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shrii hanumat paJN haratnam.h ..

; F hnmt^ p r(nm^ ;
.. Garland of Five Gems on Shri Hanuman ..
Translation by A. Narayanaswami

 QC\ jAtAndA plkm(yQCm^ .
sFtApEt dtA\ vAtA(mjm BAvy
 m^ ; 1;

I now all to mind Hanuman, the son of the wind god,

gladdening to ontemplate, who is free of all sensual
desires, who sheds tears of joy and is lled with rapture, who
is the purest of the pure and the rst of Rama's messengers. 1.
tzZAzZ mK-kml\ kzZA-rspr-pErtApAm^ .
 mjl-mEhmAnmjnA-BA`ym^ ; 2;

I think of Hanuman, whose fa e is like the lotus, red like

the rising sun, the orners of whose eyes are full of the
feeling of mer y, who is life-giving, whose greatness has
the quality of beauty, who personi es Anjana's good fortune. 2.
{ Er-frAEtgmMbjdl-Evpl-lo nodArm^ .
kMbglmEnlEdm^ EbMb->vEltom
 ; 3;

I seek refuge in the one who ies faster than the

arrows of madana, whose eyes wide as the petals of the lotus
are lled with kindness, whose ne k is smooth and
well-formed as the on h shell, who represented good
fortune to the wind god, and whose lips are bright-red
like the bimba fruit. 3.
drFkt-sFtAEt , kVFkt-rAmv
{ Bv--PEt , .
dAErt-dfmK-kFEt , prto mm BAt hnmto mEt , ; 4;

May the form of Hanuman ome resplendent before me, the

one that dispelled Sita's grief, that brought out the glory of
Shri Rama's prowess, that tore Ravana's reputation into shreds. 4.
vAnr-EnkrAy"\ dAnvkl-kmd-rEvkr-sdfm^ .

dFn-jnAvn-dF"\ pvn tp, pAkpjmdA"m^ ; 5;

I saw the leader of the Vanara (monkey) popula e, the one

who was (inimi al) like the sun's rays to the (night-blooming)
lily of the Danava people (the demoni ra e), who is
dedi ated to the prote tion of those in distress, who
was the ulmination of the a umulated penan es of Vayu. 5.
ett^-pvn-st-y -to/\
y, pWEt p r(nAHym^ .
E rEmh-EnEKlAn^ BogAn^ B^(vA
FrAm-BE?t-BAg^-BvEt ; 6;

He who re ites this hymn to Hanuman, entitled "Pan haratnam,"

will be ome one with the devotees of Shri Rama after enjoying
for long the pleasures of this world. 6.
iEt FmQC\kr-Bgvt, ktO hnmt^-p r(n\ s\pZ m^ ;

Here ends "Hanumat Pan haratnam," omposed by Shri

Shankara Bhagavata, Adi Shankara arya.
En oded by Raman Anantaraman (anantaramanns

Please send orre tions to sanskrit heerful. om

Last updated January 17, 2009

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