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You may do any one or all of the Extra Credit options below.

Extra Credit Quiz (7% of final grade) Write your answer in your own handwriting and submit on Thursday, May 19, or scan your handwritten answer and email it to me before 11:59pm of Wednesday, May 18. 1. State the similarities and differences between the minuet and the waltz. 2. Detail at least 3 examples of how popular and social dances reflect society. 3. Arrange in chronological order: a. Breakdancing b. Swing c. Minuet d. Foxtrot e. Charleston f. Macarena g. twist Extra Credit Dance Demo (3% of final grade) Teach the class the basic moves of any of the dances mentioned in the Popular and Social Dance Hand-out . 1. Email me a list of dances you would like to teach, in order of preference. You will teach only one, but email me a list. I will then email you back the assigned dance that you will teach. This is to avoid duplication. Assignment of dance is on a first come, first-served basis. 2. On Thursday, after the finals, you will teach the basic moves of this dance to the class.

Extra Credit Video ID (5% of final grade) Video identification. Watch the following youtube links. On Thursday, May 19, after the finals and before the teaching of social dances, identify the videos that will be shown in class. Only excerpts wil be shown, and some videos will be shown without audio. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

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