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Classes Objects Polymorphism Encapsulation Abstraction Inheritance Interface Abstract class / virtual cass Access Modifiers Overloading vs Overriding

C# Boxing-Unboxing Delegate- event Collections Generics Value Type vs Reference Type ASP.Net Authentication and Authorization state Management XML/XSL/XSLT Web Services Array List, Hashtable, Generices Themes, Skins and Master Pages Remoting Reflection Serialization Caching Threading Localization HTTP Handlers / HTTP Module ASP.NET Entity f/w JSON Advanced WCF WPF JQUERY Silverlight AJAX DNN Axure MVC SQL Server Normalization SP/ Functions (differnce), views Triggers

LINQ O/R Mapping - eg Nhibernate Dependency Injection / Inversion of Control - eg. Windsor / structureMap Design patterns - eg MVC MVP SOA etc SQL Full-text search SQL 2008 new features- eg CTEs New features in / C# 4.0

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