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Wind Powered Transportation-Trains

[BIC No:1131]

An idea byVivekananda.D.B Siddharth Chaitanya Varsha.M

About Us
We are from JSS Academy of Technical Education, Bangalore

Currently pursuing BE, studying in 6th semester of Industrial Engineering and Management branch Our team comprises of: Vivekananda.D.B Ideator Siddharth Chaitanya Implementer and Presenter Varsha.M - Implementer

Introduction and Genesis

Environmentally sustainable technology is the need of the hour.

The Go-Green motto has led to the establishment of the concept of self-sustenance. A process is said to be environmentally self sustained if it generates power sufficient for its own functioning. The idea presented takes this concept one step further by augmenting existing process, in this case railway transportation, to make it self-sustainable.

The Idea
The basic idea is to make the train self-sustainable to some extent.

Putting it crudely, this is done by installing small windmills on top of the train.
Trains travelling at high speeds have a lot of wind running either against it or along with it. The potent wind power available can be effectively put to use to generate electricity. The train can contain many such mini windmills on each of its bogies to generate quite a smart amount of electricity. The electricity thus generated can be used to run many elements of the train. The power thus developed can be stored using compressed air energy storage (CAES). Thus the idea successfully, if not eliminating, at least reduces the consumption of non-renewable sources of energy which is fast reducing in quantum, thus making public transport a even more greener alternative of transport.


Parts of a conventional Wind mill

conversion of energy into power

Regular maintenance is necessary. Since the

maintenance only involves checking blots, blade cleaning, oiling etc. the cost of maintenance should not pose a problem

The idea needs effective promoting so that it can gain quantum

marketability. The idea can be promoted, firstly, as a service that can be rendered.
Another factor that can be cashed upon is the growing awareness among people about reducing their harm to nature. This green afterthought in people can be used to sell this service. The transportation industry is on the constant lookout for ideas that reduce their carbon footprints. The market is thus open to such ideas.

Thank you

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