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5th sem is more of u need to keep in touch wit books regularly...

last moment study dosent work for 5th sem... practice the derivations.,probs of DSP.. MOST IMP...DONT NEGLECT CMOS....U CAN ONLY PASS CMOS IF U HV UNDERSTOOD THE CONCEPT.......initially u may find cmos hard,..but later u'l find it interesting .. management-phaneesh dsp - try to collect notes ac-simon(for theory).,ganesh rao for problems mw-giridhar...,radar-skolnik dss-chandrashekar cmos-pucknel..,&weste I found Management like History subject Understand the story, remember the dates ( in this case side headings and points), vomit it in the paper DSP is quite mathematical. It would help if you know Linear Algebra, else again it will be like Signals wherein you remember the formulae from Ganesh Rao and write the exam Practising is a must to score well. The only alternative to remembering formulae is to understand the concepts in-depth. Quite a few derivations are there, so practising them is a must. AC is again a very mathematical subject. It requires a background in Linear Algebra, Probability and Random Processes to master the subject. Practising the derivations is a must whether or not you are good at pre-requisites! And quite a few of them exist in this subject. DSS is mixture of theory and mathematics. Units 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8 are theoretical. Rest are mathematical. Background in Probability is a must for understanding. Otherwise also its quite fine. But Flood has made mistakes in just about every derivation, which you need to repeat in exams if you wish to score well MWR is again a mathematical subject. First two units are really huge if you follow Giridhar. More than half the book in fact Never really understood the subject too well, so cant comment more. I have no clue how I passed the exam, but I did. So no complaints But dont leave out Units 7 and 8, you can score pretty well. If you were good at FT, then the first two units will be easy as well. Again, derivations need to be practised well. VLSI is a subject that needs to be learnt after you have a good background in Semiconductor Devices. But for some odd reason, VTU found it fun to introduce VLSI in place of SSD So no matter how hard you try, understanding of the subject will not be complete. Its a decent subject. I, for one, loved it like crazy. But lambda-based design rules are something that needs to be at the tip of your tongue if you have to write Layout Diagram properly. Working of BJT andMOSFET would help a lot. Pretty decent subject, but our paper was screwed up royally

As for labs, our college people had problems in AC lab. Rest of my friends from other colleges found it very easy though. DSP lab uses MATLAB and Code Composure Studio( CCS ). Go through any good book on MATLAB like Chapman or Freeman if you have problems. MATLAB help is also excellent. Go through C progrmming once if you have forgottent it ( though its quite hard to forget having just used it in 8051 ). Unlike 8051, here the programs are very straight forward. Even if you dont understand the concept, mugging has been found helpful to pass at the very least. But if some1 who knows DSP inside-out comes for your externals, then no guarentee but in all other cases, passing should not be a problem. From exam point of view: Entrepreneurship and Management: I dont remember the local author name, but it is some IK Publications or something. Dont remember that properly either Digital Signal Processing: Ganesh Rao is good for all Units except 5 and 6. Study those from Chitode. Analog Communication: Giridhar and Chitode are good for theory. Problems almost always come from Ganesh Rao. Digital Swtiching Systems: Flood for first five units. I would not say its a good book, nowhere near it, but cant help it. Syed R Ali is amazing. That is for last three units. Microwaves and RADAR: Giridhar for first six units and Skolnik for last two. Go through solved problems in Annapurna Das and Liou since they give those problems often. Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI: Weste for Unit 2. Pucknell for the rest. Pucknell is a hopeless book, but have to make-do with it.

From Knowledge point of view: 1. Entrepreneurship and Management: My aim is to become a good engineer, not a manager Studied the night before, scored 76. I dont care any more

2. Digital Signal Processing: * Digital Signal Processing by Sanjit K Mitra * Digital Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Schaffer * Introduction to Digital Signal Processing by Johny Johnson 3. Analog Communication: * An Introduction to Analog and Digital Communication by Simon Haykin * Communcation Systems by Simon Haykin * Analog and Digital Communication Systems by Roden

* Electronic Communcation Systems by Kennedy * Taub's Principles of Communication Systems 4. Digital Switching Systems: * Digital Telephony by Bellamy * the book by Syed R Ali 5. Microwaves and RADAR: * Microwave Engineering by Pozar 6. Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI: * CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits by Kang * Introduction to VLSI Design by Fabricius * CMOS- Circuit Design, Layout and Simulation Volume 1 by Jacob Baker * Neil Weste

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