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Desert Plants

The Mulga tree has a thick bark to seal in moisture, and small leaves to reduce moisture loss through transpiration.

Ocotillo Plant - After the rain Bright red flowers

Dense covering of small green leaves and thorns

Ocotillo plant during drought

Leaves are dropped to prevent loss of moisture Waxy coating on stems to retain moisture

Creosote bush

Leaves are coated with oil to seal in moisture Has a foul odour which deter animals and insects Produces a toxic substance to keep other nearby plants from growing. There is less competition for water.

Spinifex grass

Roots go down a long way, usually 3 metres Leaves are tough and indigestible to most animals Leaves are curved to reduce water loss

Sturts desert pea

This plant is an Ephemeral (has a short life cycle). Takes advantage of the very short wet period in deserts. They grow only when the desert soil is wet.

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