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Survival Test You've gone on vacation and your plane has just gone down.

You're stranded at 4,500 meters on the side of a snow-covered mountain. The back half of the plane has broken off and fallen down a nearby ravine taking 100 passengers with it to their death. The flight crew has not survived the impact, you are among the 40 passengers who remain. Some are injured, but most can walk. Maps gathered from the cockpit show that the nearest town is 80 kilometers as the crow flies. A few of the remaining passengers are skilled mountain climbers that have scaled Kathmandu. Nonetheless, your bags have fallen into the ravine as well, and you are only wearing seasonal clothes. It is 10 am., local time, it's 15 degrees Celsius in the sun and -15 degrees in the shade. You and the other passengers are aware that at night temperatures can drop to -40 degrees Celsius. You decide to opt for solidarity in order to increase your chances for survival. A quick inventory of remaining goods puts the following 15 items at your disposal: A sniper rifle The upper part of the airline seats 2 large plastic sheets 2 shovels 2 plane windows 100 file folders 250 life jackets Radio 4 lifeboats Vitamin rations Powdered milk A compass 15x20cm containing publicity fliers Self-inflating, orange with buckles Transistor style Self-inflating, 40 seats, orange with emergency supplies and flares A 15-day supply in metal boxes Equivalent to 0.25 liters per day, per person In working order 9mm with 100 bullets, found in the cockpit as the pilot was a hunter who brought it on board illegally Extra material and foam padding Stapled to the backs of the seats that can easily be detached for your use Scout-style, flat and solid

3000 liters of kerosene This amount was calculated by a passenger based on the distance already traveled Carpet First-Aid Kit 2cm thick, synthetic material, lined with a layer of rubber Bandages, alcohol, gauze, anti-burn cream, disinfectant, aspirin, band-aids, airsickness pills, syringes with adrenaline shots

Number these items according to their importance to your survival. Choose the top four items and explain why you chose them. Think about your group's survival story. What will happen to you? How will you make it through this disaster?

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