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Activity Title:

Is the waste thats left good for anything?

Key Stage:

Activity Number:

Eco-Schools Topic Area:

Waste Minimisation


Learning across the Curriculum: Learning Outcomes:

NC Reference:

ESDGC Statement:


Pupils will review what they have learned about the waste hierarchy and will have considered and discussed alternative waste treatments to landfill. Pupils will understand that changing the way we deal with waste is an issue of immediate importance. Pupils will have a broad brush understanding of the alternatives to landfilling waste. Pupils will have considered how to communicate the issue and solutions effectively to their peers and will have produced targeted information in a variety of media. Remind pupils that theyve considered the waste hierarchy (Diagram/ Resource xx) and that theyre left with what could be classed as non-recyclable waste (residual waste). Are there any options other than landfill for this waste? Have the pupils heard, or do they know of anything that can be done with this waste? If not, do they have any ideas? map the ideas as a class. Enhance some ideas to develop the pupils thinking of how waste could be turned into a resource. The amount of waste remains @ 30% of Wales total (@ 2025 target levels). Landfill capacity is within 8 years. A huge problem. Challenge the pupils to provide a short briefing video/ audio/ report/ leaflet/ blog article/ web space on the alternative solutions to landfill & their value in a sustainable sense. The work should be designed to inform and enthuse their peers in the school and Wales-wide Documents can be uploaded to Talking a load of rubbish web space.

Resources: Notes: Activity can be interpreted as whole class/ group or individual activity or a combination to suit differentiated needs.

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