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This research associated with lukewarm response paramedics over the age of 40 years about routine medical examinations.

It aims to study the awareness level of paramedics over the age of 40 years about medical examinations at the Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun, Ipoh. In other hands to determine the category paramedics over the age of 40 who does not undergo routine examination, to determine the factors that contributed to lack of awareness paramedics undergo a medical examination and recommend action pl ans based on the study. The hypothesis showed that paramedics have not an appropriate time. It was 30 respondents from two categories which is U29 and U32 personnel who do not undergo a medical examination as the respondents in this study. This research carried out based on gender to make comparisons. It was form descriptive and 'cross-sectional' assessment. Questionnaires were used as instruments. The research findings found that the hypothesis is true, but not so convincing. The discovery of found that the awareness level of paramedics about the importance of health screening is 100%. Nevertheless awareness level of paramedics men undergo a medical examination was 26.6% compared with women is 3.3%. The study findings also show that the main factor absenteeism undergoes a medical examination is due by the bustle by 60%, followed by not having the time by 53% and no risk of suffering from the disease by 50%. In this research several the proposed plans has been submitted.

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