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Chapter 7 - ATL COM Object and COM Exception ATL's support for the threading models of COM Support

for IUnknown CComOject<> templates Derivation of an ATL Simple Object ATL COM map An Overview of Win32 Threads By Default, every process has at least one main thread which is the entry poin t for th program-known as WinMain() in a traditional Windows Application or main () in a console app. Thread - path of execution within the process, and do so quite successfully. Single-threaded apps - a bit unresponsive to user input request if that single thread is performing a complex operation. A developer can create a multiple thread within a single process. Multithreading is often a simple illusion provided by the OS. Machines that host a single CPU do not have the ability to literally handle mul tiple threads at the same exact time. Thread Local Storage (TLS) - recall function for a thread to know what was happ ening before it was kicked out of the way. Win32 Threading Primitives: - Synchronize access to shared data. Critical Sections, Mutexes Semaphores

The BEGIN_COM_MAP Macro if not defined - external clients will not be able to obtain an interface refer ence. Supply the ff: - _ComMapClass - _GetRawUnknown, GetUnknown - _InternalQueryInterface() - _entries[] - _GetEntries

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