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A pointless change, for a deeper reason

For the school year 2010, Science High has been altering some of the school s rules and regulations and run-of-the-mill pleasures that students are fond of indulging during school hours. What I am trying to point out are the privileges that the administration is tolerating for the past school years--electronic gadgets, printed home delights and the happy-go-lucky lifestyle of Saihayistas. But speaking of modification, there s a big change for the start of the 2010 school year. These dispensations are now prohibited by the school admin, who is more particular of the Cellphone ban. In an orientation about the new report card format with Principal Chin, as the head of the school administration, she told the student body about the new system of policies that should be observed throughout the school year. Therefore, students have to adjust with the newly implemented set of laws. And so far, the response is not good and the students are unsatisfied. Banning of electronic devices, no booths for Intramurals, handwritten research-homework and a less loose school routine? These made an unfavorable reaction of the majority resulting to a contravention of the laws. Cellphones of the students who dared to bring them amidst of the policy are subjected to confiscation. Thus, students refuse to comply with the guidelines after all. In our side, we may be able to utilize the telephone booths or to make use of the admin office s phone but why should we bother them in the first place when we can take in control of our own possessions? Why not implement the No cellphones during class hours rule than to come up with a policy that will entirely affect our only way of communication in cases of emergency. Just saying.

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