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18 Questions From an 18 Year Old 1. Am I ever going to maintain a perfect attendance score in uni? Does it even exist? 2.

How many parties am I going to be able to go to before I shell myself up like the social recluse I actually am 3. Are any of the friends I make in my first semester worth it? 4. How important is being able to make a coffee? 5. When do I get the Big Moment when I realise my passion? 6. How do you stop being apathetic? 7. Sex. Now? Really? 8. When our generations begin to run the world, will we be able to progress as a whole or backslide into a vortex of narcissm and self gratification? 9. Will newspaper be dead by 2030 10. Do we really need to reference each and every single idea with an APA footnote? 11. Is originality truly dead? 12. How much extra curricular activity bullshit do I need to do in order for you to notice me? 13. Does university matter any more? 14. Will I be able to get my new home when I turn 30? 15. Who exactly is the world run by at the moment? 16. How long before we step out of pseudo intelligence and into wisdom? 17. If I continue with a law degree, will I end up being the heartless bastard as described in countless jokes? 18. Who gives out the congratulations you re an adult certificates and is rejection an option?

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