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Group Project Aims & Objectives

Working in groups you will investigate onetopic and report on a related project. The topic must be different from the topics chosen for your individual project. The group project is made up of a 2 parts: y a group element 33% y an individual element 67% Group Element You will work together to write a project plan, carry out research and produce an outcome. You must show evidence you have collaborated with others from another culture. community or country. The ideal group size is 3 or 4; larger groups will need to make sure they have enough tasks so all members have enough roles. You may choose to split into smaller teams with a different focus. Each group must produce a project plan, evidence of the process and collaboration, and a description of the outcome. Plan this needs to include: y details of the rational and aims of the project y planned activities and proposed time frames y roles and responsibilities of group members y the intended outcome Process should include evidence of: y y y y y the process, including information gathering, synthesis and evaluation collaboration, including cross-cultural different perspectives, including global, local/national and personal, as well as crosscultural group activities and individual contributions the resources used and referenced

Outcome The project should have a clear outcome. For example, a factsheet or poster for the school, advertising campaign, a model or design for a device. Just as the IP, your group will need to submit a report either text or multimedia. Multimedia should be supported by a minimum of 750 words and a maximum of 2000 words.

Individual Element As an individual you need to produce your own evaluation of the project. Candidates must submit an individual evaluation of: y the project plan and process y the project outcome y your own contribution to and learning from the project, including cross collaboration Again you must either write a report or use multimedia.

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