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Political Science-I Political Theory Module 1: Meaning, Nature, Scope, Approaches and Methods 1.

Political Science: Meaning, Nature, Scope and Significance 2. Political Science and other Social Sciences 3. Approaches to the study of Political Science 3.1 Traditional Approaches 3.2 Modern Approaches: Behavioralism, Post-Behavioralism, Systems Approach, Structural-Functional Approach 3.3 Marxist Approach 4. Methods of Studying Political Science Deductive Method, Inductive Method, Experimental Method, Methods of Observation Historical Method, Comparative Method, Statistical Method Module 2: State and Sovereignty 5. State, Nation and Civil Society 5.1 State - Traditional View of the State 5.2 State, Civil Society and other Associations 5.3 Changing Notions of the State 5.4 Nation and Modern Nation States 5.5 Difference between state, nation and nationality 6. Theories regarding origin of the state 6.1 Liberal Theories 6.1.1 Theory of Divine Origin 6.1.2 Theory of Force 6.1.3 Social Contract Theory 6.2 Marxist Theory of State 7. Functions of the State: Liberal and Marxist Theories 7.1 Liberal Theories: 7.1.1 Classical Liberalism (Laissez faire or Negative Individualism): Views of Adam Smith, Bentham and Milton Friedman 7.1.2 Positive Liberalism or Positive Individualism Views of J S Mill, T H Green, Laski, MacIver Post 1926 Thinkers like Keynes, Roosevelt, J K Galbraith 7.2 Marxian Theory of the Functions of the State 7.3 The Socialistic Theory 8. Sovereignty 8.1 Meaning and definition of Sovereignty 8.2 Characteristics 8.3 Development of the Concept Ancient Period, Medieval Period, Modern period 8.4 Types/Aspects of Sovereignty Legal, Political; Popular; National; Titular; De jure and De facto Sovereignty

8. Theories of Sovereignty: 8.1 Monistic theory of sovereignty (John Austins Views) 8.2 Pluralistic Theory 8.2.1 Factors responsible for the Rise of Pluralism

8.2.2 Pluralistic Thinkers and their Ideas 8.2.3 Criticisms Module 3: Concepts 9. Democracy: Meaning and Definition and Theories 9.1 Meaning and Definition 9.2 Models of Democracy: Representative, Participatory and Deliberative 9.2 Liberal Theories (Classical, Elitist and Pluralist) 9.3 Marxist Theories of Democracy Module 4: Political Ideologies 10. Political Ideologies 10.1 Liberalism 10.2 Marxism 10.3 Socialism 10.4 Fascism 10.5 Gandhism 10.6 Feminism

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