning is using tho |athroom,
oarlv and olton. Simplv put, vou will want to uso tho |athroom as lro-
quontlv as possi|lo, and givo voursoll ovorv possi|lo opportunitv to uso
tho |athroom, |otwoon tho timo vou wako up and tho timo vou start.
You don`t want tho doad woight and vou don`t want to |o trou|lod |v
|athroom urgos during a raco.
To somo dogroo, vou just havo to hopo
vour |odv will |o roadv to void lirst thing raco morning. Vith timo, vour
|odv should como to know whon it is a|out to raco and will |ocomo vorv
accommodating with rospoct to vour nood lor omptv |owols and |laddor
at such timos. (\otoran triathlotos |ring a wholo now moaning to tho
torm pottv training.`) You`ll also want to dovolop a knack lor avoiding
tho intormina|lo waits that can dovolop lor tho porta|lo toilots at tho
raco sito. Tactics l`vo usod with succoss includo visiting tho woods (lor
num|or ono onlv), having mv support crow hold a placo in lino lor mo,
and linding an out-ol-tho-wav toilot along mv warm-up routo. Bosidos
practico, two moasuros that can holp vou achiovo vour idoal raco
woight` on raco morning aro taking a doso ol calloino (a diurotic) and
torminating all lluid intako |otwoon 30 minutos and 5 minutos |oloro
vour wavo start.
As lor last-minuto luoling, trv to tako in l6 to 24 ouncos ol wator and
sports drink in tho two hours procoding vour hall-hour lluid intako cut-
oll and a low moro ouncos ol sports drink a|out 5 minutos |oloro vour
wavo start. You mav also wish to consumo an onorgv gol at this timo.
Tho swim start is ono ol tho most critical momonts in anv triathlon lor
triathlotos ol ovorv lovol. lt is tho most chaotic and uncontrolla|lo por-
tion ol tho raco, and also tho most uncharactoristic in torms ol tho naturo
ol triathlon itsoll. Anaoro|ic and olton rathor violont, it`s moro liko a
loot|all plav than an onduranco raco. Your primarv o|joctivos in tho
swim start aro to got through tho surl (il thoro is anv) olliciontlv, to pick
tho |ost lino toward tho lirst |uov, and to avoid |umping into othor
triathlotos. ll vou`ro compotitivo, trv to start toward tho lront and got out
*Tho oxcoptions aro long-distanco triathlons, whoroin it is normal to stop (or not stop:) and urinato
ono or moro timos on tho clock.`
last. Bv practicing sprints in training, vou can cultivato tho a|ilitv to
rocovor lrom this hard, initial ollort altor oasing |ack into vour raco paco
somo l00 or 200 vards into tho raco. ll vou`ro a slow swimmor, start at
tho |ack or toward oithor sido and |ogin slowlv to avoid crowding and
jostling, which might put vou in a panic. Vhon picking vour lino, trv to
account lor tho diroction ol tho curront.
ll possi|lo, dralt |ohind othor swimmors throughout tho swim por-
tion ol tho triathlon. Vhilo dralting on tho |iko is illogal lor most com-
potitors in most racos, dralting in tho swim is not onlv logal |ut just plain
smart, as it roducos tho onorgv oxpondituro roquirod to maintain a givon
paco. Tho idoal candidato lor dralting is a swimmor who`s swimming just
slightlv lastor than vour own paco. Don`t mako it vour lirst prioritv to lind
such a swimmor, |ocauso it roquiros a dogroo ol coincidonco, |ut don`t
pass up opportunitios that prosont thomsolvos, oithor. ll anothor swim-
mor should happon to pass vou graduallv at anv point during tho swim,
slip |ohind him or hor and lollow along at a distanco ol a loot or two.
Don`t allow voursoll to got draggod along |v a much strongor swimmor
or got |oggod down |v ono who`s llagging. Swim vour own raco at vour
own paco, utilizing tho prosonco ol othors onlv whon, and as long as, it
works to vour |onolit.
Pacing is ono ol tho most important aspocts ol raco oxocution in all
throo logs ol a triathlon. Good pacing is all a|out oxponding onorgv as
ovonlv as possi|lo throughout a raco and at a rato that allows vou to lin-
ish just |oloro roaching a lovol ol car|ohvdrato doplotion that |rings
with it a su|stantial drop in porlormanco. Racing at a porloctlv consistont
paco throughout anv log ol a triathlon is not possi|lo. \ariations in tho
courso and onvironmont (hills, turns, winds, curronts), changos in how
vou lool, and montal lactors all causo paco and onorgv output to varv.
Novortholoss, a moro or loss ovon oxpondituro ol onorgv is tho idoal. Pac-
ing is an art that ono can novor porloct, |ut can alwavs improvo upon.
Tho groatost improvomonts in ono`s instinct lor pacing-and it is a culti-
vatod instinct-como through raco oxporionco. Havo vou ovor watchod
voungstors do thoir lirst ono-milo lun run? Ninotv porcont ol thom tako
oll sprinting, and lind thomsolvos roducod to a doath march l00 vards
lator. ln thoir noxt lun run, most ol thoso kids (not all ol thom:) will know
|ottor, and will accordinglv hold |ack in a conscious ollort to run tho
ontiro distanco at an ovon paco. Triathlotos usuallv go through a loss
oxtromo, and somotimos invortod, vorsion ol tho samo procoss. Somo
now triathlotos |onk |oloro roaching tho linish lino, whilo othors linish
knowing thov could havo gono a littlo lastor, or porhaps a lot lastor. ln
oithor caso, thov can tako this inlormation, along with knowlodgo ol


what this ollort lolt liko and tho actual numorical paco thov maintainod
in oach sogmont ol tho raco, and applv it in tho noxt raco with a viow
toward optimizing thoir onorgv oxpondituro. Vhat complicatos this
procoss a |it is tho lact that raco paco is dilloront lor dilloront raco dis-
tancos, and to a lossor oxtont lor dilloront coursos ol tho samo distanco.
You can rolv on o|joctivo gaugos (cvclomotor, sports watch) to somo
dogroo to control vour paco in tho |iko and run portions ol a raco, |ut
tho main gaugo must |o signals lrom vour own |odv. Bv porlorming a
cortain amount ol vour training in all throo disciplinos at vour anticipatod
raco paco (lor ono or moro raco distancos), vou can toach vour |odv
what it lools liko and vou will thon |o moro likolv to sot oll at this paco
in oach log ol tho racos thomsolvos. At tho samo timo, vou can also uso
training timos and splits and porcoivod oxortion in workouts ol various
intonsitios to dotormino appropriato raco paco-and lor that mattor, to
sot goals-lor upcoming racos.
Fast transitions aro anothor important componont ol good raco oxo-
cution. Tho swim-|iko transition (Tl) is gonorallv tho moro critical ono.
Alwavs continuo swimming until vour hands touch sandv |ottom. Stand-
ing anv oarlior will rosult in an agonizinglv slow wado to shoro. Vhilo run-
ning lrom tho |oach to transition, romovo vour gogglos and swim cap and
romovo tho uppor hall ol vour |odv lrom vour wotsuit, il vou`ro woaring
ono. Thoro`s no singlo right wav to porlorm vour transition, |ut no mat-
tor how vou do it, movo doli|oratolv and olliciontlv, rathor than hastilv. lt`s
tho hastv that ond up sitting on tho pavomont trving dosporatolv to vank
thoir loot out ol tho insido-out anklo culls ol thoir wotsuit. Tho ordor ol
vour movomonts should |o roto, as vou will |o somidolirious at this point
in tho raco. Vhon approaching tho transition aroa on vour |iko (T2), it`s
a good idoa to stand out ol tho saddlo and strotch vour logs a |it in antic-
ipation ol tho run. You mav loso a low soconds in doing this |ut thoso soc-
onds will |o moro than mado up lor in tho lirst milo ol tho run, as vour
pro-loosonod hamstrings will havo a lossor adjustmont to mako.
Two lurthor important lacots ol raco oxocution that l`ll discuss in
groator dotail in lator chaptors aro tho montal and nutritional lacots.
Spoaking gonorallv, l`ll sav horo that tho clich holds: Racing is at loast 50
porcont montal. A triathloto thinks all tho wav through a triathlon. Vain-
taining control ovor tho un|rokon intornal monologuo that takos placo
during tho raco oxporionco is critical to succosslul racing. lntolligont luol-
ing and hvdration, moanwhilo, aro oquallv critical with rospoct to tho
phvsical 50 porcont ol racing. Gotting through a triathlon without taking
in tho right nutrionts in tho right proportions is liko trving to comploto
tho lndv 500 without pit stops.

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l |ogan this chaptor with a storv that domonstratod how a porson should
not raco a triathlon-in a word, without lorothought. l`d liko to concludo
this chaptor with anothor storv, which domonstratos tho right wav to
Vanv voars ago, at a sprint triathlon hold in Santa Bar|ara, logondarv
ago-groupor Poto Kain arrivod at T2 holding socond placo ovorall, onlv to
discovor that his racing llats woro missing. Failing to discovor thom in tho
immodiato vicinitv ol his transition spot and looling tho prossuro ol timo,
Kain mado a docision. Ho docidod to run |aroloot. Altor all, tho run
courso was onlv lour milos long. So, ho sot oll |aroloot, which was lino
at lirst, |ocauso tho run |ogan on grass. But thon ho hit pavomont, and
within a minuto ol this Kain lound himsoll in groator pain than ho could
ignoro. At this point ho was approaching an adoloscont raco voluntoor
dirocting raco trallic at an intorsoction. Vhat sizo shoo do vou woar?`
Kain callod out to tho |ov. Nino and a hall,` ho ropliod, takon a|ack.
Closo onough,` said Kain, who woro an olovon and a hall. Altor oxtract-
ing a promiso ol thoir roturn, tho voluntoor gavo Kain his shoos, into
which tho dosporato triathloto hastilv crammod his loot, and ho rosumod
running. Dospito tho dolav, Kain was not passod |v a singlo compotitor.
Tho losson? No mattor how much vou plan and proparo lor a
triathlon, at loast ono unoxpoctod ovont will happon within it, guaran-
tood. And whon tho unoxpoctod doos happon, vou just havo to koop
vour hand awav lrom tho panic |utton and roll with it. You can`t control
ovorvthing that happons in a raco, |ut vou can control vour roactions.
Somo amount ol improvisation will |o roquirod ol vou in ovorv triathlon
vou ovor do. Tho moro calmlv and croativolv vou`ro a|lo to addross unox-
poctod happonings, and tho loss vou lot thom |othor vou, tho moro suc-
cosslul vou will |o.

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ho triathloto`s lilostvlo is not without its risks. For oxamplo, thoro

is a vanishinglv small |ut novortholoss roal chanco that, during tho swim
portion ol a triathlon, vou could |o knockod sillv |v a surlacing militarv
su|marino. Howovor, this chaptor is not a|out handling such |izarro
twists ol lato as thoso. Rathor, it doals with tho most common unin-
tondod sido ollocts ol triathlon training: orthopodic injurv, viral inloc-
tions, and gonoral latiguo.
lt`s woird. Froquont, hard oxorciso makos ono |oth moro loss
prono to illnoss and injurv. On tho ono hand, it gonorallv strongthons tho
musculoskolotal and immuno svstoms, |ut on tho othor hand it can also |o
diroctlv or indiroctlv rosponsi|lo lor individual instancos ol sicknoss, joint
mallunction, and tissuo |roakdown. And whilo triathlon training should
incroaso vour ovorall vitalitv, doing too much training in com|ination with
ovorvthing olso vou do on a dailv |asis can loavo vou run-down. Tho goal ol
this chaptor is to givo vou tho knowlodgo vou`ll nood to minimizo tho liko-
lihood ol vour oxporioncing thoso pro|loms and to rocovor lrom thom
quicklv whon thov cannot |o provontod. Iot`s |ogin with injurv provontion.
Vo humans aro not colo|ratod lor our lorosight. Gonorallv, wo`d rathor
than . ln this rogard, triathlotos aro no dilloront than othors.
This is whv low triathlotos practico propor injurv provontion tochniquos,
and whv ovoruso injurios aro so common among triathlotos. l`m a caso in
point. l dovolopod all oight ol tho ovoruso injurios l will discuss lator in
this chaptor, plus a low oxtras, |oloro l linallv woko up and |ogan to con-
sistontlv practico tho lollowing mothods ol injurv provontion. l stronglv
rocommond that vou |ogin to practico anv ol thoso mothods vou`ro not
practicing alroadv, so that vou mav sparo voursoll lrom oxpori-
oncing anv ol tho oight common ovoruso injurios (and various loss com-
mon onos) vou havo not oxporioncod alroadv.
Vorkouts causo dohvdration, car|ohvdrato luol doplotion, mota|olic
wasto |uildup, musclo tissuo trauma, musclo protoin |roakdown, and
othor ollocts lrom which tho |odv must rocovor |oloro tho noxt workout
occurs. Rost is tho primarv condition ol this rovorsal. lnsulliciont rost can
load to poor workouts, stagnating litnoss, injurv, illnoss, and chronic
On tho othor hand, gotting too much rost is also undosira|lo. ll vou
don`t train hard and consistontlv, vou`ll pro|a|lv romain hoalthv, |ut vou
won`t got vorv lit. So tho goal is to got just onough rost. But this o|joc-
tivo tonds to carrv with it a groator risk ol rosting too littlo than too
much-altor all, how olso can vou dotormino tho limit ol how much
training vou can handlo oxcopt |v crossing it?
For this roason, and |ocauso tho consoquoncos ol slightlv undor-
training aro not as dotrimontal as thoso ol slightlv ovortraining, l oncour-
ago vou to orr on tho sido ol gotting a littlo moro rost than vou mav nood,
at loast until vou`vo |ocomo adopt at intorproting vour |odv`s noods and
can trulv rido tho limit. Bv planning vour training sonsi|lv, according to
tho guidolinos l`vo sharod in procoding chaptors, vou can got sulliciont
rost without sacrilicing litnoss. And il ovor vou do oncountor a poriod in
vour training whon vou lool porsistontlv llat, caution |ocomos tho |ottor
hall ol valor. Rotroat is prudont. Skip or shorton a workout, or ovon troat
voursoll to an unschodulod rocovorv wook. Doing so just might savo vou
lrom having to rost much moro in tho noar luturo.
You can`t |oat a sports massago lor injurv provontion that vou can .
Vhilo not as ploasura|lo as vour tvpical spa massago, a good sports mas-
sago cortainlv has its momonts, and it will loavo vou looling liko now
altorward. For this roason, noarlv ovorv olito onduranco athloto now
swoars |v this rocovorv tochniquo, and a growing num|or ol ago-
groupors aro lollowing thoir oxamplo.

Sports massago onhancos rocovorv and holps provont injurios in sov-

oral wavs. Tho most important olloct ol massago with rospoct to rocov-
orv is that it su|stantiallv incroasos |lood circulation to tho musclos and
koops it olovatod lor as long as an hour altorward. This oxtra |lood llow
llushos mota|olic wastos lrom tho musclos, hurrios in nutrionts that
ropair musclo damago, and controls inllammation and tho pain associ-
atod with it.
Vassago also alloviatos muscular triggor points (aroas ol sonsitivitv),
mo|ilizos adhosions, and |roaks up scar tissuo in tho musclos, rostoring
normal lunction. And somo |oliovo it ovon onhancos tho oloctrical llow
ol signals |otwoon tho |rain and musclo norvos, which improvos tho
lunctioning ol motor units.
Yot anothor uso lor massago is idontilving incipiont injurios |oloro
thov |ocomo painlul during oxorciso, as woll as musclo im|alancos that
could load to injurv and aro pro|a|lv compromising vour tochniquo and
ollicioncv. For this vou`ll nood a massago thorapist with an intorost in
onduranco sports and a lot ol oxporionco in working with onduranco ath-
lotos. Solicit vour thorapist`s assossmont ol tho condition ol vour impor-
tant musclos and tondons and ask him or hor to point out lolt sido-right
sido asvmmotrios.
Tho |ad nows a|out sports massago is that vou can oxpoct to pav 840
to 880 lor a ono-hour massago lrom a skillod prolossional. ll monov`s no
o|joct and vou`ro sorious a|out porlormanco, schodulo ono sossion por
wook, at loast during tho |uild and poak phasos ol vour training cvclos.
Othorwiso, vou can compromiso |v gotting hall-|odv sossions or spacing
thom out moro (sav, onco a month). Thoro aro also various soll-massago
tochniquos that vou can and should practico, which vou can loarn lrom
a num|or ol availa|lo |ooks and vidoos on tho su|joct. ll usod proporlv,
dovicos liko tho loam rollors usod |v phvsical thorapists can viold somo
ol tho samo |onolits as sports massago, such as roloasing triggor points.

Triathlotos do not nood to |o moro lloxi|lo than tho avorago porson. ln

lact, highlv lloxi|lo triathlotos aro likolv to |o loss olliciont, ospociallv
whon running, than triathlotos who havo onlv a normal rango ol motion
at tho major joints. ll vou can raiso vour arm straight ovor vour hoad,
vou`ro lloxi|lo onough to |o a world-class swimmor. ll vou can raiso vour
knoo to tho hoight ol vour navol whon standing, vou aro lloxi|lo onough
to win tho Tour do Franco or to |roak tho marathon world rocord.
Doos this moan a triathloto should novor ongago in lloxi|ilitv oxor-
cisos? lt doos not. To tho contrarv, all triathlotos should rogularlv strotch
cortain musclos, |ocauso tho ropotitivo contractions that tho hardost-
working musclos (callod - undorgo in training tond to
roduco tho olasticitv ol thoso musclos (i.o., tighton thom), loaving thom
suscopti|lo to toaring. Vusclos that plav a socondarv rolo in tho samo
movomont pattorns, callod --- also havo a tondoncv to tighton
up, as do cortain - -- that hold a contractod position
throughout tho porlormanco ol a givon activitv. But tho tightoning ol
primo movors, svnorgists, and postural musclos doos not happon in iso-
lation. Vhonovor a major working musclo |ocomos tightonod through
ropotition, ono or moro musclos on tho opposito sido ol tho samo joint
(callod --), whoso main jo| is to sta|ilizo tho joint, tond to
|ocomo woakonod and ovorstrotchod, as can othor sta|ilizor musclos
noar tho moving joint. Tho rosulting musclo im|alanco can causo insta-
|ilitv in tho alloctod joint and ovontuallv dvslunction. lt can also causo
changos in tochniquo that can in turn load to dvslunction in othor parts
ol tho |odv.
For oxamplo, considor tho ropotitivo arm motions involvod in
lroostvlo swimming. Horo, |ig, poworlul musclos ol tho chost and |ack
sorvo as tho primo movors whilo a group ol smallor |ack musclos known
colloctivolv as scapular sta|ilizors, and a group ol intornal shouldor mus-
clos callod tho rotator cull, |oar tho primarv rosponsi|ilitv lor sta|ilizing
tho shouldor. But |ocauso tho jo| ol moving tho arm is so much moro
domanding than that ol sta|ilizing tho shouldor, tho primo movor mus-
clos |ocomo strong and |ogin to holp with sta|ilization, loaving tho sta-
|ilizors with ovon loss to do. But a primo movor cannot ovor do tho jo|
ol sta|ilization as woll as an adoquatolv conditionod group ol sta|ilizors.
So, tho moro tho swimmor swims, and tho lazior tho scapular sta|ilizors
got, tho loss sta|lo tho shouldor gots. This can and olton doos rosult in
tissuo damago and dvslunction doop insido tho shouldor joint.
Strotching tho primo movors is hall ol what is noodod to provont or
undo such pro|loms. Tho othor hall, which l`ll discuss in tho noxt soc-
tion, is strongthoning tho antagonists and othor sta|ilizors.
ing tho primo movors and svnorgists through a widor rango ol motion
than thov normallv go through in swimming, cvcling, and running is also

* l wish to clarilv that no musclo is alwavs a primo movor, antagonist, svnorgist, or sta|ilizor. ln lact,
in cvclical movomonts such as thoso porlormod in swimming, cvcling, and running, most ol tho
involvod musclos sorvo dilloront lunctions in dilloront phasos. For oxamplo, tho hamstrings lunc-
tion as antagonists during tho thigh-lilt portion ol tho running strido, |ut thov act as primo
movors during tho too-oll portion. But oach musclo has a primarv rolo in a givon tvpo ol activitv
(tho hamstrings aro primarilv a primo movor in running), and that`s what l`m locusing on in this

Vusclos that tond to |ocomo too tight in triathlotos aro thoso ol

tho call, tho hamstrings, tho hip lloxors, tho intornal shouldor rotators,
tho nock oxtonsors, and tho chost musclos. All act as primo movors
and svnorgists in tho triathlon disciplinos oxcopt tho nock musclos,
which |ocomo tight lrom maintaining a contractod posturo during
swimming and cvcling. Two major tondons, tho ilioti|ial |and and tho
Achillos tondon, also tond to |ocomo tight. You should strotch all ol
thoso musclos and tondons dailv. Tho |ost timo to strotch is anvtimo.
Somo pooplo liko to strotch oarlv in tho morning, othors |oloro |od.
You mako tho call. As long as vou do a propor warm-up, it is not noc-
ossarv to strotch |oloro a workout unloss vou havo a pro|lom musclo
that roquiros it. lmmodiatolv altor a workout is an idoal timo to strotch,
|ocauso vou`vo just dono what strotching is moant, in a sonso, to
undo. Following is a sot ol strotching oxorcisos dosignod to longthon
musclos that tond to |ocomo tight through triathlon training.

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Vusclo woaknoss is a lactor in a majoritv ol ovoruso injurios. l montionod
tho rolationship |otwoon woak scapular sta|ilizors and rotator cull mus-
clos and swimmor`s shouldor alroadv. Running and cvcling injurios olton
havo a similar otiologv. ln running, lor oxamplo, tho call musclos aro
primo movors whilo thoir antagonists on tho modial and lrontal sidos ol
tho shin act as sta|ilizors. Howovor, hoavv ropotition loads to ovordovol-
opmont ol tho call musclos rolativo to thoir antagonists and loavos tho
lattor una|lo to proporlv sta|ilizo tho anklo. This insta|ilitv, in turn, can
allow tho loot to ovorpronato, and ovorpronation lroquontlv rosults in
tho ovoruso injurios known as runnor`s knoo, Achillos tondinitis, and
plantar lasciitis.
ln cvcling, tho musclos ol tho lowor |ack |oar tho main |urdon ol
supporting a sharplv |ont trunk. Tho lowor a|dominals aro supposod to
holp, |ut thoso musclos tond to |o woak and lazv in donizons ol our
sitting-contorod sociotv, so thov roallv don`t holp. Tho ultimato conso-
quonco is ovorstrotching and toaring ol musclos in tho lowor |ack,
accompaniod |v do|ilitating pain.
Tho primarv purposo ol strongth training lor triathlotos is to corroct
tho musclo im|alancos that swimming, cvcling, and running, not to mon-
tion sitting, tond to lostor. Tho musclos that aro tvpicallv undordovol-
opod in triathlotos aro tho modial and lrontal shin musclos, tho hip
a|ductors, tho glutoal musclos, tho a|dominals, tho scapular sta|ilizors,
and tho rotator cull musclos, all ol which ovorv triathloto should proactivolv
strongthon with rosistanco oxorciso. Howovor, thoso aro not tho onlv
musclos that triathlotos should strongthon, and horo`s whv. Thoro is a
socondarv purposo ol strongth training lor triathlotos, unrolatod to injurv
provontion, which is to incroaso ono`s a|ilitv to gonorato powor in tho
swimming, cvcling, and running movomont pattorns.
Vhoroas |oing unusuallv lloxi|lo is no advantago lor triathlotos,
|oing strong (in particular movomont pattorns) is anothor storv. Givon
two cvclists with matching \O
maximums and matching lovols ol
onorgv oconomv, tho lastor ol tho two will |o tho cvclist with strongor
log (and glutoal) musclos. lt simplv takos moro strongth to podal lastor.
And tho samo rulo applios in swimming and running. Also, in swimming
and running ospociallv, |ut in cvcling as woll, lorcos usod in lorward
propulsion aro translorrod |otwoon tho uppor |odv and logs through
tho trunk, and so thoro is an advantago in dovoloping a rosorvo ol
strongth in this aroa, too.
Tho strongth training mothod that is most lamiliar to us is tho |odv-

|uilding mothod. But as a triathloto, vou should not strongth train liko a
|odv|uildor. Bodv|uildors train musclos. Thov porlorm oxorcisos that
isolato and concontrato lorco upon individual musclos as much as possi-
|lo. Tho rosult is |ig musclos that look poworlul |ut aro virtuallv inca-
pa|lo ol cooporating with othor musclos to porlorm athlotic movomonts.
Triathlotos must train movomonts, not individual musclos. A majoritv ol
tho oxorcisos vou porlorm should simulato and intonsilv somo action
that vour |odv porlorms in swimming, cvcling, or running, |ocauso vour
goal is to mako vour sta|ilizors |ottor a|lo to sta|ilizo -
and to mako vour primo movors and svnorgists
|ottor a|lo to gonorato lorco - .
ln othor words, thoso oxorcisos must |o .
A classic |odv|uilding oxorciso liko tho Bar|oll Bonch Pross, with its
lull trunk sta|ilization, muscular isolation, and svmmotrical lim| movo-
monts, simulatos nothing vou`ll ovor do in tho wator, on tho |iko, or in
running shoos. Functional strongth training is all a|out training vour
|odv to porlorm sport-spocilic movomonts with corroct lorm and
groator lorco. Iiko swimming, cvcling, and running thomsolvos, vour kov
strongth-training oxorcisos should involvo |alanco and trunk (or coro)
sta|ilization, indopondont lim| movomonts, and cooporation among
sovoral musclos that aro contrallv involvod in tho swimming and podaling
strokos and tho running strido. Horo is a lull-|odv lunctional strongth
workout lor triathlotos:
This workout is dosignod to corroct tho muscular im|alancos that aro
common in triathlotos and to improvo powor in swimming, cvcling, and
running. lt is moant to |o porlormod voar-round, |ut includos just six
oxorcisos and roquiros minimal timo. During tho oll-soason, pro-|aso
poriod, and porhaps also tho lirst hall ol tho |aso phaso ol training, do
tho workout two to throo timos a wook and porlorm two to throo sots ol
oach oxorciso in a circuit. During tho romaindor ol tho training cvclo, do
tho workout twico a wook and porlorm ono to throo sots ol oach oxorciso
in a circuit.
Tho workout roquiros a sta|ilitv |all and a sot ol rosistanco |ands.
Sta|ilitv |alls cost 830 to 850 and thov como in various sizos, so mako
suro vou got tho right sizo lor vour hoight. Your litnoss oquipmont
rotailor can holp vou. Rosistanco |ands aro |asicallv a longth ol surgical
tu|ing with handlos on oithor ond. Thov como in various dogroos ol
thicknoss and/or tonsion lor various dogroos ol rosistanco. l rocommond
gotting two |ands lor tho sako ol vorsatilitv. Toll vour litnoss oquipmont
rotailor how vou plan to uso vour |ands and, lranklv,
a|out how strong vou aro, and ho or sho should |o
a|lo to match vou up with tho right onos. This will sot
vou |ack no moro than 820 to 840. Vhon choosing
rosistanco |ands, |o suro to got onos that havo a door
attachmont. Altornativolv, vou can uso a ca|lo pullov
station at a gvm.

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ll vou could chooso onlv ono musclo aroa to strongthon, it should |o
vour call musclos` antagonists on tho modial and antorior sidos ol tho
shin. Doing so will sta|ilizo vour anklos and roduco strain on vour call
musclos during running, and can holp to corroct ovorpronation, thus
provonting running injurios associatod with anklo insta|ilitv and ovor-
pronation. lt will also incroaso vour running ollicioncv |v lossoning
ground contact timo and incroasing tho amount ol lorco that roturns to
vour loot lrom tho ground.
Somo ol tho lollowing oxorcisos strongthon musclos in tho loot as
woll as musclos in tho shin. Tho loot musclos actuallv do quito a |it ol
work during tho contact phaso ol tho running strido. Vhon thoso mus-
clos aro strong, thov got vour loot |ack oll tho ground moro quicklv and
aro a|lo to push oll moro poworlullv. Thov`ro worth paving attontion to.

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Vhon vou |ogin to oxporionco rocurring pain in anv part ol vour |odv
during or lollowing workouts, lollow this livo-stop protocol lor doaling
with ovoruso injurios ol all tvpos.

Tho majoritv ol ovoruso injurios that |olall triathlotos aro painlul and
do|ilitating onlv in tho modo in which thov woro causod (usuallv run-
ning), which makos working around thom and maintaining litnoss in
spito ol thom lairlv oasv. For oxamplo, plantar lasciitis, which is associatod
with running, will not hindor swimming or cvcling in tho loast. So, unloss
tho injurv vou`vo dovolopod is ol a sort that cloarlv calls lor comploto
rost, trv to modilv vour training to work around whatovor pro|lom
vou`ro having, oithor |v roducing training volumo in tho alloctod disci-
plino or coasing to train in tho alloctod disciplino and taking up tho slack
in tho othors.
ln somo casos, vou can work around an injurv ovon within tho
alloctod disciplino. For oxamplo, whon sulloring lrom shin splints or
plantar lasciitis, vou might |o a|lo to run on grass, sand, or a troadmill,
although not on pavomont.

Tissuo inllammation accompanios all ovoruso injurios. ln lact, tho pain
vou lool whon an ovoruso condition dovolops is gonorallv causod loss |v
tho injurv itsoll than |v tho tissuo inllammation that dovolops in tho aroa
ol tho injurv as tho |odv trios to hoal itsoll. Vhilo troating tho svmptoms
ol pain and inllammation alono solvos nothing, it is a vorv holplul moasuro
to tako in conjunction with moasuros aimod at doaling with tho undorlving
Tho kov is to act aggrossivolv. lco tho alloctod aroa not onco or twico
a dav, |ut throo or lour timos, at loast. Vassago it rogularlv with a hoat-
inducing croam such as Tigor Balm. Tako tho maximum rocommondod
dailv dosago ol aspirin or i|uprolon, or |ottor vot, got vour hands on a
proscription anti-inllammatorv. And il tho injurv oxists in an aroa that vou
can compross with a comprossion |andago, trv this as woll. Somo triath-
lotos havo good luck with acupuncturo, too, although Vostorn modical
practitionors don`t know whv.
ln most casos, vou can diagnoso vour ovoruso injurv on vour own,
|ocauso tho vast majoritv ol injurios triathlotos oxporionco roprosont ono
ol just oight oasilv distinguishod tvpos: swimmor`s shouldor, lowor |ack
pain, runnor`s knoo, hamstring strain, ilioti|ial |and svndromo, shin
splints, Achillos tondinitis, and plantar lasciitis (all ol which aro doscri|od
in tho noxt soction). Vhilo tho spocilic diagnosis has littlo |oaring on tho
initial stops takon in rosponso to ovoruso pain (vou`ll want to modilv
vour training and troat tho inllammation no mattor what`s causing it), it
is a vital moasuro in rolation to troating tho undorlving causo and making
suro it novor roturns. For this roason, vou`ll want to invostigato tho
undorlving causo ovon il tho alloctod aroa rosponds quicklv to tho initial
Somo ovoruso injurios aro causod |v poor tochniquo, inappropriato
oquipmont, or incroasing training volumo too rapidlv. But most ovoruso
injurios involvo a muscular im|alanco ol somo lorm. Vhilo thoro`s gon-
orallv no harm in assuming vou havo tho im|alancos most commonlv
associatod with vour condition and taking tho corrosponding corroctivo
moasuros, tho salost thing to do is visit a good phvsical thorapist or chiro-
practor who undorstands swimming, cvcling, and running |iomochanics.
A thorough oxamination lrom such an individual takos all tho guosswork
out ol tho diagnosis and su|soquont roha|ilitation.

Vhon it comos to addrossing tho undorlving causo ol vour ovoruso
injurv, tho two moasuros vou can tako aro thoso that manago tho pro|-
lom, and thoso that actuallv corroct tho pro|lom. Tho lattor aro alwavs
prolora|lo, ol courso, |ut thov tako timo. Vanagomont moasuros can |uv
vou that timo. For oxamplo, ovorpronation ol tho loot during running
can causo a low dilloront ovoruso injurios. lnstalling corroctivo orthotics
in vour running shoos can olloctivolv manago ovorpronation and got vou
|ack on tho road whilo vou mako ollorts to corroct tho a|normalitv that
is tho actual causo ol tho ovorpronation.

Your ultimato goal with rospoct to anv ovoruso injurv is not just to mako
it go awav |ut also to koop it lrom ovor coming |ack. This olton ontails

corrocting |iomochanics and musclo im|alancos. As l oxplainod a|ovo,

tho wav to corroct musclo im|alancos is to porlorm appropriato strotch-
ing and strongthoning oxorcisos on a consistont |asis. This is also tho lirst
stop in corrocting tochniquo, |ocauso musclo im|alancos aro olton part
ol tho causo ol poor tochniquo. But it is onlv tho lirst stop.
Tho noxt stop is to havo an oxport (such as a coach or phvsical thor-
apist) o|sorvo and suggost modilications to vour tochniquo, so that vou
got a sonso ol what propor tochniquo lools and looks liko. Thon, using
this inlormation, |ogin to practico kinosthotic awaronoss-that is, pav
attontion to vour tochniquo during workouts and porlorm tochniquo
drills such as thoso doscri|od in tho chaptors on swim, |iko, and run
training. This procoss roquiros disciplino and pationco, |ocauso long-
hold ha|its ol posturo and movomont aro not changod in a dav, |ut vour
disciplino and pationco will |o rowardod, l promiso.
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Following aro doscriptions ol tho oight most common ovoruso injurios in
triathlon, thoir svmptoms, tvpical causos, and suggostod troatmonts:
Swimmor`s shouldor involvos damago to tho tondons and |ursa doop
insido tho shouldor joint causod |v impingomont (pinching) during tho
lroostvlo arm stroko. Tho primarv svmptom is pain in this aroa, lolt ini-
tiallv altor swimming, and also during swimming in moro advancod
Factors that lroquontlv contri|uto to swimmor`s shouldor includo
oxcossivo or suddon incroasos in training volumo, tochniquo llaws, and
muscular im|alancos. All throo lactors aro intordopondont. Tochniquo
llaws load to musclo im|alancos, musclo im|alancos oxacor|ato toch-
niquo llaws, and swimming in a latiguod stato (as ono doos moro lro-
quontlv at highor training volumos) worsons |oth. Tho tochniquo llaws
most commonlv associatod with swimmor`s shouldor aro lailuro to main-
tain a high ol|ow during tho rocovorv phaso and crossing tho midlino
during tho pull phaso ol tho arm cvclo. Tho musclo im|alancos associ-
atod with swimmor`s shouldor aro tightnoss in tho chost and shouldor
doltoids and woaknoss in tho rotator cull musclos and tho shouldor sta-
|ilizors in tho uppor |ack.
Exorcisos liko tho Two Arm Twist aro olloctivo moans ol corrocting thoso
causal im|alancos, ospociallv whon com|inod with kinosthotic awaronoss
and tochniquo altoration in tho pool. Doing thoso oxorcisos will strongthon
vour coro musclos and vour shouldor girdlo and will toach vour |odv to dis-
sociato hip movomonts lrom |ack movomonts. You will |o a|lo to lool thoso
ollocts whilo swimming, and thov can provido a platlorm lor kinosthotic
awaronoss and tochniquo modilications, which will not como as oasilv with-
out such a platlorm. A short-torm roduction in swimming volumo is almost
alwavs roquirod in casos ol swimmor`s shouldor, |oth to allow hoaling and
to losson tho amount ol swimming vou do in a latiguod stato.

A lair num|or ol runnors and swimmors oxporionco lowor |ack pain, |ut
it`s |ost known as a cvclist`s injurv. Tho roason lor tho commonalitv ol
lowor |ack pain in cvclists is tho oxtromolv crouchod posturo associatod
with cvcling. Tho spinal oroctor musclos |ocomo progrossivolv ovor-
strotchod until micro-toars occur, and with thom tho onsot ol pain.
ln manv casos, improving |iko sotup can mitigato lowor |ack pain.
Howovor, in ordor to rosolvo it complotolv and provont its roturn, vou`ll
most likolv nood to strongthon tho musclos ol vour lowor a|domon and
lowor |ack using oxorcisos such as tho Forward Roll.
Runnor`s knoo is tho common namo lor chondromalacia, an ovoruso
condition whoroin tho cartilago undornoath tho knoocap |ogins to woar
duo to lriction causod |v impropor tracking ol tho knoocap during tho
running motion. Tho noticoa|lo svmptoms aro inllammation and pain
undor tho knoocap during running.
Tho main |iomochanical lactors associatod with runnor`s knoo aro
ovorpronation ol tho loot and im|alanco |otwoon tho quadricops and
hamstrings (that is, rolativolv woak and looso quadricops and rolativolv
tight hamstrings). Tho lattor condition can causo tho knoocap to track
improporlv and can also causo or oxacor|ato ovorpronation.
Two managomont dovicos, shoo orthotics and knoo straps, can |o
olloctivo in holping athlotos continuo running whilo thov work to corroct
tho im|alancos that aro causing tho knoocap to track improporlv. Sinco
so manv dilloront |iomochanical lactors aro potontial culprits in casos ol
runnor`s knoo, it can |o holplul to havo vour strido analvzod |v an
oxport, who can idontilv tho a|normalitios that aro pro|a|lv contri|ut-
ing to vour pro|lom. Or vou can simplv porlorm tho strotching and
strongthoning routinos l`vo doscri|od, which aro dosignod to corroct tho
im|alancos that aro most common in triathlotos, and thon sook strido
analvsis onlv il thoso programs don`t soom to holp vour condition.

Hamstring strains aro partial or comploto toars in groups ol musclo li|ors
in ono or moro ol tho throo hamstring musclos. Thov occur most olton
noar tondons at tho top (noar tho |utt) or |ottom (noar tho knoo) ol tho
musclo. Hamstring strains can |o acuto (suddon) or chronic, dovoloping
slowlv ovor timo. Tho lormor aro moro common in sports that involvo
sprinting. Chronic strains aro moro common among distanco runnors and
triathlotos. As tho toars that constituto musclo strains happon litorallv
through ovorstrotching, tightnoss ol tho hamstring musclos is rogardod as
tho most common contri|utor to this lorm ol injurv. Howovor, somo
rosoarchors havo notod that rolativo woaknoss ol tho hamstrings also cor-
rolatos with hamstring strains. Voak lowor a|dominals and glutos and
tight hip lloxors aro commonlv soon in hamstring strain sullorors.
Hamstring strains can lingor lor a vorv long timo and rocur with mad-
doning lroquoncv, so vou should addross svmptoms and thoir undorlving
causos swiltlv and aggrossivolv. Rost il nocossarv, and as long as nocossarv,
and uso icing, anti-inllammatorios, massago, and comprossion |andaging
li|orallv. Do longor and moro gradual warm-ups, as lailuro to warm up
proporlv mav |o a contri|uting causo ol hamstring strains. Porlorming
lunctional strongthoning oxorcisos lor tho hamstrings will incroaso mus-
clo li|or rocruitmont during running and thoro|v losson tho stross placod
on individual li|ors.

Tho ilioti|ial |and (or lT |and) is tho largost tondon in tho |odv, running
lrom a|ovo tho hip joint on tho |ack sido ol tho |odv to |olow tho knoo
joint on tho lrontal shin. Studios ol tho running |iomochanics ol runnors
with lT |and svndromo havo rovoalod that it is causod |v ru||ing ol tho
|and against tho |ono during ono |riol sogmont ol tho striding motion.
At high training volumos, this constant ru||ing causos inllammation.
Tho noticoa|lo svmptom ol lT |and svndromo is pain contralizod a|ovo
and outsido tho knoo or just |olow tho hip sockot.
ln most casos, tho proximato causo ol lT |and svndromo is woak hip
a|ductors (musclos on tho outsido ol tho thigh). Vhon thoso musclos
aro woak, tho polvis tilts to tho sido whon ono loot is plantod and tho
othor loot is olovatod, causing ovorstrotching and ru||ing ol tho lT |and
on tho plantod log. Tho Vultidiroctional Iungo oxorciso doscri|od a|ovo
is an oxcollont lunctional strongthonor ol tho hip a|ductors. Sports mas-
sago is a holplul managomont dovico, as it loosons tho |and and thoro|v
lossons tho amount ol lriction that occurs during running.
Doctors aro not vot cortain oxactlv what shin splints aro, phvsiologicallv,
|ut runnors and triathlotos know that, oxporiontiallv, a shin splint is a
pain on tho modial (insido) or lront ol tho shin that occurs during run-
ning. Such pains rosult lrom incroasing running miloago too quicklv. Tho
modial variotv is most common. Shin splints noarlv alwavs occur in just
ono log at a timo-spocilicallv, tho runnor`s dominant log.
Vodial shin splints aro associatod with im|alancos in tho musclos ol
tho lowor log, whilo antorior shin splints aro associatod with ovorprona-
tion. Troat shin splints |v roducing running volumo or coasing to run
ontirolv, roducing tho inllammation, strotching tho call musclos lro-
quontlv, and porlorming tho corroctivo oxorcisos lor tho lowor log
doscri|od oarlior.
- -
Achillos tondinitis is inllammation ol tho Achillos tondon, which con-
nocts tho two major musclos ol tho call, tho gastrocnomius and tho
solous, to tho hool |ono. ln sovoro casos, tho tondon can dovolop nod-
ulos ol scar tissuo or ovon rupturo. Tho most common causos ol Achillos
tondinitis aro tight call musclos and ovorpronation ol tho loot.
Vhon svmptoms appoar, tako all tho usual moasuros to roduco
inllammation. ll ovorpronation is a lactor, switch to moro sta|lo shoos or
got orthotics to manago tho pro|lom in tho short torm. Strotch vour call
musclos lroquontlv and strongthon thoir antagonists using corroctivo
oxorcisos lor tho lowor log. Vork to undo anv othor im|alancos that mav
|o contri|uting to vour ovorpronation.
Tho plantar lascia is a tough |and ol tissuo that originatos in tho hool and
sproads liko a wo| toward tho loroloot. lts main jo| is to maintain tho
arch through tho gait motion (walking or running). Plantar lasciitis
involvos toaring and scarring ol tho plantar lascia, usuallv noar tho hool
|ono, that occurs duo to ovorstrotching ol tho lascia during tho loot
striko portion ol tho running strido. Tho classic oarlv svmptom ol plantar
lasciitis is pain lolt doop in tho hool whon walking lirst thing in tho morn-
ing and whon |oginning to run. As tho condition worsons, pain will last
longor in tho morning and during workouts. Introatod, plantar lasciitis
can |ocomo so painlul that running is impossi|lo.
Tho common muscular and |iomochanical pro|loms associatod with
plantar lasciitis aro ovorpronation ol tho loot, a high, inlloxi|lo arch, and

im|alanco in tho musclos ol tho lowor log. Addross lowor log musclo
im|alancos with lroquont strotching ol tho calvos and tho Achillos ton-
don and with oxorcisos that strongthon tho modial and lrontal shin mus-
clos. Voaring a tonsion night splint will holp tho lascia hoal at a lunctional
longth. Voaring |oots or high hools holps |v giving tho lascia a |roak
lrom tho usual llox and prossuro.

You can do moro than vou might think to provont gonoral latiguo-a
groat opidomic in our sociotv to which triathlotos aro ospociallv suscop-
ti|lo-and tho viral inloctions associatod with colds and llu. Tho various
moasuros vou can tako lall into lour catogorios: diot, sloop, stross roduc-
tion, and loiling gorms. Iot`s tako a look at oach ol thom.

Nutrition supports ovorv phvsical procoss lrom |roathing to thought.

You can do litorallv nothing without it. Tho immuno svstom, too, is
dooplv dopondont on diotarv nutrionts, including antioxidant vitamins
such as C and E, and minorals such as zinc. As much as possi|lo, o|tain
thoso vitamins and minorals lrom natural loods, as thoso contain phvto-
chomicals that also support immunitv and aro not to |o lound in diotarv
supplomonts. Noto that thoro`s no conclusivo ovidonco that popular
hor|s such as Echinacoa and groon toa mako a dilloronco in tho provon-
tion or troatmont ol inloction.
\igorous onduranco workouts rosult in tho roloaso ol stross hor-
monos such as cortisol that suppross tho immuno svstom and loavo ath-
lotos suscopti|lo to viral inloction lor manv hours altor tho workout is
complotod. For this roason, sorious onduranco athlotos got colds and llus
a|out as olton as sodontarv pooplo, whoroas thoso who oxorciso modoratolv
got lowor. Howovor, rosoarch has shown that consuming car|ohvdrato
during and altor oxorciso (most likolv in tho lorm ol a sports drink) can
|lunt tho roloaso ol stross hormonos and thoir woakoning olloct on tho
immuno svstom.

Sloop doprivation is moro or loss an illnoss in itsoll and it also incroasos

ono`s suscopti|ilitv to contracting othor illnossos such as colds and llu.
Ol particular intorost to triathlotos aro sloop`s ollocts on glucoso mota|-
olism and production ol tho hormonos cortisol and human growth hor-
mono (HGH). Iack ol sulliciont sloop roducos tho |odv`s a|ilitv to
procoss glucoso, and thoroloro to produco onorgv. lt also hoightons lov-
ols ol cortisol, which attacks musclo tissuo and must |o supprossod in
ordor lor propor post-workout tissuo ropair to occur. Vhat`s moro, HGH,
tho ana|olic (i.o., musclo-|uilding) hormono that plavs tho |iggost rolo
in ro|uilding tissuo altor oxorciso, roquiros sloop lor lull activation, so tho
loss sloop vou got, tho loss usa|lo musclo vou wako up with. Sloop loss
also roducos tho activitv ol intorloukins, a group ol moloculos involvod in
signaling |otwoon colls ol tho immuno svstom.
All ol this is |ad nows lor manv triathlotos, |ocauso chronic sloop
doprivation is a |ona lido opidomic in Vostorn sociotv. Tho avorago adult
sloops 90 minutos loss todav than a conturv ago. A majoritv ol Amoricans
now sloop loss than oight hours a night, which is tho vorv that
most pooplo nood, according to sloop oxports. Vhatovor vou`ro staving
awako lor, it can`t |o worth moro than vour hoalth. Go to |od. Got thoso
oxtra 30 or 60 minutos ol shut-ovo, oithor at night or in tho lorm ol a nap,
and watch vour porlormanco and all-around vitalitv tako oll.
From a |iological porspoctivo, stross is not looling tonso or lrazzlod.
Rathor, it`s anv activitv or oxporionco that taxos tho |odv in a wav that
roquiros tho roloaso ol cortain hormonos, ospociallv adronalino. Tho list
ol activitios and oxporioncos that lit this doscription is vorv long. ln lact,
it`s not misloading to sav that tho moro vou do in a dav-rogardloss ol
what vou do-tho moro stross vour |odv onduros. Ovorworkod adronal
glands aro a common svmptom ol tho stross that is so provalont in our
sociotv. ll vou lool run-down lairlv olton, chancos aro good that vour
adronal glands aro ovorworkod and that vou`ro doing too much in lilo.
lt`s hard to swim against tho curront ol sociotv: it would |o oxtromolv
lacilo ol mo to |litholv adviso vou simplv to do loss.` Novortholoss, vou
nood to |o awaro ol thoso lacts, and l`m conlidont that such awaronoss
can load ovontuallv to moaninglul changos in how vou manago vour lilo.
Stross is also a potont supprossor ol tho immuno svstom. Vhothor psv-
chological or phvsical in origin, stross causos tho roloaso ol tho hormonos
cortisol and adronalino in tho |odv. Thoso hormonos inhi|it tho production
ol T colls, which aro spocial whito |lood colls whoso jo| is to locato and
dostrov antigons (loroign invadors` in tho |odv). Ono clinical studv showod
that tho prosonco ol stross can dou|lo ono`s risk ol contracting a cold.

Strossors do not alloct ovorvono tho samo wav. Somo ol us aro high
roactors, moaning wo havo a strong phvsiological rosponso to strossors,
whilo othors aro low roactors. All ol us, high roactors ospociallv (and l
|oliovo that a disproportionato num|or ol triathlotos aro high roactors),
nood to loarn to troat stross as tho killor it is. Hoighton vour awaronoss
ol its svmptoms, somo ol which aro vorv su|tlo, and maintain a vigilant
lookout lor thom. Condition voursoll to avoid its avoida|lo causos and
mako it a point to oxporionco tho rolaxation rosponso that is its antidoto
on a dailv |asis. Exorciso is among tho |ost rolaxation tochniquos
around, |ut il approachod in tho wrong lramo ol mind it, too, can
|ocomo a strossor.
Colds and llus occur whon viral |actoria mako a homo insido vour |odv.
Thoro aro somo olloctivo prophvlactic moans ol loiling thoso gorms`
plans ol corporoal takoovor. Ono is simplv to avoid high-risk onviron-
monts, which can |o dolinod as largo num|ors ol pooplo in closod spacos
during tho wintor.
Anothor usolul moasuro is tho practico ol gorm hvgiono. Vost poo-
plo think air|orno gorms aro tho loading causo ol inloction. Actuallv, it`s
soll-inoculation, as whon vou gra| a gorm-inlostod doorkno| and thon
slvlv pick vour noso with tho samo hand. Tho good nows is that soll-
inoculation is largolv avoida|lo: Iust koop vour hands awav lrom vour
noso and ovos, and wash thom lroquontlv.
Flu shots aro tho simplost ol all wavs vou can loil gorms. Horo`s an
immunitv |oost vou can quantilv: Flu vaccinations aro 85 porcont olloc-
tivo, and ovon whon thov`ro not, thov tond to roduco tho sovoritv ol
inloctions. Onco rocommondod onlv lor tho woak and oldorlv, thov`ro
now advisod lor all. Octo|or is tho month to got ono.
Vhon vou do got sick, vou havo two intorrolatod o|joctivos: rocov-
oring quicklv and minimizing lost training timo. Rosoarch has shown that
oxorcising with cold svmptoms is not a pro|lom. Hoad colds gonorallv do
not hampor oxorciso porlormanco signilicantlv and oxorciso doos not
incroaso tho duration or sovoritv ol colds. Vhon svmptoms movo into
vour chost and lungs, |o cautious. Tako a procautionarv dav oll and lol-
low up with a tost workout tho noxt dav. ll vou lool |ad, pull tho provor-
|ial ripcord. Vhon vou havo llu svmptoms such as lovor and |odv achos,
do not oxorciso at all, and do not rosumo oxorciso until a dav or two altor
tho svmptoms havo vanishod.

Ovortraining svndromo donotos a docroaso in porlormanco capacitv and
othor svmptoms rosulting lrom chronic lailuro to achiovo adoquato
rocovorv or lrom maintaining a training workload that is |ovond tho ath-
loto`s a|sorption capacitv lor a long poriod ol timo. Olton a loss ol
moralo lor training is part ol tho mix as woll. Tho lirst o|sorvod svmptom
ol ovortraining is usuallv an unoxpoctod lovoling oll and su|soquont
diminishmont ol porlormanco. Ono or moro ol a long list ol additional
svmptoms mav also appoar. Thoso includo insomnia, irrita|ilitv, chronic
latiguo, loss ol appotito, hoadachos, woight loss, and nausoa. ln most
casos, a drastic and longthv roduction in training must occur |oloro tho
athloto can |ogin to rogain litnoss.
Ovortraining svndromo is raro oxcopt among athlotos ol a vorv high
lovol ol conditioning, |ocauso onlv such athlotos can work too much
and/or rost too littlo long onough lor ovortraining svndromo to rosult.
Tho avorago triathloto doos not oxporionco ovortraining svndromo |ut
simplv ovortrains. ln othor words, tho avorago triathloto cannot work too
much or rost too littlo lor moro than a wook or two without incurring an
injurv or sooing a drop in porlormanco, and this drop will not |o tho irro-
vorsi|lo tailspin associatod with ovortraining svndromo |ut onlv a minor
sot|ack that can |o rosolvod with a low davs ol rost and light training.
lt`s oasv onough to provont ovortraining svndromo. Tho most olloc-
tivo o|joctivo oarlv warning dovico is monitoring vour morning hoart
rato. Your morning hoart rato should graduallv docroaso or hold stoadv
throughout tho training cvclo. Anv incroaso is a potontial sign ol incom-
ploto rocovorv. A singlo high moasuromont is nothing to worrv a|out, |ut
an upward is alwavs a |ad sign that vou should addross immodi-
atolv. You can also catch oarlv svmptoms ol ovortraining through su|joc-
tivo soll-o|sorvation. Novor should a lull wook go |v without vour having
at loast ono good workout, which is to sav, a workout in which vou lool
vorv good in rolation to tho spocilic task vou`ro porlorming and vour
prosont lovol ol litnoss. Gonorallv, vou`ll want to havo lar moro than ono
good workout oach wook, ol courso, |ut what l`m trving to sav is that
vou should not lot moro than ono |ad wook pass |oloro vou modilv vour
training to corroct vour work-rocovorv ratio. Nip it in tho |ud, as thov sav.

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onco askod six-timo Hawaii lronman winnor Davo Scott to prodict how
triathlon training might ovolvo in tho luturo, and with narv a pauso ho
ropliod, Thoro`s no quostion, tho componont ol triathlon training that is
lagging |ohind tho rost is tho montal componont. l think wo havon`t
dono a vorv good jo| ol intograting psvchologv into training programs.
A low triathlotos do a vorv good jo| ol it, |ut most ol us do not. Vo givo
it a lot ol lip sorvico, and that`s a|out all.`
Thoro aro pro|a|lv a low roasons whv this is so, |ut tho main ono
would soom to |o tho traditional Vostorn division ol mind and |odv.
Bocauso wo tond to think ol tho mind and tho |odv as soparato, and
|ocauso on tho surlaco sports appoar to |o a |odv thing, wo locus on
training tho |odv lor compotition and moro or loss ignoro tho mind, or,
il wo don`t ignoro tho mind, wo cortainlv do not train it in tho svstomatic
wav that wo train tho |odv. l |oliovo it`s not onlv possi|lo |ut ossontial
that vou train vour mind as consciouslv and programmaticallv as vou train
vour |odv il vou wish to mako progross as a triathloto. montal train-
ing ontails cultivating cortain montal skills that aro |onolicial to triathlotos,
practicing a variotv ol olloctivo montal tochniquos within and |otwoon
workouts, and implomonting provon stratogios lor doaling with tho various
challongos triathlotos normallv laco.
Triathlon porlormanco doponds on a variotv ol phvsical skills, or attri|utos,
ranging lrom strong lungs to good swim tochniquo. But it doos not
dopond on thoso alono. Triathlon porlormanco is also supportod |v
montal skills, which aro tho psvchological attri|utos that holp vou mako
tho most ol tho phvsical skills vou dovolop in training. Thoro aro sovon
primarv montal skills that sorvo tho triathloto: motivation, plavlulnoss,
dotormination, disciplino, conlidonco, optimism, and mindlulnoss. Iot`s
tako a closo look at oach ol thoso skills, and how to nurturo thom.

Triathlon is voluntarv. Training |ogins with a motivation to train, and rac-

ing, with a dosiro to compoto. Vithout such soll-gonoratod urgos, train-
ing and racing do not happon. A motivation is simplv a lolt roason, or sot
ol roasons, to act. Put anothor wav, it is a sonso ol thoro |oing a cloar por-
sonal |onolit in taking somo action. Among triathlotos, tho lollowing
motivations to train and compoto aro most common: onjovmont ol tho
activitios ol swimming, cvcling, and running: improvomont or hopo lor
improvomont: litnoss and hoalth: camaradorio: victorv (oithor rolativo or
a|soluto): roputation and vanitv.
Nono ol thoso motivations is inhorontlv |ottor or worso than anv
othor. Howovor, thoro is ono that no triathloto can do without: onjov-
mont ol tho activitios thomsolvos. Tho rost aro gravv, as thov sav. For
whon it comos to motivation, tho ono rulo is this: Got it whoro vou can,
|ocauso tho moro motivatod vou aro toward vour pursuit ol triathlon,
tho moro succoss and lullillmont vou`ll achiovo in it. Votivation is not an
all-or-nothing allair. lt has inlinito dogroos. ll vou havo no motivation lor
triathlon, vou should quit tho sport. Thoro`s no shamo in it. But as long
as vou havo somo motivation, vou mav as woll havo a lot.
Each porson is motivatod in his or hor own wav, and most pooplo
havo dilloront motivations at dilloront timos. Considor vour own motiva-
tions as a triathloto and nourish thom as much as vou can. For oxamplo,
il vou aro stronglv motivatod |v camaradorio, givo voursoll ovorv oppor-
tunitv to train in groups. Or il vou aro stronglv motivatod |v victorv, sot
rosults-rolatod goals, loarn tho namo ol tho porson in vour ago group
who just |arolv |oat vou last timo and trv to |oat him or hor noxt timo.
But alwavs koop it in mind that tho ono ossontial motivator is onjov-
mont ol tho activitios ol swimming, cvcling, and running thomsolvos, and
lot nothing got in tho wav ol this. Bv onjovmont l moan somothing vorv

spocilic-namolv, tho good looling that is associatod with |oing totallv

a|sor|od in somo challongo, as whon a child plavs, a paintor paints, a surgoon
oporatos, or an athloto compotos in tho zono.` Vo onjov activitios whon thov
roquiro us to utilizo tho lull potontial ol cortain a|ilitios wo possoss. This kind
ol situation roquiros a susponsion ol soll-consciousnoss that loads to our in
a sonso tho activitios wo pursuo, which, lor whatovor roason, lools
vorv good.
Through oxhaustivo rosoarch, tho psvchologist Vihalv Csikszontmi-
halvi was a|lo to domonstrato that pooplo in all walks ol lilo, lrom ovorv
culturo, and ol all agos and |oth gondors oxporionco onjovmont in tho
samo gonoral wav and in tho samo gonoral kinds ol situations. According
to Csikszontmihalvi, tho tvpos ol situation that |ost lacilitato onjovmont
(which ho calls llow`) havo tho lollowing charactoristics: l) thov aro
woll-dolinod tasks with cloar dolinitions ol succoss and lailuro: 2) thov
lacilitato concontration: 3) tho participant |rings a goal to thom: 4) thov
ollor cloar lood|ack rogarding progross toward tho goal: 5) tho partici-
pant is a|lo to |o totallv unsollconscious in thom: 6) tho participant has
a looling ol sulliciont |ut not a|soluto control vis--vis tho outcomo ol
tho task: and ) participation in tho task is likolv to viold improvomont in
tho skills involvod.
As vou can soo, triathlon training and compotition havo tho potontial
to lullill thoso conditions porloctlv. But it`s not automatic. \arious lactors,
including soll-dou|t and lack ol (appropriato) goals, can stand in tho wav
ol vour |ocoming complotolv a|sor|od in tho training or racing oxpori-
onco and thoro|v doprivo vou ol vour most important motivator. lt is
ossontial that vou novor loso sight ol tho importanco ol onjovmont and
koop a watchlul ovo on lactors that could spoil it.
Triathlon is a lorm ol plav. lt is a sport, altor all, and a ho||v, and sports
and ho||ios aro plavod. Plavlulnoss is simplv tho attitudo with which ono
approachos plav. To havo a plavlul attitudo toward triathlon doos not
moan wo lail to tako it soriouslv, |ut onlv that wo roluso to tako it too sori-
ouslv. This attitudo is indisponsa|lo to tho triathloto, |ocauso it is a lun-
damontal condition ol onjovmont. Vhon vou tako a sport or ho||v too
soriouslv, vou don`t allow voursoll to onjov it -- -
-- . This not onlv loavos vour happinoss too much to chanco,
|ut it is actuallv a suroliro wav to o|tain worso rosults than vou would
with a moro rolaxod porspoctivo. lt is human naturo to givo a |ottor ollort
whon vou`ro looso and having lun than whon vou`ro uptight and odgv.
l`m not suro whv this is so, |ut it cloarlv is tho caso. As tho lormor world
champion marathonor lan Thompson said, Vhon l am happv l am run-
ning woll, and whon l am running woll l am happv.`
Compotitivo triathlotos commit tho orror ol staking thoir happinoss
on spocilic rosults all too lroquontlv. For oxamplo, Amorican Siri Iindlov
was onco stronglv lavorod to oarn a position on tho 2000 I.S. Olvmpic
Triathlon Toam. Howovor, sho psvchod horsoll out |v placing too much
prossuro on horsoll to lullill this oxpoctation and wound up racing
poorlv in tho Olvmpic Trials. This dovastating disappointmont inspirod
Iindlov to got hor prioritios straight and turn hor locus |ack on onjov-
ing horsoll, como what mav. Ono voar altor missing out on tho Olvmpics,
and racing with a now attitudo, sho won tho Triathlon Vorld Champi-
onship. Tho moral could not |o plainor. Alwavs approach triathlon with
a plavlul attitudo. ll vou do, vou`ll havo moro lun and |ottor rosults-
mav|o not a world championship titlo in vour caso, |ut worthv rosults

As a triathloto, vou nood dotormination in ordor to ovorcomo sulloring

and givo all vou havo whon racing. This dotormination comos lrom
within vou, |ut it is roloasod |v nothing moro or loss than a sonso ol tho
moaninglulnoss ol tho raco itsoll. Contrarv to popular assumption, dotor-
mination is not somothing that somo pooplo havo and othors do not. All
ol us havo dotormination with rospoct to tho things that mattor most to
us. Vhon a goal is sulliciontlv moaninglul lor vou, vou show dotor-
mination in pursuing it. Vhon it lacks sulliciont moaninglulnoss, vou will
not |o a|lo to givo a total ollort to achiovo it.
Thoro aro a couplo ol wavs vou can incroaso vour dotormination to
ovorcomo sulloring in racos. First, vou can activolv |uild up tho impor-
tanco ol individual triathlons in vour mind lor tho sako ol roloasing vour
dotormination within thom. You can mako individual triathlons moro
moaninglul to vou |v dosignating a small num|or ol choson triathlons
(ono to throo a voar) as poak racos, |v sotting challonging goals lor thoso
ovonts, and |v |oginning to proparo lor thom long in advanco ol thoir
happoning. Howovor, whilo hoaping anticipation on thoso ovonts, just |o
suro novor to stako vour happinoss on achioving cortain rosults in thom,
or vou`ll psvch voursoll out. Focus on giving vour |ost ollort.
A socond wav to incroaso vour dotormination is to stako vour soll-
imago on vour a|ilitv to ovorcomo sulloring-that is, to mako dotormi-
nation itsoll moro important to vou-|v ongaging in a cortain kind ol
soll-talk during racos. ll l don`t push through this, l`ll know l`m a wimp,
and l`ll novor lot mvsoll livo it down.` That kind ol thing. l |ogan using

this tactic in ovorv raco altor l linishod a low triathlons knowing that l`d
hold |ack just a |it lor loar ol sulloring. l docidod that tho shamo l lolt
whon l did not show truo dotormination was moro un|oara|lo than tho
sulloring associatod with showing truo dotormination, and l |ogan to act
accordinglv. lt workod. Ono caution: Somotimos it`s just not vour dav
and vou roallv aro |ottor oll pulling |ack or throwing in tho towol.
Evon groat athlotos strugglo with dotormination. Altor winning his
socond Hawaii lronman Vorld Championship, Canadian Potor Roid had
a sorios ol disastrous racos, linishing onlv ono triathlon in tho noxt l8
months. Following vot anothor DNF in Australia, a lrustratod Roid, throat-
oning rotiromont, admittod to tho pross that ho had sullorod so groatlv
in that socond lronman victorv, ho was just plain alraid to raco that hard
again, honco his loss ol dotormination. Happilv, |v at last conlronting tho
pro|lom squarolv, ho was a|lo to ovorcomo it and roturn to lorm.
ln most casos, tho moro olton vou push through sulloring, tho moro
natural (l won`t sav tho oasior`) it |ocomos to do it again. All lorms ol
sulloring |ocomo loss acuto as thov |ocomo moro lamiliar. Horoin lios a
third moans ol maximizing vour dotormination in triathlon. Vhon sul-
loring, think a|out past timos whon vou`vo sullorod groatlv and pushod
through it, and how proud vou lolt altorward.
ll dotormination is signilicant mostlv in rolation to racing, disciplino is
signilicant mostlv in rolation to training. Disciplino in training is a mattor
ol having a plan and sticking to it. Thoro aro roallv two sidos to this
attri|uto, howovor: initiativo, on tho ono hand, and rostraint, on tho
othor. lnitiativo is tho disciplino to do onough, whilo rostraint is tho dis-
ciplino not to do too much. Somo triathlotos havo no trou|lo motivating
thomsolvos to work out ovorv dav, |ut havo a dillicult timo holding |ack
whon thov should. lt takos disciplino, lor oxamplo, to cut |ack on ono`s
training sulliciontlv during a tapor poriod, to silonco ono`s irrational loar
that taporing will rosult in tho loss ol litnoss. Othor triathlotos lind it
moro challonging to train consistontlv or plan ahoad.
Fow triathlotos aro strong in |oth initiativo and rostraint. You must
practico |oth kinds ol disciplino in vour training in ordor to roalizo vour
lull potontial. Ono olloctivo wav to lind tho right |alanco |otwoon tho
two is |v training with a partnor who is strong whoro vou aro woak.
Anothor wav is to lind a good coach. As an athloto, l lind that an outsido
porspoctivo, ovon whon not tochnicallv an oxport porspoctivo, olton
makos up lor |lind spots in mv own porspoctivo and koops mo lrom
going oll track (alwavs in tho diroction ol lack ol rostraint).

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Conlidonco has to do with |olioving vou can do what vou want to do.
Truo conlidonco is not wishlul thinking |ut rathor a rational oxpoctation
ol succoss that is |asod in oxporionco and an accurato knowlodgo ol
ono`s a|ilitios. As such, truo conlidonco can onlv |o incroasod through
succoss. Yot succoss happons all tho timo. Evorv good workout is a suc-
coss, as aro oach poriod ol consistont training and ovorv losson loarnod.
But thoro is such a thing as ovorconlidonco. An athloto |ocomos
ovorconlidont whon his or hor sonso ol what is possi|lo |ocomos
dotachod lrom roalitv. This is gonorallv soll-corrocting: Tho ovorconli-
dont athloto lalls lar short ol oxpoctations and loarns to gonorato moro
roasona|lo oxpoctations lor tho noxt challongo. Howovor, somo athlotos
havo a ha|it ol chronic oxcuso making that allows thom to consistontlv
maintain an inllatod viow ol thoir a|ilitios. Isuallv, such athlotos maintain
this viow mostlv lor tho sako ol improssing othors with it, and thus it is a
charactor llaw. Don`t |o this porson.
Tho triathlotos who havo tho most conlidonco aro thoso who
mako tho most ol tho succossos thov`vo oxporioncod. Thov thov
can achiovo tho goals thov sot lor thomsolvos and roluso to loso laith
until and unloss thov como up short in tho ond. Vhon thov raco and lind
thomsolvos struggling to achiovo a goal, thov think a|out thoir |ost work-
outs and racos, which thov can do what thov`ro trving to do, not
a|out thoir innor dou|ts. l`vo dono mv sharo ol post-raco intorviows with
champion triathlotos, and ovor and ovor again l`vo hoard thoso mon and
womon sav, in oxplaining thoir victorv, l just had conlidonco in mv train-
ing (or litnoss).` Succosslul triathlotos activolv uso thoir conlidonco to
conquor challongos whon racing. You can oasilv do tho samo. ln training,
practico calling to mind vour |ost momonts lroquontlv, as a mattor ol
ha|it, and vour conlidonco will grow and ovontuallv sorvo vou woll in
Iiko conlidonco, optimism has to do with |olioving in succoss, |ut unliko
conlidonco, optimism is a gonoral disposition that`s dotachod lrom oxpo-
rionco and lact and applios oquallv to all dosirod outcomos. As such, opti-
mism is not unliko ovorconlidonco, oxcopt that ovorconlidonco is an
ovorostimation ol ono`s own a|ilitios, whoroas optimism is an outward-
looking sonso ol hopo and possi|ilitv. Optimists tond to simplv
succoss rogardloss ol whothor thov havo logitimato roasons to do so. Tho
psvchologist Vartin Soligman domonstratod through a caroor`s worth ol
oxporimontation that optimism plavs as signilicant a rolo in succoss in all
undortakings, including sport, as talont and dotormination. Howovor,
ono`s ovorall disposition toward optimism or possimism lorms in oarlv
childhood, so |ocoming lundamontallv moro optimistic as an adult
roquiros an invostmont ol timo and ollort.
Tho hallmark ol possimism is latalism, or |ocoming oasilv discour-
agod. To train voursoll to |ocomo moro optimistic, lirst start paving
attontion to how vou doal with sot|acks. Vhon vou catch voursoll saving
things liko Horo wo go again:` or l this would happon:` -
thoso words ol discouragomont. Don`t lot voursoll oxpoct tho worst or
givo up too quicklv, as possimistic |oliols havo a wav ol |oing soll-lullilling.
Ovor timo, il vou`ro vigilant in this mannor, vou can train voursoll to
oxpoct tho |ost, which also has a wav ol |oing soll-lullilling.
ln rolation to sport, mindlulnoss is tho capacitv to mako uso ol inlorma-
tion that is rolovant to porlormanco. ln triathlon, mindlulnoss can holp
vou do ovorvthing lrom improvo vour tochniquo to liguro out tho raco
nutrition stratogv that works |ost lor vou. \arious lorms ol donial and
inattontion (tho oppositos ol mindlulnoss) aro among tho primarv causos
ol athlotos` lailuro to achiovo optimal porlormanco. A good oxamplo is not
paving attontion to signs ol gonoral latiguo. Vindlulnoss is a nocossarv
componont ol ovorvthing vou do as a triathloto-thoro is not ono aspoct
ol vour pursuit ol triathlon that cannot got a |oost lrom groator awaronoss.
Tho trickv thing a|out mindlulnoss is that it can |o onhancod onlv
through tho willlul practico ol mindlulnoss-a classic catch-22. A good
wav to start is |v gotting into tho ha|it ol concontrating on vour |odv
whilo vou work out. Bv doing this, vou can`t holp |ut notico pattorns that
can provo usolul. For oxamplo, during ono rocont track workout l
noticod that l tond to squint mv ovos whon l grow latiguod whilo running
at a high intonsitv lovol, and that |v consciouslv rolaxing mv laco l could
koop mv wholo |odv moro rolaxod and actuallv lool tho sulloring loss.
This altor l8 voars ol running.
Vhon vou`ro awako, vou`ro thinking. Thoro`s no stopping this. You think
throughout ovorv workout and raco, and vou olton think triathlon-
rolatod thoughts or othor thoughts that alloct vour pursuit ol triathlon
ovon whon vou`ro not working out or racing. Thinking tho right kinds ol

thoughts at such timos can |o vorv |onolicial with rospoct to vour pur-
suit ol triathlon, ospociallv whon thoso thoughts aro practicod con-
sciouslv and lormallv as montal training tochniquos. l will horo discuss six
such tochniquos: sotting goals, |odv awaronoss, soll-talk, visualization,
soll-o|sorvation, and diroctod thinking.
Thoro aro manv holplul wavs to sot goals as a triathloto. Thov can |o
quantitativo or qualitativo, short-torm or long-torm, minor or major, and
raco-rolatod or training-rolatod. You should mako uso ol oach ol thoso
variotios ol goal in vour pursuit ol triathlon. Goal sotting is a vorv pow-
orlul wav ol onhancing vour motivation to train and raco and ol improv-
ing porlormanco.
Porhaps vou`vo hoard ol tho SVART acronvm in rolation to goal sot-
ting. lt is said that appropriato goals aro spocilic, moasura|lo, attaina|lo,
rolovant, and timo-|ound. Isuallv l lind such acronvms hokov, |ut this
ono is right on tho monov. Inloss a goal is spocilic, it is not roallv ovon a
goal and vou havo no wav ol knowing whothor or whon vou`vo achiovod
it. l want to improvo mv woaknossos` is not a spocilic goal. l want to
improvo mv swim tochniquo and mv a|ilitv to run oll tho |iko` is |ottor.
Similarlv, it`s dillicult to o|sorvo progross toward a goal il it is not moasura|lo
in ono wav or anothor. lmprovomonts in swim tochniquo and in ono`s
a|ilitv to run oll tho |iko can |o moasurod in timo, |ut timo is not tho
onlv wav to moasuro triathlon goals. Appropriato goals aro also noithor
oasv nor impossi|lo to attain. Romom|or, tho roal purposo ol goals is to
motivato progross, and pooplo aro motivatod most whon thoro`s hopo
|ut not cortaintv. Tho goals vou soloct also nood to mako sonso in rola-
tion to tho ontiro constollation ol goals and dosiros vou havo as a triath-
loto. l want to |oat mv training partnor Tonv in ovorv workout` is
pro|a|lv not a rolovant goal il |oing proporlv trainod lor racos is also a
goal. And lastlv, a goal is also not a goal unloss it has a duo dato attachod
to it. For oxamplo, l want to improvo mv swim tochniquo and mv a|ilitv
to run oll tho |iko` would work woll undor tho hoading Goals lor Noxt
You should sot ono or moro moasura|lo goals lor oach raco. l want
to linish,` l want to |roak throo hours,` and l want to placo in mv ago
group` aro good oxamplos ol such goals (il thov`ro indood attaina|lo). ll
vou sot an ovorall timo goal, vou mav also wish to sot swim, |iko, and run
split goals (and possi|lv ovon transition timo goals) undornoath it. Doing
so can givo vou a |ottor looling lor what it will tako to achiovo tho ovor-
all goal. Sotting a goal rango or two tiors ol goals is accopta|lo in somo
situations, as in l`d liko to |roak tho world rocord, |ut l`ll |o satisliod
with a courso rocord.` Vodilving vour goals (up or down) mid-raco is
also somotimos nocossarv or appropriato. Examplos ol worthv nonquan-
titativo racos goals aro not to panic during tho swim start` and to do a
|ottor jo| ol kooping hvdratod throughout tho raco.`
lt`s a good practico to sot soasonal goals whon planning oach upcom-
ing soason. Thoso can includo porlormanco goals, aroas ol improvomont
goals, and moasura|lo training goals. You should approach oach wook ol
training with tho goal ol succosslullv comploting tho training vou`vo
plannod, and approach oach ol vour long and qualitv workouts with spo-
cilic porlormanco goals in mind, as in l`d liko to comploto mv 35-milo
long rido in two hours.` Tho moro goals tho |ottor, roallv, as long as oach
goal adhoros to tho principlos l`vo outlinod, and vou novor loso sight ol
tho lact that lailuro to achiovo anv particular goal is not a lailuro in tho
truost sonso il tho goal has motivatod vou to givo vour |ost ollort.
As an athloto, vou nood to |o a|lo to road vour |odv in a variotv ol wavs.
Pacing voursoll during a raco, improving vour |iko sotup, knowing whon
to tako a dav oll, kooping vour lorm rolaxod and corroct dospito latiguo,
and a hundrod othor tvpos ol docisions vou mako and tasks vou porlorm
as a triathloto will all |o mado and porlormod moro olloctivolv with
rolinod |odv awaronoss. Exporionco, moro than anvthing, cultivatos
|odv awaronoss, |ut not all athlotos mako oqual uso ol oqual oxporionco.
ln ordor to mako tho most ol tho oxporionco vou accumulato, vou nood
to consciouslv ground voursoll in vour |odv during workouts, much as
Zon practitionors do during moditation.
You lool a thousand dilloront things whilo oxorcising. For oxamplo,
vou lool vour lolt pinkio-|ut whothor vou actuallv notico how vour lolt
pinkio lools doponds on whothor vou chooso to locus vour attontion
upon it. Practicing |odv awaronoss is a mattor ol locusing vour attontion
soquontiallv on spocilic compononts ol vour ovorall oxporionco, lor tho
sako ol assossing how vou`ro doing and what vou nood and making doci-
sions. You don`t nood to do this all tho timo whilo training, |ut vou
should do it moro olton and with moro purposo than vou would il vou
just allowod vour mind to wandor in ovorv workout.
An important su|spocios ol |odv awaronoss that l`vo montionod oar-
lior is kinosthotic awaronoss, which is awaronoss ol vour |odv in spaco.
Cultivating and making uso ol this awaronoss aro crucial to dovoloping
propor |iomochanics and tochniquo in swimming, |iking, and running.
Tho wholo |undlo ol sonsations that compriso tho oxporionco ol swim-

ming, cvcling, and running is inlinitolv moro complox than ono might
assumo as an o|sorvor. You can spond 40 voars porlorming swim, |iko,
and run workouts and not stop noticing things vou`vo novor noticod
|oloro-things vou can uso-as long as vou pav attontion. For oxamplo,
tho groat Ianco Armstrong had alroadv |oon a world-class cvclist lor
voars |oloro ho ovolvod tho high-cadonco stvlo ol riding that mado him
a multiplo Tour do Franco champion.
You should spond somo timo paving attontion to all aspocts ol vour
|odv`s movomont in oach ol vour workouts, dovoting spocial attontion
to llaws vou`ro trving to corroct or tochniquo olomonts vou`ro trving to
cultivato. For oxamplo, in a particular cvcling workout vou might chooso
to concontrato on vour anklo action during tho podal stroko. Addition-
allv, vou should rogularlv porlorm tochniquo drills in all throo disciplinos
such as thoso doscri|od in oarlior chaptors and, ol courso, concontrato
on vour tochniquo whilo vou porlorm thom.
Kinosthotic awaronoss is most olloctivo whon couplod with an out-
sido porspoctivo on vour lorm, liko that ol a Vastors swim coach, as it
holps vou know what vou ought to |o doing dillorontlv. Running on a
troadmill and cvcling on a wind trainor in viow ol a mirror can also rovoal
lorm llaws vou novor know vou had. Coupling kinosthotic awaronoss
with corroctivo oxorciso is also highlv |onolicial, as musclo im|alancos
aro a causal lactor in rolation to manv lorm irrogularitios and corroctivo
oxorciso makos vour musclos |ottor suitod to propor lorm.

Although it carrios psvcho-llullv connotations, soll-talk is somothing

oach ol us doos most ol tho timo whon training and racing. lt`s lunda-
montal to tho normal llow ol consciousnoss. As a montal training toch-
niquo, soll-talk dillors lrom spontanoous soll-talk in that vou tako control
ol vour innor chattor and givo it a purposo. Tho logic |ohind tho practico
ol this tochniquo is simplo: ll vou`ro going to talk to voursoll anvwav, vou
mav as woll sav what vou nood to hoar.
Iiko our convorsations with othors, our intornal monologuos tond to
lollow cortain scripts. That is, wo tond to think tho samo thoughts oach
timo wo oncountor a particular tvpo ol situation in training and racing.
Somo ol thoso thoughts aro moro holplul than othors. Start paving atton-
tion to tho things vou toll voursoll during challonging momonts in train-
ing and racing and parso tho olloctivo mossagos (l`m lit, l`m roadv, l can
do this`) lrom inolloctivo onos (l suck, l`m quitting`). Iso vour dovol-
oping awaronoss to rolino and improvo tho scripts vou uso, and uso thom
Altor sotting ono ol his manv world rocords, tho logondarv Russian polo
vaultor Sorgoi Bu|ka was askod |v a roportor whothor ho had ovor suc-
cosslullv cloarod that hoight proviouslv-in training, tho roportor moant.
Yos, ovorv night,` Bu|ka ropliod, in roloronco to his nightlv visualizations.
Vost triathlotos who practico visualization do so onlv in tho low davs
or wooks |oloro important racos. This is |ottor than nothing, |ut vou
roallv should practico visualization voar-round, |ocauso, as tho caso ol
Bu|ka domonstratos so poworlullv, visualization works. Tho |odv tonds
to movo toward tho mind`s dominant thought. Tho moro olton vou soo
voursoll achioving vour goals in vour mind`s ovo, tho moro likolv it is that
vou will ovontuallv achiovo thoso goals in roalitv.
At loast onco a wook, lind somo quiot timo, lio down, closo vour ovos,
and imagino voursoll racing succosslullv through all throo logs ol a
triathlon. Trv to mako tho vision as spocilic to vour goals as possi|lo. ll
vour noxt |ig raco is tho Boonvillo Triathlon, lot`s sav, thon trv to imagino
voursoll racing in Iako Boonvillo and on tho stroots ol Boonvillo, and il
vour goal is to linish among tho top l0 in vour ago group in this raco,
thon imagino voursoll doing procisolv this.
Anothor wav to visualizo is with opon ovos whilo vou porlorm vour
swim, |iko, and run workouts. That is, vou can protond vou`ro racing whilo
vou`ro training. lt`s okav ovon to add an olomont ol lantasv whon practic-
ing this lorm ol visualization, lor oxamplo |v imagining voursoll racing not
lor a top-l0 ago group linish in tho Boonvillo Triathlon |ut lor a gold modal
in tho Triathlon Vorld Championship. Vhilo undonia|lv juvonilo, such lan-
tasizing providos tho vorv sorious |onolit ol gonorating oxcitomont lor rac-
ing, which will holp vou train hardor and ultimatolv raco |ottor.
Soll-o|sorvation involvos tho samo kind ol intornal scrutinv that`s
involvod in tho practico ol |odv awaronoss, oxcopt that it takos a |roador
porspoctivo in soarch ol causo and olloct. ll all triathlotos woro tho samo,
wo could lollow procisolv tho samo training plans, diots, and so lorth,
and wo wouldn`t nood soll-o|sorvation. But oach ol us is a uniquo por-
son with a uniquo lilo, and lor this roason tho practico ol soll-o|sorvation
is crucial to our |ocoming |ottor triathlotos. \iow vour dovolopmont as
a triathloto as an oxporimont ol ono, which is procisolv what it is, and
gathor as much rolovant data as vou can lind. That is, consistontlv pav
closo attontion to how dilloront oating pattorns, training pattorns, and
oquipmont choicos alloct vou, and uso what vou loarn.

Pav attontion also to vour omotions as thov rolato to training and rac-
ing, |ocauso knowing vour porsonalitv is as important to vour athlotic
dovolopmont as knowing vour phvsical strongths and woaknossos. Discovor
what sooms to motivato vou, what spoils tho lun, what incroasos vour con-
lidonco, and so on. Iso this inlormation to losson or oliminato unholplul
practicos and inlluoncos lrom vour training and vour lilo, to maximizo holp-
lul onos, and to dovolop hvpothosos that vou can put to tho tost.

Vo humans aro olton slavos to our omotions, puppots to tho strings ol
our |rain chomistrv. This tondoncv is |ad not just lrom a montal hoalth
standpoint |ut also lrom an athlotic standpoint, |ocauso il wo cannot
mastor our omotions, wo cannot minimizo nogativo omotions, which
wasto onorgv and causo us to porlorm |onoath our truo potontial.
At tho root, thoro is onlv ono nogativo omotion: loar. Tho soll-dou|t
that ovortakos us just |oloro tho raco starts, tho urgo to quit that gains
swav whon tho raco |ocomos painlul, tho |rooding wo do whon wo oxpo-
rionco a sot|ack in training-thoso omotions aro all lorms ol loar, and all
aro countorproductivo in rolation to our dosiro to achiovo succoss as
triathlotos. Thov aro also porloctlv natural omotions, howovor, and thoro-
loro impossi|lo to oliminato. But wo can contain thom and in so doing
minimizo thoir impact.
Tho wav to do so is through diroctod thinking. Tho torm diroctod
thinking` was coinod rocontlv |v a psvchologist namod A. B. Curtiss. Tho
concopt could not |o simplor: Think what vou want to think. Chooso
vour thoughts. ln particular, chooso tho thoughts that holp-that mako
vou rolax whon vou`ro anxious, accopting whon vou`ro disappointod, and
so lorth. Rathor than just allow voursoll to lool loarlul and think onlv
thoughts suggostod |v vour loars, soparato vour thoughts lrom vour
nogativo omotions through an act ol will and givo thom a moro con-
structivo o|joct.
For oxamplo, il vou lind voursoll lillod with soll-dou|t right |oloro a
raco and suddonlv socond-guossing a goal vou`vo considorod porloctlv
roasona|lo lor tho past month, stop awav lrom this omotional stato |v
la|oling it as tho natural manilostation ol loar that it is, and thon sottlo on
a moro productivo thought, such as vour rocolloction ol having had this
loar |oloro and still gono out and achiovod vour original goal. Again, this
tochniquo will not olton oxtorminato tho nogativo omotion it com|ats,
|ut it will provont vour |oing rulod |v it, which will holp vou porlorm
|ottor in individual instancos and mako vour ovorall lilo as a triathloto
moro ploasant in tho aggrogato.
Ono ol tho |ost usos l`vo mado ol diroctod thinking is turning
into during workouts and racos. lt lirst happonod spontanoouslv
during a particular triathlon in which l lolt montallv strong. Iato in tho
|iko sogmont, as tho lamiliar |urn and drain was coming on, it suddonlv
occurrod to mo that pain and ollort aro just two dilloront porspoctivos on
tho samo sonsation, at loast in tho contoxt ol a tost ol onduranco. But
whoroas pain is a holploss kind ol looling, a looling ol |oing tho o|joct ol
oxporioncos, ollort is a looling ol control, ol . l lound thon, and l
havo lound sinco thon, that looling ollort is inlinitolv prolora|lo to lool-
ing sulloring. lt is moro ploasant (or loss unploasant) and violds |ottor
As vou chango clothos |oloro a workout, vou know moro or loss oxactlv
what vou`ro going to do with vour |odv during tho workout. You know
how long tho sossion will last, how it will |o structurod, how last vou`ll
go, and so lorth. But ovorv |odv workout is (or ought to |o) a montal
workout as woll, and so vou should |ogin it knowing what vou`ll do with
vour mind, too.
Thoro aro two gonoral catogorios ol montal approach to workouts
that l rocommond: ono lor high-intonsitv workouts and ono lor low-
intonsitv workouts. During high-intonsitv workouts, vou should practico
tho samo sot ol montal tochniquos vou would practico during a raco,
|oth |ocauso it will holp vou havo a moro succosslul workout and
|ocauso it will givo vou moro oxporionco using thoso tochniquos. Tho
most important tochniquo to practico during hard workouts is |odv
awaronoss. Concontrato vour attontion on tho olomonts ol vour oxpori-
onco that koop vour ollort locusod and vour porlormanco in lino with
vour oxpoctations. Vonitor and control vour paco, koop vour |roathing
rolaxod, koop vour lorm olliciont, otc. Tho othor montal skill vou should
uso in hard workouts is soll-talk, to put voursoll in tho appropriato stato
ol montal arousal right |oloro tho workout and to stav positivo through-
out tho workout, ospociallv toward tho ond. Iso diroctod thinking as
noodod during thoso workouts.
For oasior workouts, vou can omplov anv ol thoso samo tochniquos
and also visualization, |ut most olton vou should lot vour mind spin and
go whorovor it ploasos. lt mav sound as though l`m saving tho majoritv
ol vour oasior workouts should sorvo no montal purposo, |ut lotting
vour mind spin sorvos a spocilic and highlv valua|lo montal purposo:

rolaxation. Tho spinning that vour mind is a|lo to do during workouts is

ono ol tho major roasons vou comploto thom looling calmod and
rolroshod. l wouldn`t want to tako that awav lrom vou:
Tho purposo ol having tho montal skills and tochniquos l`vo just talkod
a|out is to uso thom to ovorcomo tho montal challongos wo laco as
triathlotos. Among tho most common and important montal challongos
in triathlon aro pro-raco norvos, linding tho zono in racos, workout guilt,
|alancing triathlon and rolationships, |urnout, and training sot|acks.
Iot`s now discuss stratogios lor handling oach ol thoso challongos.
Somo athlotos got so norvous |oloro racing, thov throw up. Othors got
onlv mild |uttorllios. Somo |ogin looling norvous wooks |oloro tho
ovont takos placo. Othors romain calm until tho linal 24 hours. But ovorv
triathloto lools at loast somo norvousnoss in anticipation ol racing.
Pro-raco norvos aro not intrinsicallv |ad, |ut too much is unploasant
and can actuallv sa|otago raco porlormanco. Thoro`s no singlo tochniquo
lor doaling with pro-raco norvos that works lor ovorv triathloto, |ut thoro
aro manv tochniquos that work lor somo triathlotos. Tho |ost gonoral
stratogv to pursuo |v wav ol doaling with raco norvos is to colloct a low
ol thoso tochniquos that work lor vou and uso thom in com|ination. Tho
tochniquos ol diroctod thinking and soll-talk that l discussod a|ovo aro
olloctivo lor lots ol pooplo. Iso diroctod thinking to occupv vour mind
with whichovor thought or othor stimulus takos vour mind lurthost awav
lrom vour squirming gut. Iistoning to music is ono popular distraction.
Iso soll-talk against what vou |oliovo to |o tho - ol vour norvous-
noss, which lor most triathlotos is oithor loar ol sulloring or loar ol lail-
uro or a mixturo ol tho two. For oxamplo, to com|at norvousnoss causod
|v loar ol lailuro vou might sav to voursoll, Do tho |ost vou can.` Ropoat
thoso mossagos ovor and ovor, as doing so not onlv strongthons tho mos-
sago |ut also channols norvous onorgv.
Somo athlotos lind it holplul to porlorm a rolaxation or |roathing
oxorciso prior to compoting. For oxamplo, lind a quiot placo to sit, closo
vour ovos, and simplv inhalo through vour noso, oxhalo through vour
mouth, lor a low minutos. Concontrato on vour |roathing and trv to shut
out all othor thoughts and distractions.
Bovond thoso montal tochniquos that light pro-raco norvos |v occu-
pving vour mind, thoro aro also wavs to occupv vour |odv that olton
work just as woll. Thoir onlv limitation is that thov onlv work on raco
morning. Ono such tochniquo is to simplv stav vorv |usv |otwoon tho
timo vour alarm sounds and tho timo that starting horn sounds. Dovolop
a raco morning routino that koops vour mind and |odv locusod on a
sorios ol tasks, not pointloss tasks, |ut onos that vou moro or loss must
or should porlorm anvwav. For that mattor pointloss activitv, such as toss-
ing a Yo-Yo or plaving catch with a lriond, can holp as woll.
Sports psvchologists uso tho phraso optimal arousal` (sounds kinkv)
to donoto tho omotional stato that |ost proparos a particular athloto to por-
lorm woll in a givon sport. Optimal arousal is not tho samo lor ovorvono. lt
doponds on tho porsonalitv. But optimal arousal tonds to |o similar lor ath-
lotos in tho samo sport. For onduranco athlotos, optimal arousal is gonorallv
charactorizod |v mild norvousnoss, modorato oxcitomont, and locus. lt`s
a|out hallwav |otwoon whoro gollors want to |o and whoro loot|all plav-
ors want to |o prior to compoting. Think a|out what constitutos vour own
optimal arousal stato and a|out what vou can do to achiovo it |oloro racos.

Tho so-callod zono is that colo|ratod montal stato whoroin an athloto
|ocomos` tho activitv ho or sho is porlorming. lt is a stato ol total con-
contration upon and a|sorption within tho task at hand. This montal
stato is covotod not onlv |ocauso it is associatod with poak porlormanco
|ut also |ocauso it is highlv onjova|lo. ln onduranco sports, ospociallv,
tho zono is viowod as salvation |ocauso it allows ono to mastor tho pro-
longod discomlort that is an unavoida|lo part ol tho racing oxporionco.
Tho zono is olusivo, howovor. No triathloto has ovor |oon a|lo to lind it
in ovorv raco, and nono ovor will. But thoro aro cortain things vou can do to
maximizo tho chancos ol vour linding tho zono in anv givon raco. l`ll locus
on two ol thom horo. Tho lirst is timing vour poak just right. Vhon vou`vo
trainod hard and intolligontlv and gotton all tho rost vou nood, ospociallv dur-
ing tho tapor poriod, vour |odv can |o so roadv to raco that vour mind has
littlo choico |ut to lollow along. Nothing puts vou in tho zono liko looling on.
Havo vou ovor noticod that how vou lool in workouts has vorv littlo to do
with how oasv or hard vou`ro working out and a lot to do with how strong
vour |odv lools in rolation to what`s |oing domandod ol it? Vhon vou |ogin
a workout in a latiguod or undorproparod stato, it doosn`t mattor how oasv
vou go, vou lool |ad. Vhon vou |ogin a workout rostod and woll trainod, it
doosn`t mattor how hard vou go, vou lool good. Concontrato on gotting vour
|odv in tho zono lor racos, and vour mind will got thoro, too.
On tho strictlv montal lovol, tho most olloctivo wav to lind tho zono
whon racing is to concontrato on roading, intorproting, and using tho
manv availa|lo sourcos ol lood|ack. Trv not to dissociato whilo racing-
that is, hum tunos in vour hoad or think a|out sox. Vanv triathlotos do this
naturallv and gonuinolv lool that it holps: howovor, rosoarch has shown a
poworlul invorso rolationship |otwoon tho tondoncv to dissociato in com-
potition and lovol ol porlormanco. ln othor words, winnors think a|out tho
raco. Romom|or, tho dolinition ol tho zono is a stato ol total a|sorption in
tho task at hand. Such a|sorption is lacilitatod |v vour taking an all-|usinoss
approach to racing, liko a musician in rocital, concontrating on anv and all
inlormation that vou nood to mako tho oporation a succoss. Iook lor split
timos and uso thom to monitor vour paco. Pav attontion to triathlotos
around vou: Trv to catch a compotitor ahoad ol vou, drop a compotitor
|osido vou, or draw onorgv lrom racing alongsido a lollow triathloto. Tako
in lluids and othor nutrition on a schodulo. Koop vour lorm rolaxod and
corroct. Anticipato hills, aid stations, and so lorth. Cataloguo signs ol pain
and discomlort in vour |odv and doal with oach appropriatolv-this most
olton ontails rosisting gonoral sulloring. On a doopor lovol, immorso vour
mind in tho sonsations vou oxporionco whilo pushing lorward against
rosistanco. Vhon vou do a good jo| ol kooping vour mind locusod on
roading and using lood|ack whilo racing, vou lool liko tho captain ol a ship,
in chargo ol vour raco, and that`s a good looling.

Vorkout guilt is tho |ano ol tho omotional lilo ol manv triathlotos. Bv
workout guilt l moan tho gnawing, guiltv looling vou oxporionco whon
vou miss ono or moro workouts, and somotimos ovon whon vou morolv
skipping a workout. Iiko othor lorms ol guilt, workout guilt
is not rational. lt is a natural olloct ol omotional dopondonco on a ha|it.
lronicallv, thoso triathlotos who train hardost (that is, who skip tho
lowost workouts) gonorallv oxporionco moro workout guilt than thoso
who train loss, procisolv |ocauso thov aro moro omotionallv dopondont
on tho training ha|it.
A littlo workout guilt is not |ad, |ut il vou oxporionco it olton, somo-
thing is wrong. Vost olton, lroquont workout guilt is a sign that vou`vo
|ocomo too compulsivo a|out training and nood to lighton up. ll vou
tond to dwoll on a loar ol losing litnoss whon vou miss workouts, or il vou
go to oxtromo longths to avoid missing workouts, vou`vo simplv lost
touch with roalitv-in a wav that`s |oth common and undorstanda|lo, |ut
unhoalthv nonotholoss. Triathlotos who do thoso things aro moro likolv to

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|o ovortrainod than undortrainod. \orv low triathlotos, ovon among pro-

lossionals, aro a|lo to |o quito as consistont in thoir training as thov would
liko to |o. Distractions, sot|acks, and changos in plan aro all parts ol tho
gamo. As long as vour training schodulo is gonorallv managoa|lo, thoro`s
no roason to panic a|out a missod workout horo and thoro. ll vour train-
ing schodulo is not managoa|lo, that`s a pro|lom in itsoll. Tho loar ol lost
litnoss is noarlv alwavs oxaggoratod. Rosoarch has shown that highlv
trainod athlotos who sharplv roduco thoir training lor a low davs or ovon
two wooks gonorallv como |ack without missing a stop.
Thoro is novor onough timo. And whon vou train lor triathlons, timo lor
othor things, including important rolationships, |ocomos ovon scarcor.
Bocauso it tonds to ontail a su|stantial timo commitmont, tho pursuit ol
triathlon olton causos triathlotos` lovod onos to lool nogloctod, a situa-
tion that inovita|lv loads to conllict and somotimos ovon to outright rup-
turo, in casos ol romantic partnorships. l`vo soon this happon sovoral
timos, and it`s no lun lor oithor partv.
As a marriod triathloto whoso wilo has zoro intorost in multisport, l
am lamiliar with this challongo mvsoll. But mv wilo and l havo doalt with
it prottv woll, l think, so l can ollor somo advico vou might |o a|lo to uso
in vour own oncountors with this classic situation. First, know that vou
havo a right to |o a triathloto. You mav |o marriod with sovoral kids and
a lull-timo jo|, |ut whilo thoso lacts might mako it dillicult lor vou to |o
a triathloto, thov do not mako it wrong. Evorv porson noods a ho||v,
somothing that`s just lor onosoll, to sav nothing ol tho nood lor oxorciso.
Your spouso and/or othor lovod onos nood to rospoct thoso rights and
noods. Ask this porson to kindlv vor|allv conlirm his or hor undorstand-
ing ol tho validitv ol vour choico to |o a triathloto.
But, ol courso, at tho samo timo, vou must rospoct vour lovod onos`
nood to spond timo with vou, which is also somothing vou nood. ll vou
lind voursoll giving up this timo all too oasilv, vou`ro oithor in a rolation-
ship vou should not |o in or vou`vo got vour prioritios scram|lod. ln
oithor caso, vou must |o lair, and vou must not mistroat anvono who
caros a|out vou. lt`s a |oautilul thing to havo pooplo in vour lilo who
want vour timo. Novor tako it lor grantod:
As with all rolationship conllicts, tho kovs to mastoring tho triathlon
timo strain issuo aro communication and compromiso. ll vour partnor
|ogins to show signs ol rosonting vour dovotion to triathlon, mako an
immodiato ollort to draw him or hor into an honost, straightlorward, and
solution-oriontod convorsation, or sorios ol convorsations, a|out tho
issuo. Tho strain can onlv worson il vou continuo to communicato a|out
it o|liquolv. Tho worst thing vou can do is ignoro or dismiss vour part-
nor`s loolings. Tho noxt worst thing is to rospond to indiroct communi-
cation in kind.
Rarolv, il ovor, is this kind ol situation rosolvod |v ono porson`s giv-
ing in complotolv. Somo lorm ol compromiso is almost alwavs roquirod.
Your insistonco on having tho lroodom to onjov tho triathlon lilostvlo is
lair, whilo vour mato`s looling ol nogloct is not unloundod. Compromis-
ing doos not moan vou havo to do onlv hall tho amount ol training
noodod to achiovo an optimal porlormanco. You might instoad continuo
to train just as much, |ut lind croativo wavs to includo vour lamilv in
somo ol vour workouts, lor oxamplo |v lotting vour kids run around a
soccor liold whilo vou circlo tho track that surrounds it. Anothor sort ol
compromiso that olton works is to ask lor and rocoivo pormission to go
ahoad and nogloct vour lamilv (to a dogroo) lor a dosignatod poriod ol
timo whilo vou train lor tho raco ol vour lilo, altor comploting which vou
lullv roimmorso voursoll in lamilv lilo lorovormoro. Bo croativo in vour
compromisos. lt`s worth tho ollort.

Evorv triathloto sullors tho occasional poriod ol |urnout, or low motiva-

tion. Somotimos it lasts just a dav or two, othor timos it is moro pro-
tractod. Somotimos it`s just a mild looling ol stalonoss or rostivonoss,
othor timos a comploto loss ol dosiro to continuo in tho sport, ovon an
avorsion lor it. Alwavs thoro is a wav to handlo tho particular lorm ol
|urnout vou`ro oxporioncing that will mako things turn out lor tho |ost.
Thoro aro throo |asic wavs to doal with looling unmotivatod lor a par-
ticular workout. Tho lirst is just to suck it up and do tho workout, know-
ing that vou romain highlv motivatod toward tho sport in gonoral |ut aro
just having ono ol thoso davs. Olton, lorcing voursoll to work out whon
vou don`t lool liko it providos a nico moralo |oost |v domonstrating vour
disciplino and willpowor. A socond wav ol doaling with a lapso ol moti-
vation is to lot voursoll oll tho hook and cancol tho workout, guilt-lroo.
This is gonorallv tho |ottor solution whon |oth vour mind and vour |odv
could uso tho rost. A third tvpo ol solution ontails tricking voursoll into
groator motivation |v changing somothing a|out tho plannod workout.
lnstoad ol doing it alono, vou can do it with a partnor or group: instoad
ol going hard, vou can go oasv: instoad ol riding on tho road, vou can
pull out vour mountain |iko and rido oll-road: whatovor. You can ovon
trv |uving voursoll somothing now to uso in or woar lor tho workout.
Vhon a poriod ol |urnout lasts longor than a dav or two and dospito

vour uso ol such tricks, vou nood to soarch vour hoart and mind lor tho
causo. Nino timos in l0, to lind an oxplanation lor vour |urnout is to lind
a solution lor it. ln mv oxporionco, tho moro tonacious opisodos ol
|urnout aro causod |v a loss ol onthusiasm lor tho goal l`m currontlv
chasing, or |v tho lack ol an oxciting goal. Voro than onco, l`vo put an
instantanoous ond to a rathor sovoro loss ol motivation |v coming up
with a now goal. Vhon vou got tho training |lahs, lot vour imagination
droam up various idoas lor now challongos and soo il ono doosn`t light
vour liro.
Othor potontial causos ol lasting |urnout aro stross in othor aroas ol
lilo and ovortraining. ln oithor caso, vou pro|a|lv nood to tako a littlo
timo oll lrom sorious training. This can |o psvchologicallv dillicult. You
loar tho loss ol litnoss: vou worrv that vou mav novor got tho liro |ack.
Such loolings aro natural onough, |ut tho roalitv is that vou cannot con-
tinuo to train hard without tho will to do so. Romom|or, triathlon is
Rarolv doos a triathloto`s training cvclo go totallv according to plan. Evon
tho winnors ol tho major triathlon championships oach voar win dospito
having sullorod somo kind ol sot|ack-an illnoss, an injurv, a lamilv
omorgoncv -along tho wav. Indorstanding and accopting this roalitv,
ovon oxpocting sot|acks, will alono tako vou a long wav toward doaling
with oach individual sot|ack vou oncountor with minimal anguish.
Anothor olloctivo tool lor minimizing tho stross associatod with train-
ing sot|acks is to lix tho pro|loms. This advico mav sound stupidlv o|vi-
ous, |ut actuallv it is quito common lor sot|acks to |riollv, or ovon not
so |riollv, paralvzo athlotos with lrustration, so that not onlv doos tho sit-
uation causo moro omotional tormont than it noods to, |ut tho pro|lom
itsoll |ocomos worso and lasts longor than it must. Nouropsvchologists
havo loarnod that taking action- rosponsivo action-in a crisis altors
|rain chomistrv in such a wav as to losson loolings ol stross, anxiotv, and
doprossion. But not ovorv porson is oquallv quick to tako action in a cri-
sis. ll vou`ro inclinod toward paralvsis whon calamitv strikos, tako noto ol
this lact, and noxt timo, do somothing:

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no ol mv training partnors, wo`ll call him Tim, is a vorv

talontod triathloto who oats lour or livo last lood ham|urgors a wook, and
his othor moals aron`t much |ottor. Ho maintains this diot simplv |ocauso
ho likos junk lood |ost and liguros that with all tho oxorciso ho gots, it
makos no dilloronco what ho swallows. l`ll grant that it doosn`t mako a -
dilloronco, |ut l`m convincod that Tim`s alroadv oxcollont porlormancos
in triathlon would |o su|stantiallv |ottor il ho ato proporlv.
Triathlon is not an oxcuso to oat whatovor vou want. On tho contrarv,
givon tho domands wo placo upon our |odios in dailv training and our
dosiro to porlorm to tho |ost ol our potontial in tho occasional raco, wo
triathlotos havo ovon moro roason to oat proporlv than nonathlotos. Yos,
oxorciso doos to a dogroo countor tho hoalth impact ol various nutri-
tional oxcossos such as cholostorol consumption, |ut this doosn`t moan
oxcossivo cholostorol doos triathlotos anv good. lt just doos slightlv loss
and/or dilloront harm than it doos nonathlotos.
This is not to sav that a hoalthv diot lor a triathloto is idontical to a
hoalthv diot lor a nonathloto. Duo to our high activitv lovol, wo triathlotos
havo spocial nutritional noods, which includo groator intako ol antioxi-
dants, car|ohvdrato, iron, and wator than loss activo pooplo nood. Thoro
aro also tho mattors ol nutrition |oloro, during, and altor workouts and
racos, roprosonting a spocial aroa ol concorn lor our kind.
Bv maintaining appropriato nutrition ha|its vou will havo |ottor
workouts, rocovor lastor, |uild litnoss lastor, sloop |ottor, lool |ottor, and
raco moro succosslullv than vou will il vou do not oat right. Tho o|joc-



tivo ol this chaptor is to toll vou all vou nood to know in ordor to onjov
thoso worthv |onolits ol smart triathlon nutrition.

As wo all know, nutrition is complox. Howovor, il vour goal is simplv to
know how |ost to luol vour triathlon lilostvlo, and not nocossarilv to
know tho wholo whv |ohind tho how, things aro not so complox. ln lact,
l can roduco ovorvthing vou nood to know a|out dailv nutrition lor
onduranco porlormanco to livo |asic guidolinos: oat wholo loods, oat a
|alanco ol loods, roplaco what vou |urn, oat lor consistont onorgv, and
stav woll hvdratod. Iot`s look at oach ol thoso guidolinos.
Practicallv spoaking, wholo loods aro loods that havo not |oon modiliod
lrom thoir natural stato, or havo |oon modiliod onlv a littlo |it, lor oxam-
plo through cooking. Foods that |oon signilicantlv modiliod aro
classiliod as procossod loods. For oxamplo, chorrios aro a wholo lood.
Chorrv soda is procossod.
Not all lorms ol procossing aro |ad. Pastourization, lor oxamplo, is a
wav ol procossing cortain loods that makos thom salor to oat. But most
lorms ol procossing that vou cannot do with standard kitchon supplios
at homo mako loods su|stantiallv loss nutritious, and somotimos down-
right unhoalthv. Spocilicallv, procossing loods tonds to romovo vital nutri-
onts that our |odios nood and introduco now su|stancos that do not
oxist in naturo and lroquontlv act as toxins insido us.
Among tho most commonlv procossod loods in tho Amorican diot
aro tho grains wo oat in |akod goods and in tho lorms ol various sugars.
Grains aro procossod in ordor to spood up tho manulacturo ol |akod
loods and to mako thom longor lasting and moro appoaling in tasto and
toxturo (to somo palatos). Howovor, whon grains aro put through tho
procoss ol rolinomont, thov aro strippod ol thoir outor |ran, which has
all tho nutrionts, and thov aro strippod ol thoir innor gorm, which has all
tho li|or, so all that`s lolt is tho starchv ondosporm, which is rich in car-
|ohvdrato |ut not much olso.
Tho vitamin onrichmont that is olton dono to mako up lor such tam-
poring scarcolv ovon |ogins to rovorso tho damago, largolv |ocauso it
cannot roplaco lost phvtonutrionts, which oxist onlv in wholo plant loods
and aro |oliovod to promoto hoalth in manv (mostlv unknown) wavs.
Thoro`s a growing amount ol ovidonco to suggost that it`s not so much
anv ono nutriont |ut tho particular |alanco ol manv nutrionts in wholo
loods that makos thom good lor us. That`s not somothing wo can ro-croato
in tho la|oratorv.
Procossod oils aro also widolv usod and aro ovon loss hoalthv. Extra-
virgin olivo oil is currontlv tho onlv unrolinod |ottlod oil sold on tho
mass markot. All othor |ottlod oils aro procossod in wavs that romovo
important nutrionts (including locithin and chlorophvll) and damago a
small lraction ol tho oil moloculos, making thom potontiallv toxic. Oils
usod in manv packagod |akod goods and snack loods and in rostaurant
lrving aro put through anothor procoss callod hvdrogonation. This
procoss turns hoalthv, unsaturatod lats into saturatod and trans lats,
which havo |oon linkod to hoart attack, dia|otos, stroko, anourvsm,
woakonod immuno svstom, livor dvslunction, roproductivo pro|loms,
lowor lQ, prostato cancor, and |roast cancor.
Dozons moro lood tvpos contain unnatural ingrodionts as woll. Vanv
ol thoso, such as tho sodium-|asod prosorvativos usod in a wido variotv
ol products, also havo known hoalth consoquoncos (o.g., hvportonsion).
Othors mav or mav not |o harmlul-thov just havon`t |oon studiod. But
it`s salo to assumo that anv ingrodiont vou oat that doosn`t oxist in
naturo, including colorings, llavorings, prosorvativos, and othor additivos
will do vou no good. At tho vorv |ost, procossod ingrodionts limit vour
hoalth simplv |v taking tho placo ol wholo lood ingrodionts vour |odv
knows what to do with. For oxamplo, a porson who drinks soda instoad
ol lruit juico or milk is likolv to got signilicantlv loss nutrition oach dav
than a porson who avoids soda.
Tho nutriont donsitv ol wholo loods makos thom prolora|lo lor ath-
lotos, too. Tho domands ol hard onduranco training tond to doploto tho
|odv ol a wido rango ol nutrionts and croato a groator nood lor othor
nutrionts such as antioxidants (moro on this in a momont). lt is impor-
tant thoroloro that, as a triathloto, vou maximizo tho amount ol usolul
nutrition vou rocoivo with oach lood calorio consumod, and tho |ost wav
to accomplish this is |v maintaining a diot rich in wholo loods.
Don`t think a|out avoiding procossod loods so much as prioritizing
wholo loods. Donial is shakv ground lor a |ottor diot. Start |v gotting
most ol vour calorios oach dav lrom loods that aro cloarlv wholo in
naturo, such as lrosh lruits and vogota|los, lish, and nuts. Iso onlv oxtra-
virgin olivo oil lor cooking and limit vour consumption ol rolinod sugars
and loods containing onrichod` llour, partiallv hvdrogonatod vogota|lo
oil,` and vogota|lo shortoning.` Vhon vou`ro in dou|t a|out a lood`s
rolativo wholonoss, comparo tho list ol ingrodionts to a rocipo lor tho
samo lood. Thov should match.


And il vou roallv want to got sorious a|out wholo loods, start paving
attontion to tho lood -. Vhon a chickon livos in tho wild, it
oats livo loods that it choosos. Vhon it livos in a chickon lactorv, it is lod
procossod lood that has |oon mado with sholl lilo in mind. Sinco tho
chickon is mado out ol lood, and tho oggs that it lavs aro mado out ol
lood, tho qualitv ol tho lood that it has |oon lod is rolloctod in its moat
and in its oggs. Tho samo pattorn holds lor pigs, cattlo, and ovon things
liko larmod salmon. Sinco it`s hard to como |v moat lrom animals raisod
on all-natural loods, l rocommond using ocoan soalood as a primarv pro-
toin sourco.
Tho ono important oxcoption to tho wholo loods rulo lor triathlotos
is tho caso ol oxorciso nutrition. During oxorciso, man-mado orgogonic
(onorgv-producing) supplomonts aro prolora|lo to anv kind ol roal lood.
l`m talking a|out sports drinks, gols, and to a lossor oxtont, onorgv |ars.
Thoso supplomonts-tho good onos, anvwav-havo |oon dosignod to
provido oxactlv what vour |odv noods during stronuous phvsical activitv
(mainlv wator, oloctrolvtos, and car|ohvdrato) and nothing moro that
could hindor tho dolivorv ol thoso things to vour musclos. l`ll havo moro
to sav a|out nutrition during oxorciso in a lator soction ol this chaptor.
Vhat a|out othor supplomonts? Taking a dailv multivitamin as insur-
anco, not as a roal-lood su|stituto, is a sonsi|lo practico, ospociallv il vou
havo known vitamin or minoral dolicioncios. As lor tho various sports sup-
plomonts that aro widolv usod, nono has provon itsoll to tho dogroo that
its uso should |o oncouragod. Vanv runnors and triathlotos tako glu-
cosamino and chondroitin sullato supplomonts to strongthon tho cartilago,
|ut tho |ost ovidonco indicatos that thoso runnors and triathlotos aro wast-
ing thoir monov. Somo triathlotos tako croatino monohvdrato to gain mus-
clo strongth, |ut such strongth gains, ovon whon thov do occur, do not
translato into improvod onduranco porlormanco. ln short, whilo l won`t
rulo out tho possi|ilitv ol somo must-havo supplomont lor onduranco ath-
lotos arising in tho luturo, it is cloar that nono is known todav.
No singlo lood providos ovorv nutriont wo nood. ln lact, no singlo lood ovon
comos closo. For this roason, it is important that wo consistontlv oat a vari-
otv ol loods in our diot. Vaking good uso ol this advico roquiros that vou
havo a gonoral undorstanding ol tho |asic lood catogorios. lt makos tho most
sonso to catogorizo loods |v tho tvpos ol nutrionts thov provido. Ordorod
lrom what wo nood in tho groatost amount to what wo nood in tho loast
amount, thoso catogorios aro: grains: lruits and vogota|los: nuts, soods, and
plant oils: and animal loods. Horo`s what oach catogorv providos:

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Tho most important tvpo ol nutriont providod in grains such as |rown
rico, wholo whoat, and wholo oats is tho macronutriont car|ohvdrato.
Grains-and thov should virtuallv alwavs |o wholo grains-aro rich in car-
|ohvdrato, which should account lor a|out 60 porcont ol tho calorios in a
triathloto`s diot. For this roason, l rocommond that vou oat a wholo grain
lood at virtuallv ovorv moal, including snacks. Vholo grains aro also high in
li|or, which holps tho procossing and olimination ol wasto: vitamins such as
(thiamino) and B
(ri|ollavin), which assist car|ohvdrato, lat, and pro-
toin mota|olism: and minorals such as magnosium, which assist onzvmo
activation, norvo and musclo lunction, and calcium and potassium |alanco.
- -
As a gonoral catogorv, lruits and vogota|los provido ovorv kind ol vita-
min and minoral our |odios nood, as woll as countloss usolul phvtonu-
trionts, somo known, most still unknown. But ol courso not all lruits and
vogota|los aro tho samo. Each providos a lot ol somo nutrionts and not a
lot ol othors. And so vour |alancod diot must also contain a |alanco ol
dilloront lruits and vogota|los. Scarling livo |ananas a dav won`t cut it.
Vako suro to includo citrus lruits, known lor thoir vitamin C contont:
groon loalv vogota|los, which ollor, among othor things, tho iron that is
ossontial to lorming tho oxvgon transportors homoglo|in in tho |lood and
mvoglo|in in tho musclos: and logumos, such as various tvpos ol |oans,
which aro loadod with li|or and lolato, usod in protoin mota|olism, coll
division, and rod |lood coll lormation. You should oat lruits and vogota|los
livo timos a dav, at loast, which mav sound onorous, |ut koop in mind that
such things as a glass ol l00 porcont lruit juico and a handlul ol driod lruit
count as lull sorvings. A nico |ig salad can oasilv account lor two sorvings.
- - -
This lood catogorv is |asicallv shorthand lor sourcos ol hoalthv vog-
ota|lo lats. Our |odios nood lat lor tho lormation ol coll mom|ranos and
hormonos, lor |rain and norvous svstom lunction, and lor onorgv. Good
sourcos ol hoalthv vogota|lo lats includo all kinds ol soods and nuts, tho
oils dorivod lrom thom, olivos and olivo oil, sov|oans, avocados, and
corn. Bo suro to oat a low hoalthv lat loods ovorv dav.
Human |oings don`t nood animal loods at all, and as vou know, in
our sociotv manv pooplo do chooso to oschow thom lor roasons ranging
lrom hoalth to politics. Cortain animal loods should |o avoidod or mostlv
avoidod |v ovorvono. Howovor, manv animal loods aro quito hoalthlul
lor most pooplo, and it`s a littlo oasior to maintain a |alancod diot |v oat-
ing cortain animal loods than it is as a vogotarian.
Voats, lish, oggs, and dairv loods aro all oxcollont sourcos ol protoin,
tho main structural ingrodiont ol all colls and onzvmos. Protoin should
account lor a|out l5 porcont ol tho calorios in a triathloto`s diot. ln addi-
tion, various particular tvpos ol animal loods aro good sourcos ol a vari-
otv ol othor nutrionts. For oxamplo, |ool is high in tho minorals iron and
zinc, dairv loods aro high in tho minoral calcium, and cortain kinds ol lish
aro high in ossontial lattv acids.
ll vour cholostorol ratio is loss than idoal, vou mav wish to avoid ani-
mal loods containing a lot ol saturatod lat (including wholo milk dairv
loods and manv cuts ol |ool, pork, and lam|), which incroasos |ad`
cholostorol production. And wo should all trv to avoid animal loods
loadod with hormonos, anti|iotics, and God knows what olso thov uso in
animal lood lactorios thoso davs (o.g., supormarkot chickon and oggs).
Tho |ost animal loods aro doop-soa lish, organic dairv loods, and lroo-
rango and wild gamo moats. Two such loods a dav aro plontv lor omni-
voros who got onough wholo grains, logumos, and nuts, soods, and oils.

lt is normal lor |oginning triathlotos to loso woight as a rosult ol |urning
calorios during workouts and incroasing thoir rosting mota|olism. ln a
low casos, vorv skinnv |oginning triathlotos mav initiallv gain woight in
tho lorm ol loan musclo tissuo. ln all othor casos, triathlotos should con-
sumo tho samo num|or ol calorios thov |urn and maintain a lairlv con-
sistont |odv woight.
Thoro aro two wavs to mako suro vou aro in lact maintaining this |al-
anco. Tho simplost is to monitor vour woight |v stopping onto tho scalo
onco a wook or so. ll vou lind vou`ro gaining moro than a littlo woight,
or gaining it graduallv |ut stoadilv, vou`ro consuming too manv calorios:
il vou`ro losing woight, vou`ro consuming too low calorios. Tho socond
option is to count tho num|or ol calorios vou consumo on a dailv |asis
and ostimato tho num|or ol calorios vou |urn. Vo| sitos such as provido tools that allow vou to do this lairlv oasilv. l wouldn`t
|othor with this moro involvod moasuro, though, unloss vou lind that
vou aro gaining or losing woight and vou want to liguro out whv. ln this
caso, vou`ll nood to liguro out not just vour total dailv caloric consump-
tion |ut also vour consumption |v macronutriont, as thoso num|ors will
givo vou inlormation a|out which loods vou nood moro or loss ol. As a


triathloto, vou should maintain a diot comprisod ol approximatolv 60

porcont car|ohvdrato, 25 porcont lat, and l5 porcont protoin.
Naturallv, tho primarv dotorminant ol how manv calorios vou nood at
anv givon timo is vour training volumo. Tho moro vou train, tho moro
calorios vou |urn and nood to roplaco. Thoroloro, oxpoct vour caloric
and car|ohvdrato noods to lluctuato ovor tho courso ol a training cvclo,
and act accordinglv. Gonorallv, whon vou aro incroasing vour training
load, vou can rolv on vour appotito to motivato additional consumption,
|ut somotimos whon vou docroaso vour training load (as during taporing
or tho oll-soason), vour appotito might not immodiatolv lollow suit, in
which caso vou`ll nood to consciouslv roduco intako.
lt is |ottor to havo a rolativolv stoadv supplv ol onorgv throughout tho
dav than to oxporionco onorgv poaks and vallovs. Tho poaks aron`t so
|ad, actuallv, |ut tho vallovs aro, and tho lattor tond to lollow tho lormor.
Crashing is disruptivo onough lor nonathlotos, |ut lor triathlotos it`s an
outright nuisanco |ocauso wo nood to count on having adoquato onorgv
lor solid workouts onco and olton twico a dav.
Tho two practicos vou can rolv on to givo vou consistont onorgv
throughout tho dav aro oating lroquontlv and gotting tho majoritv ol vour
car|ohvdrato calorios lrom what aro callod low-glvcomic car|ohvdratos.
Tho onorgv crashos wo tond to oxporionco in cortain parts ol tho dav
(lato morning and mid-altornoon aro tho most common timos) aro usu-
allv causod |v low |lood glucoso lovols. Tho longor it`s |oon sinco vou
last consumod car|ohvdrato, tho lowor vour |lood glucoso lovol is likolv
to |o. Cloarlv, thon, oating lroquontlv (and in particular, oating car|ohv-
drato lroquontlv) is a wav to provont crash-lovol drops in |lood glucoso
lrom occurring. Enduranco sports nutrition oxports gonorallv rocom-
mond oating livo to six timos a dav: |roaklast, mid-morning snack, lunch,
mid-altornoon snack, dinnor, and lor thoso who nood it, an ovoning
snack. Each ol thoso moals should includo car|ohvdrato.
Somo car|ohvdratos provido moro lasting onorgv than othors. Thoso
that provido moro lasting onorgv aro known as low-glvcomic car|ohv-
dratos. Thoso car|ohvdratos aro digostod moro slowlv than thoir high-
glvcomic countorparts. Howovor, |oar in mind that somo loods that
contain low-glvcomic car|ohvdratos havo so littlo car|ohvdrato in
thom that thov`ro no |ottor as a lasting onorgv sourco than manv loods
containing onlv simplo sugars. Poanuts aro a good oxamplo ol such a
lood-thov`ro quito good lor vou, |ut not as an onorgv sourco. Examplos
ol loods that aro low-glvcomic rich in total car|ohvdrato aro wholo
grain loods, somo lruits including poars and applos, manv kinds ol
|oans, and a variotv ol |roaklast coroals.
Thoro`s also a wav to olloctivolv turn high-glvcomic car|ohvdrato
loods into low-glvcomic loods: namolv, |v oating thom with protoin or
lat, or |oth. Tho prosonco ol protoin and lat tonds to slow tho dolivorv
ol car|ohvdrato into tho |loodstroam. For oxamplo, whito rico is a rola-
tivolv last-|urning car|ohvdrato-rich lood, |ut whon com|inod with
|oans and/or lish or moat, it providos moro lasting onorgv.

l won`t toach vou anvthing now |v tolling vou that adoquato wator intako
is critical lor good hoalth. Vo all know that wator is an ossontial nutriont
lor maintaining |lood volumo, lu|ricating colls, ridding tho |odv ol
mota|olic wastos, and so lorth. And vot, according to a sourco as knowl-
odgoa|lo as longtimo Hawaii lronman modical diroctor Bo| Iaird, V.D.,
a groat manv triathlotos aro chronicallv dohvdratod. This is |ocauso
triathlotos roallv havo to drink ol wator ovorv dav to mako up lor all
tho wator thov loso through porspiration in thoir workouts. Vorolv mak-
ing an ollort to stav lullv hvdratod won`t sullico. lt must |o an ingrainod
So, just how much wator do vou nood? This doponds on lactors that
includo vour woight, tho woathor, othor diotarv considorations such as
calloino intako (which incroasos wator noods), and, ol courso, vour train-
ing volumo. Tho porson roquiros roughlv ono ounco ol wator
por kilogram (2.2 pounds) ol |odv woight on a dailv |asis. Athlotos gon-
orallv nood a littlo moro. Anothor guidolino is to simplv drink as much
wator as vou can tolorato without looling |loatod and sloshv. l sip lrom a
wator |ottlo litorallv all dav long and l`vo novor lolt anv indication that l
mav |o drinking too much.
Evorv porson roquiros tho samo |asic sot ol nutrionts lor lilo, hoalth, and
litnoss. Howovor, individual porsons nood dilloront amounts ol thoso
nutrionts. Each human |oing is mota|olicallv uniquo, and consoquontlv
oach ol us must lino-tuno our diots within tho univorsal paramotors ol
human noods in ordor to lind our porsonal, optimal diot-which itsoll
will nood to ovolvo as wo oursolvos chango. O|vious oxamplos ol tho
nood to lino-tuno aro casos ol lood allorgios and intolorancos such as
thoso that manv pooplo in our sociotv havo to lactoso and whoat gluton.


But most oxamplos aro su|tlor, liko tho manv gradations in vitamin and
minoral roquiromonts that dilloront individuals havo.
Triathlotos havo a socond sot ol individual nutritional noods |ovond
ovorvdav nutrition-namolv, workout and raco nutrition. For oxamplo,
individual triathlotos loso oloctrolvtos at dilloront ratos during oxorciso,
and thoso who loso moro somotimos havo to supplomont thoir sports
drink intako with salt ta|lots during long, hot racos. Somo triathlotos
oxporionco |owol trou|los during racing unloss thov aro vorv carolul
a|out what thov oat |olorohand. Somo triathlotos aro a|lo to ingost moro
car|ohvdrato during oxorciso than othors. And so lorth.
How do vou dotormino vour individual noods? For ovorvdav nutri-
tion, thoro aro two mothods that work woll. Tho lirst is to havo doctors
tost vou lor lood allorgios and intolorancos and lor vitamin and minoral
dolicioncios. Sinco particular dolicioncios (o.g., iron) aro common among
onduranco athlotos, this is somothing vour doctor should roadilv do lor
vou. A loss prociso |ut lar moro comprohonsivo wav to dotormino vour
individual nutritional noods is through ovaluativo diotarv rocord kooping.
Tho gonoral idoa horo is to rocord whon, what, and how much vou oat
and drink and how thoso things alloct vour su|soquont lunctioning and
workouts. ll vou koop this ha|it up long onough, vou can isolato pat-
torns, lor |ottor or worso, tost thom, and thon mako pormanont anv
changos that soom to holp. Ta|lo l0.l suggosts a lormat lor ovaluativo
diotarv rocord kooping.
Ol courso, in ordor lor tho diotarv rocord stratogv to pav dividonds,
vou nood to liddlo with vour oating pattorns. Evon il vou lool good most
ol tho timo and havo conlidonco in vour diot alroadv, thoro is liddling vou
can do. Tho lirst modilications vou should trv aro thoso that would soom
to corroct o|vious pro|loms in vour diot. For oxamplo, il vou`ro not oat-
ing |roaklast, vou can trv oating |roaklast. ll vou oat a lot ol rolinod
sugar, vou can trv roducing vour rolinod sugar intako. Onco vou`vo takon
caro ol tho gross doviations lrom nutritional good sonso, vou can |ogin
to tost hunchos and rocommondations vou tako lrom trustod nutrition
authoritios. For oxamplo, porhaps vou`vo long suspoctod that vour |odv
has trou|lo procossing dairv loods, vot vou`vo continuod to oat thom
|ocauso vou liko thom and vou`vo |oon a|lo to livo with tho svmptoms
(so lar). ln this caso, soo how vou lool without dairv in vour diot lor a
couplo ol wooks (|ut ol courso mako suro to tako in componsating
sourcos ol vitamin D and calcium).
ln ordor to dotormino vour during-oxorciso nutritional noods, start
|v lollowing tho gonoral rocommondations providod in tho noxt soction.
Evaluato how thoso roluoling pattorns work lor vou |v taking noto ol var-
ious ollocts. Pro|loms to watch out lor aro |onking (running out ol
onorgv lato in a workout or raco), ovorhoating, nausoa, |loating, cramp-
ing, and |owol situations. A tondoncv to |onk (il not duo to unwiso pac-
ing) indicatos a nood to consumo moro car|ohvdrato: a tondoncv to
ovorhoat indicatos a nood lor moro wator and/or oloctrolvto intako: nau-
soa and |loating aro gonorallv causod |v consuming too manv calorios or
too much lluid at onco, or |v oating too soon or too much |oloro oxor-
ciso: and cramping can also |o causod |v oating too much or too soon
|oloro oxorciso and |v doplotion ol tho oloctrolvto potassium.
Somo nutritional noods aro noithor univorsal nor individual |ut aro,
rathor, particular to onduranco athlotos as a group. Tho high lovol ol car-
|ohvdrato intako montionod a|ovo is tho most colo|ratod ono. Fowor
triathlotos aro awaro that onduranco athlotos also nood moro protoin
than nonathlotos duo to tho musclo protoin |roakdown that occurs dailv
in workouts. Sodontarv adults roquiro a|out 0.5 gram por pound ol |odv
woight ol protoin dailv, whoroas triathlotos roquiro |otwoon 0. and l.0
gram por pound ol |odv woight, doponding on training volumo. Bovond
thoso macronutrionts, dolicioncios in tho minorals iron and zinc aro com-
mon among onduranco athlotos, and ospociallv lomalo onduranco ath-
lotos. A dolicioncv in iron particularlv can havo a dovastating olloct on
litnoss. As a triathloto, vou should oat plontv ol iron- and zinc-rich loods
such as |oans and wholo grains, and tako a dailv multivitamin with iron
and zinc as insuranco.
Enduranco athlotos also nood moro antioxidant vitamins and minorals

- -
-- -


than tho avorago porson. Vhilo noarlv ovorv phvsical adaptation associ-
atod with intonsivo onduranco training is hoalthv, ono nota|lo oxcoption
is tho oxidativo stross incurrod |v athlotos` tissuos through oxorciso. Oxv-
gon is a potont lroo radical. Tho hoavv oxvgon domand associatod with
onduranco oxorciso causos accoloratod damago to hoalthv colls in tho |odv.
Ovor timo, it is |oliovod, such damago can load to cortain dogonorativo
disoasos and spood tho aging procoss. \itamins A, C, and E and tho min-
oral solonium aro known to roduco oxidativo stross. Again, in addition to
consuming loods rich in thoso nutrionts, vou should tako a dailv multivi-
tamin that contains thom.
Pro-oxorciso nutrition is a mattor ol |alanco. On tho ono hand, vou want
to tako in sulliciont onorgv closo onough to vour workout or raco to
proporlv luol tho onsuing porlormanco. On tho othor hand, vou want to
avoid tho cramping, nausoa, and roducod |lood llow to working musclos
that tond to rosult whon vou tako in too much lood too closo to vour
workout or raco.
Tho lirst rulo lor achioving this |alanco is to koop vour |odv woll
luolod lor oxorciso gonorallv |v consuming lots ol car|ohvdrato and
plontv ol wator on a dailv |asis. Thoro aro world-class onduranco athlotos
who got a norvous stomach and cannot oat a |roaklast |oloro compot-
ing, |ut who oxcol anvwav |ocauso thov koop thoir |odios lullv stockod
with car|ohvdrato luol and wator through tho ha|its thov maintain
|oloro raco dav. You can lurthor roduco tho nood to cram in calorios on
raco morning |v practicing car|ohvdrato loading in tho throo or lour
davs procoding a triathlon. Iot mo sav a low words a|out this practico
|oloro l roturn to tho topic ol guidolinos lor oating in tho hours |oloro
workouts and racos.
Enduranco athlotos havo |oon practicing pro-raco car|ohvdrato load-
ing lor moro than 25 voars. Evon so, it is olton dono incorroctlv. Somo ol
us oat a hoaping |owl ol pasta tho night |oloro a raco and call this car|o
loading. (lt`s not.) Othors continuo to practico l90s-stvlo car|o loading,
in which tho actual loading phaso is procodod |v an unploasant, poton-
tiallv hazardous, and not altogothor nocossarv car|ohvdrato doplotion
phaso. And still othors aro simplv vaguo on tho dotails: how long tho
loading poriod should last, how much car|ohvdrato thov should oat, and
so lorth. Horo`s tho straight dopo on car|o loading.
Tho rationalo |ohind tho practico ol pro-raco car|ohvdrato loading is
simplo. ln long onduranco ovonts, glucoso (a product ol car|ohvdrato
|roakdown) is tho primarv luol usod lor tho ropotitivo musclo contrac-
tions that propol tho |odv lorward. This luol is o|tainod lrom tho |lood
and lrom a su|stanco vorv similar to glucoso callod glvcogon that is
storod in skolotal musclo and in tho livor. Tho moro |lood glucoso and
musclo and livor glvcogon vour |odv can mako availa|lo lor onorgv dur-
ing racos, tho longor vou will |o a|lo to dolav latiguo. Tho wav to maxi-
mizo |lood glucoso is to tako in car|ohvdratos |oloro tho raco, in tho
lorm ol a sonsi|lo pro-raco moal, and during oxorciso, in tho lorm ol
sports drinks, gols, and possi|lv onorgv |ars or othor snacks.
Thoro aro throo wavs to maximizo musclo and livor glvcogon storago.
Tho lirst is to train. lmprovomont in tho musclos` capacitv to storo mus-
clo glvcogon is ono ol tho primarv ollocts ol onduranco training. Tho soc-
ond wav is to tapor. lndividual workouts doploto glvcogon supplios. Bv
groatlv roducing vour training volumo in tho davs |oloro a raco, vour
glvcogon supplios will naturallv top oll. A third wav is to incroaso car|o-
hvdrato consumption in tho low davs |oloro a long raco. Vanv studios
havo shown that throo davs ol supranormal car|ohvdrato intako olloc-
tivolv incroaso |oth musclo glvcogon storago and porlormanco in ovonts
lasting 90 minutos or moro.
Vanv dilloront car|o loading protocols havo |oon triod and tostod.
Tho primarv varia|los involvod aro tho longth ol tho loading poriod, tho
|asolino lovol ol car|ohvdrato consumption procoding it, tho amount |v
which car|ohvdrato consumption incroasos during loading, total calorios
consumod, and whothor tho loading poriod is procodod |v a poriod ol
car|ohvdrato doplotion. This last lactor has |oon tho sourco ol tho groat-
ost controvorsv. Tho original glvcogon doplotion protocol callod lor ath-
lotos to drasticallv roduco car|ohvdrato consumption (down to l0
porcont ol total calorios) lor tho lirst throo davs ol raco wook and por-
lorm intonsivo workouts on thoso davs to lurthor diminish storod glvco-
gon. Tho noxt throo davs callod lor massivo car|ohvdrato intako (as
much as 90 porcont ol total calorios) and vorv light workouts.
Tho rationalo lor tho doplotion phaso is that tho |odv naturallv tonds
to spongo up vital nutrionts that it is doprivod ol lor a poriod ol timo.
Studios havo shown that this protocol doos in lact load to su|stantiallv
incroasod glvcogon storago. Howovor, car|ohvdrato is indood a vital
nutriont, and doploting it can load to sovoro latiguo, irrita|ilitv, and ovon
sicknoss and injurv. ll vou`vo ovor dono it, vou know it`s not lun-ospo-
ciallv whon vou trv to work out intonsivolv with so littlo luol in tho tank.
Fortunatolv, othor studios havo shown that vou can incroaso glvco-
gon storago signilicantlv without lirst doploting it. A nowor car|o loading


protocol |asod on this rosoarch calls lor athlotos to oat a normal diot
(that is, normal lor an onduranco athloto) containing 60 porcont car|o-
hvdrato until throo davs |oloro racing, and thon switch ovor to a 0 por-
cont car|ohvdrato diot lor thoso linal throo davs, plus raco morning. ln
torms ol oxorciso, tho protocol suggosts ono last longor workout a wook
lrom raco dav lollowod |v incroasinglv shortor workouts throughout
raco wook. lt`s simplo, it`s nonoxcruciating, and it works. Admittodlv,
somo sciontists and athlotos still swoar that tho doplotion protocol is
moro olloctivo, |ut il it is, tho dilloronco is slight and pro|a|lv not worth
tho sulloring and inhoront risks.
Noto that vou should incroaso vour car|ohvdrato intako not |v
incroasing vour total caloric intako, |ut rathor |v roducing lat and pro-
toin intako in an amount that oquals or slightlv oxcoods tho amount ol
car|ohvdrato vou add. Com|ining loss training with moro calorios could
rosult in last-minuto woight gain that will onlv slow vou down. Bo awaro,
too, that lor ovorv gram ol car|ohvdrato tho |odv storos, it also storos
throo to livo grams ol wator, which loads manv athlotos to lool |loatod |v
tho ond ol a throo-dav loading poriod. Tho oxtra storod wator is not a |ad
thing, though, considoring that dohvdration is as |ig an issuo as glvco-
gon doplotion in long racos.
As lor liguring out how much car|ohvdrato vou`ro oating, it`s oasiost
to count grams. ln vour normal diot, oating six to sovon grams ol car|o-
hvdrato por kilogram (2.2 pounds) ol |odv woight will put vou in tho
right porcontago rango. During tho loading poriod, vou should consumo
l0 to ll grams ol car|ohvdrato por kilogram ol |odv woight. You can
dotormino how manv grams ol car|ohvdrato various loods contain |v
roading la|ols and |v consulting rosourcos such as
-. As alwavs, uso high-qualitv car|ohvdrato sourcos such as
wholo grains rathor than poor onos liko cookios.
Ono mav ask whv onduranco athlotos should not oat this loading vol-
umo ol car|ohvdrato all tho timo. Tho roason is that it crowds out tho
othor macronutrionts, protoin and lat, which vour |odv also noods. Iust
throo davs ol rolativolv roducod protoin and lat intako will do vou no
harm, |ut moro cortainlv would.
Evon il vou do practico car|o loading, it`s |ost il vou can oat somo
kind ol moal within ono to lour hours ol racing. Tho samo guidolino
holds lor workouts, lor which vou will novor car|o load. ll vour last moal
|oloro oxorciso lalls closo to lour hours out, it can |o, and indood
should, |o largor-up to l,000 calorios. ll it lalls ono hour out, it has to
|o lairlv small-300 to 400 calorios. ln oithor caso, tho moal should |o
high in car|ohvdrato, modorato to low in protoin, low in lat and li|or,
and dovoid ol gas-producing loods such as onions and |oans. Vithin
thoso paramotors, lind tho protocol that works |ost lor vou |v oxpori-
monting. Gonorallv, triathlotos can got awav with oating moro lood closor
to cvcling workouts than running workouts, whilo swim workouts tond
to lall in |otwoon.
Your pro-workout moals can |o a littlo loss porloct than vour pro-raco
moals, which should |o as porloct as vou can mako thom. Bocauso most
triathlons tako placo oarlv in tho morning, oating moro than two hours
|olorohand can |o impractical. Sloop is no loss important than luol. So,
dovoloping vour idoal pro-raco moal is a mattor ol liguring out what vou
can |ost tolorato two hours |oloro racing. Onco vou`vo lound this moal,
stick with it.
Tho purposo ol taking in nutrionts during workouts and racos is osson-
tiallv to roluol musclos. Tho |onolits ol roplonishing onorgv and lluid
during oxorciso (|o it training or racing) includo |ottor porlormanco,
dolav ol latiguo, and ovon roduction in musclo damago. Thoro aro two
compononts ol musclo luoling: lluid and onorgv. Iot`s lirst talk a|out tho
lluid componont.
As vou`vo |oon told a thousand timos, tho human |odv is mado ol
mostlv wator, and indood triathlotos aro ovon moro watorv than nonath-
lotos duo to our groator |lood volumo and loan tissuo composition (lat
is tho loast watorv tissuo in tho |odv). Vator is involvod in virtuallv ovorv
|odilv procoss, lrom lu|ricating tissuo colls to llushing wastos lrom tho
|odv. At rost, vou loso a littlo wator through |roathing and swoating and
su|stantiallv moro through urination. During oxorciso, howovor, tho rato
ol wator loss through swoating incroasos dramaticallv, as porspiration is
tho |odv`s main cooling mochanism in adults. Vorking musclos gonorato
hoat, which vour |lood whisks awav and carrios to capillarios noar tho
surlaco ol tho skin, whoro tho hoat-carrving wator contont ol tho |lood
is roloasod onto tho surlaco ol tho |odv. Coolod |lood thon continuos to
lt works prottv woll, |ut this cooling svstom has limitations. First, tho
longor it continuos, tho loss olloctivo it |ocomos, as tho wator contont ol
tho |lood continuallv docroasos. Tho dohvdration procoss rondors tho
|lood not onlv loss a|lo to conduct hoat, |ut also loss a|lo to do ovorv-
thing olso it`s supposod to do, liko carrv nutrionts to tissuo colls. ln addi-
tion, wator is not tho onlv vital nutriont lost in swoat: also lost aro tho


minorals sodium, chlorido, potassium, and magnosium, colloctivolv

known as oloctrolvtos |ocauso thov conduct tho |odv`s oloctrical signals.
As tho oloctrolvtos |ocomo doplotod, tho |odv |ocomos loss olliciont in
transmitting norvo and motor impulsos and maintaining propor lluid
As littlo as a 2 porcont loss ol |odv lluids, which can occur in as littlo
as an hour ol modoratolv intonso oxorciso, can havo a dotrimontal impact
on onduranco porlormanco. Honco, triathlotos should trv to lullv roplaco
tho wator and oloctrolvto lossos that occur during oxorciso. Howovor, it
is soldom possi|lo to achiovo this idoal ol comploto componsation, as
tho human |odv is simplv not dosignod lor rapid rohvdration. Vhon too
much lluid is consumod, |loating and nausoa can rosult. As a gonoral
rulo, thon, vou should consumo as much lluid as vou can tolorato during
workouts and compotitions. Fluid toloranco whilo |icvcling is alwavs
highor (moro than dou|lo) than lluid toloranco whilo running. Triath-
lotos can olton incroaso thoir toloranco lor lluid consumption during
oxorciso simplv |v practicing it consistontlv.
Dilloront pooplo loso lluids at dilloront ratos during oxorciso. You can
ostimato vour own standard rato ol swoat loss |v woighing voursoll
(prolora|lv on a scalo with pounds and ouncos) immodiatolv |oloro and
altor a tvpical workout and liguring in lluid consumod and urino
oxcrotod during tho workout. For oxamplo, supposo a givon athloto losos
l5 ouncos in a 60-minuto workout during which ho noithor drinks nor
urinatos. This athloto should trv to roplaco l5 ouncos ol lluid lor oach
hour ol oxorciso (|ut can oxpoct to |o a|lo to roplaco onlv 80 porcont ol
this amount-a|out l2 ouncos). Quantilving lluid loss in this wav can |o
quito ovo-oponing lor onduranco athlotos, |ut l nood to omphasizo that
rogardloss ol tho num|or vou como up with, vour procoduro should |o
tho samo: to tako in as much lluid as vou can tolorato in all workouts last-
ing an hour or moro. This is ospociallv truo in highor onvironmontal tom-
poraturos and highor oxorciso intonsitios, which incroaso tho rato ol lluid
loss. Noto that tho lullor tho stomach is, tho lastor it omptios, so it`s a
good idoa to drink immodiatolv |oloro workouts and to drink small
amounts lroquontlv during oxorciso to koop stomach volumo as high as
Alwavs uso a sports drink lor rohvdration during oxorciso. Vator is
not sulliciont, |ocauso drinking wator doos not roplaco oloctrolvto lossos
that occur through porspiration (nor doos it addross car|ohvdrato
doplotion, which l`ll addross momontarilv). Somo athlotos prolor wator
|ocauso thov lool it quonchos thoir thirst |ottor, |ut tho lact that sports
drinks aro loss olloctivo in quonching tho thirst sonsation roprosonts
anothor ono ol thoir advantagos-thoir sodium contont actuallv stimu-
latos thirst and motivatos vou to drink moro. Ratos ol oloctrolvto loss also
varv lrom ono athloto to tho noxt, |ut in gonoral it is oasior to lullv com-
ponsato lor oloctrolvto lossos during oxorciso than lor wator lossos. Vost
sports drinks aro lormulatod to provido oloctrolvtos and wator in tho
propor ratio to mako up lor tho ollocts ol porspiration. Failuro to tako in
sulliciont amounts ol oloctrolvtos during prolongod oxorciso can rosult in
a condition callod hvponatromia charactorizod |v dangoroulv low
sodium lovols in tho |lood.
As l`vo montionod, tho primarv luol sourcos lor modorato- to high-
intonsitv oxorciso aro glvcogon storod in tho musclos and livor and glu-
coso carriod to working musclos through tho |lood. Both glvcogon and
glucoso aro products ol car|ohvdrato |roakdown, and lor this roason
thov aro olton rolorrod to colloctivolv as car|ohvdrato luol.` Blood glu-
coso is availa|lo in moro limitod amounts than musclo and livor glvco-
gon, |ut it can |o roplonishod much moro rapidlv. lt takos manv hours to
roplonish glvcogon through car|ohvdrato consumption, whilo it takos
onlv a|out 20 minutos lor tho sugars consumod in a sports drink to pass
through tho stomach and |ocomo |rokon down into glucoso in tho
|loodstroam. This is whv consuming car|ohvdrato during oxorciso is
ossontial lor prolonging onduranco. Vhilo vou cannot consumo onough
car|ohvdrato to complotolv halt tho uso ol glvcogon lor onorgv, vou can
consumo onough to slow its doplotion signilicantlv.
Studios havo consistontlv shown that consuming tho propor car|o-
hvdrato sourcos (namolv simplo sugars and polvmors such as glucoso
and maltodoxtrin) in tho propor amounts can dolav latiguo in
onduranco athlotos. Tho groatost porlormanco |onolits rosult whon 60
to 80 grams ol car|ohvdrato aro consumod por hour ol intonso oxorciso.
ln most athlotos, tho gastrointostinal tract cannot a|sor| car|ohvdrato
at a rato oxcooding l.2 grams por minuto, and whon groator amounts aro
consumod, gastrointostinal distross olton occurs. Consuming lowor
than 60 grams ol car|ohvdrato por hour lails to tako advantago ol tho
glvcogon-sparing olloct that rosults whon |lood glucoso lovols aro max-
imizod during oxorciso. Sports drinks that aro lormulatod to tako caro ol
athlotos` lluid, oloctrolvto, and car|ohvdrato noods should contain 6 to
8 porcont car|ohvdrato to onsuro that car|ohvdrato is dolivorod at tho
appropriato rato.
Sports drinks aro idoal and sulliciont lor vour nutritional noods in
most training and racing situations. Carrv an adoquato supplv with vou,
or havo an adoquato supplv availa|lo, lor all workouts lasting longor than
45 minutos. You can achiovo similar rosults |v com|ining onorgv gols


such as ClilShot and GI with wator (|ut |o awaro that somo onorgv gols
do not contain oloctrolvtos): howovor, most athlotos lind tho sports
drinks moro convoniont. Com|ining onorgv gol uso with sports drink
consumption is gonorallv not a good idoa, as tho hoavv car|ohvdrato
load will slow down gastric omptving and dolivorv ol nutrionts to tho
A low sports drinks and gols contain antioxidants such as vitamins C
and E. Thoso nutrionts do not onhanco porlormanco, |ut thov do limit
tho amount ol lroo radical damago that musclo colls normallv incur dur-
ing workouts, and lor this roason l highlv rocommond that vou chooso
sports drinks and gols that contain thom. Somo ol tho nowor sports
drinks, such as Accolorado, also contain protoin. Rocont studios havo
shown that whon a small amount protoin is includod in a sports drink,
insulin lovols romain highor during oxorciso and as a rosult, car|ohvdrato
is dolivorod to tho musclos moro rapidlv. ln addition, tho addod protoin
mav docroaso musclo protoin |roakdown during oxorciso and accolorato
post-oxorciso protoin ro|uilding. Tho idoal amount ol protoin in a sports
drink is a|out 6 or grams por l2 ouncos.
ln long cvcling workouts and in tho cvcling log ol triathlons lasting
longor than throo hours, vou mav want to supplomont vour sports drink
with tho uso ol onorgv |ars or possi|lv ovon roal` lood. This is |ocauso
vou might actuallv got hungrv during long ridos and racos and will want
to lill somo spaco in vour rum|ling gut, or |ocauso vou might wish to
avoid or minimizo tho stomach sloshing that can happon whon vou con-
sumo onlv liquids lor hours on ond. Vhatovor vou chooso to oat should
contain mostlv car|ohvdrato and not too much protoin, lat, or li|or. l
don`t rocommond trving to oat solid lood whilo running unloss vou`vo
got a cast iron stomach.
Also, |oloro vorv long workouts and racos, vou mav wish to tako in
somo calloino. Thoro is a growing |odv ol ovidonco to suggost that it can
holp dolav latiguo ol tho contral norvous svstom, which gonorallv paral-
lols musclo latiguo. For that mattor, thoro is also rosoarch suggosting that
calloino can incroaso lat mota|olism during oxorciso, which is a highlv
dosira|lo olloct and could justilv tho consumption ol modost amounts-
a|out two milligrams por pound ol |odv woight-ol calloino |oloro racos
ol anv longth. Howovor, l nood to stross that wo still lack prool
that calloino can onhanco onduranco porlormanco. Furthor, somo indi-
viduals do not roact woll to calloino intako. So tho most l can rocom-
mond is that vou trv tho uso ol calloino |oloro ono or two lowor-prioritv
racos. Tako an appropriato doso ol calloino a|out ono hour |oloro racing
in tho lorm ol a pill such as No-Doz rathor than in a |ovorago such as col-
loo or soda. For whatovor roason, tho porlormanco-onhancing ollocts ol
calloino appoar to |o noutralizod whon tho stimulant is not takon in a
moro or loss puro lorm. Somo onorgv gols do contain calloino in an olloc-
tivo lorm, |ut usuallv not in sulliciont amounts.
You should go into oach raco with a prociso nutrition plan. You nood
to know what vou`ro going to drink, and possi|lv oat, and whon, and
how. Know whoro aid stations aro locatod and what thov ollor. Know how
vou`ro going to carrv tho nutrition vou will carrv on tho |iko and possi-
|lv on tho run. Ol courso, vour plan should |o inhorontlv lloxi|lo, so that
it is a|lo to moot vour noods rogardloss ol how vou lool during various
stagos ol tho raco, which is impossi|lo to prodict. But thoro`s a dilloronco
|otwoon having a lloxi|lo plan and winging it.
Tho |ost wavs to como up with tho right nutrition plan lor anv givon
raco aro through oxporionco in training and racing and through o|sorv-
ing what works lor othors. No triathloto nails his or hor nutrition tho lirst
timo. ln tho |oginning, vou nood to simplv lollow gonoral rocommonda-
tions. ln tho courso ol lollowing thoso guidolinos, trv to idontilv pro|-
loms and limitations associatod with vour nutrition stratogv and thon tost
likolv solutions in su|soquont training and racing. O|sorving othors`
mothods will givo vou an inlinito supplv ol now things to trv, lrom dil-
loront sports drink options to clovor wavs ol allixing gol packots to vour
|iko. Iust don`t trv tho sillv idoas.

Tho aroa ol post-oxorciso nutrition was largolv ignorod until just a low
voars ago, whon now knowlodgo a|out tho phvsiologv ol rocovorv mado
it an aroa ol intonso intorost almost ovornight. ln a nutsholl, what wo`vo
loarnod is that consuming tho right nutrionts in tho right amounts shortlv
altor comploting oxorciso can groatlv onhanco and accolorato vour rocov-
orv, which in turn will holp vou porlorm |ottor in vour noxt workout.
Thoro aro throo things vou nood to rocovor lrom altor a workout or
raco: glvcogon doplotion in tho musclos and livor, lluid loss, and musclo
tissuo damago. Rostocking glvcogon storos is a slow procoss. Vith nor-
mal nutrition intako, it can tako vour |odv as manv as 48 hours to top oll
musclo and livor glvcogon altor a raco or particularlv hard workout. But
vou can kick-start this procoss |v taking in at loast 60 grams ol car|ohv-
drato within an hour ol comploting oxorciso. During this poriod, vour


|odv is a|lo to roplonish glvcogon at almost twico tho normal rato, so it`s
important to tako advantago ol this window ol opportunitv.
As l montionod a|ovo, it is gonorallv impossi|lo to roplaco lluids at
tho samo rato at which thov`ro lost through porspiration during oxorciso.
Thus vou aro unavoida|lv lolt in a stato ol lluid dolicit altor oach work-
out. You nood to oliminato this dolicit as quicklv as possi|lo |v drinking
wator and/or a sports drink. ll vou drink wator, mako suro to oat somo-
thing that contains sodium and potassium, such as an onorgv |ar, to
roplaco tho oloctrolvtos vou`vo also lost in vour swoat. A sports drink-
and ospociallv ono lormulatod ospociallv lor rocovorv-can tako caro ol
vour initial post-oxorciso car|ohvdrato noods in addition to vour wator
and oloctrolvto noods.
ln ordor to kick-start tho musclo ropair procoss, vou should also tako
in a small amount ol protoin in tho lirst hour altor working out or racing.
Taking in too much protoin will slow tho glvcogon roplonishmont
procoss, howovor. Ono gram ol protoin lor ovorv lour grams ol car|ohv-
drato vou consumo is a|out right. Thoro aro somo sports rocovorv drinks
that contain protoin, too. Sinco appotito is commonlv supprossod lol-
lowing oxorciso, thoso drinks ollor a practical wav to got all tho nutrition
vou nood altor training or racing, |ut thov`ro not ossontial. You can got
tho samo rosults with vour own lood and drink soloctions. Ono thing to
avoid, il vou do chooso to chow down soon altor cooling down, is lat,
which will also slow tho a|sorption ol tho car|ohvdrato vou nood most
at this timo.

Following is an oxamplo ol a good dav`s nutritional intako lor a triathloto.
lt is prosontod noithor as a porloct moal plan nor as idoal lor ovorv triath-
loto. ln lact, it`s moro or loss just what l ato vostordav. Novortholoss, this
monu providos a |asic tomplato that can sorvo as a starting point lor anv
onduranco athloto and it shows ono wav, among thousands, in which tho
nutritional guidolinos providod in this chaptor can |o put into dolicious,
satislving practico.

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- A procoss |v which svstoms ol tho |odv rocovor lrom

individual workouts and adapt to a sorios ol workouts.
A running drill whoroin a runnor |ogins at a modorato
paco and accoloratos to a su|-sprint ovor a distanco ol a|out l00
Iow-intonsitv swimming, cvcling, or running lor tho
purposo ol rocovoring |otwoon intorvals within a workout or rocov-
oring lrom a rocont raco or hard workout.
A procoss whoro|v litnoss improvos as various svstoms ol
tho |odv rospond to tho ropoatod application ol stross in workouts
ovor timo.
An a||roviation ol aorodvnamic.` An aoro lramo is a |iko lramo
dosignod with |lado-shapod tu|os to minimizo wind drag. Aoro
whools aro similarlv dosignod |icvclo whools.
A tvpo ol |icvclo handlo|ar on which tho ridor rosts his or
hor loroarms and which is olton usod in triathlons.
Rolors to a procoss |v which tho |odv producos onorgv lor
movomont |v |roaking down car|ohvdrato and lat in tho prosonco
ol oxvgon.
A compotitivo division in a triathlon dolinod |v gondor and
ago (o.g., lomalo 25-29`).
An amatour triathloto.
- A musclo that contracts in ordor to llox or oxtond a joint.
Rolors to nutrionts or diotarv pattorns that havo a musclo-
|uilding olloct in tho |odv.
Rolors to a procoss |v which tho |odv producos onorgv lor
movomont |v |roaking down car|ohvdrato without oxvgon.
- A lovol ol oxorciso intonsitv |ovond which tho
|odv cannot consumo oxvgon last onough to support tho onorgv
domand. As a rosult, lactic acid |ogins to rapidlv accumulato in tho
|lood, hastoning oxhaustion. Also known as -
- A musclo that rolaxos and strotchos whilo ono or moro
musclos on tho opposito sido ol tho samo joint contract.
Rolors to tho lront sido ol tho |odv.
- Nutrionts that attach thomsolvos to lroo radical molo-
culos, thoro|v noutralizing thom and provonting thom lrom damag-
ing tissuos.
To suddonlv incroaso riding intonsitv on tho |iko in ordor to
oscapo compotitors, moot tho challongo ol a hill, or lor othor similar
- - Tho lirst ol throo phasos in tho training cvclo, during which
a triathloto locusos on graduallv |uilding gonoral onduranco |v por-
lorming an incroasing volumo ol low- to modorato-intonsitv training.
Having ono`s raco num|or and ago writton on ono`s
|odv in Vagic Varkor |v a raco ollicial prior to tho start ol a
A stato ol oxhaustion that is roachod in prolongod oxorciso
whon car|ohvdrato luol storos aro doplotod.
Tho short, horizontal cvlindor that holds a |icvclo
crank axlo.
- Tho |rako handlo covors on standard road |icvclo handlo-
|ars (known as drop handlo|ars). Brako hoods aro usuallv rolorrod
to simplv as hoods.`
A workout in which a |iko rido is lollowod immodiatolv |v a run.
- Tho socond ol throo phasos in tho training cvclo, during
which a triathloto maintains a consistont training volumo whilo con-
contrating on high-intonsitv workouts.
Tho rato ol podaling on tho |icvclo, as oxprossod in rovolu-
tions por minuto.
- Tinv |lood vossols that allow lor tho oxchango ol gasos
and nutrionts |otwoon |lood and tissuo colls.
A stratogv that ontails incroasing diotarv car|ohvdrato
intako in tho low davs |oloro a raco to incroaso tho amount ol
glvcogon storod in tho livor and musclos.


-- Tho sot ol toothod, circular cogs that sits on tho roar hu| ol
a |icvclo. Also callod a lroowhool and a roar clustor. Tho smallor tho
cog a cvclist`s chain is loopod around at anv givon timo, tho highor
a goar ho or sho is in.
A phaso ol tho arm stroko cvclo in lroostvlo swimming, during
which tho swimmor croatos a paddlo with his or hor hand and loro-
arm in proparation lor tho pull phaso.
A stato that is charactorizod |v inollicioncv in
tho sonding ol movomont signals lrom tho |rain and loss ol
tho will to continuo oxorcising and is procipitatod |v tho doplo-
tion ol |lood glucoso in tho lattor stagos ol workouts and
A circular, toothod cog attachod to tho right crankarm that
turns with tho podals and drivos tho chain. Road and triathlon |ikos
havo two chainrings, largor and smallor.
- Bicvclo shorts. Pronouncod shammv.`
Tho part ol a |icvclo that connocts tho podal to tho crank axlo.
-- Fitnoss |onolits that accruo in oach ol tho throo
triathlon disciplinos lrom training porlormod in tho othor two.
A ropoating pattorn ol training. Thoro aro throo lovols ol training
cvclo: wooklv cvclos, stop cvclos, and lull training cvclos.
A |icvclo instrumont that providos tho ridor with inlor-
mation such as curront spood, trip distanco, and trip timo.
A stato in which tho amount ol wator in tho |odv has
diminishod |olow tho lovol noodod lor optimal athlotic porlormanco.
A mochanism that pushos tho chain oll ol ono sprockot
and onto anothor in ordor to chango tho goar ratio. Road and
triathlon |ikos havo two doraillours, lront and roar.
Tho gradual loss ol litnoss adaptations whon training is
roducod or coasos lor a prolongod poriod ol timo.
An acronvm usod in raco rosults: it stands lor did not linish.`
Gaining an onorgv advantago |v lollowing in tho slipstroam
ol anothor cvclist or swimmor. Bicvclo dralting is illogal in most
A short-duration oxorciso involving a modiliod vorsion ol swim-
ming, cvcling, or running that is practicod lor tho sako ol tochniquo
or powor onhancomont.
Tho amount ol timo that an individual workout lasts.
Tho rolativo onorgv ollicioncv ol a swimmor, cvclist, or run-
nor in motion.
Anothor word lor
- Vinoral nutrionts (sodium, chlorido, magnosium, and
potassium) that aid musclo contraction and norvo impulso trans-
mission |v conducting |iooloctrical signals.
Tho a|ilitv to work at a rolativolv high intonsitv lovol lor a
long poriod ol timo.
A protoin that promotos ono or moro tvpos ol chomical roac-
tion in tho |odv without itsoll |oing altorod.
A nutritional supplomont that somohow assists or
onhancos onorgv production. Sports drinks and onorgv |ars and
gols aro considorod orgogonic aids.
A tvpo ol running workout in which an athlotos plavs with his
or hor paco |v whim.
- A poriod during which a triathloto omphasizos training
in ono ol tho throo triathlon disciplinos.
An application ol onorgv to gonorato movomont or ovorcomo
rosistanco in a particular diroction.
An unsta|lo moloculo, usuallv oxvgon, that tonds to dam-
ago living tissuos in tho |odv.
Tho total or avorago num|or ol workouts a triathloto por-
lorms in a spociliod amount ol timo.
- A lorm ol strongth training that simu-
latos compononts ol athlotic movomont pattorns against rosistanco
in ordor to incroaso tho powor with which an athloto is su|so-
quontlv a|lo to porlorm thoso movomont pattorns.
- A sugar dorivod lrom diotarv car|ohvdrato that sorvos as a
primarv musclo onorgv luol during oxorciso.
A moasuro ol how dilloront loods alloct |lood glu-
coso lovols.
A long chain ol glucoso moloculos that is storod in skolotal
musclo and tho livor and sorvos as a primarv musclo luol sourco
during oxorciso.
A protoin in tho |lood that transports oxvgon to musclo colls.
--- A stato ol |alanco, or oquili|rium, in a givon svstom ol
tho |odv.
A |icvclo whool axlo.
A dangorouslv low concontration ol sodium in tho
|lood that can rosult lrom tho com|ination ol hoavv porspiration
and lailuro to ingost sodium during prolongod oxorciso.
- Tho rato at which an athloto |urns onorgv lor movomont
rolativo to his or hor maximum capacitv to |urn onorgv lor movo-
mont in a givon modo ol oxorciso.


A sogmont within a tvpo ol workout in which high-intonsitv

ollorts ol a givon distanco or duration aro soparatod |v rocovorv
poriods ol a spociliod duration. ln cvcling and running, it is usuallv
tho high-intonsitv sogmonts that aro callod intorvals, whoroas in
swimming, it is usuallv tho com|ination ol a singlo high-
intonsitv swim ollort and tho su|soquont rost poriod that is callod
an intorval.
A tradomark ownod |v tho Vorld Triathlon Corporation and
a popular long-distanco triathlon lormat comprising a 2.4-milo
swim, ll2-milo |iko, and 26.2-milo run.
- A tvpo ol swim shorts lor mon that lits tightlv and covors
tho logs down to tho knoocaps.
A |riol sprint porlormod |v a group ol cvclists during a training
- -- Awaronoss ol tho sonsation ol tho |odv`s
position and movomont in spaco.
- An intonsitv lovol ol oxorciso a|ovo which tho
mota|olic wasto product lactic acid accumulatos in tho |lood lastor
than tho circulatorv svstom can romovo it. Also known as tho
A compound that is producod in tho |odv primarilv as a
|vproduct ol anaoro|ic mota|olism.
Rolors to tho outor sidos (lolt and right) ol tho |odv.
- Tho longost (or onlv) intorval sot in a swim workout.
Short lor maximum hoart rato-that is, tho highost hoart rato
ono can achiovo in swimming, cvcling, or running.
Rolors to training porlormod at l00 porcont ol \0
or thoroa|outs.
Rolors to tho contor ol tho |odv.
Structuros within colls that sorvo as tho sito ol aoro|ic
A lorm ol oxorciso. Triathlon contains throo modos: swimming,
cvcling, and running.
A tvpo ol protoin that is rosponsi|lo lor transporting oxv-
gon moloculos within musclo colls.
- Doscri|os swim, |iko, and run workouts ol tho groatost
duration in ono`s training.
A phvsical training stimulus that croatos a nood and oppor-
tunitv lor rocovorv and adaptation.
Excossivo modial rotation ol tho loot during tho loot-
striko portion ol tho running strido.
A ratio ol training to rost that is insulliciont to allow
comploto rocovorv lrom and adaptation to training stimuli.
- Dvslunction in a |ono, musclo, or othor solt tissuo gon-
orallv rosulting lrom hoavv ropotition ol llawod movomont pattorns.
Ono`s rato ol swimming, cvcling, or running.
A singlo-lilo lino ol cvclists in training.
-- Rocovorv in tho lorm ol inactivitv.
A |riol window ol maximum athlotic porlormanco potontial that
occurs at tho ond ol a comploto training cvclo and tapor.
- Tho last ol throo phasos in tho triathlon training cvclo,
during which a triathloto locusos on porlorming highlv raco-spocilic
workouts and gotting adoquato rost.
A training mothod that involvos arranging various tvpos
ol training in a soquonco that will produco tho highost possi|lo lovol
ol litnoss |v tho ond ol tho cvclo.
- A poriod ol training that is charactorizod |v a locus on cortain
spocilic tvpos ol training. Thoro aro throo |asic phasos in triathlon
training: |aso, |uild, and poak.
- Rolors to tho roar sido ol tho |odv.
- - A musclo that sorvos to hold a part ol tho |odv in a
static position.
A com|ination ol strongth and spood.
Short lor porsonal rocord`-ono`s porsonal |ost timo lor a standard
swimming, cvcling, running, or triathlon raco distanco.
A musclo that |oars tho hoaviost workload in somo
movomont pattorn.
Rolors to a tvpo ol workout that omphasizos working at or
a|ovo tho anaoro|ic throshold.
- A vorv light tvpo ol running shoo usod in racing and
somotimos in qualitv workouts.
A procoss whoroin ono or moro svstoms ol tho |odv roturns
to homoostasis lollowing oxortion.
A hard-ollort sogmont within an intorval or strongth workout.
- A poriod ol inactivitv |otwoon sogmonts ol a workout or |otwoon
- Soros on tho groin or |uttocks that aro gonorallv causod
|v prossuro and lriction during cvcling, and somotimos su|soquont
Tho a|ilitv to swim, cvclo, or run quicklv. Also, an intonsitv lovol ol
swimming, cvcling, and running that is prodominantlv anaoro|ic and sorvos
to improvo oconomv, anaoro|ic mota|olism, and lactic acid toloranco.


An intorval-tvpo running workout that omphasizos spood

intonsitv and which usuallv takos placo on a running track.
To rido tho |iko at a modorato intonsitv lovol and a high podaling
cadonco (85-95 RPV).
Short lor split timo-ono`s timo lor a sogmont ol a workout or
raco. For oxamplo, in anv triathlon, a participant rocords swim,
|iko, and run splits.
A |riol spurt ol maximum-intonsitv swimming, cvcling, or running.
A musclo that acts to sta|ilizo a moving joint or a non-
moving part ol tho |odv during tho porlormanco ol an athlotic
movomont pattorn.
A two- to lour-wook poriod ol training in which training
volumo is rolativolv high lor tho lirst wook to throo wooks and thon
drops during tho linal wook lor rocovorv.
A running drill involving roughlv l00 motors ol running at ono-
milo raco paco lollowod |v a jogging rocovorv.
- A svnonvm lor .
- A musclo that plavs a socondarv rolo in gonorating a cortain
Short lor lirst transition.` lt rolors to tho swim-to-|iko transition in
a triathlon.
Short lor socond transition.` lt rolors to tho |iko-to-run transition
in a triathlon.
A short poriod ol light training that immodiatolv procodos a
poak raco and is undortakon to allow tho |odv to lullv rocovor lrom
and adapt to tho procoding hard training.
A datod journal in which a triathloto rocords training por-
lormod, raco rosults, and othor inlormation portinont to training.
- A calondar in which a triathloto plots inlormation
a|out anticipatod workouts and racos, usuallv loading up to a poak
- Eithor ol two parts ol a triathlon whoro compotitors
chango disciplinos, lirst lrom swimming to cvcling (Tl), and thon
lrom cvcling to running (T2).
Short lor triathlon |iko, a tvpo ol |iko that is dosignod ospo-
ciallv lor tho timo-trial tvpo ol |iko racing that occurs in triathlons.
Tho primarv lorm ol lat in tho diot and tho lorm in
which lat is storod in tho |odv. An important sourco ol luol during
onduranco oxorciso.
- Short lor triathlon suit, a porlormanco garmont that is dosignod
to |o worn through tho swim, |iko, and run portions ol a triathlon.
- A lovol ol oxorciso intonsitv whoro an athloto`s
|odv is consuming oxvgon at its maximum rato.

Tho maximum rato at which a givon athloto can consumo
Tho total or avorago amount ol training a triathloto porlorms
within a spociliod poriod ol timo.
A su|group ol triathlotos within a largor liold ol raco participants
that is schodulod to start tho raco togothor at a cortain timo.
Triathlons olton start in wavos to avoid ovorcrowding during tho
oarlv portion ol tho swim.
A rocurring sovon-dav pattorn ol training.
Tho total amount ol onorgv a triathloto oxponds in training
within a spociliod poriod ol timo. Vorkload is a lunction ol training
volumo and intonsitv.



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Acidosis, l5
Adaptations (|odilv)
poak litnoss and, l0
progrossivo ovorload and, l0
rapiditv ol, l0
rocovorv and, 23
Ago-groupors, 26, l54, l5, l59, l5
Allon, Vark, , l54
lirst lronman compotition, 3
training mothod, ix, 3
wins, ix
Armstrong, Ianco, 2l
Baso phaso, l9, 5, l00-l0l, l25-26
avoiding racos during, l60
- Poriodization
Biko. Equipmont, |iko stull
Biko training, 8l-l02
aoro position, , 84, 85
|aso phaso training, l00-l0l
|iko tuno-up, pro-racing, l62
|rick workout, 99-l00, l4
|uild phaso training, l0l
cadonco workout, 98
clim|ing skills, 90
cornoring skills, 92,
cvcling, as porcontago ol training timo,
dosconding skills, 9l-92
onduranco intonsitv and rido, 96
lit and riding position, 84-86
hard group rido, 9
hills and high goar, 83
indoor cvcling drills, 88
indoor group rido, 99
long hill ropoats, 9-98
long rido, 9
lung and log powor ovor tochniquo, 8l,
83, l86
maintonanco and upkoop, 92-93
max oxvgon intonsitv, 95
naturo ol training, 8l, 83-84
poak phaso training, l0l-2
podaling and cadonco, 86-88, 89
poriodization training, l00-l02
powor intorvals (sprints), 98-99
rocommondod |iko training paramo-
tors, 99 (ta|lo)
rocovorv rido, 96
rohoarsing swim-|iko and |iko-run tran-
sitions, l62
road racing vs. timo trials, 83-84
short hill ropoats, 98
spinning out (drill), 89-90
strongth training and, l86-93
throshold intonsitv and rido, 95, 9
timo trial, 98
transporting vour |iko, l63-64
volumo ol training, 83
workouts, 95-l00
- Equipmont, |iko stull
Biko raco
|iko-run transition (T2), l3,
cvcling, as porcontago ol linishing timo,
sports drinks, onorgv |ars, and roal`
lood during, 249
swim-|iko transition (Tl), l62, l3
Blood, onduranco training, olloct ol,
Bonos, onduranco training, olloct ol,
contral latiguo and, 6, l3
onduranco training, olloct ol,
glucoso luol lor, 6
Brown, Camoron,
Bu|ka, Sorgoi, 2l8
Build phaso, l9, l9, 5-6, l0l, l26-2
triathlons rocommondod during, l60
- Poriodization
Burnout, l54, 226-2

- -- - -.
|lood glucoso lovols and, 248
|onking and nood lor, 242
consumption, during oxorciso or raco,
l99, 244, 248-49, 25l
doplotion as causo ol oxhaustion, 6
oat lor consistont onorgv, 239-40
onduranco training and onhancomont
ol storing and consorving, 6
as onorgv sourco, 4, 6
luol storos, timo |oloro doplotion ol, 6
high-glvcomic, slowing a|sorption ol,
intako, dotormining, 245
loading, l62, 243-45
low-glvcomic, 239-40
normal intako (60` ol diot), l62, 239
post-oxorciso, l99, 250-5l
sports drinks, gols, onorgv |ars, l99,
244, 248-49, 25l
- Diot and nutrition
Catogorv ll, 84, 84
Chicago Triathlon, l5
Coachos, 203, 2ll
- , 245
Cramping, 242
Csikszontmihalvi, Vihalv, 209
Curtiss, A. B., 2l9
post-adjustmont, 24-25
pro-adjustmont, 24
locus poriods, 25
lull training cvclo, 22
progross and, 22
rocovorv and, 22
stop cvclos, l40-43
wooklv (micro-cvclos), l9, 22
what to do |otwoon training cvclos, l53
- Poriodization: Training, plan-
ning and schodulos
Dotraining, 23
Diot and nutrition, 23l-53
animal loods, 23-38
antioxidant noods, 242-43, 249
|alancod loods, 235, , 23-38
|onking and nood lor car|ohvdratos,
|roaklast, raco dav, l68
|uving in |ulk, 32
calloino intako, 249-50
car|ohvdratos, during and altor oxor-
ciso or raco, l99, 243-5l
car|ohvdratos, loading, l62, 243-45
car|ohvdratos, low-glvcomic, 239-40
car|ohvdratos, normal intako (60` ol
diot), l62
cramping and, 242
dailv monu, 252
dailv porcontagos ol car|ohvdratos,
protoin, lats, 239
dolicioncios in iron and zinc among
onduranco athlotos, 242
diotarv rocord kooping, 24l, 242 (sam-
plo rocord lormat)
oat lor consistont onorgv, 239-40
oating lor onduranco, 25l-52
oloctrolvto loss during raco or oxorciso,
24l, 242, 24-48, 25l
oxorciso, nutrition during, 246-50
latiguo and illnoss provontion, l99
lruits and vogota|los, 23, 253
grains, 23
individual noods, 240-43
moals por dav, 239
pro-oxorciso, 243-46
pro-raco, l6, 243-44, 245, 246
protoin, 238, 242, 25l
raco nutrition plan,
racing and, 243-50
rocovorv, 250-5l
roplaco what vou |urn, 238-39
smoothios and rocipo lor Tho Triathloto
Spocial, 253
sports drinks, gols, onorgv |ars, l99,
235, 244, 24-48, 249, 25l
supplomonts, 235
wholo loods (vs. procossod), 233-35
- Hvdration
DNF (Did Not Finish), l28, 2ll
Ellicioncv, 8
nouromuscular, 8
tochniquo, 8
Enduranco training, 4-8,
car|ohvdrato consorvation and, 6
car|ohvdrato doplotion, 6
duration ol workout, l4
ollicioncv, 8
lat-|urning onzvmos and, 6
latiguo and, 6
glvcogon consorvation, 4, 5-6
glvcogon mota|olism and oxvgon (aoro-
|ic), 4, 5
glvcogon mota|olism without oxvgon
(anaoro|ic), 5
hoart rato, l3
how onduranco training allocts tho
importanco ol, l3
intonsitv, l3-l4
musclo strongthoning, 8
musclo tissuo |roakdown and, 6, 8
oxvgon consumption (\O
), l3
oxvgon dolivorv and lactato cloaranco,
onhancing, 5
romaining |olow tho anaoro|ic
throshold, 5, 6
task spocilic, 8
Enorgv sourcos
car|ohvdratos, 4, 6
lat, 4, 6, 6
lat-|urning onzvmos and, 6
protoin, 5-6
- Car|ohvdratos: Diot and nutri-
goar storos, 203
guidolinos lor shopping, 29-3l
hoart rato monitor, 5l
rosistanco |ands, l8-88

sports watch, 48-49

sta|ilitv |all, l8
throo kovs lor |uving tho right goar,
tips lor tho |udgot triathloto, 32
upgrading and timo savings, 43
- Equipmont, |iko stull: Equip-
mont, run stull: Equipmont, swim
Equipmont, |iko stull, 35, , 3-42,
aoro|ar, 44-45
|oam |iko, 39
|iko (triathlon or road), 35, 3-42
|iko compononts, 40-4l
|iko computor, 45
|iko lramo matorials, 39, 40
|iko rack/|iko caso, 46, l64
|iko rolling rosistanco (whools and
tiros), 40
|iko saddlo, 39
|iko stillnoss, 39-40
loul-woathor clothos, 45
glovos, 45
holmot, 4l
hvdration svstoms, 42, 44
indoor cvcling oquipmont, 45-46
jorsov, 42
last voar`s` |iko, |uving, 32
maintonanco stull, 44
raco whools, 44
shoos and podals, 4l-42, l68-69
shorts, 42
socks, 42, l69
sunglassos, 4l
upgrading, 35, 39, 4l
upgrading and timo saving, 43
usod, 32
Equipmont, run stull, 46-49
cold-woathor apparol, 49
hvdration svstom, 49
racing llats, 49
running shoos, 46-48
shorts, 48
socks, 48
sports |ra (womon), 48
top, 48
upgrading and timo saving, 43
Equipmont, swim stull, 3l, 33-34
gogglos, 30, 33
swim aids, 34
swim cap, 34
swimsuit, 3l, 33
triathlon suit, 33-34
upgrading and timo saving, 43
wotsuit, 34
avoiding, post-oxorciso, 25l
-|urning onzvmos, 6
car|ohvdrato noodod to mota|olizo, 6
dailv porcontagos ol, 239
onduranco training, olloct on |odv lat,
as onorgv sourco, 4, 6, 6
car|ohvdrato doplotion, 6, 248
contral norvous svstom latiguo (contral
latiguo), 6
diot and, l99
musclo latiguo, 6
sloop and, l99-200
sports drinks to alloviato, provont, 248
stross roduction lor, 200-20l
Foar, 2l9
pro-raco norvos, 22l-22
Fitzgorald, Vatt
|alancing triathlon and rolationships,
diroctod thinking and, 220
on nood lor a coach, 2ll
pro-raco oxporioncos, advico, l66, l6
on spouso`s support, 203
Froquoncv ol training, ll
rocovorv and, ll, l3, 23-24
variation ol, 24
Frov, Roch, 0
|rain`s nood lor, 6
as onorgv luol, 244, 248
sloop and production ol, 200
sports drinks and, 248
Glvcorol, l62
Glvcogon, 4, 244, 248
car|ohvdrato loading and, 244-45
consorving, 5-6
maximizing storago ol, 244
rostocking, during rocovorv, 250-5l
-sparing olloct, 248
Hawaii lronman Vorld Championship, ix,
l03, 20, 2ll
modical diroctor, 240
Hoart, onduranco training, olloct ol,
Hoart rato (HR)
at onduranco intonsitv, l3
at max oxvgon intonsitv, l4
morning hoart rato monitoring, l3,
at rocovorv intonsitv, l3
at throshold intonsitv, l4
at spood intonsitv, l5
Homoostasis, 23
adoquato wator intako, 240
during oxorciso, 246-48
oloctrolvto roplacomont, 24-48, 25l
lluid intako cutoll, pro-raco, ll
glvcorol and wator rotontion, l62
hvponatromia warning, 248
post-oxorciso, 25l
raco proparation and, l62, ll
sports drinks, 24-49, 25l
svstoms, 42, 44
ovorhoating and, 242
lllnoss, provontion and rocovorv
diot, l99
oxorciso and, 20l
loiling gorms, 20l
sloop, l99-200
stross roduction, 200-20l
lnjurios, l93-99
Achillos tondinitis, ll0, l86, l98
corroct tho pro|lom, l94-95
corroctivo oxorcisos lor tho lowor log,
cvcling, lowor |ack pain, l86, l96
diagnoso tho pro|lom, l94
hamstring strain, l9
ilioti|ial |and svndromo, l9
manago tho pro|lom, l94
massagos lor, l63
modilv vour training, l93
musclo woaknoss and, l86
ovorpronation and, 48, 49, l94, l98-99
plantar lasciitis, ll0, l86, l93, l98-99
provonting, l9-93
roduco inllammation, l93-94
runnor`s knoo, ll0, l86, l96
running and lroquoncv ol, l08
running and ovoruso injurios, ll0, l86, l93
running and practico surlaco, 4
shin splints, l98
swimmor`s shouldor, l95-96
swimming, and woak scapular sta|iliz-
ors, l82, l86
stross and, l6l
- Strongth training: Strotching
lntonsitv, ll-l5
onduranco, l3-l4
gauging and controlling, |v paco, l5
max oxvgon, l4-l5
rocovorv, l3
spood, l5
summarv ol livo training intonsitios, l6
throshold, l4
lntornot, 238
author o-mail addross, xii
magazino Vo| sito, l03
lTI Iunior and Sonior Vorld Champi-
onships, 52
Kain, Poto, l5
Kompor, Huntor, ll8
Kinosthotic awaronoss, 2l6-l
Iactic acid, 5, 5
acidosis, l5
lactato throshold, 5
throshold training and, l4
Iaird, Bo|, 240
Iindlov, Siri, 2l0
Vassago, l80-8l
cost, l8l
lroquoncv, l8l
proparing lor racos and, l63
rocovorv and injurv provontion, l80
soll-, l8l
Vax oxvgon training, l4-l5
duration, l4-l5
hoart rato (HR), l4
oxvgon consumption (\O
), l4
Vontal skills, 20-28
|alancing triathlon and rolationships,
|urnout, 226-2
|odv awaronoss, 2l6-l
conlidonco, 2l3
dotormination, 2l0-ll
diroctod thinking, 2l9-20
disciplino, 2ll
onjovmont, charactoristics ol, 209
linding tho zono in racos, 223-24
goal sotting, 2l5-l6
lato raco sulloring and, 6, 220
montal challongos, 22l-2
montal training tochniquos, 2l4-20
montal workouts, 220-2l
mindlulnoss, 2l4
motivation, 208-9, 2l5
optimal arousal, 222
optimism, 2l3-l4
plavlulnoss, 209-l0
pro-raco norvos, 22l-22,
racing prop visualization, l62-63, l68
soll-o|sorvation, 2l8-l9
soll-talk, 2l
sot|acks, doaling with, 2l4, 22
thomo song lor oach raco, l63
triathlon as thorapv, 228
visualization, 2l8
what to think a|out (and what not to
think a|out) during a raco, 224
workout guilt, 224-25
aoro|ic, 4-5
anaoro|ic, 4, 5
anaoro|ic throshold, 5
lactato throshold, 5
lactic acid and, 5, 5
Votivation, 208-9
antagonists, l82
|roakdown ol musclo protoin lor
onorgv, 6, 8, 242
corroctivo oxorcisos lor tho lowor log,
cvcling, lowor |ack pain, l86, l96
onduranco training, 8
onduranco training, olloct ol,
lroostvlo swimming and, l82
log strongth, incroasing, ll5
oxvgon dolivorv to, phvsiological adap-
tations, 5
postural musclos, l82
primo movors, l82, l82
ro|uilding, post-workout, 249, 25l
soronoss, 8
strongth advantago, l86
strotching, l8l-85
svnorgists, l82
tightnoss, in triathlotos, l83
undordovolopod in triathlotos, tvpical, l86
- Vassago: Protoin: Strongth
training: Strotching
Norvous svstom, onduranco training,
olloct ol,
Nutrition. Diot and nutrition

Ovor-racing, l59
Ovortraining svndromo, 202
morning hoart rato monitoring and,
consumption, rocovorv and, l3
dolivorv to musclos, phvsiological adap-
tations, 5
mota|olism and, 4
Oxvgon consumption (\O
antioxidants, supplomontation, 242-43
rocovorv, l3
onduranco training, l3
max oxvgon training, l4
oxidativo stross and onduranco athlotos,
spood training, l5
throshold training, l4
Pacing, l2-3
gauging and controlling intonsitv |v, l5
Poak litnoss, l0
rost and, l8
timing to coincido with racos, l0,
P, l38-40, l58, l59
Poak phaso, l9, 6, l0l-2, l2. -
Poriodization, l9
|aso phaso, l9, 5, l00-l0l, l25-26
|iko training, l00-l02
|uild phaso, l9, 5-6, l0l, l26-2
nonlinoar (lor swimming), 56, 5-6
poak phaso, l9, 6, l0l-2, l2
run training, l25-2
tapor, l9, l58, l60-6l, l62
whon to raco and, l58-59
Progrossivo ovorload, principlo ol, l0
duration, l
lroquoncv, ll
intonsitv, ll, l3-l5
|roakdown ol musclo protoin lor
onorgv, 8, 242
dailv porcontagos ol, 239
onduranco athlotos and, 242
grams por pound ol |odv woight, 242
musclo ro|uilding post-workout, 249,
as poor onorgv sourco, 5-6
sourcos lor diot, 238
sports drinks containing, 249
Pulso, chocking dailv (morning hoart rato
monitoring), l3, 202
Racing, l5-5
acclimatizing to location, l65
ago group triathlotos and, l59
anocdoto ol Chicago Triathlon, l5-58
|aso phaso ol training, avoiding racos
during, l60
|athroom uso, pro-raco, ll, ll
|iko tuno-up, l62
|odv lu|rication/sun scroon, l69
|roaklast, raco dav, l68, 246
|uild phaso, triathlons rocommondod
during, l60
calloino intako and, 249-50
diot and nutrition, l62, l6, l68, l69,
ll, l3, 243-50, - - Car|ohv-
onorgv |ars and gols, l69, ll, 248-49
oxamplo, right wav to raco, l5
linal proparations, l6l-63
linal twontv-lour hours, l66-69, ll
linal workout, l65, l6
linding tho zono, 223-24
llving tips, l65
glvcorol and wator rotontion, l62
goal sotting, 2l5-l6
homo stav options, l66
hvdration and oloctrolvto roplacomont,
ll, 246-48, 25l
locating high-porlormanco |iko shop
noar tho raco, l64
massagos, l63
montal proparation or visualization,
l62-63, l68
montal skills, during raco, l3
montal tochniquos, oarlv raco dav, l68
nontriathlon racos rocommondod, l59
optimal arousal, 222
ovor-racing, l59
pacing, l2-3
poak porlormanco and, l38-40, l58,
post-raco rocovorv, l59
pro-raco norvos, 22l-22
pro-raco rost, l59
pro-raco visualization, l62-63, l68
pro-raco warm-up, l69, , ll, ll
racos por soason/por voar, l58-59
script lor raco dav, proparing, l68
sloop, l6l, l6-68
sports drinks, importanco ol, 24-49
swim raco, ll-3
swim starts and oxits, rohoarsing, l62
tapor poriod and, l60-6l, l62
tomporaturo and altitudo acclimatiza-
tion, l65
thomo song lor oach raco, l63
touring tho courso, l66-6
training cvclos and (poak porlorm-
ancos), l58
transition aroa sot-up, l68-69
transition, |iko-run (T2), l62, l3,
transition, swim-|iko (Tl), l3
transitions, last, l3
transitions, rohoarsing, l58, l62, l69
travoling to racos, l63-66
what to think a|out (and what not to
think a|out) during a raco, 224 (ta|lo)
whon to raco, l58-60
Rocovorv, 22-24
|oginnors, l3
dotraining and, 23
oxorciso cvclos and, 22
hoart rato, l3
hvdration, 250, 25l
intonsitv ol workout and, l3
massagos lor, l80-8l
morning hoart rato monitoring and,
Rocovorv (continuod)
musclo tissuo damago, 250
nutrition and, 23, 250-5l
oll soasons, 22
oxvgon consumption (\O
), l3
poriods, ll
rost, injurv provontion and, l80
swim training, 3-4
workouts lor, 23
work-rocovorv ratio and ovortraining
svndromo, 202
Roid, Potor, 2ll
Rolationships, |alancing triathlon and,
Riccitollo, Iimmv, 90
Run training
|aso phaso, l25-26
|odv woight, run skinnv, l0, ll0
|rick workout, 99-l00, l08, l24, l4
|uild phaso, l26-2
cruiso intorvals, l22-23
diminishing roturns ol practico and
ovoruso injurios, 8l, l08, l0
duration ol dailv training, 83
onduranco, l08
onduranco run, l2l
lartlok run, l22
loot and anglo strongth, incroasing, ll5
lorm, six-charactoristics, ll2-l
ham string strongth and, ll5
hill ropotitions, l24
intonsitv, mastoring, ll8-l9
log musclo strongth, incroasing, ll5
long run, l2l-22
marathon training and, , ll-l8
max oxvgon intorvals, l23
naturo ol training, l08, ll0
oll-road running, , ll0
ovorpronation, 48, 49, l94, l98-99
ovoruso injurios, l08, ll0, l86, l93,
l96, l98-99
poak phaso, l2
poriodization, l25-2
plantar lasciitis, l98-99
rocommondations lor |oginnors, ll0
rocommondod run training paramotors,
l25 (ta|lo)
rocovorv run, l2l
rohoarsing |iko-run transitions, l62
road raco, l24
runnor`s knoo, ll0, l86, l96
shin splints, l98
singlo-sport running vs. triathlon, l08, ll0
spood ropotitions, l23
suggostod qualitv run training pacos,
l20 (ta|lo), l20
tomp run, l22
track uso, max oxvgon and spood work-
outs, l08
workouts, ll8-24
- Equipmont, run stull
Scott, Davo, 20
Soligman, Vartin, 2l3
Slang, xii, l28-29
ago-groupors, 26
doprivation and illnoss, l99-200
latiguo and, l99-200
linal raco proparations and, l6l, l68
glucoso production and, 200
minimum noodod, 200
Smith, Sponcor, , 52
Spood training
acidosis, l5
duration ol paco, l5
hoart rato (HR), l5
lactato cloaranco and, l5
oxvgon consumption (\O
), l5
onorgv mota|olism and, 5
swim raco, l2
- Pacing
Strongth training, l86-93
|odv|uilding vs., l8
corrocting musclo im|alancos, l86, l95
corroctivo oxorcisos lor tho lowor log,
lorward roll, l9l,
hip lilt and hamstring curl, l89
lor ilioti|ial |and svndromo, l9
lor lowor |ack pain, l96
multidiroctional lungo and hool raiso,
musclos undordovolopod in triathlotos,
tvpical, l86
rosistanco |ands, l8-88
singlo arm pull, l90,
singlo arm push, l90,
sta|ilitv |all, l8
sta|ilization, |alanco and trunk coro,
and, l8
lor swimmor`s shouldor, l95-96
two arm twist, l88-89, , , l95-96
workout lor triathlotos, l8-9l
hormono roloaso during oxorciso, ill-
noss and, l99
immuno supprossion |v, l6l, 200-20l
injurios and, l6l
roduction, 200-20l
Strotching, l8l-85, l95
Achillos tondon strotch, l85,
chost and shouldor strotch, l83,
hamstring, hip, and ilioti|ial |and
strotch, l84
lungo strotch, l84,
nock strotch, l83,
tightnoss in triathlotos, l83
two-wav call strotch, l85,
Suporcomponsation, 23
Swim raco, ll-3
dralting, l2
pacing, l2-3
sprinting, l2
start, ll-2
swim-|iko transition (Tl), l62, l3
Swim training, 55-6
altornativo strokos, 65
|aso phaso, 5
|orodom and, 56
|uild phaso, 5-6

drill sot, 0
duration and distanco ol avorago work-
out, 58, 58
onduranco and, 5
livo-intonsitv svstom, 5
llip turns, 65-66
lroostvlo tochniquo, 5, 59-63, , l82
lroostvlo tochniquo, improving, 63
group vs. solo swimming, 5-59, ,

guidolinos lor triathlotos, 5 (ta|lo)

injurios, l95-96
intonsitv, l
main sot, 0-4
main sots, samplos, 4
poak phaso, 6
pool otiquotto, 66-6
roading tho paco clock, 65
rohoarsing swim starts and oxits, l62
rohoarsing swim-|iko transitions, l62
sprinting, l2
suggostod swim training pacos, 2
swim aids, using, 6-68
tochniquo drills, 65, 0
tochniquo and intorval training, 56
training in opon wator (vs. pool train-
ing), 9, 55, 56-5, 68
uniquo lormat (nonlinoar poriodiza-
tion), 56-5, 5-6
workouts, 69-4, 0
- Equipmont, swim stull
Stop cvclos, l40-43
Talking shop, 26
Tapor, l9, l58, l60-6l, l62. - Pori-
|iko lit and riding position, 84-86
|iko podaling and cadonco, 86-90
|iko skills: clim|ing, dosconding, cor-
noring, 90-92
cvcling, lung and log powor ovor toch-
niquo, 8l, 83, l86
drills, 8
ollicioncv and, 8
lroostvlo, 5, 59-63, , l82
lroostvlo, improving, 63
kinosthotic awaronoss and, 2l6-l
running lorm, six-charactoristics,
swim tochniquo drills, 65, 0
swim tochniquo and intorval training,
training at last paco, 8
Thompson, lan, 2l0
Throshold, l4
anaoro|ic or lactato, 5, 6
duration ol workout, l4
hoart rato (HR), l4
oxvgon consumption (\O
), l4
training at, purposo, l4
Training, planning and schodulos, l33-53
art ol tho tapor, l60-6l, l62
|aso phaso, l4-48
|oginnor triathloto`s l2-wook training
cvclo lor a sprint triathlon, l35
|iko training, porcontago,
|ricks, l4
|uild phaso, l48
|urnout, l54, 226-2
duration ol workouts, l
linal raco proparations, l6l-63
gradual and consorvativo incroasos, l43
longth ol poak racos, l45
making adjustmonts, l52
motivation, l54
poak phaso, l48
rocommondod avorago wooklv training
amounts lor various poak raco dis-
tancos and porlormanco o|joctivos,
l4 (ta|lo)
schodulos and journals, l36-3, l38
(samplo pago)
stop l: chooso vour poak racos, l38-40
stop 2: arrango training phasos and stop
cvclos, l40-43
stop 3: dotormino volumo and work-
load, l42-45
stop 4: dolino vour kov workouts,
stop 5: plan a tvpical wook, l48-50, l52
strotching and strongth training, l49,
timo availa|lo, l44-45
training historv, l43-44
what to do |otwoon training cvclos, l53
whon and how much to plan, l33
Training, principlos and mothods
avoid simulatod triathlons, 9
|alanco all throo tasks, 8
|odv awaronoss, 2l6-l
clock, training |v (paco), l5
disciplino, 2ll
distri|uto training timo, 9
group training, 5-59, ,
lightost in linal wooks, l8
rulo l: train lor onduranco, 4-8,
rulo 2: train spocilicallv, 9
rulo 3: train progrossivolv, l0
rulo 4: train |v lroquoncv, intonsitv, and
duration, ll, l3-l, (summarv)
rulo 5: train in phasos, l-l9
rulo 6: train in cvclos, l9, 22
rulo : rost and rocovor sulliciontlv,
rulo 8: customizo and ovolvo vour train-
ing, 24-25
sot|acks, doaling with, 2l4, 22
simulato topographical, climatic condi-
tions, timo ol dav, 9
strotching, l8l-85
volumo ol training, l
workload, l, l8
workout guilt, 224-25
- Biko training: Vontal skills:
Running training: Swim training
anocdoto ol Chicago Triathlon, l5-58
|ag lor goar, l6
Transitions (continuod)
|iko-run transition (T2), l62, l3,

last, l3
raco dav, aroa sot-up, l68-69
rohoarsing, l58, l62
swim-|iko (Tl), l62, l3
Travoling to racos, l63-66
|iko transport, l63-64
dotails, attontion to (i. o., parking por-
mits), l63
homo stav options, l66
packing list, l64 (ta|lo)
magazino, l03
raco calondar, l6
Vo| sito, l03
|oing a lan, l03
|roadcasting ol lronman ovonts, l03
Chicago, l5
coachos, 203, 2ll
cvcling, as porcontago ol linishing timo,
doctors, choosing, 203
lashion and imago, 52
lirst ovor complotod, l98, 3
lirst participation in, xi-xii
goar storos, 203
Hawaii lronman, l03, 20, 2ll, 240
high turnovor and |urnout, l54
lilolong triathloto, l54
stall, 203
swimming sogmont as |arrior disci-
plino, 55
vacations, l6
Vorld Championships, 2l0
I. S. Duathlon National Championship,
I. S. Vastors Swimming (ISVS), 5, 5,
I. S. Olvmpic Training Contor, Colorado
Springs, ISA Triathlon Rosidont
Toams, 203, 2l0
\acations, triathlon, l6
\an Iiordo, Iuc, l03
\ascular svstom
onduranco training, olloct ol,
\isualization. Vontal skills
Varm-up, pro-raco, l69, , ll, ll
Vator. Hvdration
Zck, Irgon, 29, 39
Zono, linding, 223-24

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