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Dr. D.V. Rosenburg: Can you please state your name for the record?

And you are a physician? Are you called to testify as an expert witness often? How much do you charge for a neurological examination ($1000)? And after the examination how much do you charge for the report ($600)? What is your fee to appear at a deposition ($600)? And for trial testimony($600)? Isnt it true that you have set a minimum of three hours per deposition and four hours for trial to even appear? So you it seems that you are a busy expert witness Would you say that most of your work if not all of it as an expert witness is on behalf of Defendants ? How long have you been a physician? Have you ever personally evaluated or treated Jackie? Are you an epilepsy specialist? Have you published any articles on epilepsy? How many epileptic patients have you treated working as a physician? Are Urinary Tract Infection caused by bacteria? Arent febrile seizure conditions usually found in very young children and more closely related to Viruses rather than Bacterial Infections? In a Letter Dated January 24 Yr-0 to a Ms. Colson you wrote Cultures of his urine (presumably referring to Jackie) produced organisms indicative of a urinary tract infection You then write It is a well known fact that convulsive seizures can be precipitated by an acute febrile illness Dr. Rosenberg, in that letter are you trying to state that a Urinary Tract Infection is the main culprit for Jackies condition? Have you ever diagnosed a urinary tract infection as THE UNDERLYING catalyst of a convulsive seizure disorder. Do you keep up with articles about epilepsy written by professionals in your field? Have you read the one titled: Incidence of bacteremia, urinary tract infections, and unsuspected bacterial meningitis in children with febrile seizures.PediatrEmerg Care 1999;15:912? Well the investigators concluded that children presenting for evaluation of febrile seizures are not at increased risk for bacteremia or urinary tract infectionHas your research led you to believe something different? Can a physical brain injury be the cause of epileptic seizures? So According to your knowledge, training , and experience you would say that a mild traumatic brain injury like the one sustained by Jackie in the collision on July 20 Yr-3 could cause grand mal seizures?

Thank you Dr. Rosenberg. No further questions, your Honor

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