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Jerikko Timm A. Agatep Mr.

Ferdinandsen AP Composition 4 November 2009 Descriptive Writing Assignment Pacing was all you could see from the young man. Pacing out of nervousness, pacing out of anxiousness, but also pacing out of excitement. He felt as if the whole world was waiting on what would occur during the next few minutes. He felt as if the only two options, acceptance or rejection, would invariably affect his future life and actions. Finally, after minutes of pacing, he finally worked up enough courage to turn and knock on the door. As he stood waiting, all the negative thoughts returned, "What if she doesn't like me? What if she already likes someone else? What if she hates me? What if--" Gradually, the door started to open. As soon as their eyes connected, the young, anxious man made a step forward, presenting a single pink rose to the woman he hoped would accept him and his love. She stared at him for a few seconds more, her face an expressionless mask. Suddenly, her face contorted and her eyes widened, and she tore the rose away from the man, only to throw it to the ground. As she stomped and ravaged and shouted at the rose as if it was the bane of her existence, the man stood shocked, now fearing the worst. Finally, the woman finished defacing the rose, and she now turned to the man and said in a surprisingly calm and quiet voice, "I hate you. I want you to leave and never come back here. I never, ever, want to see you again." Then, she turned around and went back inside, never to see the poor boy again. Still, the man stood, dazed. Then, as though he just woke from a dream, bent down to pick up the now equally distressed rose. As he turned to leave, the thoughts running through his head were not concerned with the crazed girl, but were instead worried about the state of the rose. Its normally

beautiful petal were now mashed into the ground, and its long, proud, and thorn less stem was now literally dangling by a thread, as though it was hanging on the a rapidly diminishing life. "Don't worry little rose. I'll fix you," said the man as he turned to leave. It now seemed as though the man had descended into insanity, but it could also be the fact that the rose was literally his heart, now slowly bleeding away into the gloomy, cold night air.

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